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Found 17,501 results

  1. ToInfinityAndBeyond

    Let's Collect Some Data!

    Here you go! F, 61, 5'6' 11 lbs lost pre-surg SW: 244 1mo: 226 3mo: 205 6mo: 181 9mo: 170 ByPass
  2. Another question I would personally ask is about NSAIDS post surgery. I know they are okay on occasion with sleeve and pretty much a definite no after bypass but I wonder about the mini bypass if they are okay. After running into a few occasions that I was advised to take NSAIDS and having doctors flat out refuse to give me prescription pain meds because I am not supposed to take them I would prefer to have the option to take them on rare occasion if necessary.
  3. I'm not sure, since I had an incredible amount of polyps that had to be removed, as well. Those were caused as a result of being on 80mg of a PPI everyday for an extended amount of time. I had 4 endoscopies just to remove polyps. 8-10 were removed each time. The first time, my esophagus was stretched, as well. I ended up needing to get a revision to bypass because the GERD caused, not only the polyps, but also gastritis and esophagitis, as well. And even with the 80mg of Nexium daily, I was still getting break through GERD that required Pepcid, which didn't always help. I also never had any kind of GERD or reflux before the sleeve.
  4. Lily2024

    Rapid Weight Loss

    F 52, 5'9.5", SW 255 26 lbs, with 2 week liquid diet 36 219 202 186 Almost 5 months post op, 174. RNY Gastric Bypass 1/3/24
  5. I just had a revision from the sleeve to a bypass a week ago today. I'm already 16 pounds down. I had horrible stomach acid... the thing is, lifelong taking medicines for stomach acid is bad for you. Increases cancer risks, dementia risks, and accelerates bone loss. I did not want to be taking these meds for decades to come when science has proven how dangerous that is. I've had no vomiting or nausea while healing. This time around, the vitamins don't even make me sick which is a huge relief. They used to.
  6. Welcome! I'm about 7 weeks post-op gastric bypass and no regrets. Good luck on your journey!
  7. JoniGraham

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I had my bypass February 7th
  8. I got my surgery date today... November 29th... Gastric Bypass... Now to start planning, getting together everything I need and trying to not stress myself out until then....
  9. ShoppGirl


    I haven’t had my revision surgery yet and I did it the old fashioned way with my sleeve but someone mentioned the Baritastic app. I’m pretty sure that tracks everything.
  10. Hey Karen. There are two doctors in that area that are highly recommended in my DS group. Doctors who are skilled enough to do a DS usually also do various complex revisional surgeries. I wouldn't consider yours a revision so much as a repair, as you aren't looking to change surgeries for significant further weight loss. I wouldn't hesitate to see either of these men for an opinion. You are very lucky to live where you do, it is hard to find surgeons with this much skill! https://www.ultimatebariatrics.com/jayroberts Dr. Roberts does revisions and his patients seem to love him! https://weightlosssurgeon.com/drway/ Dr. Ayoola is by all accounts an incredible surgeon and his patients seem to love him too.
  11. Good Morning: I am currently on day 9 since my revision surgery. For some really strange reason I am no longer having any issues like I did on day 1. No pain, no stomach spasms, very minimal nausea. I am now craving something with substance. Contacted my surgeon today and he advised that if I am tolerating liquids...move to the next stage-puree. If in a week I tolerate this well...move to soft foods, then the next stage and so on. It almost feels surreal. Every clinics website states two week for every stage. I wonder since I was a band patient previously that my stomach is accustomed to the sleeve diet. I was very fortunate to loose 150lbs total with that gastric band and good food choices. It seems revision patients have it a little different...we know what is going to happen.
  12. SleeveToBypass2023

    Looking for guidance on surgery with Medicaid.

    Medicaid typically requires 6 months of documented medically supervised weight loss attempts with your doctor, bmi of 40 or 35 with at least 2 comorbidities, pass an ekg, blood work, and pass a psych eval before they will approve the surgery. They may also require a referral to a bariatric surgeon from your primary doc. They will also require a letter from your primary doctor approving you to have the surgery. All of that gets submitted to Medicaid by the bariatric surgeon and then Medicaid decides if they will approve it or not. If they deny it, they'll usually tell you why and you can either do whatever else they need you to do or appeal it if you already have it done. That's all I can think of. I actually originally looked into bariatric surgery way back when I was on Medicaid, but ended up not doing it. Once I started my previous job and got BCBS, I looked into it again and ended up doing it. When I had my revision a year later, I was changing jobs and in between insurance and back on Medicaid (if the revision if for complications and not failed weight loss, they tend to approve the revision really fast - in my case, it was 72 hours, if it's for failed weight loss, you basically have to start everything all over again as if you're doing the surgery from scratch, and all the previous requirements are back in place). Now I'm at my current job (dream job) and have United Health Care. I hope this helps somewhat!
  13. catwoman7

    Sleeve to bypass question

    I don't think there's really a difference in how much you can eat. At first you probably won't be able to eat as much because you'll be swollen from the surgery for awhile, but after that - I don't think so because I've known several people who've had revisions, and I don't remember people mentioning that.
  14. Heatherhagge

    April Operation Buddies

    I am scheduled for April 30th. I would love to have a buddy that is having gastric bypass around that day.😀
  15. Hi to all. I haven't been on the forum to post for couple of days, as I had my surgery on Jan 12th. I am just curious if anyone else has ever had a 5 hour long gastric bypass. My poor Dr. worked on my lower intestines where I had so much scar tissue and he said if he hadn't fixed it that later on in life it would have given me lots of trouble. So, I'm actually very blessed that my Dr. went above and beyond for my health. However, I paid for it with the pain. Oh my goodness!!!!! I'm talking pain scale of 10 for awhile. It felt like my stomach was on fire. However, by the next morning I was much better. I only had to stay 2 nights and they were thinking 3 at first, so that of course more good news. I just wanted to share and say Hi and I'm glad to be back home.
  16. I am 31 female weight 368 5’4 - I’m in the stages of deciding which surgery I’d like to do and I’m concerned about the sleeve being a newer option and not having long term studies as well as I worry about GERD with the sleeve, and the worry of having to get a revision eventually to the bypass if I went with the sleeve
  17. March 7 surgery date. Bypass.
  18. Hi All! After I completed all my testings and blood work, at my followup Friday (Aug 11th) they doctor's office went ahead to put me on the surgery calendar for Aug 28th. All paperwork was submitted to the insurance company that day as well. Today the office called to inform me that my sugery was APPROVED! They nor I expected a fast 1 day turn-a-round! Now my nerves kicked in. My pre-op diet starts the next week 20th. It consists of 3 protein shakes and 1 meal per day. I don't think I'll have any issues as the dietician informed me that I can break the one meal up any way I want to for that day. Thankfully, I still have restrictions from my sleeve surgery in 2017. Has anyone had the revision with success stories? Any tips? Any of you have upcoming revisions scheduled? Additional weight loss success? Has anyone had the surgery with little to no help at home? If so how was it for you? I would love to lose an additional 40-50 lbs. Thanks!
  19. My surgeon recommended starting with the sleeve, and then at a later date it can be revised (if needed). If you start bypass then the sleeve would do no good.
  20. ShoppGirl

    Pre-Surgery Bucket List

    I am three years post sleeve contemplating revision surgery and I am trying not to do food funerals this time. I still don’t have a surgery date though so let’s see how I feel as I count down the days. . I am thinking I am going to have the SADI so I really May have stuff I can never tolerate Again. Now I’m thinking…maybe just one last meal, lol. But if you are like me and carbs make you crave carbs maybe stop these a few days before your scheduled to start the pre op. Otherwise the preop will seen that much harder. Just FYI also, With the sleeve I was able to tolerate anything post surgery and I’ve heard the same from a lot of people who have had bypass (although they can sometimes only have very small amounts of certain things).
  21. Edward

    One year out and hungry all the time

    Can you elaborate on your "My sleeve caused lot's of medical problems) about to have revision from band to sleeve. Thanks
  22. ShoppGirl

    Sleeve Veteran researching revision to SADI

    I am so glad to hear that you are doing so well. Congrats on your loss but even bigger congrats on the “normal” on your blood test for diabetes. That’s amazing!! May I ask if your Surgery was a virgin surgery or revision?
  23. OMG you have been through the wars. I am so happy that you finally got the right diagnosis. I hope you have an easier life after the new surgery. You have found the right forum. There are a few revision patients in here for you to chat to. Sent from my Lenovo TB-J606F using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. BlondePatriotInCDA

    What you should know about WLS they don't tell you

    Thank you! My doctor said when I told her about the rash "lets start the paper trail to get you the tummy tuck!" She's a bypass patient and understands having been there! Thank you again.
  25. This sounds miserable. I haven't had bypass so I can't comment on that, but I did just have a hiatal hernia repair due to food getting caught in my esophagus and causing choking and chest pain. Best they can tell it was probably a sliding hernia, so sometimes most food could pass but pills would get stuck, and other days nothing could pass but water at a trickle. It was a really scary feeling and I'm thankful they got me in so quickly! You say you have this pain, but are you having any of the other symptoms of dumping like diarrhea, heart palpitations, dizziness, nausea, etc...? I would consult the revision specialist to see if they have run into something like this before. Right sided pain is so non-specific. I have a ovary that hides and when I ovulate on that side it hurt like HELL. I think it was pinned by my bladder and uterus, because after my hysterectomy the pain is much better (they left my ovaries). But that would only be for a few days every few months. Not as frequent as your pain sounds. I hope you find some answers. I'm sorry you are in such pain!

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