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Struggles and Fears Prior to Surgery

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Approved & I Have My Date!

I was approved July 9th and I got my surgery date today. I will be sleeved on August 12th at noon. I'm just happy this day has come and I can actually say that I have a date. *wipes forehead* Now all I have to do is get some up to date blood work and an EKG and I will be all set for surgery!!!




Almost there!

So, I was told by my nutritionist that I needed to come to my next appointment with the vitamins that I will take after surgery as well as what protein I will be using. She wants to make sure I have everything lined up and don't have to think about it at the last minute. I am going to take the Bariatric Advantage Complete Multi Formula chewable vitamin. I tried one yesterday. I was scared that I would gag, because anything that I have to chew usually does make me gag but it wasn't bad at all. It didn't leave a bad taste in my mouth and it wasn't as chalky as I thought it would be. To be on the safe side I got the orange flavor, figured I couldn't go wrong with it. For my protein I did the dutch chocolate Isopure...YUCK! I definitely can not drink that stuff. It made me nauseous. So, I'm going to Costco tomorrow and will pick up the premiere protein that everyone has been talking about. I do way better with pre-made shakes than with that powder stuff.   My next appointment is Tuesday...I'm nervous and excited. I'm praying I didn't put on any weight and that I've actually lost a few more pounds. I haven't been on the scale in 2 weeks, so I'm not sure. But I will be asking her what my possibilities are with getting surgery the first week in August. I plan on being off from work for about 5 weeks and that is the perfect time since not much will be going on, also, I didn't want to miss more than 3 classes when school starts back up. So, I'm hoping and praying that she says that an early August surgery date is possible.




Loose Skin Worries

My worse fear besides getting acid reflux would have to be loose skin. My body has always been pretty solid (see pic), but it still terrifies me! I have two more appointments with my nutritionist and I'm going to let her know at the next one that I'm going to be lifting weights. I was supposed to loose 5% of my weight, which I have done, but I'm sure that the scale will go up once I start lifting weights. I think the only area that I'm nervous about are my legs. My arms would be the second thing. My stomach, I'm not worried about that at all. So I have until August to get some muscle before this surgery. I see a lot of stairmaster, squats and bi and tricep curls in my future.   How are you guys combating loose skin? Did you take and precautionary measures prior to surgery and how did that work out for you?   I do see myself getting plastic surgery and that is a breast lift, minus the implants. I researched it and the average cost is about $4k, not too bad!




Bariatric Class #2

So today I have my 4th appointment which is my second Bariatric class. I'm excited as this only leaves me with two more sessions before my paperwork is submitted to the board for approval. This process has gone quicker than I thought it would. Oh, and I've also decided to start attending an over eaters anonymous meeting. I never really thought of myself as an over-eater, however, I do eat when I'm bored so I guess that could be considered over-eating. I hope to get to the root of the problem and find some tools that I can use now and after surgery. I don't want to get the surgery and have the same issues that I started with. I have been doing a lot of life planning over the last couple of months and I'm just ready to get everything in order. Although I haven't gotten the surgery yet, just knowing that I'm going to get it has given me a second wind to get things going in the right direction. I'll write another blog to let you know how my class went. I'm not sure what she will cover, but I think it has something to do with the things you can and cannot eat after surgery.




I lost it!

So, I went to my third nutritionist appointment yesterday and I am down 8 lbs. I had been stressing out because I lost 5 and then gained 2 back, but nope...I'm down 8! My appointment went really well and she said that she would let me take my gastric bypass 2 class in April instead of May. That means I see her in May and June instead of May, June, July and my paperwork will be sent for approval during the July board meeting. I must say that time is definitely flying and I'm getting excited. I now have to get some blood work done for some type of bacteria to make sure I do not have it, an EKG, and my mental health evaluation.   I'm hoping for an August surgery date, fingers crossed!   Thanks to all that sent encouragement in my last blog. I got this!




Gaining Weight

To give you all a little background information. I started the process with Kaiser February 6, 2013. Kaiser requires that you do the following before your paperwork is submitted to the board for approval. 1. Complete GB1(1st month) and GB2 (4th month) Class 2. Complete a weight control class 3. See a nutritionist for 6 months 4. Get a mental health evaluation 5. Sleep Study   So as of today, I have done the GB1 class, sleep study and have seen my nutrionist twice, my thrid appointment is April 9th. I'm hoping to get my approval for surgery by the end of July and have my surgery the first week in September.   I have been planning to have this surgery since October of last year. I could have started the process sooner, I just had to switch my insurance over to Kaiser, which I did January 1st.   It seems like since I knew I was getting surgery, I had been eating almost everything in sight. Well not really, I've just been eating out almost everyday. I'm not sure if it was becuase I knew that I may nto be able to eat these things again, or if I was eating out of fear. I had a breakdown in February because I realized that everything about my life was about to change. Now, I've been skinny before and I know how my life was then and compared to now, there is a significant difference. I just don't know if I'm mentally ready to take that on right now. I tell myself that I don't have an addiction to food, but for me to go from 180lbs to 305lbs in 10 years says a lot. 305 lbs is my highest weight EVER. I've gotten close to 300 and got scared, seeing myself over 300 has taken a toll on me emotionally. Now I have to loose 15lbs before July 9th with my nutritionist and I'm feeling like I can't. When I know I can because I've done it before. I know it's all a mental game, but I'm loosing.   When I went to see my nutritionist on Feb 12th, she said I had lost 5 lbs. When I went back on March 13th, she told me I gained 2 lbs back. I couldn't understand it. So now I need to loose the 2 lbs that I gained before I go back on April 9th.   Wish me luck!




Bariatric Class #2 Completed & I Hit My Pre-Op Weight Goal

So yesterday I completed my Bariatric 2 class which was very interesting. We went over the post-op diet, protein and vitamins. I have to say that I'm super excited now; two more nutritionist appointments and I'm done! So all through class I kept wondering if she was going to take our weight. And sure enough, she asked everyone to stay so she could. I was so nervous because I had not been monitoring my weight so I had no clue what the scale was going to say. At my last appointment with her earlier this month I was weighing 297. When she weighed me last night I was at 294, talk about excited. And my goal for pre-op is 295 *doing the happy dance* Now, I just gotta keep losing. I'd like to be 280 before my pre-op diet and hopefully go into surgery weighing 270. I think that's pretty realistic, right?   It doesn't help that one of my clients sent me a box of cookies O_o...I'll just put them out for my co-workers, I feel so good about my loss I don't even want them!




Now I Wait....

Today was my last appointment with my nutritionist. I was beyond nervous. I was praying that I hadn't gained any weight and that everything would go as planned. Well I'm happy to report that I did not gain any weight and she said that she would be submitting my paperwork to the board for approval. So now I wait. I have to say that I'm not excited, nervous or anxious. I actually don't have any emotions going on right now. I guess because I don't want to get my hopes up only to get denied. So I'll keep you all posted. I should definitely have an answer before the end of this month. I'm praying that she gets my paperwork out for the July 9th meeting..we shall see!



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