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  1. I share this story in hopes that it may help someone to never pick up a drink after VSG or to at least be hyper-vigilant about the dangers of drinking post weight loss surgery. I was sleeved in August of 2015 @ 310 lbs. Quickly lost most of the weight needed and began running 5k. Not really setting the world on fire, but it was really good for me. Prior to surgery, I had always enjoyed drinking with friends. Typical guy stuff - couple beers @ a football game or watching the game on Sunday, meeting for drinks after work, etc. Never an issue or problem. Never anything that i had to have. My doctor warned me against alcohol, sodas, and transfer addictions, but I thought "never me". WOW, was I wrong. I remember the first couple times I had a beer after the surgery (I waited 6 months), it was very fizzy and uncomfortable. I convinced myself that it would get easier, and unfortunately it did. Next came the rum and coke zero. Wow, that tastes great, and I get a buzz very quickly. That fast buzz turned into getting very drunk, very quickly. Our new bodies absorb the alcohol in 1/2 the time that a normal internal system would. Over the last couple yeaars there have been many episodes of drinking way to much, blacking out, and not remembering what happened. I have had to apologize for my behavior more than once after a night of drinking. I even started drinking every day. I would make a drink as soon as I got home each day. 1 turns into 2 or 3. Just like lays potato chips you can not have just 1. Alcohol consumed my every thought. When can I have a drink? How can I make sure I can get a drink? It amazed me how I was able to justify that if creamer was good in my morning coffee, how great would Rumchatta be (it's damn good, by the way). I am living proof that transfer addiction is a real thing. I am now in counseling for my alcohol addiction. Transfer addiction is definitely a real thing. Prior to VSG surgery I was over 300 pounds because I had an addiction to food, and all the wrong kinds of food. My new addiction is alcohol and it's best friend is food addiction. what goes with beer = chicken wings, or nuts and pretzels, what goes with a margarita = tacos, etc. Alcohol also makes it impossible to lose weight. So if you are really dedicated to clean eating but you drink, your weight may stay the same, but it surely will not go down. I have packed on 60 lbs of the 120 that I lost. And, I am slowly changing behaviors to get back to where I want to be. It is a journey,, but I am worth it. I will overcome. Addiction is sacrificing everything for that one thing ! Recovery is sacrificing that 1 thing to have everything !
  2. Paula Hushy

    Alcohol?? 🤔

    Hi I am 5 months into my journey after a bypass. I'm having a few issues but doing ok. I was wondering why alcohol isn't allowed for 12 months? Does it damage your new pouch or is it normal health advice? Can anyone shed any light on this please? Thanks 👍
  3. Elizaventy94

    Alcohol?? 🤔

    Education is key, right? If you're interested in learning more about alcohol and its effects, you might want to check out this article on alcohol poisoning from https://fherehab.com/alcohol/alcohol-poisoning/. It's always good to stay informed.
  4. have you tried taking some alcohol on a q-tip and cleaning it? could be just residual but is it happening alot?
  5. MaysPhillips

    Alcohol is a Transfer Addiction !!

    One drink is too many, and a thousand is not enough. This proverb highlights the addictive nature of alcohol, suggesting that for those who struggle with alcoholism, starting to drink can lead to an uncontrollable desire for more, yet no amount of alcohol will ever be satisfying.
  6. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Thank you. If you're diabetic watch the sugar alcohol with the sugar free russel stovers.
  7. Spinoza

    The unspoken rule

    OK this is a biggie. You might want to treat alcoholic drinks like a big glass of sugar. Empty calories and not helping you to your goal - hindering actually. However I am Irish and therefore have to acknowledge the fun/relaxation/social stuff associated with imbibing those totally worthless calories. Lots of people who have previously had a completely healthy relationship with alcohol (even if on the slightly heavier side of healthy alcohol intake) can develop a very UNhealthy relationship with alcohol after bariatric surgery. You get a bigger hit, you get it quicker, and you get all the neurotransmitter rush associated with that that makes you want to repeat the experience. For lots of us it has been a big trigger for regaining weight. Just do a search for alcohol and read some of the posts here describing it as THE factor on people's regain. Lots of others have been able to maintain a healthy relationship with alcohol too. If you do your research AND are aware of all that AND vigilant AND able to take immediate action if your relationship with alcohol changes then it might be OK to drink it earlier than your programme allows. Otherwise it might be best to just concentrate on the lovely honeymoon period when you lose weight with not too much effort. I was sleeved 7 weeks before Christmas 2021 and negotiated a glass or two of bubbles over that first holiday season with my dietician. I have been able to continue to drink alcohol at my previous rate and not regain. UNTIL I stopped losing - that was about 2 years post op, 5 months ago. Since then I have been regaining (albeit very slowly). I do wonder whether if I had just ditched alcohol (my only sugar now) early on whether I wouldn't have put on 5lbs in 5 months. I know that third year regain is a thing, but I will never be able to say what effect alcohol may have had. It does seem to have stabilised for me and I know my regain is tiny (not angsting, LOL) just wanted to share my thoughts and my experience. Sorry that turned into a bit of an essay. I hope it helps. Long story short, my programme said no alcohol for 6 months, my (Irish) dietician said go right ahead.
  8. Hi everyone! When did everyone have their first sip post surgery? I’m 7 months out now & on vacation. I want to have one cocktail but I’m kind of nervous since I have drank in forever and I don’t eat much.
  9. SaraSara4

    Nicotine testing

    I wasn’t tested for drugs or nicotine. Just basic metabolic panels vitamins ect. I dont use any drugs or alcohol and I quit smoking in 2017 so I guess it just wasnt on their radar
  10. I was searching the Bariatri Pal Store and found my favorite Quest Protein Bars. They have various. sugar alcohol amounts. Is it ok to eat one of them with 5 sugar alcohol?
  11. FifiLux

    The unspoken rule

    I hope I don't come across as rude when I write this but everyone has different likes or dislikes and you clearly say you have never liked alcohol from the outset so good for you but the post does come across as judgmental. If someone likes to have a drink it is up to them as adults to do as they wish, be it too many calories etc. It is everyone's choice to make if they would like to have a drink (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) and deal with the consequences, if there are any like weight gain, reflux, dumping etc. Do you like eggs? I don't like the smell or taste of them so why do you eat them? Just making the point!
  12. BlondePatriotInCDA

    The unspoken rule

    Just as some people like the taste of coffee, juice, milk etc., others don't while some like and enjoy the taste alcohol. We don't all enjoy the same tastes! Before surgery, I'd enjoy an occasional glass of wine. To be honest I'm afraid of my bodies reaction to it now, so I haven't enjoyed a glass yet....yet. The smell and taste of a nicely grown and blended wine is devine, each having nose notes - sweet, flowers, rain, fruits, oak...that come through in taste can be amazing if you take the time to enjoy it. Yet, I detest gin, finding it reminiscent of rubbing alcohol... some love gin..some ppl love the flavor of cucumber bleh..it makes me shudder! Although, I never worry about becoming addicted to alcohol, even with a family history. I believe either you have the predisposition for additions or you don't. I'm to much of a control freak and to me alcohol takes that away. I suppose you could say my "addiction" is maintaining control as best I can! We are all different, thankfully.
  13. I have swallowed gum twice accidently! I was so stressed, but thankfully nothing happened. However I have always been a big gum chewer. I quit caffiene, vaping, alcohol and soda. Gum is my only vice LOL
  14. My surgery was the 16th. I’m generally okay but exhausted. Food diary is a good idea, here is my yesterday: Coffee Ray fish with fennel salad and potatoes Square of dark chocolate Alcohol free spritz Asparagus and mayonnaise, bread, strawberries and whipped cream.
  15. KathyLev

    Total Carbs or Net Carbs?

    I was taught to count "net Carbs". I always subtract the fiber or the sugar alcohol. Works for me
  16. Elizabeth21again

    The unspoken rule

    So... I could have written your same entry 10 years ago. I lost 120 lbs with VGS. At six months post-op I resumed my weekend drinking. Mind you I could drink like a master before surgery. I had NO doubt I could handle it fine post-op. Aaaand that "worked" until it didn't. My body processed alcohol so differently post-op but I didn't realize it until too late. I wish I had remained alcohol free. I found this information below helpful. Best wishes.
  17. Melissa89

    The unspoken rule

    Hi! Happy to answer this. I am 10 months post op. Had my first glass of champagne 6 weeks out. Sipped it for hours. You will get hit by the alcohol quickly. Alcohol will get you twice as drunk for the same amount due to starvation / not drinking for ages. i am a social weekend drinker and attend lots of events. I can say since then I will have a drink or two every weekend. Without shame or issue. I simply count my alcohol calories. I have lost 30% of my body weight and weigh in the low 60s now. You have to live your life - I’m not into banning foods and rules. This is the beginning of the rest of your life. You have to have fun and enjoy it. Say you drink a bit and it takes you an extra month to reach your target? Who cares. At least it’s sustainable. Don’t feel ashamed for having a drink or two if that’s what you want to do. Just remember you will barely drink anything and feel the full effects. Lol. Best of luck!
  18. So... I'm told I have to wait a minimum of 6 months to reengage in drinking fun...Which I was totally OK with in the beginning and still am, I just want to know about others out there who have drank alcohol PO and their experiences. I'm no daily drinker but I am a weekend warrior lol. I honestly can't wait for summer to be able to have a drink with the fam. I am absolutely aware of drinking being a conflict with my journey but it's something I've discussed with my care team and I'm not ready to fully give up on alcohol yet. I'm also aware of the "addiction" that can develop by drinking and I am NOT at all worried for that lol. Forgive me if this is triggering to some.
  19. Arabesque

    The unspoken rule

    Whether you drink alcohol or not or how much or how often you drink is really a personal one. You know yourself best & you are best placed to see how & if it affects you. I was a big glass of wine every night person before surgery. Never a big drinker as such but would enjoy a glass or three if socialising over a couple of hours. After surgery I had a gin & tonic at about the 2 month mark at my cousin’s 40th. Literally sipped it for hours. Had another 1or 2 gin & tonics over the next 4 months while losing, always nursing the glass for hours. Honestly, I lost my taste for it. Think I was only able to tolerate the rare g&ts because of the bitterness of the tonic. Now I usually have a glass of something about once a month when out or celebrating something. Still usually only one & I drink it over about an hour now. I have a fridge & a cupboard full of alcohol I just don’t drink. LOL! When I do drink I go for quality over quantity these days. A glass of real champagne, a glass of good quality scotch or a good gin (they’re my go tos). Certainly addiction transfer is a consideration. As is the increased effects of the alcohol on your body & how fast it can affect you is another. Then there is the calorie & nutritional impact. But again, your choice, though if your plan says no alcohol while losing, I’d probably stick to that as closely as possible to take best advantage of your losing phase.
  20. BigSue


    It's not just you! I have had a similar experience... I've never been a big drinker, and even when I was 300+ pounds, I had a pretty low alcohol tolerance. I typically only drink a few times per year, usually a glass or two of wine on a holiday (I don't normally keep alcohol in my home). After surgery, I went a long time, I think 2+ years, without drinking at all because I've been told that gastric bypass makes alcohol have a stronger effect. Then I had house guests and bought a bottle of red and a bottle of white for two different meals. Tried a small glass and was ok. Then I had leftovers after the guests left and drank the rest over the course of the next week or so. And like you, I noticed that it felt nice going down -- which really concerned me because I didn't want to develop a drinking habit. So I enjoyed finishing off those two bottles, but once they were empty, I did not buy any more. Since then, I've continued to have only a few drinks per year (wine on special occasions) and I've noticed that I have a VERY low tolerance. A single glass of wine leaves me barely able to stand up. I'm not even sure what point I'm making here, but I guess I'm just saying that I don't think it's your imagination that wine can be soothing to the pouch, but the negative effects outweigh the benefits, at least for me. And of course you want to be careful of developing a transfer addiction.
  21. I had GS nine years ago. Lost a lot. During lockdown I transfer addicted to alcohol. Now I'm sober, but, transfer addicted back to food to get there and have regained over half my loss back in the last year. So, what to do? I'd appreciate thoughts from those who got revisions and how they think it has helped them. Thanks.
  22. SleeveToBypass2023

    The unspoken rule

    Not judging at all, but how do you guys tolerate the taste and smell of alcohol? I don't get the joy in it, the joy in being buzzed, in daily drinking. Like...why? Again, not slamming your choices, but how did you get to the point where it was enjoyable enough to do it often? I drank 3x as a teen and absolutely despised it (did it because I was at parties and was trying to fit it). Then as an adult, I figured I'd willingly give it another try, to see if my opinion changed at all. It did. I hated it even more. Never touched the stuff again. I read through this thread, and honestly, I don't understand why you guys like drinking so much and why some refuse to give it (and the calories) up after the surgery. How did you get to the point that you liked drinking that much? Just the smell of alcohol is enough to make me leave.
  23. jmorrisbp

    18th June surgery date.

    Week One: Clear Liquids & Protein Shakes Week Two: Full Liquids Weeks Three & Four: Soft Foods Weeks Five & Six: Modified Regular Diet (soft regular foods & soft carbs, if you choose to eat them) Week Seven: Soft fruits w/o skin, ground meat, and moist chicken/turkey Week Eight: Raw & Crunchy fruits/veggies with skin, nuts, seeds, and dried fruit Week 12: Dense meat (like steak), and caffeine and alcohol (if you choose to partake)
  24. So, I'm a bad example, I'm really proud of not drinking - It'll be 11 weeks without a drop of alcohol for me next Tuesday and I was quite a heavy drinker so I never thought I'd make it so far. The non drinking I'm proud of. However - I'm still smoking and I know how bad it is, but I just can't stop, I've tried nicotine gum, vaping, patches, therapy etc etc ... and also true to Parisienne form ... I still have 5/6 coffees a day .... and I drink the carbonated diet beverages. But I'm trying to be as kind and non jugemental to myself as I try to be to others and take it one step at the time... I never thought I'd be able to not have alcohol for so so long and so once the novelty of being sober drops off I'll try and reduce the cigarettes ... getting rid of caffeine will be last though, it's cultural here really and I work long hours and swap time zones often so I do use coffee as a crutch ... maybe one day I'll get that sorted but it's not an issue for now for me. My partner is a doctor, not a bariatric doctor for sure, but he's still good a good grip on biology etc ... I had the operation with out telling him and told him afterwards ... but he has said, as has the cardiologist friend he sent me to chat with that it is still better to be a non overweight coffee drinking smoker than an obese, coffee drinking, big social alcohol drinker smoker ... So I'm going with that and trying to tackle one issue at a time ....
  25. summerseeker

    The unspoken rule

    I have not had any limits on alcohol drinking or coffee or drinking with straws etc. I think patients in Europe have slacker rules than you American cousins. I tried my first drink at 6 weeks, I had a weak Bloody Mary and it was yummy. I was born and raised in a pub, had pubs myself and drunk a lot over these years. I could hold my alcohol well. Now one glass of wine has me smashed for about 20 minutes. Last Christmas I went out with a friend and it got a little silly, I had at least 3 glasses and for the first time in my life, I don't remember going home. That scared me. I felt as if I had been spiked. Wine and cider give me awful GERD, Baileys gives me get the foamies. Something and lots of soda seems to work best for me. My husband calls me his cheap date, Cheap means different here.

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