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Life, Love and Furry Paws

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Shopping, Eating and Learning!

So i went grocery shopping today (Trader Joe's and Ralph's ) And i could honestly only shop in two isles. The dairy products (cheese & yogurt ) and the soup isle. Made shopping so much easier!   I cheated and tried to eat a soft taco from Taco Bell, Half way through my second bite i had to stop because i knew it was such a BIG mistake! I felt that first bite and boy, it did hurt!   I also had a turkey pot pie from ralph's (freezer kind) and it felt wonderful going down since the veggies and turkey were so soft!   I know its Bad news bears, But honestly, that's me. I'm the kid that had to put their hand on the stove in order to know it was hot. Now That I know my limitations it is soooooO much easier to stick with the liquid diet! Day 9 post OP and feeling Great! only have an itchy Belly button since that's where they hid my port! (Glue fell off wounds, and i can see incisions, but they're closed now)   Swelling is down, healing sites looking good just being naughty and testing my limitations with my pups!   (Have to take a nap since i'm not getting enough food) Normal?




Internship! Missing time and Puppies!

So i've started an internship at a vets office/hospital Its been a great learning experience and I've met a lot of great people (and animals!) The only downfall has been that my allergies are up so i have to take allergy meds which are messing with my blood pressure. Bah!   I have also been missing time with this blog and the support groups/panels, etc... I'm just getting tired of waiting for this process to be over with! I'm getting frustrated because i need some sort of movement or something to keep me motivated while the process is taking its time. Luckily i only have two more weeks until my "diet" is over and we submit to the insurance company for approval! Hooray!   The puppy that i got for my grandmother is getting spayed tomorrow. I'm anxious for her and finally had that moment when i was reaching for the chips, as i was making arrangements to comfort myself or keep myself for getting overwhelmed, that i realized that i wasn't hungry. i made myself not only step away from them, but also throw them away. I had a big glass of ice water and tried to relax. I'm glad that i'm catching myself more and more often.   I'm losing weight slowly, but at least its going!




Farm work, Breakfast with the Family and Chasing Grandma's puppy.

I am sore all over! I had farm work at school today (yes, even over the summer months) and i was in the pen with the sheep, and the one male is a but-faced-miscreant! He rammed me with his head, into the gate then jumped up on me and scratched my back! sadness. Before that i had a breakfast with my family. We went to this little Salvadorian restaurant by our house. Now, my whole family is to some degree fit, and in their normal bmi's except for me. I'm the fat sheep in the family. Well, myself and an older cousin. Everyone else is a full fat eater and maintains their shape rather well. Sucks for us! Anyways, while Salvi food is delicious, its also super heavy on the fat and greasy. I tried to stick to plantains and beans, but the tortillas were hand made and fluffy and yummy! i admit that i had two. It was making me wonder how everyone else deals with eating out? With friends, it seams like they understand more, and don't criticize your choices, yet when i'm out with my family, they all nit-pick about what i order, telling me what i should eat, while they don't exactly set a positive example. (*sigh*) Its hard to make good choices when everyone else is making bad ones.   While i'm not banded yet, i'm trying to lose 10% of my body weight, about 27 lbs I read a long time ago that doing so would help me bounce back faster after a surgery or injury! I hope it helps, but either way it can't hurt! One good and easy way of doing this is by training and chasing the new puppy i got for my grandma (she lives with us and was so lonley, so its been a great thing for her!) We've been trying to learn how to play ball, so not only do i throw the ball, i run for it bring it back to the starting position, then praise the puppy for doing a good job! All of my other dogs get into the game, so if i'm not chasing the ball, i'm chasing them to get the ball back! ha! Its all fun and with summer starting i'm going to start jogging again at the beach! I better take advantage of the mellow weather and get conditioned before full summer hits!




Sleepy Time, Ground Shaking Gas, And Relief

So Last Thursday July 5th I received a full unfill. Surprisingly only 2.25cc were in there, even though i had kept tabs and was expecting 6cc. Since the unfill i have had no acid re-flux, the nausea is down, but food still is hesitant going down.   i have noticed that a side effect of the unfill is gas coming out (burps) an hour or so after eating. not the lady like quiet ones, but the kind that make little kids laugh.   I'm also more sleepy, which i just think is my body readjusting to food. (like after thanksgiving dinner you knock out)   All in all i'm feeling WAY better and have a Dr's appointment to discuss the revision and other issues that may come up. I also seem to have fractured my pinky and ring finger on my right hand, so things have been awkward as far as using that hand is concerned.   sleep is settling in. Good night Lapbanders! Have Wonderful sleep so you can kick but tomorrow



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