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One of those bad days...

Wednesday didn't turn out so good! I woke up with a cold sore as a result of my constantly dripping nose! Decided this must be allergies finally cos I'm much better indoors than out. never had allergies of any kind before :cry How did I know it was a cold sore..my glands in my neck were swollen to drain the fluid from it - always happens to me. Now my nose is sore, my neck is sore and my lip is sore. My foot is swollen from walking in the heat and the left one refuses to go down. Add to that for some unknown reason my blood pressure rocketed last night..from 110/69 to 162/88 and I'm just not a happy bunny :think Today, all is status quo with neck and cold sore...foot is beig rested and BP has dropped a little -down to 140/72 but still has a way to go. Still not a happy bunny :cry




It's Sunday y'know

Good morning all, I had a lie in this morning :notagree which was jolly nice. Hubby has gone biking up the mountain but I think I'll stick to walking for now! Firday was Jordan's mum's Name Day and so we went upstairs to eat in the evening. They were planning on ordering souvlaki...so, didnt eat much (virtually anything) during the day because I love the chicken and salad. I should have thought about it more, because although my band gives me little problems, I have realised that I have trouble at night. Most others have probs in the morning but I like being different!?!?!? I ate one piece of chicken and that was it...stuck. I didn't pb it but it took forever to go down and so I just sat quietly and waited. I didn't eat anything else but drank a cuppa-soup when we got home just to have some calories and stop my sugar level falling too much. Saturday was a quiet day and I did my walking. Got a bit of a fever last night - 37.8 but went to bed and seem to have slept it away which is good. Off to the cinema-gold class- tonight to finally see the Da Vinci Code. Means we get lazy-boy recliners and waiter service LOL. Costs more -of course- but we don't go to cinema that often so why the heck not eh?





Hello world, I seem to be losing touch with everyone at the moment...guess they all have lives and I'm the saddo round here LOL. Oh well, we will catch up when we can. I have had a quiet day but feel much better then I did yesterday night. I'm never good when I'm over tired and so a good night's sleep did me the world of good. Today I got in both my walks with no probs and I ate very well. I made a big tuna and coleslaw salad this morning and split it in half for my main meals. For lunch I also had a yoghurt and with dinner I added a slice of low fat cheese. After eating chicken leftovers for last few days it made a nice change!!! Not long now to my holiday...we leave a week on Saturday and I can't wait. I am so looking forward to seeing Zakynthos and to just chilling out for a week....lots of swimming! Am going with the in-laws too..should be fun LOL!!!




More decisions

LBT is showing it's ugly side again...hey ho hum. Might just stay away for a while and only do my journal...there again Im a cat and we all know about curiosity!!!!! I had a good day today as far as band life...I drank tons of water, did 2 walks of 20mins without pain and ate well. Not much else to be done then. Am going to my pool tomorrow swimming with Jordan's cousin and her 3yr old daughter so should be nice. Am not getting weighed til 6mth anniversary on 20th Septemeber so dont ask! That's all.




No...I didn't want a snack LOL

I told a new LBT friend of mine that I always write my journal when I feel like snacking so it distracts me :phanvan Anyway today that's not the case. I just felt like waffling! It's a lovely day outside in downtown Athens and I have drunk almost all my 1st litre of water for the day. In a little while I'm gonna go cook lunch for me and hubby...I'm having fish and peas and he's having whatever I give him;) Back in a while..must get cooking it's later than I thought! Actually I'm not cooking..I'm Bofrosting!!!!!!!! We have a company here who deliver frozen foods and good stuff too. One day my mother in law asked if I was cooking for hubby..yeah I said. She asked what and I said Bofrost things and she said oh...I thought you meant real cooking:confused: So now hubby asks me if I'm cooking or Bofrosting! OK I'm back..did you miss me? LOL I made hubby some mixed herbs a few oven fries and spinach and cheese fritters. He ate it all so must have been OK! I have lessons today (giving not getting) so I'm going to go chill out for an hour and then get ready to go. Feel much better cos I went for a walk...it would have been great if a stupid teenager hadnt accidently whacked me on the back of the head with his football...I need a treadmill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Can't think of one!?!?!?!?

Another weekend...they come around so fast! I went for a walk yesterday and combined it with a little shopping...every little helps I bought some gorgeous cooling footspray at the Body Shop and some other bits and pieces. The place is full of teenagers! They have finished school apart from days when they have to sit end of year exams and so they were walking, chatting and coffee drinking everywhere I looked:) I have eaten well all through the week but can't get the scale to move. I'm not eating bad foods as such but guess that "one more bite" syndrome puts paid to many things! I'm eagerly waiting to see what my 2nd fill does for me. Not sure what the plan is for the weekend...maybe we'll go to the seaside and stay until tomorrow - in a hotel with a nice big pool..ahh bliss- or maybe we wont! I have to wait til hubby gets home from his errands and we discuss it. If we don't go then I'll walk down the hill to a little shop I know and get my 2nd wooden cat. I bought the big one a couple of weeks ago but just couldn't carry two and so I want to go back and get his friend Apart from that I don't have any other fixed idea...the cinema maybe? I want to see the Da Vinci Code. If we go out I plan on taking my little fork and my tuppaware box. The Greeks don't do take home boxes or anything like that and so I've decided to invent my own. I might get some strange looks but what the hey. That way I can save a little to eat in the evening...salad and stuff. :clap2: There is a new taverna opening next door tonight and so I think it's gonna be a noisy weekend round here...better go to the seaside -don't you agree :eek: ;) ?




Happy Bunny today...

Doesn't take much you know...to make me happy:) Although I live in Greece, finding a pool to swim in is hard work LOL. Maybe I should say- because I live in Greece. Most Greeks (except DH) love water but they tend to wait until nowish and spend all their summers in the sea (there's a lot of it about you know!). I'm not good in the sea. I don't balance well and although I'm quite a strong swimmer I feel safer when I have a side to grab onto if I need it (last time I looked the sea didn't have sides:phanvan ). So I want a pool. There are public pools but you virtually need a prescription to get in them as they tend to be used mainly for sports training. So today I rang some of the hotels in Glyfada (touristy town) and asked if they had pool and if so was it open to non residents? Then I picked one! :nervous I got hubby to drive me down and he went for a coffee and then to see his kids (from 1st marriage cos they live there). It cost $12 to get in but this is offset against bar and restaurant orders so not bad at all. I was a little nervous...would people look at me, would anyone laugh etc etc? Trust me to arrive just as a kids party was getting underway:faint: I found a table near the ladder into pool and sat for a few mins to survey the scene. Then thought ah stuff em..I paid to come here and if they stare, they stare. So off came the dress (cossie underneath already!) and up I got and into water! No-one batted an eye :biggrin1: The kids and their watching parents were too busy having fun and chatting to care and everyone else there was doing their own thing. So I swam...It's a big pool and so I had about 10m to myself and I did laps...30 of them :clap2: My arms were killing me but ooooh it was nice. I then stayed and just enjoyed the water. I was in for a good hour. Then was the only moment I dreaded! Getting out! Body weight is great in the water but pulling it out is another matter LOL. I took it slow and finally heaved myself out. There were 5 chaps sat directly opposite but I didn't look at them and they didn't look at me. Cool. I ordered a cappucino freddo (iced) and put on some sun cream and dried off. About 45mins later when I was ready, I called hubby and he came and got me. All in all a lovely morning that more than made up for not being able to go to seaside yesterday!:biggrin1: Ate part of a chef salad (not much sauce) for lunch and will eat the rest for dinner tonight. Like I said..doesn't take much!




It's Tuesday you know!

Well hello there :wave: What day is it today?...oh yeah Tuesdsay! I don't have any lessons to give today and so the day is my own. I got up late...don't lie-in often :notagree these days but today I treated myself to a 10am start to the day. I had a protein shake for brekkie and then did a few housey-wifey jobs and watched a DVD. I did my 1st walk of the day and it's having a real effect upping the speed regularly as I'm doing. I still don't walk as far as some (most of you other guys) but my heart rate is good for health and I end up with a nice healthy sweat and so I'm content. I made tuna, little mayo light and one cheese slice for lunch and was surprised when 3/4 way through I was absolutely stuffed...couldn't face the last few bits and usually I eat this just fine. So I listened to my band and gave up. If I get peckish later I can just eat it. For dinner tonight (after my 2nd walk) I'm planning on only eating yoghurt. A good protein day! OK has anyone seen my phone case ummm? We had a huge storm here the other day and I got my mobile to take some snaps...now I can't fine the case anywhere and it's driving me NUTS!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Am going to go get a water refill and then read for a while I think, then I'll be here to chat with friends for a while before the treadmill calls. Nice easy going day. Toodle-pip.




The games life plays...

I forgot to mention much about me yesterday...well except the 39 bit! I am English (very!) but now through the twists and turns of life I find myself living for the past 6 years in Athens Greece. I still find it a shock most days!!! :faint: There I was in 1999 looking for new friends. This 'guy' in Greece like photography and although only a snap shotter I liked the same and so I said hello. Simple as that! Few days later he sent me a pic and asked for one back...like you do. I always tried to wriggle out of this bit, but I liked him. So I sent a pic. He liked me too :clap2: He sends me a ticket to go see him - for a weekend! "What you doing this weekend Ali?" "Oh not much, just whizzing of to Athens!" - I had that conversation...loved it too The day I got there, he asked me to marry him! I came to live here that December and we married in 2001. I love him to bits and he's my greatest supporter. He adores me as I am but understands I need to do this for my health. So I find myself in a place where insurance pays the majority of your expenses for wls (they don't like paying for the expensive clinics the docs work out of) and where you go and discuss with a doc what you want and find yourself being operated on a week later. If you can't afford to contribute at all you can do it on full insurance but takes longer (dunno what waiting list is). So, next Tuesday I go and discuss my progress and fills. I get free fills for life so I reckon he'll be a plodder and take it a bit at a time - fine by me!




First time eating out...

DH took me away for the weekend. We went to a place called Meteora which was in the mountains and very beautiful. I am 4 weeks post op and have not eaten outside home since being banded. I have been a good girl and done what the doc said - well more or less, I improvised a little because of what I had read on sites like this! He said only do liquids for a week. I did 10 days just to feel better. I wasn't hungry at this point and so was one of the lucky ones who found the whole thing quite easy. Then it was mushies. I got a new multi-processor and went blast crazy. I would have pureed my fingers had they stayed in the bowl a second longer . For the first time in years I was happily watching the scale go down and so the small portions and lack of variety were fine by me. (Greece just doesn't have the choice of foods some of you guys get :confused: ). Moving onto soft foods in week three wasn't so much different. If I think something is going to be difficult I blast it! Anyway, by now I realise I can eat much more and about the same time my appetite kicks in (not fair). I am still being good and have a tiny tupperware that I know is about the right portion size (OK so now I jam it full...ahem) and so the scale still goes down... Then we went away. I took yoghurt for my breakfast so that was Ok. The we went to a taverna. I ordered a burger, chopped it up and ate with eggplant (Aubergine) salad. I felt like I'd eaten loads but it was really only half a burger. Felt weird being in a place like that and not eating tons of gorgeous (boo-hoo-hooo) bread and olive oil, but hubby stuck with me and we did ok. In the night I ate a little toasted bread (first time since banding) with a slice of cheese. So all in all not too bad. It just felt strange. Greeks eat and in Greek tavernas, they eat even more! I don't know where I am going with my relationship with food. It is changing, just dunno into what. I don't think it will ever 'not matter' to me but am working on being more calm and logical about it all and hoping this will effect my choices in a positive way. Now all I have to do is improve my protein intake...




1st fill today...

I am going to the docs tonight (many Greek docs work 6-11pm cos others work in shops til 8:30 or 9pm) for my first fill. I need it now. Today wasn't a good day and I ate way too much, including some chocolate that I neither wanted nor really liked...why do we do these things!?!?!?!? I have known for ages that I could basically eat what I wanted but respected my band and didn't. Even if this fill doesn't give me the restricition I crave I am hoping that the fear of PB'ing and a general not knowing what to expoect from 'my band' in 'my body', will keep me on the straight and narrow for a while...hopefully til the next fill! Let's see what doth occur...watch this space!




doc update...

Ha! Went to docs and banged on the door and no-one was home :confused: We called his mobile and he said "Oh, didn't my secretary call you? I have gone away for Easter!" (Easter is this week in Greece). He said, "Another partner will be in the office tomorrow, you can come back then." Bye bye 10euros for 5 mins parking and the Athens traffic going and coming. Charming! Oh well, c'est la vie! Am off to me bed...:notagree




Happy Easter

The service last night was lovely as usual. Finally I stayed with my mother-in-law inside but we sat on her third floor balcony and watched the whole thing. Having the square outside is something I love. Athens is so built up, so my own bit of greenery is wonderful. The fountain was working too which was nice. It's like having a garden that I don't have to tend (who can ask for more). I have boxes of flowers on my balcony and they all make me smile :confused: The food after the service is a soup and ham, eggs and cheese with zoureki (kind of a sweet tasting bread...yummy). The eggs have all being painted red and we bash them with each other to see who has the conquering egg...fun:scared: I won!!!!!! I managed to eat an egg and a slice of cheese and a tiny bit of zoureki just for the taste. I love eggs and will be a little sad if restriction means at some point I cant get them down. Still, I figure I've coped with the loss of bread (Booooooooohooooooooohoooooooo) as you see and I'll deal with eggs and anything else come to that, when the time comes! Today the traditional food is lamb and potatoes. We ground a little piece of lamb and with some gravy I ate it fine. Not my favourite food though. What I didn't like was watching all the others tucking in and eating without thinking. When I am alone it doesnt bother me one bit but I think I am generally going to hate eating in company- moreso if my fav. foods are around! I ate and enjoyed my little 9g chocs and feel I had my taste of Easter and that's enough for now. I will try and avoid chocolate for a while and then I can feel justified if I give myself another little treat in the future.:clap2: I went for a walk with DH yesterday and increased my circle that I walk. it's still not far by many peoples standards but it's a step up for me and I am walking a little quicker too so I am proud of this achievement:clap2: My mum is coming for a three week visit Thursday and she likes walking so Im hoping she'll inspire me and motivate me to continue...I know she will!!!!!!!!:phanvan That's the news, I'll be back when there's more.




Another week...

Right well yesterday was the weigh in and I'm down another kilo (2.2lbs) which is fine by me Two more kilos and I'm down 20 which means teart time...designer sunglasses here I come. Actually I'm gonna cheat and get the glasses slightly before the weight comes off. I have a good excuse...honest. See, we are off into Athens tomorrow (don't go often) and they have the best choices there. Anyway, I've been working so hard at this I reckon I deserve the treat regardless of the numbers I ate a ham and lettuce sandwich today..took 25mins but was lovely and I enjoyed every mouthful. When I have more restriction I know bread will be off the menu for good so I treat myself once or twice a week. After her shower I'll take a walk with mum and have to extend my route again so we can stop off at her favourite coffee place. They do a grand cappuccino she adores LOL. I'll just sip my water. That's all folks....




soup, soup, and more soup...

Well, I stuck finally at 4lbs up from where I was. I dont know why exactly but there it is. So I gave the soup diet a go for this week. It was a delicious soup but after a few days I confess I got bored of eating the same thing each day. hey ho hum. I dunno how many lbs I'll lose but if I can get back to where I was I'll be happy I've been walking each day and upped my speed and my time so thats going well. I went swimming at the weekend too which always cheers me up very much. I have also been a really good girl and stayed off the scale so far this week...now if I can only hold off til Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!:phanvan I'll let you know how thigns are going by then.




Bodies do weird things...

What is it with our bodies eh? Last week and this ?I made a few bad food choices and maybe overdid the cals a bit...then I go and lose 5lbs! Go figure! Mums visit and not feeling too good for last few days knocked me off course a little but hope to get back on the wagon tomorrow and be rocking again by end of the week.



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