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Found 17,501 results

  1. Bypass2Freedom

    Where to start (in the UK)?

    That is completely fine! So my bypass was around £12,100 and I pay it in monthly instalments for the next 60 months. So I paid a 5k deposit (you only need 10% minimum I believe for their finance), and my monthly payments are £150. I thought I couldn't afford it privately in the UK until I realised finance was an option, and it was affordable for me so I just went for it. I spent a while on the NHS waiting list and it was awful!
  2. Bypass2Freedom

    Where to start (in the UK)?

    Heya! I am also in the UK and I had a gastric bypass almost 4 weeks ago, privately with Simon Monkhouse. I'd advise making booking a consultation with Simon (it is free!) and just getting some advice there! https://www.simonmonkhouse.com/ I honestly cannot recommend him enough
  3. Bypass2Freedom

    An interesting week

    I love a good discount code 😂I swear I have stocked up on so many of their protein snacks which I am excited to try - also I went to Icelands and they have done a crossover with MyProtein and they have loads of food in there! The chocolate ice cream is AMAZING, and if you are having a bypass and need to stay under 7g of sugar per 100ml/g then it is perfect! Honestly I am SO struggling to find unflavoured protein powder - I think I am a bit like you in the sense when I smell something and it makes me gag, I really cannot drink it, and I have yet to find something that suits me
  4. Hey guys, I’ve been searching for a community that I can express my concerns & overall thoughts to about my journey. I’m 29 years old and decided for my overall wellbeing & happiness to get the gastric sleeve. The process was pretty smooth. I inquired in November & got my date in May & now as of today I am 5 days post op with my first post op appointment tomorrow. I started out 217 but as you know the liquid diet sheds off alot. On the day of surgery I was 199. Today I’m 195. I’m hoping that with this forum i’m able to navigate this new season. I refused to eat or consume anything at first because I loathe throwing up (let alone what it would feel like to throw up with 20% of your stomach🥴😂). But today I finally had creamy ginnoch soup after slowly just sipping protein smoothies. i felt like… a uncomfortable pressure after maybe 10 sips. (It taste so good). So I immediately stopped and it has now subsided. that’s all for now! If you got this far, thanks for reading😊
  5. Well, bariatric surgeon did not find anything wrong with my pouch (inside my pouch, no scar tissue causing problems, no hernia/bleeding inside pouch, etc.). Ironically unlike the 3 incisions that I had during my gastric bypass surgery, I have FIVE incisions. I guess he REALLY looked around. I look like I got attacked by a knife-wielding assailant with very precise aim..lol. I have my follow up with the surgeon tomorrow to talk about the procedure (he only saw my husband after the procedure as he had back to back surgeries lined up) as I have not officially spoken with him. I am trying to remember to ask him about their stance/experience on semiglutide/similar meds for their patients.
  6. Congratulations! I'm almost 4 months post-op from gastric bypass and my advice is to watch every video from Dr. Matthew Weiner (Pound of Cure Weight Loss) and Dr. John Pilcher on YouTube. These were by far the best resources I found, and I go back and watch many of them (especially Dr. Weiner's, and also his new podcast) all the time even now. Especially the ones on how to build lifelong behaviors to keep the weight off. One thing I did early on, right after my first bariatric appointment where I weighed in at my highest weight ever (yikes!) was order Dr. Weiner's books. There's The Pound of Cure, which gives a detailed, step by step way to make healthy changes to your diet, plus a second book explaining how bariatric surgery really works and then his bariatric cookbook (I also really like Bariatric Meal Prep Made Easy by Kristin Willard). I made several of the changes recommended by the Pound of Cure (I didn't start with the 2-week diet, just started implementing changes I thought I could manage) and over time I lost about 12 pounds, plus just felt healthier and more in control of what I was eating. One other piece of advice: don't over-buy protein supplements. So many people on this board will tell you this, and I did not heed the advice. Now my cupboard is full of protein supplements I stopped liking after surgery and will never use. I've barely needed supplements after the first month or so, honestly. I feel guilty at how much money I spent on them, but I will likely end up throwing them all away (most are opened so can't be donated). If you want to stock up on anything, an unflavored protein powder is much more likely to be useful to you in the long run than the flavored shakes. But if you're buying flavored ones, consider trying a soup flavored one because the sweet ones get old really fast, even pre-surgery. Oh, and take "before" photos! I know taking photos can be so uncomfortable, but you will want them. Choose something very form fitting to start. I went with a pair of exercise leggings and a tank top that was so tight it was like skin. I took photos about a week after my first appointment, so around my highest weight, and then on the day before surgery and at each month-marker thereafter. So far, I've worn the same clothing each time, although I may need to change that as it becomes too baggy to show the progress clearly. Take your measurements the same day you take your photos. You may struggle to see (or refuse to believe) the changes in yourself, but the photos and measurements don't lie. Even if it's painful to see the photos now, you will be so grateful to have them later. I was in shock and wanted to cry when I truly looked at my highest weight photos, but I'm so glad I took them.
  7. Already started my first steps. My doc and i decided on the gastric bypass because of my health history. I’ve done the first meet with a doc and got my Surgical Weightloss Management Journal. My first dietitian appointment on Monday. The I’ve got a few appointments next month. If everything goes according to plan my surgery can be somewhere from October to November. I’m excited and very nervous at the same time. Any advice?
  8. I was sleeved in 2017. Highest weight was 275. Lowest was 159. My 'settled' weight was around 165 and it was perfect. I gained weight after menopause and couldn't move it with resets or diets. I just had GSRe or Overstitch a few days ago, which is a noninvasive revision that allows you to keep your sleeve--- it's just tightened up again. The size of mine had expanded quite a bit. The restriction I have now mimics what I had immediately after my original wls. This might be an option for you too if you're not wanting to revise to bypass.
  9. My 26yo son just completed Robotic Gastric Bypass 6/7 - doing great! I had Open RnY Gastric Bypass Feb 2002
  10. I had gastric bypass (RnY) in February, 2015, and while I did lose weight, and my diabetes type 2 A1C level did lower down to the mid 7's, even with the weight loss and several different medical regimens, I couldn't get it down further. My Dr. started me on Ozempic in March, 2023, and I moved up to the 2 mg level by June of that year. While I did lose a bit more weight, the big thing was that my A1C dropped down to 5.6, below pre-diabetic level (!). However, I did go through the usual gastric issues with Ozempic, but mainly a bit of Constipation. I supplemented my diet with additional Fiber capsules and one Colace capsule daily (I had taken Colace after the gastric bypass, to make the stools softer) and this seems to work just fine, and no more issues. I know it's OK to take additional fiber (I'm not exceeding the recommended dosage of 5 capsules twice daily) but wondering about the Colace, if it will cause issues long-term. My Dr. says it shouldn't, but has anyone had issues with taking it long-term? Thanks!
  11. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Since having my gastric bypass, I've felt from the beginning that I can take more food or liquid in than I should. I keep reminding myself that Just because I can, doesn't mean I should. I know the further out from surgery the more you will be able to eat, to a point at least. I get hungry all the times as well. But, I don't eat a lot every time I do eat. Breakfast, lunch and dinner is my biggest meals. Then I snack in between. I think it's my body telling me I need fuel. I ride a stationary bike every day for 8-10 miles. When the scale doesn't move, I can see and feel my body changing. Remember- Just because you can, doesn't mean you should!
  12. Yeah, I worry that people, including 'us bariatric surgery patients' who haven't done the mental/headspace work (and I don't mean this in reference to the 2 people you know that have done the weight loss injections) that most of us try to look or are 'made to look at' at when preparing for gastric bypass will have to stay on them 'forever'. Of course, doing a sleeve or gastric bypass is a very permanent 'anatomical' decision that can, if we are not vigilant also not be successful in the long term for people who feel the surgery is the 'only fix' needed. Since all of my health issues are already under control after my gastric bypass - I NEVER had high blood pressure despite weighing almost 400 lbs and I was not a diabetic but I could tell the toll that being that heavy was taking on my body (my knees, sleep apnea, DVT's/PE's, etc.) I was leery of doing anything that would require 'forever' outside of the bypass surgery. I'm looking for a new therapist right now that specializes not only in anxiety and depression but in working with bariatric patients/weight loss as I know I can I have to be constantly vigilant with my headspace or NOTHING will work. I also am not willing to take the shots for the rest of my life for myself. For other people weighing risks versus benefits I can see this being a highly individualized and personal decision especially if weight loss surgery is not an option for them no matter the reason (leery of it, insurance won't pay, BMI not high enough, etc.). Everyone's journey is their own. The only thing I advocate is for everyone to be as informed as possible and to do their research and make the best decision for themselves. I need to do more research about long term implications of these drugs, but I haven't found much data out there (too new to have that much historical data yet). I'm within 10 lbs of when I told the clinic I'm going to that I would be tapering off and ending the weekly shots. Will try to remember to post more when I've been off the shots for more than a couple of months to talk about struggles or successes I have.
  13. It took about 2 to 4 weeks worth of injections for the true total benefits to settle in and when it did, it was so FREEING. I still absolutely am delighted I had gastric bypass. I also could not afford to pay $1000 a month. I found a local 'wellness' clinic here in Fort Worth where I pay roughly $300 a MONTH for weekly injections. I skipped their package of B12 and Semiglutide as I'm already on an inhalable B-12 supplement. Definitely shop around. I do worry about it causing long term complications (unsure what those are at this point outside of blurbs I've read) but I'm also not wanting this to be something I end up needing to do every week past this 6 to 9 month window. They have other clients that after they got where they wanted, they tapered off completely or come in for monthly or bi monthly injections only. I'd like to taper completely. I have gone a month with no injections after i started and while I had a slight hunger increase, the food chatter was so dang muted. I actually ended up reducing my dosage as I got to a point where I was not eating enough which is ALSO NOT my goal. My protein intake plummeted simply because I was not taking in enough calories. Luckily the place I work with is conservative with dosing and they have multiple patients that had bariatric surgery years ago and they are always ready to discuss 'what is the least amount of semiglutide that you need to be sudcessful'.
  14. It's been 5 years since my gastric bypass. Have done fairly well in staying in my safe zone. My goal weight was 170 initially although mentally I wanted to put 150. After starting at almost 400 lbs, I wanted to see if I could even hit 170 which I did. For 2 days about 2 years ago I briefly 'dipped' down to 167! LOL. Fast forward to 9 months ago, I hit a rough patch and went up to 180'ish. I knew some folks going to a local place that compounded their own semiglutide if I understood them correctly. After asking repeated questions about whether taking this would disrupt the supply to diabetics who needed the medicine, I decided to try it. I was never one of those fortunate ones who after bariatic surgery lost the desire to eat (grehlin?). Even though I obviously had the 'restriction' kicking in due to the pouch size, I had to white-knuckle SOMETIMES during the first 6 months. Part of me feels like I cheated by introducing semiglutide but there are also people who think that weight loss surgery is the 'easy way out'. I can tell you that none of those people, in my opinion, have ever had the surgery. I actually really like the semiglutide, it removes the..trying to think of it as I saw on someone else's post, it is the first thing that has ever removed the mental 'food chatter' in my head. Sometimes I will skip weeks on the injections and I'm already making plans to taper off now that I'm down to 163. I realize I will need to be able to then try to maintain in my new 'safety zone of watching for a weight gain of more than 5 to 10 lbs over current weight. I like to nip those things in the bud. Just curious if anyone else post weight loss surgery (by years) has brought semiglutide into the picture whether to break up a stall, or to get weight gain that has started to creep up halted.
  15. what was the reason for mini bypass if you feel comfortable sharing. hope you are feeling better..and always get a second opinion if you are having alot of issue's.
  16. I'm actually amazed. Lost 90 lbs, down to fighting weight based on weigh-in at gym using one of those machines that measures body fat + weigh- in at doctor's with clothes on a day later. Went from 40 waist to 33 (American size), can now fit into clothes I could not wear for quite a while, work out 4 times a week at a serious gym, most sessions with a highly experienced trainer. I haven't done one sit up yet- it's about balance, step up, step down, with kettle bell, 12 reps, 5 sets, squats with a dumbbell, 12 reps, 5 sets, then next exercise, etc. I do my warm up 1/2 hour in advance of the trainer session so I don't waste time--it's all exercise when I work with the trainer. I drink a 30 gram protein drink before and another after, so I'm finally building some muscle on what is now a diminutive appearing frame. I can't quite press my body weight yet, but I will. I have long hair for a guy, and yeah, it was coming out when washing it (not every day, more like every 4 days unless I get sweaty) but that seems to have finally stopped. I have no cravings for foods that I cannot have because I get sick if I eat a slice of pizza with toppings or eat more indigestible foods. So I just stay away from them. I have developed a fondness for medium rare lamb chops and roasted potatoes with rosemary salt. My wife is a good cook but we still eat at restaurants and I'm careful. I found out that alcohol just doesn't work- a beer is too filling and carbonated, for some reason wine doesn't taste good; I'm a high proof whiskey man and it doesn't metabolize. I'm on my ass with far less than what I could normally consume, so I just stopped altogether. (Good because I have Barrett's and alcohol is inflammatory). Punchline- this surgery really turned me around. Trade-offs to be sure, but I feel so much better and look far younger. I can walk fast and not get winded as easily. I'm in my 70th year and don't look like a geezer-- more like a ruffian in rude health. I had targeted 185 as a goal weight and reached that but I still have a small roll of fat around my middle. I figure that I can continue to lose a little more given the surgery stats, and tighten up my core as my work-out regime continues. I'm gonna start swimming this summer-- where I am in Texas it is 3 months of summer and 9 months of hell. Hell is just starting here. The really hardcore stuff is pilates. I used to do that with a women's class and they kicked my butt. I'm planning to advance to that as well. I think the "whole picture" outlook is optimal for me- I don't check the scale at home, I do my thing and get routine blood work done. Though I have a few health issues which come with age, I'm in pretty decent shape now, physically and mentally. Thanks to all you kind folks for your advice and support.
  17. Samstarwondertwin

    June 2024 Surgery Buddies

    Whelp, now I'm so terrified about the surgery on Monday that I am psyching myself out thinking what if I die during surgery? What about my husband and our three young daughters? I'm thinking this is my addict brain trying any which way to prevent me from having this surgery, but there are risks. My doctor assigned a video for me to watch about gastric sleeve procedures, including benefits, complications, expectations, and 11 instances that the patient is at risk of death. So now I'm scared. I'm gonna talk to my Mom who had gastric bypass decades ago to try to chill me out, but anyone out there can calm my fears a bit. I'm also scared because I had some chicken breast and bunless cheeseburger, I'm putting myself at risk of death. Oh this cycle of nonsensical what-ifs is driving me mental!! Lol 😆 🤣 😂
  18. Hey, So lately i start to geht more and more anxious, I got my RNY-Bypass sept. 2023, i'm currently 36 years old from Germany. my Starting weight was around 230kg, i'm now at 125kg, it is a lot right?, But me being Anxious about my excess skin is kinda..Hart on my self esteem, i kinda think that even after my Fight is won, that nobody wants someone who is kinda...mhm.. Weird? , for comparions, a photo from 1 day to OP and one from today.
  19. TruthBehindMyEyes

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Hi everyone my name is kaitlin! I am a semi driver I'm on medical leave currently because of a hernia. In order to get it fixed I have to get to 150 pounds. I dropped 60 pounds on my own out on the road before this happened. So when i got taken out of the saddle in September I took the pledge and plunge I ended up going through the process for Roux-en-Y gastric bypass which I had on May 14th 2024. My highest documented weight was 420. But my starting weight before surgery was 389. My day of surgery weight was 364 and I'm sitting at 341 now!!! I'm on soft food stage.
  20. TruthBehindMyEyes

    craving peanut butter...any body else??

    I guess I can say since I had gastric bypass on May 14th peanut butter has been a favorite protein and fat that I've added back into my diet but I'm allowed it. Though I don't eat the same as most people I only do fresh ground or richards brand which only has peanuts and salt no sugar or other ingredients so it doesn't taste the same as like jif or Skippy and such
  21. NickelChip

    9 Month Post Op Fears and Worries

    Stretching in the sense that you mean it is exceedingly rare and only happens if someone consistently binge eats over a relatively long period of time. What does happen naturally is increased capacity. This is true for sleeve and bypass both. After 6 months or so, your stomach regains some of its elasticity and can accommodate a bit more at one sitting. This is fine and healthy. Everyone is different, and everyone's capacity at a given point post-op is different. I don't know what you were told for goals, but my program says 60-80g protein per day and 64oz minimum of water. They want my protein to be around 40% of my calories, and I generally aim for 800-1000 calories per day, but that was not strictly set and will change over time. 1200 seems to be a common goal for the later stages of weight loss, with the amount going up once you are in maintenance. 5oz per meal is reasonable, but you need to be eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Plus possibly a snack. My program says aim for 20-25g protein per meal, and supplement with a protein snack or shake as needed until you can get the full amount from food comfortably. By 9 months, you should be fine getting it all from food. Your brittle nails and hair loss suggest you are not getting enough protein and may not be getting enough other nutrients. You should continue to aim for around 4 oz of lean meat or fish, (or a serving of Greek yogurt or cottage cheese, for example) per meal. 4oz cooked skinless chicken breast has 25g protein. Your second priority at every meal should be nonstarchy veg. If you still have room, you can have a little bit of carb (rice, potato, sweet potato, bread, etc.). A serving of fruit makes a nice dessert. An easy way to eyeball it is to take a salad plate (not dinner plate), and put a piece of meat the size and thickness of your palm on one side, and fill about 2/3 of the other side with nonstarchy veg and the remaining 1/3 with carb. Go light on the sauces and butter. If in doubt, check Amazon for bariatric cookbooks. There are several by bariatric experts, including surgeons and registered dietitians. Kristin Willard's Bariatric Meal Prep is a personal favorite, with portion sizes for different stages, and a full color photo for every recipe.
  22. jazzminedi

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Did anyone also have issues breathing after the bypass I am 4 days post op and I still need to practice breathing. Usually after I walk or if I am getting up from laying down.
  23. NickelChip

    Help, pre-op mistake :(

    @TwinkleToes87 you know yourself and your weaknesses best, but for most people, never having sugar again after surgery is probably taking it too far. I'll grant that there may be some triggering foods that some people would do best to avoid, just as a person in recovery who is addicted to alcohol will avoid drinking, not even a little bit. But giving up all sugar forever, foe most people, is the type of idea that sounds really great when you're planning how perfect you are going to be after this life changing surgery, and quickly becomes way harder and more punishing than you thought it would be when you are on the other side and realize the surgery was on your stomach but not on your brain/personality. I definitely have a sweet tooth, and unfortunately, gastric bypass did not make me hate sugar the way some people do. It still tastes good. But it also takes a lot less to satisfy me now. I can't physically eat two scoops of ice cream. I can eat about 5 bites. So instead of buying a big container of ice cream for home, which could quickly get me in trouble (because I can eat 5 bites at a time, but I could probably eat it 5 times a day, too), I save that treat for when I go out to my favorite farm stand with amazing homemade ice cream. And I split it with someone else so I'm not tempted to take it home for later. I don't buy a big bag of Hershey's Kisses for the house, but I will buy a single truffle from a chocolate shop and savor it. I won't buy packaged cookies, but I'll buy a single cookie from a good local bakery and eat it over two days. For me, the indulgence is now in the quality of what I am enjoying, not how much of it I can consume. It's not "no sugar ever" but "if I am eating sugar, it better be the best and only a little." And just so you know, the day before I had to start my 2-week liquid diet, I went to a restaurant and ordered a massive meal made up entirely of fried appetizers. I felt so sick and gross after, and it was that similar thinking of what if I never have this again. We all have those moments.
  24. Brandi S.

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Hello, I had my surgery on 5/15/24, I had a hiatal hernia repair with the Gastro bypass and some scar tissue removal. after surgery, I was a little low on iron but walked right away, which helped with the gas pains. I completed the fluid challenge and was released to go home. At the hospital, I brought my purple folder to read over my recovery expectations a book phone a long phone charger, light robe, my comfy pillow from home, blanket, slippers, and chapstick was the main items I use for my hospital stay. I was very thankful for the nausea medicine that helped me through the beginning stages of healing. The recommendation of sugar-free Popsicles were a delightful change. I am now getting stronger and in the third week of a full liquid diet with vitamins, getting ready to merge into my purée diet on June, 5. I noticed walking helps me a lot and then a rest after and drinking a lot of fluids helps me with bowel movements. I pray you all have successful journey in your new lives. God bless, Brandi
  25. fourmonthspreop

    Before and After Pics

    I don't post too much on here anymore because I'm 2 years and 3 months post of from bypass. Life has pretty much normalized and I've reached my goal weight. I would like to get down to maybe 195 lbs but I'm not sweating it too much because I feel the best I've ever been since starting this whole process. I am six feet tall and sit around 198/199 at the moment. I started this journey at around 340 lbs. I lost 30 lbs before my surgery. I have lots of loose skin on my belly, my thighs, and my arms. Unfortunately, I can't afford skin removal but I'm saving to do my arms next summer. After a while, sometimes you have days where you no longer connect to your old obese self. I have days where I feel huge and ugly still. It's easy to forget where you came from or how far you've come. What helps me is now and then I check my old photos and make comparisons so I can see my progress. The body dysmorphia is so real and something I know most of you if not all can and will relate to. Losing the weight did not fix my body image but it's different for everyone. Some things IT DID improve however: -Improve my joint health (daily knee pain gone). -Took up running. Avid runner now. Have done races and run regularly outside. -Lowered my blood pressure. -Lowered my heart rate. -No longer profusely sweat or turn red from basic activities. -No longer use alcohol and food to cope with anxiety. -So much energy to move and do chores/tasks. -Healed my obsession with food. I love seeing everyone's progress and reading your stories. Getting the surgery is not a fix-all. We have to do the work to eat the right foods in the right portions and get exercise regularly. It's easier the first year but I can tell you it gets harder and harder. Every day is a battle when you're trying to escape obesity. That's not a bad thing. It's rewarding and you learn so much and become a more resilient and deep person. So keep remembering why you did this, where you came from, and how much better life is getting for you!

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