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Amount of food to eat

Hi fellow sleevers, I had my surgery on 5-2-11. Everything has gone quite well with the exception of apparently having stomach bug on a 103 degree day we had. I thought i was dehydrated cause I was only getting in about 40 oz of water per day. I certenly am getting the full 64 in now. My question is how much food were you guys able to take in at one meal ? My instructions are to only take in about one tbsp. per meal and at 3 month post op I can take 3 tbsp and increase every 3 months to eventually one year out can take one cup per meal at a time. But ! I am just at 6 weeks post op and can eat more then that . For instance, for brfk I had my protein shake with my pills and can dring it in about 10-15 min. Then like 3 hours later , have a full small container of greek yogurt and about 5 triscut crackers. Then about one hour later I had a weight watchers ice cream bar. Hour later I had a few grapes. Then 2 hours later I had supper and had almost half of a brat and about one half cup of macaroni and cheese. In between all this I am getting in the 64 0z of water. After eating these amounts each time I just start feeling the fullness and stop . That feeling only lasts for about 10 min and its not bad just a full feeling. Is there anyone else out there that can or could eat as myuch as im eating at 6 weeks out. ? I have lost 30 lbs so far since the morning of surgery. Am on a plateau right now but im not worried cause I know this happens and even with the amount of food im gettng in now is probably only about at the most 500 cal per day.. Would very much appreciate your kmowledge, thanks everyone, mom



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