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Toss the box? A NSV with a problem

I had a NSV this past weekend. Unfortunately, along with it came a problem. I had to go get the box out of the attic. You know the one that I filled with the clothes that were too tight. The clothes that I had from the last time I lost some weight .. and the time before that, and the time before that.... How could that possibly be a problem, you ask?   The routine in the past has always been to take out the smaller clothes (hurrah!!) and fill the box with the bigger clothes. At that point, the box sits in the closet for a few weeks while I decide if it goes to charity or back in the attic. Well, having gained and lost the same 40# several times in my adult life coupled with the fact that I'm frugal (ok ok a cheap rat bastard), the nagging thought that I may need those clothes again generally leads to them going back in the attic. Then later when I've lost my resolve and gone back to cramming my pie hole with whatever isn't nailed down.... the box comes out and the the process is repeated in reverse.   I keep telling myself that this time is different. That not only will I never need those clothes again, in all likelihood, I will have to buy new clothes when the "small" clothes are too big in another month. I am quickly coming up to the point where I will be smaller than I have been in 20 years, and my goal is a place that I haven't seen since middle school. Never the less, the box of big clothes is currently sitting in my closet silently mocking me. Stupid box.



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