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Today is my new beginning

I went to see Dr. Morton today and surgery is set for Feb. 20th!!! I am soooo nervous, but very excited. I start the Pre-OP diet tomorrow, and actually am excited. I went to Fazoli's tody and had a great lunch, and ate like half a bag of powdered donuts...not good, but O'well. I don't intend on eating them anymore so...that was it. Got it out of my system...and now I am good. I am starting my new LIFE tomorrow...no more eating to hide the pain of my insecurities. No more eating when no one is around....no more making excuses as to why I have gained weight...I am in control!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry and if I screw this up I am really going to kick my self in the ass....but I have complete confidence in myself right now, that this is what I am suppose to be doing...so I will do it!:amen:




Day 8

Okay..so i have skipped a few days on here with the journal. I have lost 18 lbs as of this morning. I am soooooo excited!!! My mom, sister, and brother-in-law are all coming in town this weekend..so it shouldn'tbe that hard to stay on track...they will watch me like a hawk. I haven't cheated AT ALL...since I went to the DR office. I wanted to really bad, on day 5 I think it was...but I have since recovered!!   So surgery is on Monday...:0 I am nervous but ready...here I go.....125 here I come!:eek:




Day 5

I have lost 14 lbs...woo-hoo, however, I am sooooo hungry!!! I feel like I could eat a horse. I am excited, and everyone is trying hard to keep me on track!! I have alot of support at home, and at work. I was impressed that Michael (DH) actually read my whole diet plan for before and after surgery. It has been his first interest in my surgery so far. It made me feel good that he took interest in it, as long as he doesn't become a DR overnight and try to correct what I am doing, because he read my papers.:eek:




Day 3

OK, so I weighed today. I know I said I wasn't going to but I did. I have LOST 7 LBS!!!! I was so excited. Although, I feel like I am starving. These protein shakes don't cut it for me.   I can't wait until I have a smaller stomach and don't feel the hunger pains!




Day 2

I am still starving, but not as bad as yesterday! I got through the day a little better. I want to weigh so bad, but I think I may try to weigh next week sometime, maybe 7 days from start. I can't wait until surgery, although I am scared.   I almost licked the Peanut butter off the knife from making Kaylee's PBJ, and I hurried up and rinsed it off. I could have eaten the whole jar! I was good though. :clap2:




Day 1

Day 1 had been hard. I woke up excited, and ready to do this!!! I drank a Slim-fast for breakfast and it was OK. It is now 11:13 Am and I am starving for something to eat. Shawna at Dr Morton's office told me I could eat a protein bar for the first 4 days so I am going to try the Atkins bar at lunch with a Diet DR Pepper. Maybe that will help. I am looking forward to eating my frozen Lean Cuisine tonight! Only 11 more days until I am banded, this is actually sinking in that this is happening. WOW....:clap2: :wow2: :wow2: :wow2: :wow2: :wow2: :wow2: :wow2: :wow2:



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