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3 days to go!

4 days into the Pre-Op diet, I have lost seven pounds. :wub:   Completed the Pre-Op testing today. All is set for Friday morning. So excited, just hoping I can get around good afterwards. I have to go back to work on Monday. :tt2:




2 days post-op

I stayed at the hopsital one night and was dicharged yesterday. It was a good thing I stayed, I was dehydrated after surgery and had to have extra bags through my IV. Very happy that was the only minor happening. If I hadn't stayed it would have been a lot harder to get hydrated at home, when two to four sips make you feel completly full. My husband stayed with me, he was great! I am sore but not in a lot of pain, with is good. I had two surprising moments during my expreince. One was in the OR right before they gave me a shot to relax, I was thinking what the heck am I doing, this is crazy. I was completly excited until that point. I was out shortly then woke up in recovery, very sleepy. The second was the day of discharge, I hadn't gotten lunch yet and my husband brought his lunch back to the room, in case they released me soon. The smell of his french fries were just too much. I started to cry, thinking what in the world did I do. :w00t: I have eaten my share of french fries. I shouldn't feel that way. I felt better after I got my broth and jello. I think my major problem was a lack of sleep. I came home and went to bed. I haven't felt that way since, but I am sure I will have other moments, during this path to a healthier life.   I am looking forward to feeling closer to normal. I have to allow myself time to heal, waiting can be really hard for me.




1 week Post op.....

I thought I was in the clear with gas pains being I was 6 days after surgery. That is until last night, when it all seems to hint my, my shoudler has been killing me. I haven't had to take my pain meds until last night. I am surprised by the delay. Once I eat anything it starts hurting even more. AAHHHHH



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