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is something wrong with me?

well i had lapband about 2 months ago on october 8th, well everything was fine untill i got my first fill. my dr. had a hard time finding my port first off and stuck me 3 or 4 times. but thats not what i was worried about the dr. put 5CCs in my band and i kept belching for like 2 weeks afterwards i still do some now too. i was wondering if this has happened to anyone else.   secondly i noticed when i roll over in bed it seems like soemthing is moving around my port. or if i roll over on it and my hand is on it, it will hurt.   this is going to sound nasty but the other day i just got off work and i had let myself get to hungery and i stuffed my face it seemed like and i got sick well before i got my first fill i could drink something and it would go down but now it doesnt help but i know im not spossed to drink while i eat, but i did the other day and it was milk i got sick on see if i drink somethin when food gets stuck then it will come back up. well i tried drinking the milk when i got food caught to make it come back up but i found out milk now makes me so sick i can not drink it. i have tried just milk by itslef and it still makes me really sick i was wondering why this happend..   sorry im writing so much i just joined and have a lot of questions. my surgery has been weird.. about 2 weeks after i got my first fill my dr told me i had to much saline in my band but i didnt go get some taken out cause i didnt have the money. well its been about a month since my first fill and its like i can eat a lot it seems like still but i still belch or it even seems like air bubbles almost in my sthomic. i dont know can anyone give me some advice at all. im really worried something might be worng..:cool2:



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