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ok. I'm in some horrible pain!!!! This sh-- sucks......There is a fu--- gas bubble stuck in my left shoulder blade and I'm ready to rip my skin off!!!! Nothing works!! gas-x, walking (I walked for 40 minutes), lying down, the petho position...NOTHING WORKS!!!!! I swear that's the only that's bothering me...My stitckes are fine, my elly is tolerable..it's this pain in me arm that's really tuening me into a PSYCHO!!!! ANY SUGGESITONS AE WELCOMED!!!!!!PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:faint: :faint: :think :think :think :think :think :think





I'm in some really bad pain!!! I have an air bubble coauhgt under my left shoulder blade (at least that's where I feel it) and the pain radiates down my left arm and up my neck into the left side of my head!!! HOLY SH__ it hurts!!!! I've TRIED EVERYTHING!!! Gasx, walking, lying down, standing, NOTHING WORKS!!! PLEASE, IF YOOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS, BIRNG THEM ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:faint: :help: :faint: :help: :think :think :think :think :think :think :think :think :think :think :think :think :think :think :think :think :think :think :think





:sick Well, what can I say...I just got back from the MD and I am officially sick...:faint: I have a mean sinus infection :omg: !!! That was what my headache was from the other day... I am on Cipro (antibiotic) for 10 days. The good thing was I was weighed and I've maintained my loss!!!!!! I can't wait to hear what the surgeon will tell me on tuesday...:pray2: I hope this doesn't change anything!!! And to add to the stress, my husband left today on business and won't be back until thursday the 25th (the day before surgery:dance:) Well, what can I say... I will spend some time with my children, take my antibiotic and prepare for my surgery.





Today was a good day...I went walking again at the mall with a friend and we did 2 miles:clap2: !! I need to loose the last 5 pounds!!! I felt great today! No dizziness!!:clap2: I started my liquid diet. I had a vanilla Atkins shake (it wasn't that bad once it's cold!!) for breakfast...A cookies and cream one for lunch (it was too sweet for me) and had a very small dinner...My biggest downfall is having to cook for my family. EVERYTHING smells so good!! You take that for granted when you can eat what you want when you want...:faint: Anyway...all is well and for a GREAT cause..ME!!!!! Tomorrow my pre-op testing!!! I can't wait! The sooner it's done the closer my surgery gets!!! I'm off to do my "ball excercises"!!!




UGLY BETTY WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK!!!! :loco:MASSIVE BRAIN FART!!!!! :whoo:I'm siked over Betty's two wins:clap2: :clap2: :dance: ...She deserves them. I love the show and think America is an awesome actress as well as role model. (LOVED her in The Sisterhood) It's always good to see a latina woman succeed.:wow2: She had me in tears during her speech! Go America!!!! :whoo:GO Ugly Betty!!! Go Salma Hayek!! (producer) (I used to watch the spanish soap Betty La Fea...hence the liking of the english version..) Plus, I have to support my latino people!!! Felicidades Betty y America se lo merecen!!!!!!! :clap2: :clap2:





GOOD MORNING!! TODAY IS MY DAY!!! Today is the day that I start on my post-band jorney..I'm estatic, excited, scared, nervous, and completely and uttlerly glad that my husband is home...(that's why I wasn't around last night!) The plan...bring the kids to school, come home and hang out and talk and be "US" for a while...Shower, shave and off to the hospital...I can say I AM STARVING and have a massive headache (from the hungerr...I get those all the time) SO, wish me luck, keep me in your thoughts and your prayers and I'll see you on the other side!!! I am grateful for all the pre-op help, strategies, comments, wishes, and "spanks"...I can't wait to see what's after this...I'll keep you posted!! To all my badster twims..Congratulations and good luck... I said a little prayer for all of us!! I'll see you on the "flip side"!!! Blessings and Smooches!!!!:kiss2: Yesterdays meals: B: soy milk, whey protein (two scoops) S: Pria Vanilla Chai bar (YUMM) L: wonton soup (my all time favorite) S: water, crystal lite D: Raspberry Jello, wonton broth...   This morning........ saliva (YUCK!) nothing to eat or drink since midnight......:faint:




This is sooooo hard!! But SOOOOOOOO worth it!!!

OK! I am on my second full day of "semi-liquid diet" and i am hungry...:crazy: I guess this will prove how strong I am!!:faint: I can't even imagine what's it like to be on the full liquid pre-op diet.:omg: I'm so glad that I didn't have to go through it..My prayers and GOOD LUCK wishes are with all the "bandsters" who have to go through the ALL liquid diet!!! :wow2: You guys deserve a MEDAL!!!! OK...so enough ranting about the liquid thing..I can say that the BEST PART IS ....I !!!! I can hardly stand it!!! 3 Pounds since monday!!!!! This whole diet and the excercise and the WWWATTTTEEERRRRR is working!!!! I can say I do feel like I'm drowning..... gurgle,gurgle... LOL!! yeah, i'm corny, so what!!! I'm just OVER EXCITED ABOUT MY PROGRESS!!! :bounce:   I started my liquid calcium today. It's not bad. Vanilla flavored...The liquid vitamins are the ones that aren't that yummy tasting..(YUCK!!!!!!) My meals today have been: Breakfast: 1 atkins vanilla flavored shake 1 :cup:cup of decaf tea w/ Light Silk Soy milk..(thanks Audree, it's not bad...) Snack: 1 cheese stick (80 cals) 6 wheat crackers lunch: 1/2 cup of chicken broth and 1 chocolate atkins shake snack: (Don't know yet) Dinner: rice, beans and pork...(i'm in the process of soking it as i type...(Yes, I'm multi talented) Also, I've been doing my Crystal Light....I try to do 2 32 ounce water bottles a day! I go to the potti every 15 - 20 minutes!!!!:crazy: So that's it!!! I'm on my way!!!! 7 more days and counting!!!!!!!!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:




Things that make you go....huhhh?

:faint: What a day...Got up, brought my cherubs to their respective schools (3 of them):eek: ...Picked up my "walking buddies" and went to the mall to walk:clap2: We walked 3 miles:faint: ...Left the mall to go to my pre-op testing appointment..Had an EKG, chest xray and the dreaded....BLOOD work...You see, I have a phobia, NEEDLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:omg: :omg: :omg: How funny and ironic is that!!!!:cry One of the things I despise the most:cry is going to keep me healthy.... So, now you know HOW MUCH the lap-band means to me... How corny is that? So, after my NIGHTMARE was over I went shopping!!!! YEAH!!!!!! I got a new MP3 player (my daughter has "misplaced" my other one somewhere in her black hole she calls it her Bedroom but you gotta wonder...:cry )... and a couple pairs of "stretchy" pants ( I usually don't use these but the MD said to due to comfort and slippage) and a sweater!!! Shopping ALWAYS makes me feel better!!! So, now I'm typing this, to then type my minutes and then of to my PTO meeting...So, needless to say it's been a VERY hectic day...:faint: ..Wait, and that's not all, we are expecting snow..Can you believe it? I had LOVED this winter until now!!! I don't like snow!!!!! Don't say it...I picked the wrong part of the country to be in (New England) ...but, then again, I hear it's not as bad as getting snow in Malibu, CA???:cry What's up with that? :crazy: :crazy:




The Art of PBing....

Ok Folks...The art of PB'ing is a complicated and painful task. First you go to your MD and get a second fill of .5 cc's to add to the 1 cc you already have. Then you take the smallest bite of food you could ever imagine..small enough for a babie's delicate mouth. You add 2 baby spoons of mashed potatoes...and voila!!!!! Instant sliming and PBing... Yup.. I finally discovered it! :faint: Painful, disgusting, unattractive and finally draining. Wow! I felt like my whole body was gonna shut down! I gotta admit I was kinda scared...and i swear it was the smallest piece of chicken... this experiece has opened my eyes and has changed my eating ways forever. When I got my first fill I could still eat a little faster but not now. I guess .5 cc does make a difference. But, for now, I guess I'm back to my liquids. Nothing wants to go down now, I guess I irritated the stoma...So, I'm waiting to see what happens..I can say this..I will be the last person to leave any table from now on!!!:kiss2:




Thank god for family...

So i have to say thank you to my husband 's aunt and uncle who came to snow blow my driveway..I still can hardly lift a gallon of milk so trying to shovel and move my snowblower around wasn't happening... My husband is away on business so I was just ready to put my jeep into 4x4 and just drive!!! But I don't have to now.....in other news..there is something stuck!!!!!! Yup!! Everything was going so well and now something just doesn't want to move. It can't be that bad though because I'm able to drink and swallow, so now I'm waiting for tomorrow to go buy some pineapple juice and some meat tenderizier (which I've read in posts helps) I thought it was gas, but it's not....lucky me...:faint: :faint: :faint: anyway..let's see what happens... today's meals: B: 1/2 of a banana and 2 pieces of cheese 8 oz of whey protein L: 1 piece of toast with PB and honey 20 oz of kellogs protein water D: 1/2 cup rice with black beans and 4 pieces of coliflower 8 oz hot tea No walking...too much ice/snow/rain/and cold...yuck!!!!




Sunny day...

GREAT DAY today...My husband was home and we spend some time together during the day! No kids!!! YEAH!! We watched a movie, did the bills, and talked about everything. He is a little anxious regarding the surgery but i told him there is no need to worry. Our jorney has not been in vein and God wouldn't let it get this far for nothing! I am very excited. I have many questions for my MD and I hope to get them all answered on tuesday. I can't wait!!! I'll keep you posted! :pray2: :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)





I had chicken today!!!!!! WOW!! No problems!!!!!! I had a roasted chicken thigh and cucumbers for dinner and was it yummy!!!! You gotta understand my meals before Bandolera consited of Rice, beans, meat, salad, bread and desert DAILY!!! Puertoricans can eat man!!! I still have to cook all that for my family but I my appetite can do with just a piece of meat and some veggies...I'm so excited!!! My mom keeps asking me, "so, what are you gonna survive on?"..."You're not eating enough", "your gonn get sick"..Typical latina mom!!!! She thinks I'm insane and that I'm gonna die from malnutrtion...Yup, typical mom!!! She doesn't seem to understand that what would of killed me was the way I was going before. There is no point to arguing though....I just let her speak her mind and just nod and say..."ok, mom, whatever you say..." that aggravates her and makes me laugh..What a sick relationship, huh? lol!! My food for today: B: Protein shake snack: 1 yoplait light yogurt Key Lime L: 1/2 of a breaded pork cho and 1/4 cup mashed potatoes 34 ounces of crystal light peach ic tea and lemonade mixed...YUM!!! D: 1 roasted chicken thigh w/ 6 pieces of cucumber.. snack: a piece of cheese, 3 crackers and some tea..... I walked only 3 miles today ( I was side tracked by a cute dog house I had to purchase at Christmas Tree Shops in the mall....for my dog which I can't stand, but protects our house from anything and keeps me company when my boo isn't home.... ironic...i know!!




My 1st Fill!!!!

My fears have subsided. Why? you may ask....Well, I got my first fill and lived through it!!!:clap2: You don't understand. I am DEATHLY afraid of needles. Yes, that proves how much this band means to me!!!! I hate needles. I cringe just typing the word. I was so freaked this morning even the MD said to me are you going to be ok? So, he checked my incisions, made me lie down and said cross your arms over your chest and scrunch in. I didn't even feel the needle go in. He started to poke around and proceeded to put the saline in 1 whole cc. That was it!!!! I'm glad it's over but I'm also happy it didn't hurt! I can breath now...lol!!! I can say (I don't know if it was mental or physical) I lost my appetite right as he "filled". I felt less hunger then when I went in and I was starving due to only having 8 oz of crystal light and 2/3 of a high protein ensure. It was nice not to be famished!!!!!!!!! That was at 11:15am and I just had some wonton soup (about 6 ounces) and I'm stuffed!!! Yeah me!!!!!!!!! Smooches!!!!:kiss2:




Ms. Gassy.....

How sad is it when you have to "pass gas" and you can't because there are too many people around...You hold it in and it starts to build up and what happens next?? You feel like you want to explode..LITERALLY!!!! Well, I swear I almost did tonight...I went bowling with some friends..I should say I went to watch them bowl..becuase that is what I did...watch...and all of a sudden my stomach started to twist adn turn...and then...OH SH... I need to pass gas!!!!! Well I held it in and now I am MISERABLE!!!! My belly hurts, my intestines hurt and my you know what hurts....Bandolera is so much fun....:faint: I've never had issues with gas and now it is an everyday thing!!!! I guess it comes with the turff... I had like 3 gas x already and all I can say is thank God my husband's not home!!! it's comming out both ends now!! LMAO!!!!! I can laugh now that the worse has passed... Besides that, no wories. I'm doing well and steadily looosing..Little by little it is comming off...I lOVE IT!!!! :clap2: :clap2:




Long time no post..I know

It's been a while since I've posted in my journal but it's been a trying few days..I got sick, my husband got sick and trying to keep up with the kids is exhausting! Any wa..everything has been good. I did have an issue with my stomach swellign from air in it..who knows how it got there but it was very painful..My "toma" swelled to the point that it was hitting my diaphragm...holy sh... was it painful. But, no worries now, everthing is back on track. I'm still walking 3-5 miles per day and I'm trying to eat the way I should. I am hungrier now though and I feel like what I eat doesn't hold me...I have an appointment on March 6 to talk about or even get a fill. I hope I can handle the hunger thiing till then. WIsh me luck!!! Smooches:kiss2: Me




Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...NNNOOOOO!!!!!

You know that quote, how much do I love thee..let me count the ways...Well, for me and snow it's "how much do I loath thee...let me count the ways!!!!" YUCK!! Living in New England is like Forest Gump said..Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are gonna get!! (yes, I am a movieholic!) So on monday it was about 50 degrees, on tuesday it was about 55, on wednesday it was almost sixty and then thursday, beautiful thursday!!! ALMOST 70 degrees... How awesome. I was sure the winter was gone and it was time to get out the spring/summer clothes.:clap2: Well, that was a dream short lived:eek: !! Yup, It snowed/rained/sleeted and snowed some more on Friday ALL DAY leaving us with over a foot of snow and 2 inches of slush on the bottom. Yup, We got out the old snowblower, cursed and blowed for almost 2 hours!!! :faint: On a good note..I did get a really good workout blowing my neighbors driveway which is on a hill! So the only goodthing I gt from this St. Patrick's Day Nor'Easter was a good workout...and some GREAT pictures of my kids. OK..I vented now lets move on in hopes that Spring soon will be here...smooches!!!:kiss2:




January 11th...

Second day of being on this site and feeling good about becoming part of this communtiy.What better day to start a journal than today? I have a massive headache but besides that I'm doing ok.I guess my addiction to the internet (no freaky stuff!!) keeps me from goin to bed. Nervous and a little scared would describe my thoughts regarding surgery...I have my last pre-op appointment with my surgeon on 1/16 and have a few questions to ask...On 1/23 I have my pre-op testing (blood work, xray and ekg) I'm a little upset because my husband (MY ROCK) won't be able to come to these appointments with me due to travel with work...:cry but, the bright side..he'll be home the day before my surgery and will be here to pamper me for the whole week afterwards. I guess that's a plus...Well, I've taken my motrin and am off to :pray2: , have some fat free:popcorn:and watch my shows...Ugly Betty is AWESOME!!!!! :clap2:





Ok..It's been a long time since I've "typed" here but I've got good reason...well, i don't know if I can say good...IT SUCKED!!!! Surgery went well, it was everything afterwards....The gas, the pain, the hunger, the emotional roller coaster, the questions, the answers, the faces, good compliments and the not so good compliments...You know, sometimes people can be so stupid!!! All I can say is God forgive them for they know not what they do or say!!! Anyway..I'm over it and on with the rest of my life!!! I'm very excited. I saw the nutritionist yesterday and she was very impressed with my progress and my energy level. I am back to walking between 3 to 5 miles a day and I love it. I find that my day is not complete with out my walk... My slow return to foods is going great!! SO FAR NOTHING MAKES ME SICK!!!!!! I've had chicken, steak, fish, and shrimp (all pureed)...YUM!!!! I had toast and a scrambbled egg today for the first time and no problems!!!!! I LOVE MY BAND and I have a name for her....Bandolera!!!!!!!! It fits her well. She is my new best friend and I'm so proud of her!!!! What else can I say? I was scared and even regretful the first few days, but today I can say I'm glad I did this!! I'm still a little emotional and I cry for anything, but I've always been a little sentimental... My emotions are getting better together with my incisions and my appetite!!! Thanks to everyone here at LBT for their support, kind words and good thoughts...You all are an inspiration to me!!! Keep up the AWESOME work as I will do my best to do mine!!! Love you guys!!!! SMOOCHES and hugs...Olga:kiss2:





My restriction is gone.... I feel hungry now almost every three hours!!! :faint: :confused: I am following the protein first rule, I am drinking about 90 to 100 oz of liquid to try to keep the hunger down and it's so hard....I've been on solids for a few days now and that's like nothing. I'm keeping a journal here at home of my food intake and it seems to slowly be climbing up and up...Shit!!!! My fill is not until March 6 and I hope and I can hold off 'til then...My weight has "stationed itself" at 214!!! Man!!! I'm a little on the frustrated side, but I know I can do this...I think I've said this before, but if I ever hear ANYONE say this is the easy way...oh man......I WILL EAT THEM ALIVE!!!! :hungry: and at this point I could do with some food!!! lol...Ok, I've vented!!! I think my emotions are topsy turvy do to aunt Flo comming soon and this weather DOES NOT HELP!!! Snow!!! And we are supposed to be getting more this weekend!! YEAH!!! NOT!!!!:mad: I could sure use some sun and warmth!




I'M BACK!!!!

:whoo::whoo:Hola! Hola! I know I've been gone forever. I just had a lot to do and take care of. But, I'm back!!! I'm feeling great! I've lost 51 pounds and I am a size 10/12!!! Can you believe it? I'm in shock myself! I had to get rid of almost all my old clothes!! I still wear a few of my t-shirts and jeans but they are huge!!! It's great to be able to show off my success to everyone. Yeah! I do rant and rave about my band and my new me!!!! I talk to whom ever will listen!!!! I went to a banquet a few months back and no one recognized me!!! It was total bliss! I can shop in the regular sections of stores!! I can even take advantage fo all the sales!!!! I take constant pictures of myself. I look in the mirror constantly which I never did before. I'm so much more confident now. I am even going back to school. I have the energy now!! It's totaly amazing!!!! So, yeah,c an you tell......I'M HAPPY!!!!!! I'M FREE!!!! and I'M ME!!!!!!!! YEAHHH!!!!!!!! :whoo::whoo: Hugs and Blessings!!! ME!





OK! I live in Massachusetts....I should be used to snow, ice, cold and more cold...but I can't stand this!! We are supposed to be getting this huge storm and I am so upset!!! I've lived in this state for 26 years and I still can't get used to it...I wasn't born here but have lived here most of my life.. I love the change of the seasons and all that jazz, but the winter just bugs me.. I know, I shouldn't complain because we have had a very mild winter this year...but something about knowing we are supposed to get ALOT of snow just irritates me...anyway...I've vented and now moving on!!! I walked 4.5 miles today!!!!!I an a certified mall walker now!!! I tried to get as much walking in because I do not drive in the snow..Yes, I am chicken due to an accident I had 2 years ago...long story, short outcome I DON"T DRIVE IN THE SNOW!!! Meals for today: B: 1 piece of toast w/ PB and honey 8 oz of hot tea L: 1/2 cupchicken salad (chicken, tomatoes, cucumbers light mayo) 8 oz light and healthy orange juice S: banana cream pie yogurt 6 oz crystal light d: don't know yet.... s: maybe, maybe not...




HEY! It's been a while...I know!

Hello, Hello! Jsut wanted to pop in and catch up. I haven't been around casue I've been super busy at home as well as work. But any way... I've had afew NSV... bt the best one is I fit into a size 12!!!!! HOLY SHIT! (and yes I have to say the word!!!) I HAVE NOT BEEN IN A 12 SINCE MY DAUGHTER WAS ABOUT @ MONTHS OLD...and she's 11 years old now!!!! It's sooooo cool and so amazing at the same time!!!! I'm very happy and excited. I hope everyone here is doing as well. It's not easy, and I am a lot tighter now, I Get that stuck feeling almost eeryday, but the results ar well worht it. I wish every one luck and I can't wai for the summer!!!!! Bikinis here I COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




gurgle, gurgle....

HEllo! It's slowly getting better. My liquid intake is ok. I'm so sick of Protein Drinks..The only ones I tolerate are the Carnation Instant Breakfasts and Ensure high protein. That's IT!!!! Everything else makes me gag and I really don't need to throw up right now..SO, that's what I'm doing. I can't wait to eat something else besides broth and jello...The water and Crystal light I can handle...The discomfort around teh incisions isn't too bad...but teh gas is a whole DIFFERENT Story...WOW!!!! I spent 2 days in tears adn questioning my decision to do this... IT was soooooooo bad, but it's subsiding adn getting better...That's my only complaint so far... I'm walking again..Today I did 1.6 miles, It wore me out but the MD said that it was normal.. so little by little it's getting better...THANK GOD!!!! I've lost 7 LBS SINCE THE SURGERY!!!! A little scary but good. We'll see how it goes...I'm glad I have this site to come and talk and write and learn and maybe even teach my experiences....This too shall pass......smooches....:kiss2:




gsd psin sucks!!!!

:faint:I have not written in a couple days, but for good reasons..I am now officially "Banded for Life". So, I am in pain....not hungry though...and in pain... I can say the sutures are not that bad. I have 4 small ones and my larger one right above my belly bottun where my port is (that's the one that hurts the most)...but this all bearable..THE ONLY THING THAT IS REALLY BEGGINING TO PIST ME OFF IS THIS FU.... GAS BUBBLE THAT IS STUCK IN MY LEFT SHOULDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It hurts so bad!!!!!! I've tried everything..My best friend even leant me her massage chair to see if it helped and nothing!!! THIS IS THE ONLY PART THAT SUCKS!! I have to be honest though. I went in to surgery expecting the worst...like a c-section maybe..but it was nothing... I've had so much crystal light that I can taste it in my sleep..and I just had about 6 ounces of atkins vanila shake..Well, going back to my sofa...I can't lay down..it's too painful yet..I LOVE TYLENOL WITH CODEINE!!!!!! I have to mention that my husband has been WONDERFUL through all this!!! HE IS JUST INCREDIBLE!!!!!!:kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: Thank YOU baby, for being here for me!!! I LOVE YA!!!!! SMOOCHES!!!!:kiss2:





:help: I'M SOOOOOOOO hungry. I read all these post about how some people have 4 ounces of this and 3 ounces of that and they feel full for 5 - 6 hours...and I have a pork chop with veggies and that holds me for 2 maybe 3 hours...I drink so much liquid I feel like I'm drowning and my weight is "stuck"..I haven't gained but have just leveled off. I definately need some restricition. My Dr's appointment is tomorrow and i can't wait. I hope it goes well...Send me some prayers!!!!! They are truly needed....:think



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