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Surgery Day is here

Surgery day is here. Feeling good. Little nervous. Not much to say. I have to go scrub my tummy with the stuff and hope my period does not get too out control when I get the Heparin shot.   New Me here I come!!!




1 day

I am one day out! Drinking my umm errr laxitive right now. It is nasty but oh well. Have not ate anything since Sunday night and not feeling very hungry.   I do have anxiety but I have meds for it so really I am doing great.   Ask for meds!!! lol




2 days, really?

What a mess I am this morning. Crying, crying and more crying and I don't want to drink my clear juice (super duper berry blaster). I want my decaff Starbucks non fat latte.   Not much more to say. I am filled with anxiety but excited too. Humm. I keep thinking of skinny clothes and hiking trips. Soon, very soon.




Almost one clears

What a day. I think I am ready!!! I got everything done that I wanted and had a fantastic last meal of my famous homade mac and cheese tonight. I thought I would stuff myself but I didn't. It was a good feeling.   I am going to miss my morning protein shake though :tongue_smilie: I am sure by the afternoon I will be missing much more.   Feelings right now? I am ready. Scared because my husband will not be able to be as supportive as he thought because of some health problems as a result of non weight loss surgery but it is all good. I am strong. I can do this on my own.




3 days, yes that is right 3 DAYS!

:crying: :tongue_smilie: :crying: :eek: :cool: :scared0: :crying: :sad0: Did I mention :eek: ?   *Liquid vitamins, done. *Movies uploaded, done. *I have stuff out to pack for the hospital so almost done. *I am going clears shopping today so that part is almost done. *House cleaned? I am going to get the kids on it here in a few hours. Ahhh slave labor so I will count that as almost done. *Ahhkkk I need new books. Add that to the list. *Before pictures, added to the list. I want to do that tonight before I start clears.   I better get busy. Will post more later.




Yikes! 6 days left until surgery

I have 6 days left until surgery and I have not done everything I wanted/needed to do. I am a slacker. My husband was also briefly in the hospital so I get a few points but still.   I wanted to clean my house top to bottom. Something about recouping in a clean house appeals to me. Maybe I can get this done this weekend.   I wanted to finish transfering a bunch of my movies to my iTouch so I have many to watch in the hospital. I have slacked on this. I best get busy tonight burning and transfering.   I don't have my liquid vitamins. :tongue_smilie: GNC is a stop for me tonight. I also have not done my clear liquids grocery shopping and I clears on Monday.   I am not packed for the 3 days in the hospital. Not much packing but I should have an idea of what to take.   What else? I am sure there will be all kinds of stuff I think of as I am walking out the door for surgery.   I did do one thing.........it was the most important thing but also the most soul searching moment I have had since I decided to have this surgery. I updated my will.



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