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Sunny day...

GREAT DAY today...My husband was home and we spend some time together during the day! No kids!!! YEAH!! We watched a movie, did the bills, and talked about everything. He is a little anxious regarding the surgery but i told him there is no need to worry. Our jorney has not been in vein and God wouldn't let it get this far for nothing! I am very excited. I have many questions for my MD and I hope to get them all answered on tuesday. I can't wait!!! I'll keep you posted! :pray2: :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)





:sick Well, what can I say...I just got back from the MD and I am officially sick...:faint: I have a mean sinus infection :omg: !!! That was what my headache was from the other day... I am on Cipro (antibiotic) for 10 days. The good thing was I was weighed and I've maintained my loss!!!!!! I can't wait to hear what the surgeon will tell me on tuesday...:pray2: I hope this doesn't change anything!!! And to add to the stress, my husband left today on business and won't be back until thursday the 25th (the day before surgery:dance:) Well, what can I say... I will spend some time with my children, take my antibiotic and prepare for my surgery.





:biggrin1: Hello, Hello!!! Today is an AWESOME DAY!! I have my last appointment today with my surgeon....I have MANY quesitons and hope to get ALL the answers!! I'm hoping all goes well!!! I will update once I come back..I'm feeling good. I had a light breakfast and will have a shake before I go to see him. I'll write more later!! Wish me luck!!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:





:update: :update: :update: :update: OHH MYY LORD!!!! i went to the see the surgeon today and am I excited or what!!!!:biggrin1: :biggrin1: :biggrin1: I got the results of my lab work and everything was great..I LOST 2 more POUNDS!!!!:clap2: A little fatty liver, but he said it wasn't to much to worry about. He said if I can loose 5 pounds before the surgery it would be great...So, now I am on a 2 Protein shakes a day and a "sensible dinner.." Liquids the last 24 hours before surgery (my choice to do) and LOTS OF LIQUIDS (as always)..... After my appointment I went over to BJ's (similar to Cosco) and bought the Adkins shakes chocolate and vanilla (I had a chocolate one (YUCCKK!!!!) They are NOT very tasty...so I have to keep the choc ones and return the vanilla...I guess we'll just have to try other things...At Bj's met up with my bestest friend and her husband and we went walking:faint: I MEAN POWER WALKING.. We did 2 miles and had to stop because I got dizzy (weird) I guess the excitement got to me.I ate some skittles (i think it was due to low sugars) and felt MUCH BETTER! We decided to call it a day and come home...I picked up my children from school and here I am...I will have some Crystal Lite Ice Tea/Lemonade and maybe do some excercises on my excercise ball! 10 days and counting!!!!





Ok..It's been a long time since I've "typed" here but I've got good reason...well, i don't know if I can say good...IT SUCKED!!!! Surgery went well, it was everything afterwards....The gas, the pain, the hunger, the emotional roller coaster, the questions, the answers, the faces, good compliments and the not so good compliments...You know, sometimes people can be so stupid!!! All I can say is God forgive them for they know not what they do or say!!! Anyway..I'm over it and on with the rest of my life!!! I'm very excited. I saw the nutritionist yesterday and she was very impressed with my progress and my energy level. I am back to walking between 3 to 5 miles a day and I love it. I find that my day is not complete with out my walk... My slow return to foods is going great!! SO FAR NOTHING MAKES ME SICK!!!!!! I've had chicken, steak, fish, and shrimp (all pureed)...YUM!!!! I had toast and a scrambbled egg today for the first time and no problems!!!!! I LOVE MY BAND and I have a name for her....Bandolera!!!!!!!! It fits her well. She is my new best friend and I'm so proud of her!!!! What else can I say? I was scared and even regretful the first few days, but today I can say I'm glad I did this!! I'm still a little emotional and I cry for anything, but I've always been a little sentimental... My emotions are getting better together with my incisions and my appetite!!! Thanks to everyone here at LBT for their support, kind words and good thoughts...You all are an inspiration to me!!! Keep up the AWESOME work as I will do my best to do mine!!! Love you guys!!!! SMOOCHES and hugs...Olga:kiss2:





:help: I'M SOOOOOOOO hungry. I read all these post about how some people have 4 ounces of this and 3 ounces of that and they feel full for 5 - 6 hours...and I have a pork chop with veggies and that holds me for 2 maybe 3 hours...I drink so much liquid I feel like I'm drowning and my weight is "stuck"..I haven't gained but have just leveled off. I definately need some restricition. My Dr's appointment is tomorrow and i can't wait. I hope it goes well...Send me some prayers!!!!! They are truly needed....:think




My 1st Fill!!!!

My fears have subsided. Why? you may ask....Well, I got my first fill and lived through it!!!:clap2: You don't understand. I am DEATHLY afraid of needles. Yes, that proves how much this band means to me!!!! I hate needles. I cringe just typing the word. I was so freaked this morning even the MD said to me are you going to be ok? So, he checked my incisions, made me lie down and said cross your arms over your chest and scrunch in. I didn't even feel the needle go in. He started to poke around and proceeded to put the saline in 1 whole cc. That was it!!!! I'm glad it's over but I'm also happy it didn't hurt! I can breath now...lol!!! I can say (I don't know if it was mental or physical) I lost my appetite right as he "filled". I felt less hunger then when I went in and I was starving due to only having 8 oz of crystal light and 2/3 of a high protein ensure. It was nice not to be famished!!!!!!!!! That was at 11:15am and I just had some wonton soup (about 6 ounces) and I'm stuffed!!! Yeah me!!!!!!!!! Smooches!!!!:kiss2:




cleaning, cleaning, cleaning

:crazy: GooD AfternooN!!!!! I'm feeling really good today!!!! You can even call me hyper!!! I can't stay still:dance:... I did about 30 minutes of aerobics/excercises... I did 4 or five loads of:washing: .... i gave my two boys a .... I organized my closet and I even cleaned the boys NIGHTMARE :crazy: of a room!! (if you know what moonsand is...you know what I mean....:faint: ) I know I have the "nesting" syndrome. I tell my usband it's because when he coems home from his trip it will be just to take care of me and the kids and not worry about the house...Plus, I've definately let my house go since doing all the PTO things...:rolleyes (at least that's my excuse).... Any way... My diet is going good... Yesterday: Dinner: 1/4 cup rice and 1/2 of a pork spare rib... snack: Bumble Bee sensations (sun dried tomatoes w/ tuna) and my last 12 oz of crystal lite... I got up to pee......3 times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cry Oh well...I sucked it up!!!! :clap2: Today: B: atkins vanilla snack: light yogurt with 1/2 scoop eas whey protein I'm on my 1st crystal lite bottle l: atkins chocolate Doesn't this sound yummy!!!:cry Well, gotta go! Gotta bring my daughter to horseback riding lessons!!! she LOVES it and I love to watch her!!!! Anyway, amybe once I loose the weight we could do it together!!! :clap2: See YA!!!!!!! 6 more days and counting!!




HEY! It's been a while...I know!

Hello, Hello! Jsut wanted to pop in and catch up. I haven't been around casue I've been super busy at home as well as work. But any way... I've had afew NSV... bt the best one is I fit into a size 12!!!!! HOLY SHIT! (and yes I have to say the word!!!) I HAVE NOT BEEN IN A 12 SINCE MY DAUGHTER WAS ABOUT @ MONTHS OLD...and she's 11 years old now!!!! It's sooooo cool and so amazing at the same time!!!! I'm very happy and excited. I hope everyone here is doing as well. It's not easy, and I am a lot tighter now, I Get that stuck feeling almost eeryday, but the results ar well worht it. I wish every one luck and I can't wai for the summer!!!!! Bikinis here I COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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