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Not something I've ever been called! But I am taking this week to PREP my apartment. I don't want to have to worry about ANYTHING next week after the surgery except healing. Unfortunately I have a lot to do to prep!   I just got back from Minnesota a little over a week ago. (Was up there for 5 weeks for work.) And I've been so busy since then that I've let my place get the better of me. So, what's on my to-do list...   Laundry Vacuum Dishes General tidy up   Ok, I think I can tackle all that. Ha! It's not that bad when I write it out!   Liquid diet is still going ok. Though I slipped up and had a bit of the bread they gave me with my soup yesterday. YIKES! But I think I'll be ok. I was just a bit too hungry for broth-only soup. I need to start bringing those shakes or something with me when I'm out all day.   5 more days!! Woot!   The anticipation is the worst!   xo :eek:




Second Runner Up!

Well, I didn't win photographer of the year, but I was second runner up, so I received $2,500! Better than nothing!!! And I'm pretty proud to be number 3 in a company of over 15,000 photographers!! :rolleyes2: Very happy! Next year...$25,000!!! :bye:   Tomorrow is my first fill! I'm driving back from Minnesota as we speak. Stopped somewhere in Wisconsin for the night. Probably have about 4 hours to go till I'm back in Chicago. Then two weeks to pack and move!!   Busy busy! But I love every moment of it.   How have you all been??   xo




General suckage.

Today was a bad day. Nothing to do with the band, though! But just not a good day. Everything that could have gone wrong, went wrong I think. Which of course put me in a bad mood for most of the day. Ugh! Suckage.   I won't go into the details, but the stress and frustration didn't help my healing today, that's for sure. For the first day in 2 days, I had pain in my port incision. So I'll be using an ice pack a little bit tonight I think. PLUS I didn't get to work out today. Double ugh!!   But I bought myself a super cute red dress tonight! That made me feel better. It's 2 sizes smaller than I would have bought a month ago and it's only the tiniest bit too tight! Still fits ok though. :thumbup: I have a month to fit better into it! I know I can do it!   Tomorrow morning I'm going to Zumba for the first time ever. We'll see how I can handle it! I've heard a lot of good things about it, so we'll see. I'm going to try to make up for the lack of workout today.   Hoping for a happier tomorrow!   xo




Better today!

Yesterday was just bad. Blah. I'm over it!   Anyway, today I got up super early (thanks in part to the crack of lightning and thunder just outside!) and went to the gym! I did about 30 minutes on the treadmill before the Zumba class started. Then joined the class for the first time. It was fun! Though I didn't pick up all the choreography, but maybe next time I will. It's DEFINITELY a workout! Took a shower at the gym because I just felt gross! Haha!   On the way home I got a call from my corporate office. They have my headshot on file from last year and wanted to know if they should use that one or a new one for the awards ceremony this year. I said use that one because I don't feel like getting a new portrait taken! Ha! Last year's was nice and I don't need another official headshot until I lose about 50 pounds. :thumbup: Besides, that one has already been retouched. LOL   I think I've already had my recommended protein for the day! I had a protein shake for breakfast before I ran out the door. Then a protein "shot" -grape flavor!- after I worked out. Then I had some greek yogurt. That's 57 grams of protein so far today. Can you have too much protein??? I really am wondering that.   Thankful for a better day today and hoping it continues!   xoxo




SO close to the weekend!!

Happy Thursday everyone!   I have to go into work a little bit later, then I'm going to the gym! Gonna try to get an hour workout in, shower, then go shoe shopping! (My favorite past time, I think. Ha!) But I really do need shoes to go with that dress! I'm thinking leopard heals. Heehee! Vixon! Ha!   My friend and I are taking her 2 girls to Denny's later. I'm sure I can find something to eat! Even it's just some eggs and something else. Even eggs sound good by themselves!!   It's finally a beautiful day in the Chicago area after 2 days of thunderstorms. It makes me feel so much better to look outside and see sunshine. :smile:   I cannot wait till my first fill! I want to feel some real restriction. I still have had no problems eating anything I've tried so far. I'm guessing that's just because nothing was in the band when it was placed. I hope the pounds drop off quicker when I'm full more quickly! I'm making healthy food choices, just feel like I have to eat too much to be full. It's still less than I was eating before the surgery, but I know it's more than 4oz. Then again, it's mostly mushies still. I'm sure a lot of it is slipping right through.   Ok, that's it for now! Talk soon!   xo




Some Results!!

Well, it looks like the .5cc unfill and stepping it up at the gym this week has helped to let me see some more results! Since the 9th of February, I have lost 4 pounds...not bad for just over a week! I'm extremely happy with that. I have also forced myself to go to the gym everyday this week so far and plan to go back for a 5th time tonight. My workout plan that I have set up on AnytimeHealth.com gives me Saturday and Sunday off from the gym...but I might go on Saturday evening anyway. I need a new addiction...maybe working out can replace all that junky food that I still tend to miss sometimes.   Oh, I have an INCREDIBLY good recipe for a super healthy meal if you're interested!   Spaghetti squash! I know, I was like, what the heck is spaghetti squash! It's completely vegetarian, though you can add any meat that you like. (I just was too lazy to cook some meat with it. Ha!) I made mine with zucchini, red peppers and mushrooms, but you can use any veggies you'd like. Cut the Squash in half, scoop out the guts to throw them away and drizzle the squash with olive oil and pinch some rosemary or thyme or basil---whatever spices you like. Put it in a microwaveable dish with 1/4 inch of water in it flat side down and cook for 10 minutes. While that is cooking, saute your veggies in olive oil, a little salt and pepper (I use salt substitute so it has zero sodium), and some lemon juice. When the squash is done cooking, take it out and fork out the insides. It will look like short spaghetti noodles. Take the insides and put the in a bowl. (You may be cooking the other half of the squash while your doing this.) Add the veggies to the squash with another squirt of lemon juice. Stir and serve!! If you add meat, add that at this time as well. You can also try it with spaghetti sauce, but that will add more calories and sodium. Though tomatoes are a good addition!   Ok, that's it. Don't expect me to share too many recipes...I'm just starting to experiment with healthier foods.   I hope to report more weightloss soon! I'm trying to kick my butt in gear a bit more!! I wish I had a workout partner...but I suppose that at the end of the day, I need to do this for me and no one else. Meh.   Blessings all!   Maggs




NO Fourth Fill!!!

I did not get a fill this morning. I didn't think I needed one and that was confirmed! I've lost 9 lbs this past month! That's the best weight loss I have experienced in only a month thus far!! My PA was ecstatic!! Maybe even more excited than I am. Ha! I'm hoping I'm in the green zone for a while and continue to shed the weight. I'm sure I could have lost even more had I actually gone to the gym as much as I probably COULD have. (Ok, my gym is 24 hours...I seriously have no excuse! LOL) But I have been TRYING to go more regularly. Work is just exhausting me!   Anyway, I still feel pretty tight in the mornings, so breakfast is the most difficult meal to get down, but the rest of the day I normally eat around a cup or so of food...pretty good over all. This morning after my appointment I had half a souffle from Panera (that's all I could eat!) and a fruit cup. I'm sitting in Panera right now, watching the clock for 30 minutes so I can drink my coffee! :smile: Not drinking with meals is sometimes still a challenge as well. But I am DETERMINED to overcome all these challenges!   Anyway, that was my quicky update of the day. I'll try to blog a bit more often like I did when I first got the band. Work keeps me going all day! But I enjoy reading all the blogs on here and I SHOULD contribute more often. :redface:   Hope you are all well!!   xo   Maggs




Let's get Physical! Physical!

Can't you just picture Olivia Newton-John in all her gloriousness? Fan-TAS-tic.   Anyway! I did 30 minutes on the treadmill with 5 pound handweights for a bit of upper body workout as well, plus a little over 3 miles on the bike! Only 1 week after surgery and I'm feeling great! I am trying not to push myself too hard, but I figured if it started to hurt, I'd stop. It never hurt!   Dang, how I'd like to be at least ONE size smaller by July 13th! That's when I have to fly up north for work and I want to buy a cute outfit in a smaller size. So, I am making it my goal to make sure I eat ALL the right stuff, enough protein and all that. Plus workout at least 30-45 minutes at least 5 days a week. I can do this! I just have to keep telling myself that!   SO, if anyone has some stellar tips and tricks for working out and eating yummy good-for-you stuff before my first fill, let me know!   I'm going to just have a protein shake for dinner because I'm not overly hungry, but I know I should have something.





Just a quick blog tonight.   Worked out this afternoon, but it was cut short because my friend that I went with had to pick up her daughters. Still got in about 45 minutes, though.   Yesterday I was hungry for fried chicken. Today I am hungry for a hotdog! Ugh! I can't wait to get the band so I won't be as hungry. Liquid diet is getting old. Ha! At least DanActive is pretty tasty for a nice snack.   My photography session for next Thursday (3 days post op) has rescheduled for a couple weeks from now--yay! I don't have to worry about pushing myself too much too soon! I am working from home for the rest of the month besides a couple trips to the studio, so I have plenty of time now to heal. :bored:   Off to watch So You Think You Can Dance! I want to dance someday once I'm a smaller size.   Blessings! xo




The time is set!

I have to be at the clinic at 5:30am on Monday morning!! I'm never up that early! LOL Then again, I suppose I do get to go right back to sleep for a bit. Ha! And it's out patient, so I can go home and nap if needed that afternoon.   Now to just make it thru the weekend! I'm not sure if I'm excited or nervous. Or both. Could be both.   I'm going swimming tomorrow night! Might be the last time for a little bit that I can go, so I'm taking advantage of the pool while I can.   Nothing much else to report for now. Besides that I LOVE all my new friends on here. Thanks for all the support! Obviously no one else is going to understand like you all do. xoxo :bored:




First Fill...check!!

I had my first fill yesterday! I wasn't too sure what to expect, but I was warned to not look! And that I would hear a "pop" noise at the needle went into the port. So, I stared at the wall and heard the pop, drank some barium and was out the door in a little under a minute! it did pinch a bit, but it wasn't too bad.   I have no idea how many CC's he put in, but they did tell me that if I am not feeling much restirction, get hungry between meals or am not losing weight, to come back within 2 weeks for another fill! I thought that was different from what I've read on here...and I like it! So, if this doesn't work as well as I want it to at first, I'll have another visit to the clinic before I move to Minnesota in two weeks!   I'm on liquids till tomorrow afternoon, so I'm thinking that's why I'm able to "eat" more than 4oz. Just taking my time drinking an 11oz protein shake. Last night, I hadn't eaten in like 8 or 9 hours and was SO hungry after the fill. So I had half a bowl of soup at Fridays and about 5 bites of mashed potatoes that I let get extra mushy before I swallowed. That satisfied my hunger, so I suppose that is some restriction. But I think I'll know more once I eat regular food. I know that all that was more than 4oz!   I've lost 17 pounds total so far. Can't tell much from looking at me, though. But a couple pairs of my jeans are starting to get really loose! So that's a good sign! (And good excuse to go shopping! Ha!)   Anyway, back to work! I'm just taking a quick break, but I hear a whining child in the camera room...better go see if she needs some help to photograph him!   Blessings! xo   ~ M




10 Months Post Op.

Well, I hoped I'd have a MEGA success story about some ridiculous weight loss, but I have lost about 40 pounds in 10 months. (I had to stop myself from saying "only" 40 pounds. 40 pounds is still great, right?)   I AM down 4 pants sizes...I think it's because I work out fairly regularly. I have to tell myself that that is why my weight hasn't shifted as quickly as I'd like...muscle weighs more than fat. And I've been doing a lot of weight training to build those muscles. I can at least SEE a difference. Even on a month to month basis for the most part.   I have an appointment tomorrow for a fill...I had .5cc removed from the band 2 months ago. I think I might only have .25cc put in tomorrow and see how that goes for me. Kinda dreading the appointment, to be honest. I've only lost a couple of pounds since that last appointment. Yuck. But I'm trying to figure out this whole thing. Even 10 months on, I'm still learning every single day!   Today I bought a Fitbit from Best Buy to track my activity and sleep, etc. I hope it works for me. If it does, I will sing its praises on here for sure. Let you know in a month or so!   Anyway, GOOD LUCK to everyone who is about to be banded. I do not regret it one bit! I just wish I was a fast loser...but a loser is a loser! Ha! Who'd have thought I would WANT to be a "loser?"   Blessings all!   xo   ~M




Fourth Fill already?!

Tomorrow is my 4th fill...but to be honest, I'm not sure I need one! I've lost about 8 pounds (I think) since my last fill a month ago. I'm happy with that! At least the numbers are going DOWN!! Obviously I'd like to lose 100 lbs over night, but that's just not going to happen! Ha!!   I've had quite a bit of trouble at first with my last 2 fills. I had a hard time keeping things down and a lot of pain eating solids for the first meal of the day. But I've gotten used to eating slower and taking smaller bites and STOPPING when I'm full. (That last bit is sometimes the hardest when I'm out with friends!)   I have also found that if I don't eat very much in a day, I won't lose very much that day. I have to have a decent amount of calories or my body goes into starvation mode or something. Weird thing. So, 5 months with the band and I'm still learning. Eventually I'll get it figured out, I'm sure.   I have been going to the gym when I can, but we're extra busy at the studio now with everyone wanting holiday portraits, so my ME time is somewhat limited until January. I tell myself that I'm doing a LOT of extra running around at work, so that will help a bit. And there's little time for snacking! Ha!   Planning my trip to England for Christmas. I'm interested to see how that goes, food-wise. I'll just eat what I know I can eat--no matter how much his mother tries to put on my plate! :bored:   I will let you know if I get any extra in my band tomorrow...but I might be getting to a good place with it! Yay! :thumbup:   Blessings,   Maggs xo




Back to work!

Today I went back to work! Only for about 4 hours, but I was photographing the whole time! It was a bit different today because it was really just for a model search. The girls were all older, so I didn't have to kneel and make funny noises! LOL But I was surprised, frankly, that I had the stamina to stand and shoot for 4 hours straight! It was a blast! :laugh:   So, still sore at the port incision, but better today than yesterday. Everyday gets a little better. :smile: Started to feel a bit hungry today. I haven't really felt hungry since last Sunday before my surgery! Luckily a protein shake hit the spot!   I'm gonna go test drive a car today. Not sure if I am going to buy it, but I need to start looking for a new car. Tired of driving around a little Chevy. :smile2:   Blessings, all!   Maggs xo




Working Out

I will probably regret this in the morning, but I worked out for an hour in the gym at my apartment complex! Treadmill, bike and weights! I have to admit, I'm pretty proud of myself. Just listened to the Glee soundtrack and forgot (slightly) that I was working out and sweating! Ha!   It was only day one of doing a proper workout, but I have to start somewhere. I want this band to work for me when I get it and I'm determined to do everything I can to make it work.   Ohmigosh! Can I even imagine if I were to lose 100 pounds over the next year? I'm not sure that I can! (Imagine it, that is.)   Golly.   I went swimming tonight too, so it was a pretty active day! And I haven't felt so good in so long. Tomorrow I'm going downtown (Chicago) to walk around for a while and have a nice day out with a friend and her two little girls. I'll count all that walking around as my exercise for tomorrow!!   6 days till surgery! :eek:




Final weekend without the band!

48 hours from now I will officially be a Bandster!! I'm nervous, but SO excited! I can't tell you how many times I have read and reread the instructions the doctor and dietician have given me about everything post-op.   Part of me has felt like I've "cheated" by deciding to get the Lap Band, but it's more work than so many think! And at the end of the day, I'm proud I finally took the steps to get this done! I'm changing my life for the better! And there is no greater choice I could have made when it comes to my health.   I realize I've been super positive going into this surgery--I'm just hoping these positive feelings continue AFTER I have the surgery! I know the first few days might be rough!! But it'll get better, I am sure.   Anyway!! I was going to go swimming tonight, but I think I might do some upper body workout instead since I won't be doing that for a while! Plus, I dyed my hair again yesterday--more red! So it looks like the profile pic I have posted once again. So I don't think chlorine and new hair color will mix TOO well...a nice workout will be fine instead.   OMG! Every time I get on here to write something "short" it turns out like this! If only I was this talkative in person!! Ha!   Ok, off for now! Thanks again for your support, everyone!!   Blessings! xo




T-Minus one week and counting...

Today was my pre-op...everything went really well. I've lost another 5 pounds, so I'm down to 250! It's the lowest I've been in a few years I think!! Now, to wait a week, plus a couple days, till the surgery!   I'm inspired by looking at all the pictures of before and after on here! I feel like I can maybe do it to...   To be honest, I can't imagine being a "normal" size...weird. But I think I will like it!!   I do wish I had someone close to me that has gone through this that I could talk to. But I'll be ok. I'm glad I found this site at least! :smile2:




6th Fill was an UNfill

I decided to get some fluid taken out of my band today. Just a 1/2 cc. The stress of the last 4-6 weeks has worked against me with losing weight. I didn't lose a single pound since my last visit.   Ok, well, I actually gained 4 or 5 pounds over Christmas, lost all that right away when I got back from vacation because I was sick! Then gained 3 and lost those too. But now I'm stuck where I was before my last fill...and I've been STUCK literally as well. Even throwing up sometimes. It's worst in the morning, but it can happen at any time. I think taking some fluid out of the band was the best plan I could have. Now, to see if it will work!   I have been working out about 3 times a week at the gym. I really need to ramp that up as well, but this week has been rough. It's negative 7 degrees outside with a windchill of negative 25. I don't feel like getting out of my PJ's except to go to work...and that takes some convincing. Plus, an old colleague is in town and we've been hanging out in the evenings. Soo, no gym so far this week...but Saturday evening for sure, if not sooner!   I will hopefully find out soon if this unfill has helped. I am close to what I was when I lost 9 pounds back in October. I hope this lets me move forward with my weight loss...another 20 pounds by May 26th (my birthday) is my goal...to bring into ONE-derland!!




Shopping list done!!

My doctor recommended several things I might want to have on hand before the surgery. Today was my last day to really go shopping before my B-Day, so off I went!   Sam's Club had a great big bag of vanilla protein powder for $28. (Is that cheap or expensive? I have no idea--bought it anyway.) Also stocked up on more gummy vitamins and some fat free feta cheese! (Yum!) Then to the regular grocery store for some more SF popsicles, chicken breasts, ground turkey, packs of tuna, cottage cheese and skim milk. Then to Walgreens for some GasEx strips (I've read these come in VERY handy!) and found a heating pad for only $17, so got that just in case I need it.   I'm shopped out! I think I'm good for now on food and beverages.   Spending the night at a friend's house tomorrow night. She's picking me up so I won't have to drive after the surgery. I can't believe we have to leave her house at 4am to get to the clinic! Blech!!   Anyway, marching forward to a new life!   xo



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