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getting things back on track

Hello there! I checked the scale and it says I neither lost nor gained on my holiday so I guess I'll take that...like I have a choice!?!?!? We had a good time on our holiday. The villa we stayed in www.kookis.gr was brand new and in a lovley location. We were near the beach and it was easy to catch a boat to tutle island and see the creatures swimming around. The weather was warm and sunny but like most islands there was a grat breeze that cooled things down. We swam and ate and slept and read and went on sightseeing trips and passed a delightful week. And now Im home and back on the road to slimishdom...I dont expect much change by Wednesday weigh in this week but would be glad to see a drop by next week but I will see how things go. I didn't want to walk much today but was fine once I got going. Food was easy cos I havent been to the supermarket yet and there's nothing in the house to eat...it's a big holiday week here and Mon. tues especially, everything is closed. So i will be on a water diet til Wednesady LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




getting easier

As each day goes by and I don't look at the scale it gets easier and easier. I am back on track in so many ways and not jumping on the scale every day makes it easier to stay positive and believe that the weight is just dropping off. O.K, like most things the downside will be when I do finally get weighed if I'm no where near where I want to be, but then I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. For now it's absolutley the right thing for me to do. I have avoided eating with others quite well but we have a family meal (out) tonight and I haven't decided what to do. I think I will go for company but not eat anything. As much as anything else, it's bound to be after 9pm and I don't like eating so late. Last time I tried meat so late, it got stuck...didn't pb but was touch and go. Don't want to be in a situation where I'll possibly pb a) in public with no near bathroom (we're talking tiny Greek taverna here) and b)with people who don't know about my band. Sooooo, I'll eat before we go out and just sit with my water... Walked half an hour this morning with no problems and should be able to do the same again this afternoon. Got more than half my water in for day and it's only 1:30pm so doing well. Am gonna go and read a while and have a Greek siesta (welllll why not eh?). See ya over the weekend.




First time eating out...

DH took me away for the weekend. We went to a place called Meteora which was in the mountains and very beautiful. I am 4 weeks post op and have not eaten outside home since being banded. I have been a good girl and done what the doc said - well more or less, I improvised a little because of what I had read on sites like this! He said only do liquids for a week. I did 10 days just to feel better. I wasn't hungry at this point and so was one of the lucky ones who found the whole thing quite easy. Then it was mushies. I got a new multi-processor and went blast crazy. I would have pureed my fingers had they stayed in the bowl a second longer . For the first time in years I was happily watching the scale go down and so the small portions and lack of variety were fine by me. (Greece just doesn't have the choice of foods some of you guys get :confused: ). Moving onto soft foods in week three wasn't so much different. If I think something is going to be difficult I blast it! Anyway, by now I realise I can eat much more and about the same time my appetite kicks in (not fair). I am still being good and have a tiny tupperware that I know is about the right portion size (OK so now I jam it full...ahem) and so the scale still goes down... Then we went away. I took yoghurt for my breakfast so that was Ok. The we went to a taverna. I ordered a burger, chopped it up and ate with eggplant (Aubergine) salad. I felt like I'd eaten loads but it was really only half a burger. Felt weird being in a place like that and not eating tons of gorgeous (boo-hoo-hooo) bread and olive oil, but hubby stuck with me and we did ok. In the night I ate a little toasted bread (first time since banding) with a slice of cheese. So all in all not too bad. It just felt strange. Greeks eat and in Greek tavernas, they eat even more! I don't know where I am going with my relationship with food. It is changing, just dunno into what. I don't think it will ever 'not matter' to me but am working on being more calm and logical about it all and hoping this will effect my choices in a positive way. Now all I have to do is improve my protein intake...




Fill Me Up Doc!!!!!!!

Well what a palarva! I went yesterday for my 2nd fill. Since my first fill was almost a disaster, I will now only let my surgeon do them and not members of his team! Since so many people ask me on here and I honestly didn't know, I decided to ask about my band...how big, how many cc's etc? His reply...ahh you don't need to know that...I'll take care of everything!:omg: :faint: What could I do? If the doc don't want to tell me I can't exactly make him LOL and so I'll do what he said and trust him. Apart from that, everything went fine. He did the fill in a few seconds it seemed and said hopefully now I would start to feel some restriction:clap2: I drank water fine while I was there and again when I got home. Today and tomorrow I'm on soups and everything seems OK. I'll let you know what happens when I get back onto foods and if there is actually any difference. What else? Went for a walk this morning into town and bought myself some body butter from the Body Shop...smells so good you could eat it...well it would be a soft food LOL They gave me a nice sarong as a gift and it's the same colour as my new swimming cossie so that was good I treated myself to some new mascara and nail polish while I was out. I need a hat too but couldn't find one that I liked. I'm not used to wearing hats so I guess I just felt self conscious in all of them. I called in the supermarket to get some cuppa soups and thats about it. Later!




Every day a little easier...

From what I can see, things get a little easier every day. It used to take me 10mins to walk around the square outside my house, now it takes 6mins and my back doesnt ache so much. I've had to increase my walking circle. I could only do 3mins (shame:cry ) on my stationary bike five weeks ago. Now at 3mins I'm singing my head off and on my way to 10 mins. OK, compared to some of you guys this is nothing but I am doing it...it is a little easier and it makes me feel good each time something improves. That's not to say everything is a doddle...oh no...now I have discovered I can eat toast it's very hard not to! I love my bread. I have figured 2x a week until restriction says otherwise I can have a cheese slice (low fat) and a ham slice on a piece of toast and really enjoy it. If I start denying myself foods now I'll fail. I would much rather do my best to stick to rules and let myself have what I want. This way I don't feel like the band is punishing me in some way and we can remain buddies :Banane59: I am eating so much less than I used to...a tin of tuna today with onion and dill and little mayo took 20mins...LOL before my band 20 seconds more like!!! I enjoy the tastes now because I'm taking time to recognise them. I used to think about food all the time and yet ate so fast I never tasted anything. Chewing and slowing down the eating process makes things better and I was happily satisified after my tuna which i doubt I ever would have been before. Long may it continue :D :clap2: :clap2: (Don't you just love these icons...) If you see me in the chat room, please come in and say "HI"




Don't read today's it's boring....

Ok, not so many icons today LOL...maybe one or two though cos they are soo cute! I had another late start today:notagree ...what it is with me this week? I got in my two walks and am happy to say that I had a little more energy today...was trying to dance on the treadmill at one point (thank God I'm alone in there). Apart from that it was a very quiet day and I didn't see anyone. hubby was at work til late tonight and so it was TV and PC most of the day. I need to get out more! Food was Ok today. I had one of my not very hungry days and didn't eat a thing til 2pm. I finally had a baked potato with one teaspoon butter...then threw the butter away cos hubby bought it and it shouldnt be in house anyway and later I ate a salad with a slice of ham. drank lots and that's about it for today! Oh yeah...one good thing that happened-After a year of not being able to, I finally can wear my wedding and engagement rings again without worrying they'll get stuck. :biggrin1: Means a lot!




doc update...

Ha! Went to docs and banged on the door and no-one was home :confused: We called his mobile and he said "Oh, didn't my secretary call you? I have gone away for Easter!" (Easter is this week in Greece). He said, "Another partner will be in the office tomorrow, you can come back then." Bye bye 10euros for 5 mins parking and the Athens traffic going and coming. Charming! Oh well, c'est la vie! Am off to me bed...:notagree




Confession time...

I blew it... For the first time in my five months since banding I don't feel in control. I have been feeling generally blue the last couple of days and can't say why...not TOM or anything and nothing going wrong in life etc I just am! Today I wasn't bad when I woke up and started off OK by just eating a yoghurt for breakfast. I did some errands and house jobs and then I got ready to walk on my treadmill...my knee was killing me. I put on my brace and tried again. I even tried to walk limping and holding on to bars...no can do. I don't remember doing anything to my knee, it just went. I started nibbling and have just eaten and eaten since...another yoghurt, with chocolate bits, an egg and cheese sandwich 2 cookies from upstairs an ice-cream and a bag of chips and an iced coffee with sugar..God knows what my suagr levles will be now. To be honest I dunno how it all went down...was over a few hours mind and I feel stuffed and sad and deflated and out of control...I am scared to death that now I did this I wont be able to stop myself and I don't want to feel like that again... Hopefully I can take stock and when knee is better tomorrow i'll just get back on doing what I was doing. We're all human but this came from nowhere and it's scary the power these damned demons have when they finally get a hold... Am not going to give in to this mood..I will be better and I will move on...to tomorrow then!




Can't think of one!?!?!?!?

Another weekend...they come around so fast! I went for a walk yesterday and combined it with a little shopping...every little helps I bought some gorgeous cooling footspray at the Body Shop and some other bits and pieces. The place is full of teenagers! They have finished school apart from days when they have to sit end of year exams and so they were walking, chatting and coffee drinking everywhere I looked:) I have eaten well all through the week but can't get the scale to move. I'm not eating bad foods as such but guess that "one more bite" syndrome puts paid to many things! I'm eagerly waiting to see what my 2nd fill does for me. Not sure what the plan is for the weekend...maybe we'll go to the seaside and stay until tomorrow - in a hotel with a nice big pool..ahh bliss- or maybe we wont! I have to wait til hubby gets home from his errands and we discuss it. If we don't go then I'll walk down the hill to a little shop I know and get my 2nd wooden cat. I bought the big one a couple of weeks ago but just couldn't carry two and so I want to go back and get his friend Apart from that I don't have any other fixed idea...the cinema maybe? I want to see the Da Vinci Code. If we go out I plan on taking my little fork and my tuppaware box. The Greeks don't do take home boxes or anything like that and so I've decided to invent my own. I might get some strange looks but what the hey. That way I can save a little to eat in the evening...salad and stuff. :clap2: There is a new taverna opening next door tonight and so I think it's gonna be a noisy weekend round here...better go to the seaside -don't you agree :eek: ;) ?




Bodies do weird things...

What is it with our bodies eh? Last week and this ?I made a few bad food choices and maybe overdid the cals a bit...then I go and lose 5lbs! Go figure! Mums visit and not feeling too good for last few days knocked me off course a little but hope to get back on the wagon tomorrow and be rocking again by end of the week.




Another week...

Right well yesterday was the weigh in and I'm down another kilo (2.2lbs) which is fine by me Two more kilos and I'm down 20 which means teart time...designer sunglasses here I come. Actually I'm gonna cheat and get the glasses slightly before the weight comes off. I have a good excuse...honest. See, we are off into Athens tomorrow (don't go often) and they have the best choices there. Anyway, I've been working so hard at this I reckon I deserve the treat regardless of the numbers I ate a ham and lettuce sandwich today..took 25mins but was lovely and I enjoyed every mouthful. When I have more restriction I know bread will be off the menu for good so I treat myself once or twice a week. After her shower I'll take a walk with mum and have to extend my route again so we can stop off at her favourite coffee place. They do a grand cappuccino she adores LOL. I'll just sip my water. That's all folks....




another day in the life of...

My friend Mo wrote that the mood around here has changed and wondered if it was her...no, it's the mood. Shame but it'll change back- I hope. I love it here. I have never been able in my life to be so open about my weight, the struggles and the triumphs. So many people here know my weight and it was my most guarded secret EVER!!!!! :nervous I made new friends and had such a laugh that it became addictive. Now I am just being careful what I read and trying to keep things upbeat. I've had another good day food wise...brekkie yoghurt,lunch two crackers with eggplant salad and dinner mincedbeef with peas and mushrooms in tomato sauce. I put the rest of the meat into plastic bags and into the freezer. I tried doing a low impact aerobics video today but got worried about my ankle and knees part way through and so stopped. Guess I'll stick to walking and keep my ankle strapped up...somethings you just cant seem to win but I aint gonna give up. I want to be fitter and I so want my scale to do down Sunday morning...having scales with kilos isnt fair...we have to wait 2.2lbs for it to go down one notch:confused: Oh pooh bear!!!!!!!!!!!




and today?

I'm feeling better today. My knee still aches but I did my walking ...slowly! I feel bad in general now if I don t walk and that from someone who hated walking LOL I went for a walk outside this morning and then did the treadmill this afternoon. I ate carefully today...yog and protein drink so far and we are celebrating hubby's mum's name day today so I will eat some chicken or pork tonight when we go upstairs. It's been a looooooooooooooong time since I lost it like that. TOM brings mood swings for me and Im resigned to them and just get on wioth it but TOM is well over a week away so not that! Anyway it left as quick as it came so onwards and upwards...well downwards better....ummmm




And so the days roll by...

Well my weight stayed off until the magical Wednesday weigh in and so now I'm 55lbs down and 9 of them accredited to last week:clap2: :clap2: (very useful little icon that!). Today the weather was cloudy and cooler and so I actually went outside to take my exercise. I walked down to the shops, strolled around, bought some socks and some bright pink holiday flip floppy things and then began to walk back. Then the rain began so I ducked into a cafe and had a frappe. I'll still do a walk on my treadmill later too! I have not peeked at the scale since Wednesday but after such a big loss, I'll be happy as long as I don't gain anything (don't see why should but you never do know with these things). I'll peek on Sunday and then wait 'til the next weigh in. Food is going pretty good too. I am eating loads of fish which I love and my fav. veg peas....many more and I'll turn into one:rolleyes: I'm also eating more salads than I have in my life but am enjoying them too, so that's good. I went to the periptero (little kiosks we have in abundance here) to get a couple of beers for a friend who was coming. On the way there I was thinking....should I get myself a treat? Haven't had one for weeks and weeks...a small packet of chips or a no sugar, fat free ice cream? Then I just thought...nah, don't really want, so I got the beers and left. When I REALLY want something I will have it so that I don't deny myself anything but it was good to know how easy it was to refuse myself something I knew I didn't really want too :nervous .




Air-cons and stuff

Oh the font thingy is working again :clap2: I am suffering a little from being in the air-conditioning so long. I am usually fine during the day but sometimes on an evening I get a headache and my temp goes up to 37.3ish. My BP is also playing up because of TOM...all the month it reads 110/70ish and and then TOM it's up each evening to 136/80...oh well c'est la vie. Still doing well with food and water and walked 2x today too. I am gonna try and get through the day without air-con and just have it a few hours when Jordan gets home... Apart from that-life is good




1st fill today...

I am going to the docs tonight (many Greek docs work 6-11pm cos others work in shops til 8:30 or 9pm) for my first fill. I need it now. Today wasn't a good day and I ate way too much, including some chocolate that I neither wanted nor really liked...why do we do these things!?!?!?!? I have known for ages that I could basically eat what I wanted but respected my band and didn't. Even if this fill doesn't give me the restricition I crave I am hoping that the fear of PB'ing and a general not knowing what to expoect from 'my band' in 'my body', will keep me on the straight and narrow for a while...hopefully til the next fill! Let's see what doth occur...watch this space!



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