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Found 1,213 results

  1. PdxMan

    Hair Loss After Vsg

    So, I have posted a few times how I have avoided hair loss. Well, now at 5 months post-op, it would seem I am not immune. Let me tell you, I am pretty diligent about my Protein, too, usually exceeding 80 grams as I have been working out and running almost daily. I found this to be interesting: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/hair-loss/DS00278/DSECTION=causes I think it is probably a roll of the die whether or not you will be affected (albiet a 50 sided die and only one side says, "No hair loss"). I thought I would be good to go as I have (had) a very thick head of hair, but now when I put gel in my hair, I see that about 25 hairs are stuck to my hand. This happened recently and rapidly. I think you can see in my profile picture that I am not a thick haired dude anymore. I'm not worried about it. It will grow back.
  2. Nancy Higgs

    Will I Lose My Hair?

    Im having my surgery on Jan,10 and Im a little worried about the hair loss also I have very fine thin hair also.I started takin biotin about 6 months ago and I know it will grow back sooner or later
  3. It's all new

    My Ongoing Story :)

    I think it was very generous of you to make such a detailed list. I do want to mention that hair care isn't something that everyone will need, so for others please don't automatically assume you will have this expense. I have had no additional costs in this area, never took zinc or Biotin (as my doc had not told me it was necessary) and had virtually no hair loss. Maybe I shed a bit more than usual - but not much. And I've lost 110 lbs in about 7.5 months - currently at 145. I would think that would have made me a prime candidate for hair loss, and it didn't happen. Nothing wrong with prevention, but it's expensive and debatable as to whether it will help. If it helps you feel better you are doing something about it, and you have the finances... why not. Also, I initially spent a huge amount on all sorts of Bariatric Advantage Vitamins, just to find out after surgery I couldn't tolerate them. So, I take gummy vitamins from costco. Cheap, cheap, cheap. My Vitamin levels have all been fine so far - if farther out i have problems I will have to switch to a more "serious" vitamin. Also, my doc had me swallowing pills the night after my surgery - not crushed, regular sized pills. All my worry about needing liquids, needing chewables, crushing - unnecessary. Of course each doc has a different approach to that issue. In any case, my advice is that whatever you get pre-surgery, buy very limited quantities. And somehow when I first posted I missed that you just had your surgery! I hope it was a huge success! Congrats on a new you.
  4. I am four months out and I swim laps a couple times a week. I havnt had any hair loss yet. I have locs so I'm not sure how much I will notice. The nurse told me to tell the surgeon I was worried about nausea and they put something in my IV. For the people on liquids I loved my sugar free Popsicle it gave me a chance to chew. I ate them so much that I can't stand the thought of them now.
  5. AgentShepard

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    For those of you worried about hair loss, the medical name for diffuse hair loss following a physical stress like surgery is "telogen effluvium". That may be a useful search term.
  6. After about a year of contemplating WLS (and 10+ years of battling with my weight) I'm now starting my journey of getting my life back and lightening my load in many areas of my life (pun intended). I have my first appointment with the surgeon and nutritionist on Thursday, 10/17/13 and I'm an emotional MESS! I'm scared and excited both at the same time, it's crazy! My niece (who is a hair stylist) had to talk me from the edge about an hour ago because my latest "thing" is what about hair loss? She said, "Auntie, you getting healthy and having you around for a long time is more important than you losing some hair. I can fix that, I can give you some hair and it will be beautiful, it's what I do, but I can't get another YOU and I need you! If you lose your hair, I'll cut mine too! Just pray on it and don't worry about stuff that hasn't happened." Well, after that I cried and laughed at the same time. Cried because it meant a lot coming from her (she's like the daughter I never had), and laughed because I could picture both of us with heads shaved looking like twins! lol Anybody else going through this roller coaster ride, or am I alone in my feelings???
  7. warmmorningsun

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Also, I was doing some reading and found this interesting..it's geared towards those 7-12 months out (that be we...) Stallers What happened? Do you feel as if the wheels fell off your car while you were cruising the freeway? One minute you’re losing 10 pounds a week and suddenly you haven’t lost a single pound in an entire month! Relax… welcome to what everyone calls a ‘plateau’. After dropping a large amount of weight your body is trying to preserve it's comfortable blanket of fat and is doing what it can to stop the massive weight loss. This is where all the old self doubt creeps in, and we jump to the conclusion that we are going to be the only one who doesn’t lose weight with this surgery. Don’t worry, if you keep on track, getting in plenty of protein, keeping your carb count low, and drinking copious amounts of water to flush your body, you will continue to lose, albeit in smaller but still steady amounts over the next months. Every little bit adds to your total and gets you closer to goal. My surgeon makes it clear that the first hundred pounds is his job, but the rest is up to us. Now is where that plan for high protein, low carbs, and vitamins comes into play. You were supposed to initiate a change in your relationship with food during the last phase, but you can regroup now and pick up the pace. Calculate your protein needs; you need roughly a little more than half a gram of protein per pound of ideal body weight. A woman who should weight about 145 pounds needs about 83 grams of protein a day to maintain good health. (The actual calculation is 'Ideal Weight' ÷ 2.2 × 1.25grams of protein = Protein Needs). If you can’t physically eat this much protein, which would entail eating 10-12 ounces of chicken, fish, eggs or cheese a day, you will need to find protein supplements that you like in order to give yourself that protein boost. If you go for months without adequate protein you will get very tired, have little energy and experience extended hair loss. Stick to your plan and the weight will slowly start to come off again and you will begin to feel strong and very much in control. Now is also a great time to start moving around and getting some exercise if you didn’t bother while you were losing quickly and it all seemed a bit too easy. Your body can move more freely after dropping such a large amount of weight, and getting your metabolism up and running will increase your weight loss and make you even stronger. <FORM action=http://order.store.yahoo.net/cgi-bin/wg-order?bariatriceating+stallers method=post>bariatriceating.com</FORM>
  8. JerseyDori

    May 2007 Banders

    I wanted to let you know that I spoke maybe a month ago about my hair loss. I too had a very thick head of hair and for almost 2 months i was shedding worse than my dogs!!! It was really freaking me out because I never thought it would end. It stopped right after I got a new hair cut. My doc and just about everyone i talk to says its normal - we are shocking our bodies by eating healthy and exercising!! I also want to bring up (just incase others are experiencing it) that for over a month i lost NOTHING!!!!! I was having trouble couting calories, fat, protein, etc so I joined Weight Watchers. I have lost 8 lbs (2wks) and am going to continue counting points while it works!!! Also I have had 5 fills and i think i am finally feeling something like restriction (2.9 in 4cc) GOod luck to all and don't worry
  9. mamato2

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    Hi I've had a tiny few bites of mashed potatoes but they were very filling with no nutritional value! I haven't had anything bother me yet I add a little milk and cheese to my eggs and can now eat one egg but it is sooo filling! Have you tried avocado yet? I just got approved for soft foods like cheese eggs yogurt soy and skim milk but your right it's hard to mix when you can't eat very much of portions! I hope your able to enjoy those small amount of foods I'm still struggling with my protein as any protein shake makes me nautious and get sick! I'm worried about hair loss without the protein! I just started my vitamins are you taking the multi vitamin with calcium and iron?
  10. Shellybelly

    Why are YOU Fat?

    I am fat because that has always been my role. Fat Shelly. And you know what, I grew up in Jamaica at a time when no one had a real problem with fat, so calling someone Fat Shelly, like Fat was their title, was considered perfectly polite. In fact I was a teenager on a commuter flight from Kingston to Montego Bay early one morning, when a well dressed (blacksuit) gentleman saw me struggling with my little carry-on. He hurriedly stored his breif-case and then reached for my bag. He was so kind, and as he reached for the bag he said "I'll help you fatty." Thanx! Now, even in JA, it is no longer acceptable to be fat. But it is still my role. In describing siomeone, a member of my family might say "she is not as big as ...say Shelly, but she is a big girl." or "I am not going to get as big as Shelly, don't you worry." All of this while lovingly stroking my hair. Ahhh yes. Toxic love. And on my part, since I have always been fat, I have always had to appear to be dieting, or else be considered a real slob - one friend of a friend whom I barely knew once asked me "don't you care about your size?" when I ordered a burger in her presence. Everyone else was having one BTW. So anyway, my response to the constant appearance of dieting or trying to get my size under control was to stop. I just quit doing it on my own time. So I eat butter and icing sugar and sometimes butter with Icing sugar cause I can, and because I feel like I ought to be able to and everyone else can and it is soooo unfair. Real adult right? I must like the name Fat Shelly :Banane34:. But now I am on a path and this band, when I get it, will be my own secret, and I will own my weight loss and own my body..is that a weird thought?
  11. debbiek1

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Kathy---Happy Birthday About the hair loss--mine fell out really bad when i was losing rapidly but now my hair is great. thicker than before. maybe because i eat more protein and my health is better. i am playing hookie from work today. i dont do the whole drivin' in the snow thing. so i have time to sit in my window and look out at the winter wonderland! i had my band checked with the floroscopy yesterday. dr choban says all looks fine and no leaks. it was a relief because i have wondered at times if it hadnt slipped or if i hadnt stretched my stomach out. sometimes i can eat so much that it worries me. but if she looked and didnt see anything wrong then i am happy. she put a little more in, i was hoping to get that thing filled to capacity so i could start losing some more weight. but she is very conservative. i just love dr choban. her bedside manner works much better for me. she is like my own personal cheerleader. whereas that dr miller reminds me of my exhusband--nagging me about my weight gain and making me feel guilty. that doesnt work for me, it just makes me eat more. I need to feel like the "star pupil" and then i strive to keep that persons faith in me. Be safe out there in this weather!!
  12. @Groovymommy... You're doing GREAT! I'm so impressed with your high losses. How many grams of protein and water would you say you honestly get a day? The faintness and dizzy spells are a concern. Maybe now that the pepcid is helping your stomach you'll be able to eat and drink more. Crossing my fingers for you. And congrats on the new underwear! I look forward to that. I'm moving along. At my slow pace. My hair has started falling out. That's new and unwelcomed since I already thinned out when the early menopause hit. But I suppose it was expected. I'll also expect it to stop around month 8 like many say it will. And try and be clever with my hair styles until then. At least we're all mostly stuck at home right now. I'm 4.5 months post and I've lost 37 since surgery and 42 since the pre-op diet. I'm between 180-181 and Just past my halfway goal to 150. On average I eat about 1000 cals a day with 65-70 protein and about the same in carbs. I get 48 ounces of water a day. No more no less. It seems to be sustaining me. I don'T have dizzy spells or weakness. But I struggle to poop and have a LOT of headaches/migraines. I've started taking motrin now and again always with a prilosec. And started a steroid for a few days sue to several mirgaines in a row. A little worried about how they will affect my stomach but so far so good minus the constant constipation. Not a great deal else to share. No new clothes yet but I'd gained weight fairly quickly the last year so I was still wearing a couple different sizes regularly. Clothes are definitely looser and people are starting to comment on my losses now and the which is nice. I'm eager to hit 179 as that's what I weighed on a vacation we took 4 years ago where I enjoy the pictures I'm in. So it feels like a weight I can start acknowledging that I'm looking better despite having that common resistance to actually SEEING my progress in the mirror. The weather has turned cold here in the midwest so the daily long walks are over for a while. It's onto the treadmill which I don't love. But netflix makes it easier. Whatcha guys eating? I still rarely get fruits and veggies in. Maybe one serving a day. Hope my vitamin covers the rest. But I'm always hitting my protein goal so I'm feeling pretty accomplished. This is a typical day... I have my 23 gram smoothie in the morning which is greek yogurt, banana almond milk and PB2. Just had 2 oz of strip steak for lunch at 17 grams pro and two bites of my daughter's apple. The snack I just finished is coffee with chocolate fairlife milk and 1/4 cottage cheese for 13 grams pro. So I'm at 53 grams. Dinner will probably Chinese stirfry. I'll have 2 oz chicken and a few snowpeas. For another 12 grams protein. Then I'll have a treat... like a square of dark chocolate or a few bites of my husband's dessert. That's a typical day. Plus 48oz water and at least 30 minutes cardio/power walking. Hope everyone else is seeing success. Feel free to share their typical day. ONWARD!
  13. james2021

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Hi! I'm enjoying reading where everyone is so I will check in too -- I had surgery on 5/20 so I'm about 7.5 weeks out. The worst part about this for me has been no caffeine. I'm really looking forward to being cleared for step 4 which includes caffeine allowed at my appointment in about a week. I'm also really missing wine but I think I need to stay away from alcohol for as long as possible. I'm 50 lbs down overall (355 to 305ish -- I lost a LOT during the 3 week liver-shrink) and about 25 of that is post-surgery. I'm definitely noticing that it's easier to move around and my clothes are looking different on me, which has been great. In terms of taste, shredded cheese tastes a little weird to me, milk is disgusting, and butter tastes a little... off. I'm really interested to know if I'll dump/if I can ever have sugar again, but I'm not going to mess with trying something until I hit the step 4 diet. I'm REALLY stressed out about the hair loss that people say starts at around 4 months. But the only way out is through..... and it'll be worth it. I'm just worried I'll have bald spots!!!!! 😧
  14. Thanks, gang, for your replies and no, BJean, your reply wasn't too long - it was just right. Dynamo, I have osteopenia, too, and I was initially really shocked and horrified when this was diagnosed a year ago. You see, my mum went through menopause at the age of 39 and never had HRT. She lived to be 87 and her bones remained in surprisingly good shape as did her skin. I figured that because we are so similar that I, too, would not have to worry about bone issues. Moreover, until a few years ago I was building aircraft, a physical job, and I do a lot of walking. (I tend to be physically restless.) I was aghast to hear the results of my last bone scan: great hips but a thinning spine. Ugh! A grrl can buy a new pair of hips but when it comes to the spine, well, she is sh!! out of luck! Nevertheless, my experience with HRT was very, very brief. For the first 5 years post-menopause I refused to take it because I didn't want to ever experience another period. I am one of those who gets bad, bad cramps. Then I finally agreed and was on it for maybe two years max before the results of the study came out and my doc yanked me off it. Certainly the band is fabulous. I have just returned from seeing my doc and getting the results of my latest round of blood tests. She told me that my cholesterol results are the lowest that they have been in many, many years. I suspect that this is partially due to my reformed eating habits. And I show no indication of any sort of blood sugar weirdness. Even though I smoke and drink coffee and scotch/wine it seems that I am fairly sound from the neck down. Carlene, the question you raise concerning hair loss is very interesting. I have always had very thick kinda frizzy hair. It has been thinning out lately though luckily I did have hair to spare. Nevertheless, I have been wondering about older women and hair loss lately. Walking home from the doc's office today I saw an elderly south Asian woman who was practically bald and this did strike terror in my heart. It would be interesting to find out more about women, age and baldness.
  15. I haven't visited the forums in a long time! But things have been great so I wanted toupdate all of you that helped me so much in the early part of my journey. And just a few questions for old-times sake! 1) I am 4 months post op TODAY! and I have lost 67lbs since surgery, and 72lbs since my highest weight. It's amazing!!!! I didn't think I would lose THIS much! now I'm dreaming of weighing 140lbs....I'm only 45lbs away from goal! it's insane! 2) I FINALLY started an exercise program. I bought one of those mini trampolines, and I've been doing "rebounding" it's great, and really fun, easy on your joints. I think everyone should do it!!!! 3) I am a size 14! 5) I don't count my carbs :-x I know everyone was so worried about the carbs. But I haven't been counting them and I do just fine. I make sensible food choices (yogurt, whole wheat Pasta, cheese, veggies, fruit, seafood etc) and it seems to work just fine for me. Lastly....I haven't lost my hair. AT ALL! Is it going to happen still? I keep waiting, and no sign of hair loss!
  16. I was really worried about hair loss, I have thin hair anyways. But I havent had any problems. I have always used nioxin scalp therapy. So far so good!!
  17. anniedub

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hi Shamrocks! Well, now I've caught up on 10+ pages of posts! Phew! It's been a bit of a random few weeks for me, I've been sick with the flu and working 6 days a week (couldn't get any time off) so basically every night I come home and just collapse. No energy for witty LBT repartee! Anyway, so I'm better now AND I have a few days off, what bliss! My exercise has basically become void the past few weeks, and it's showing on the scale. Plateau City: Population Me. From yesterday, I'm making a concerted effort to turn it around. Yesterday I biked, today I'm walking AND biking. And probably Wii-Fitting as well. In other news, my self-esteem is currently lower than it was when I was at my heaviest. I wouldn't have thought that this was possible. But it is, and it's mostly because of my hair. It's still falling out at a rate of knots and it looks shocking. My doc now thinks it's a combination of the weight loss and the fact that I have severe polycystic ovarian syndrome. A winning combination. So anyway, I'm wearing a wig all the time when I leave the house, but I am having the "Samantha Jones Dilemma" - do I try to brush it off and let people believe it's my real hair / hair extensions? Or do I just adopt the "yes i'm wearing a wig, what's your problem?" mentality? The few people that i've had to tell have all been supportive, probably because they can see how upset I am when I talk about it. But what I'm most worried about is men. Yeah, you heard me. Ok, basically my reasoning is this. On the off-chance that I happen to land a man in the next 6-12 months (expected duration of hair loss), and i'm still wearing a wig. I will have to let him know PRETTY EARLY ON that I have very little hair, and that I wear a wig. You know, when you kiss someone and they run their fingers through your hair? Well, let's just say they would instantly know something is up. And, come on. 99% of normal, red-blooded males in their 20s would run as fast as they could if this girl they have just started seeing showed them that she wears a wig, and underneath it she ain't a pretty sight. And started crying or something to boot. I talked about it with a good girlfriend, who suggested it would be a great "a$$hole detector" - if they're a good guy, they won't mind, if they're an a$$hole at least you'll know about it early. But I'm just not sure if i'm ready for the brutality. At least it's winter here, so I can wear lots of hats over my wig. Makes it not so obvious. This afternoon, I'm getting my hair underneath cut short - like really short. So, when it starts growing back it will all grow evenly. Well, now that you've all had an essay of my problems, aren't you glad I'm back? :biggrin:
  18. Busy

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    1st, great weight loss Scrappy, you have really been working that band! 2nd, some hair loss but not enough to really worry about. My hair dresser did notice that some of my hair was coming out but my hair is really thick so she said not to worry about it. She also said it would grow back in. I know that does not help...what are you suppose to do until the hair returns?? Keep up the positive attitude.
  19. Morning Girlies---tipping my hat to you all!!! I can just see me in a pink rhinestone cowboy hat!!! A visual oxymoron!!! I at one time had pink boots! Ok I will admit they were given to me, but I did actually wear them! Now I wear some really exciting buckskin colored boots---woohooo!!! I hate seeing you all worry over the stall of weight loss. You do have several things going on inside your bodies. Your mind made this choice, your body did not, and it is not appreciating what you have done to it! It wants the fat, and it wants the extra food to store....it does not want to go to the work of burning off stored fat---what on earth were you thinking???!!!! I joke, but in all seriousness, you really have shocked your bodies, and they are doing their best to keep things as they knew them to be. When you have been putting 2000 + calories a day in, and then suddenly drop to under 600 or so for liquids, it takes your system a little while to realize you cannot live on that amount, it is too low. So when it does realize it, it does everything to "help" you survive. (Keep in mind this is what my fill Dr.'s assistant told me, when I was freaking out---you are not alone, in this happening at this point in time.) The theory is that your body slows down its metabolism, it robs nutrients from other areas...possibly the cause of hair loss, and nail breakage. You have issues with dehydration, because your body is utilizing the fluid you take in , in different ways. The fluid issue, results in constipation or diarrhea, and digestion issues. But it also affects our memory, and our own battles with depression. All of these are affected by the sudden onslaught of estrogen as well. We flooded our system with it during the initial sudden weight loss....and the one hormone surging, causes every other hormone in our body to fluctuate, trying to balance out. One of those hormones is called (don't trust my spelling here) Grehlin. It is a hormone produced by your stomach, and it sends a signal to the brain, that you are hungry. The hormones in your body work to constantly balance with one another. The connection between estrogen/progestin and this Grehlin is a long standing connection, and has been widely studied. It is what causes you to overeat during PMS, or the old story you hear about old women having a hysterectomy and getting fat. It is all related, when one hormone dips, the others surge trying to revive it...so when you mess with one, you mess with them all. And for those who are having issues like Christy---it is a double whammy. As with any other "habit" your body will settle in. The new levels will soon be recognized as "normal". And you will start the fill process, and the weight will once again begin dropping off. Repeat your cheer---relax a little---and trust that this WILL work---or I'll get out my riding crop, and y'all will be in big trouble then!!!!!!! ((((hugs))))) Kat
  20. Hi Merry - I have been taking silica and have done since I started loosing my hair. Like Misty says, I am pretty sure it didn't prevent the hair loss but what it has done is improve the condition of what hair I have and my nails that were also beginning to break. I too have thin hair and 18 months out from my op it is still recovering - my hair dresser friend says it will take well over a year maybe two. Apparently healthy hair grows about 1cm a month so if you are stressed I assume it will grow a lot slower so it could take a while. I lost so much, my husband said you could see my scalp - he didn't tell me at the time as I was so freaked out I was going to lose it all! That would have really done my head in (no pun intended) but to cut to the point, my girlfriend was diagnosed with breast cancer and it snapped me back to reality and I just stopped worrying about it as it will grow back. One thing I did do which I probably wouldn't do again was I decided to go blonde so got my hair bleached - probably not a good idea when your hair is already stressed!
  21. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Annie - I've been shedding hair, too. It happened to me when I did Atkins, too, which is a high Protein diet (or, rather, for ME it was a high protein diet). I think the hair grew back, but I'm not sure. You're wicked young, yours'll definitely grow back. I doubt that rogaine would help, but I guess everything's worth a try. I wouldn't sweat your testosterone - hair loss happens in something like 20% of people who lose weight rapidly. I think it's a straight metabolic thing. Although I believe I read somewhere that male sex hormones are converted to female hormones in fat; perhaps with less fat, the balance gets disturbed. Whatever the cause, it's a common, and basically temporary finding. Don't worry about it.
  22. Okay, Coops! Been right there with you! I am sooo tired all the time, I even think WHEN I am in bed sleeping that I feel exhausted! lol I am under a lot of stress right now with grandchildren/daughter living with us and I am having to take on a lot of added responsibility I didn't intend to have at 58! (thank god I am 100lbs lighter!) I feel the same way about the weight. I know, for me, it's just a matter of exercising and sticking to not snacking too much. But, truthfully, those sliders are still serving me as a "crutch". There, I've said it! Fatty, fatty, boo ba latty! ha! May be thin on the outside but I'm a BIG girl inside still! ha! And worry, worry, worry all the time about regain - WHILE i'm eating a cookie! Hang in there! This too shall pass! REALLY. I believe that - everything looks worse when you don't feel well. On that note - are you taking B12? Just another note - and don't get mad at me people - when you are going through menopause, etc and no hormone balance, many doctors are now prescribing a low dose anti-depressant. I had a full hysto in 2000. Did fine while I could have the hormone replacement therapy and then the scare about cancer/heart disease came out and they pulled the plug on that! Trust me - I would welcome that small threat versus hair loss (extreme and then VSG) no desire at all (nope), and depression!!!! I took a very small dose for a couple of years that really, really helped me. Just made me think, "Hmm, I can do this!" Off now but I would discuss with your Dr. if you don't feel better soon - physically and emotionally. We are all here for you!!! And that nurse - KICK HER IN THE SHINS NEXT TIME!!! How rude!
  23. steveelea

    Australia - Melbourne

    Cath well done on starting the Optifast.....you sound like you will do this stage easy It is so great to have this little community of people that are all dealing with the same thing. We will always need support maybe not all the time, but the sleeve is only a tool and we still have to get through the mental side of things that we have dealt with most or all of our lives as to keeping on track. I am still bad for head hunger and need to overcome that part. Bee well done on your weight loss you are smashing this. Yep I will let you know how I go Chez......I do remember this after the band but this has happened later than what it did with that and more hair loss.....Lucky for me I have lots of hair. My daughter is training to be a hairdresser and she said not to worry about it that even though its a little thinner it still looks fine and you can't tell that I am losing it at this stage....she was like "mum you haven't got any bald spots so it's all good" Chez I can't see your face pics???? There is nothing there????
  24. GR8

    Newly Banded in Williamsburg

    Thanks DonnaJade! I had my 5th fill Thursday -- Dr T thinks I lost 20 lbs in 6 week -- (I checked when I got home -really only 14) I told him no way - he wouldn't give up on it -- so I put my hand on my hip and told him -- "well you better still give me my fill" -- he didn't argue -- wheeew. I was scared reading all the stories here of individuals that don't get one because of the amt of loss. He could barely get .4 cc's in -- he said I won't be needing a fill for a long while, my next appt will be at the office. -- I am at my sweet spot and losing at a good rate (Per him). I am one of those that likes it real - REAL tight (I am guessing). You could tell he was really worried - he kept making me drink water, asking "you don't feel any pressure"- and made sure to tell me to call him no matter what time if I find it to tight -stressing whenever! WOW - that got me second guessing myself if I am/was to tight. Talk about a stressful (1hr) ride home, which did tighten the band in it's self. No problems though -- I did my liquids and today -- I have eatten cashews, popcorn without any issue! Opps - not good choices - just needed to MUNCH! I got my hair cut short yesterday -- and DH took the picture - thanks for noticing. Hugs!
  25. LapBandit1

    Where are all the Michigan people at??

    Hello fellow Lapbanders and almost Lapbanders here in MI. I was happy to find you all. I'm in Harrison Township... little area right next to Lake St Clair. Doing well, no issues. Surgery at St John with Dr Boccacio. Great Doc, great support at the hospital. Had surgery on Friday, took a week off. Was a bit tired but thats it. Have had one fill of 1cc on 8/4 no issues with that either. In fact, it took them longer to get me set up than it did for him to do his thing. Feeling better all the time. Letting the band do its job. 42 down and looking forward to steady losses. Have noticed some hair loss issues lately but I can deal with it for now so I'm not going to worry about it. I wish you all good luck with your upcoming surgeries and continued success to all of us banded ones! :gluck: :cheer2: 256/215/.........150 Weight pre surgery 256 Surgery 5/5/06 1st fill 1cc 8/4/06 Currently 215 Goal 150

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