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Found 17,501 results

  1. I had a revision from vsg to bypass due to gerd over 2 years ago. I don't regret it. I'm sorry I waited so long. I don't know the future but up till now, it's been a very smooth transition.
  2. ChunkCat

    Hard to eat 6 days out

    Even though you are a revision, your digestive system is still full of swelling and sutures from a major surgery! Hydration is king for the first two weeks, then protein, and both of these needs can be met with fluids... If you are experiencing nausea don't be afraid to ask for meds, it should help you be able to drink more. I agree with the others, sounds like a possible UTI. Best to go be tested at the doctor. Be sure to let your surgeon know approximately how much fluid you are getting in a day. Low fluid intake not only causes dehydration, but it can increase your risk for a UTI, especially in the first few weeks after surgery. ❤️
  3. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Yeah, so I chose the RNY gp because I liked that it has a stronger metabolic impact than VSG while not being too malabsorptive like DS. Based on the risk calculator, there was a somewhat higher likelihood of addressing/resolving my hypertension and blood sugar issues, and I didn't want to risk developing GERD and requiring daily medications or a revision. I need this to be a one and done surgery if possible for financial reasons. Given that a full 20% of my surgeon's practice is revision (mostly to RNY, but they also do DS), this revision issue felt like something that is common enough with sleeve patients to give me pause. Also, my brother had the sleeve 15 years ago and while his overall weight is still well under where he began, his weight regain has been significant. I wanted the additional threat of dumping syndrome to keep me in line where sugar is concerned. And also, the more I thought about it, the more I preferred the idea of rerouting instead of removing parts of my organs. As for not telling people, I was tempted to do that, too. But the more I thought about it, the more I decided to just own it. A lot of people out there mistakenly believe obese people can "just" eat less and exercise more to lose weight and keep it off. How many of their real life examples are people who quietly got WLS and then credited their diet and exercise for their transformations? I don't want anyone using me as an example in the future to tell some other obese person what to do. Thankfully, I turn 50 in a few weeks and have therefore reached the age where I officially no longer give a fig about what anyone else thinks and am happy to direct naysayers to a wide selection of their own body orifices where they are welcome to stow their unsolicited opinions. Also, luckily, my close friends and family are very supportive, which helps immensely.
  4. ms.sss

    7 Months Post Op Normalities?

    at 7 months my triumph/sv was reaching a my "revised" goal. i basically called goal 7 lbs above my original as i felt as i was looking way too skelator-ish. I was eating about less than 800 cals a day at the time and decided to start upping my cals. got to about 1500 cals 3 months later and settled into about 1800 today (5+ yrs later) ..,i was up to over 2300 at one point, but i was an exercise fiend during that era. i was exercising min 1 hour a day (sometimes twice a day) almost every day at the time. Today im at it 1-2 times a week. despite all this i weigh less today than both my original and revised goals. go figure. AND, i dont look skelator-ish at all. SCORE! lol WLS is still one of the best decisions i've made so far. Good Luck! ❤️
  5. Starwarsandcupcakes

    Food Before and After Photos

    I rarely ever finish a meal in one sitting and it usually I either graze on it or eat it the next meal. However I am 2yrs out from revisions (one lifesaving) and can eat 2 scrambled eggs and half an English muffin for a meal most of the time.
  6. I dont eat the same foods everyday. Everyday is different. I get sick of foods faster. I've been trying to get foods with higher protein in them, like 15 plus grams of protein like Greek yogurt and cottage cheese. Haven't been drinking much water lately which is really bad. But yeah. I do like to write down what I eat in a day, I don't like logging with an app tho. I have a note book ready that I am gonna start doing tonight or tomorrow. I dont remember if I updated my stats on here or not, but I'm going to be 11 months post rny on the 21st. And I'm down 111.5 pounds. I had lapband in 2009, gallbladder removed in 2010, lapband revision in 2013 and 2 days later, it was removed due to an abscess...they poked a hole in my stomach during the revision. Before ryn I had gained 81.4 pounds in the 9 to 10 years after lapband removal. 2015 I did weight watchers and I tracked everything. It helped a lot
  7. MOST bypass patients will not have heartburn, but not all. Occasionally heartburn can happen. Usually it is temporary while the stomach is healing and readjusting itself. Definitely talk to your surgeon about this. If your heartburn was from acid reflux from the stomach when you had the sleeve, the odds are overwhelmingly in your favor that it will settle down soon. Rarely a person can have bile reflux, but this is very different and normally tests are done to make sure it isn't that before revision surgery is done. Also, ask for nausea medication. If you have it and it isn't working well, ask for a different one. For me, Zofran does nothing, but Promethazine is amazing! So you could just need a med adjustment.
  8. I haven't had revisions, I just had DS surgery 6 weeks ago. But I have seen a fair number of multiple revisions around here and elsewhere... I'm sure if your doctor approved you for the surgery then you are good to go! But any surgery can be scary, so I understand the worries. Sleeve to Bypass revisions are pretty common. It is likely your surgeon has done a fair number of them. The weight loss is slower for revisions, but I have seen many end up reaching their goal weight, it just takes a bit longer the second time around. You don't say what your starting weight is or what you hope to lose... Advice is just like for any of the surgeries---take it easy. Trust your team. Drink your fluids in baby sips and get in as much as possible, this will keep you out of the ER hopefully. Stay ahead of your pain. Ease into food gently. Walk as much as you can. Rest when you feel tired and give yourself extra rest for the first few weeks because surgery can take it out of you! Remember that a lot of nerves have been cut and have to heal, so you may not feel any restriction for a while. Stick to the portions your dietician advises for the first few months until you are getting accurate communication from your healed tummy! And whatever you do, do NOT let yourself get constipated!! Take the stool softeners, take Miralax if you haven't gone in a few days and are concerned. The most common complications I see are nausea, dehydration, and constipation! Most of all, good luck! Have a really routine, easy surgery and an uncomplicated recovery! ❤️
  9. If you're already staying away from sugar and carbs, you're ahead of the game. I think the bypass will definitely improve things drastically for you. The sleeve was never a viable option for you because of the GERD. I'm wishing you all kinds of luck, but I know you'll come through it ok. Don't be afraid of the revision. It's the easiest part of everything you've been through.
  10. I feel your pain - literally. I get sharp pains below my rib cage and slightly above that under my rib cage on the right side as well. I've already had both my gallbladder and appendix removed several years back so it's not either. I also have had a full hysterectomy..so not an ovary. Although, like you I thought perhaps they missed a gallstone in my biliary duct...because it feels just like when I had gallbladder pain. I was told "its not possible" yet I have the pain. I should say I have had this pain before my bariatric surgery. I still have no idea what causes it! I hope it goes away with your revision, most likely because of the bariatric surgeons/GI doctor and your documented ongoing pain it will be covered by insurance.. So that's something. Let me know if that takes care of the pain for you...good luck!
  11. I was told about the 30:30 Rule by my team. For all of the reasons stated above. It can cause fullness and washing the food out of the pouch. I am 14 months out, and I will say this is one of the cons of RYGB. I don't like it but I get it. But it is a lifestyle change for life. In February, I had a bottle of water almost 30 minutes after lunch. What happened next was dumping where I didn't eat for the rest of the day. I was still a little shaky the next morning. Luckily for me, I was going to see my primary doc that morning. All in all, it turned out fine. So now I wait at least 45 minutes to an hour before drinking again. It may not be that way for you. But is the risk worth it? Especially, the chance of stretching your pouch? Where you may have to get it revised.
  12. GreenTealael

    4 yrs post VSG to RNY

    If you are asking me: I’m still doing pretty well. No issues. I saw the nutritionist a few days ago just to check in and make sure I’m on track. She was pleased with my progress (food and liquids quality and quantity). One thing I was eager to discuss was probiotics/probiotic foods and my reintroduction of carbonated drink (seltzer and kefir water,kombucha) I avoided them for a long time but she said I’m perfectly fine to have them. So generally no changes for the last few years. Honestly real no changes from the first year post revision.
  13. cutlass6521

    Deciding between bypass & sleeve

    Hello Everyone: I am getting my gastric band removed on May 17 and going with the gastric sleeve as per my surgeon's suggestion. He feels I will do well with it. I managed to lose 150lbs with the band ( surgeon told me it was not a typical result). I started having trouble getting food to go down. I guess I created a pouch and have a lot of scar tissue. Had to have all the fluid taken out of the band while I was in Nevada. The surgeon performing this (not easy to find anyone in Las Vegas who would even look at removing the fluid) advised what was going on. There are only 5% of surgeons still installing the band in the entire country. Many, many complications with it. I was fine until a year ago. Had fluid put in (the doctor back home put too much in), then the chest and back pains started. Food would go down sometimes and sometimes not. I managed to regain 15lbs. Struggling every day. I hope the revision to the sleeve will be a success.
  14. Hi everyone! I hope this post finds you well wherever you are in your weight loss journey. I had gastric bypass revision on June 12, 2023. My original bypass was done in April 2002 so it’s been 21 years. Original weight loss was 123 lbs. However, I only maintained that loss for about 8 years. Then slowly I started eating poorly and Bedouin knew it I had gained back 45 lbs. I’m 71 years old. I did the revision for my health because there’s so many heart problems in my family. As of Sunday, September 3rd I’m only down 20 lbs. I’m discouraged but I know some of it has to do with not exercising. Can you share some of the things you snack on? I’m good with my meals but not sure if I should be making other choices for snacks. Thank you.
  15. Hello all! I’m scared for my surgery on Monday because I have had grade 4 EE , hernia & weight stall etc. I’m very nervous this time around because… the odds / number of procedures. Has anyone else ,here, had so many revisions? 😔😔😔 any words of encouragement or advice? THANK YOU!
  16. I'm not sure, since I had an incredible amount of polyps that had to be removed, as well. Those were caused as a result of being on 80mg of a PPI everyday for an extended amount of time. I had 4 endoscopies just to remove polyps. 8-10 were removed each time. The first time, my esophagus was stretched, as well. I ended up needing to get a revision to bypass because the GERD caused, not only the polyps, but also gastritis and esophagitis, as well. And even with the 80mg of Nexium daily, I was still getting break through GERD that required Pepcid, which didn't always help. I also never had any kind of GERD or reflux before the sleeve.
  17. Oh no I'm so sorry to hear that. That is definitely upsetting news. I don't get why they wouldn't make the contact first with a phone call and explain before posting it on MyChart with no further information. I hope you get to find out sooner than later and that there is a revised plan. 🤗
  18. catwoman7

    Damn Tik-Tok

    those kinds of. things can certainly happen, but they're very rare. I wouldn't lose sleep over it. As someone else said, lots of people have revisions, and most of them have no problems at all.
  19. Good afternoon, everyone. I'm new here. I was looking for some kind of forum where I could interact with others like me. I think I may have found it. I live in South Texas, and I had a sleeve gastrectomy in Mexico in 2009 when I was 35. I initially weighed 340 lbs and lost 149 lbs. and went from a size 32 to a size 14. My goal was a 12, but I was really happy. I was exercising 5x a week on the elliptical for a whole hour nonstop! I kept the weight off for approximately 6 years. Unfortunately, all kinds of tragic events started changing my life. In 2014 my father passed away, and I took it really, really hard. I ended up on Xanax and Ambien. In 2015, I got divorced. In 2016, my mother passed away. In 2017, I was transferred from a job I really enjoyed to a brand new location with all different people to work with. Then the COVID Pandemic kept me teaching from home for a year and a half. It was literally one heartbreak after another. Rather than looking for actual help, I helped myself... to pills, alcohol, and crap food. Over the past 9 years, I regained all my weight. Even though I still felt restriction in eating (i.e. only half a burger or 1.5 slices of pizza, with no sides or drinks and I was done). I was 10 lbs away from my original weight before my sleeve. Last year, though, my school district sent out an email stating that WLS was now covered by our insurance. I was so excited! I looked into it, made many calls, and thought coverage was out of the question because I had already had a surgery. Our insurance covers "one surgery per life." However, since my first surgery was private pay, they went ahead and accepted covering my revision to a bypass. Today is my 18th day post op. I've lost 42 lbs altogether since May 11, but only 10 of those lbs since the surgery. I feel a little blue because I was hoping for more than a 10lb loss in 3 weeks. I lost more weight at the beginning when I started a semi-liquid diet to prepare for surgery. I was doing 3 shakes and one solid, no-carb meal. I know that revisions are slower than virgin surgeries. I am doing as much reading and research as I can. I just can't help it, I guess. After my sleeve, the weight loss was phenomenal. Right now I am consuming 450 cals, 60 g protein, and keeping my carbs under 40g. I am walking around my house (not outside because South Texas) 4x a day and was told I could start on the treadmill this coming Monday. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? I'm also trying to find ways to consume fiber without a lot of carbs. I've eaten 1/2 cup of pinto beans twice but, man, that's a lot of carbs. I wanted to try raspberries, but I'm afraid of the little seeds getting stuck in my sutures. Any advice, thoughts, suggestions?
  20. ShoppGirl

    Off Track and Discouraged

    I second the protein coffee. I had sleeve three years ago and heard all about it but never tried. Now I’m pending revision and decided to give it a try and I love it. To the point I have to be sure I don’t get too much protein because it’s so good. I got out of the swing of taking my vitamins as well and I’m working on a routine now. I take my multivitamin right after my morning coffee (just be sure it’s a whole protein shake or it may not be enough in your stomach to keep the vitamin down). I keep my multivitamin in the kitchen cabinet with the cups I use for coffee now to remind me to grab them. I sit them right next to my iced “proffee” as I’m drinking it so I don’t forget (I’m pretty bad so yes it does take that many reminders). Then I return the empty cup and the vitamins to the kitchen. As far as the calcium I haven’t gotten back into the swing of that yet but I intend to take it with lunch and dinner to make things easy. I think maybe alarms on my phone may be necessary untill I get back into a routine.
  21. missdestruction

    Slow Weight Loss

    I'm about a week out from my revision surgery and it's slow too but I'm starting with a lower weight than the first time (240 instead of 350). I'm down about 4 pounds and feeling discouraged because I'm on liquids still so I feel like it should go so much faster but I keep telling myself slow and steady wins this race.
  22. I just had a revision from the sleeve to a bypass a week ago today. I'm already 16 pounds down. I had horrible stomach acid... the thing is, lifelong taking medicines for stomach acid is bad for you. Increases cancer risks, dementia risks, and accelerates bone loss. I did not want to be taking these meds for decades to come when science has proven how dangerous that is. I've had no vomiting or nausea while healing. This time around, the vitamins don't even make me sick which is a huge relief. They used to.
  23. ShoppGirl

    Weight loss journey

    Hello @Roselyn.327795 and welcome. As others suggested there are lots of threads when weight loss stories that you can read and respond to things that you can relate to or questions you have suggestions for, etc. (on a phone or tablet you Just click the little magnifying glass near the top Right corner and search). My story isa’t a success story YET. I had the sleeve three years ago and I lost a big chunk of weight, but due to number of factors (to include my eventually giving up) I never reached my doctors goal and I regained my weight. I am currently pending revision, though, I hope this time I will have a much better story to share. Have you had WLS? Are you considering it now? What is your story? Do you know how to fill in your profile? If I remember correctly you have to do that from a computer.
  24. newbegining2024

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    I went out food shopping too about 8 days after surgery and let me tell you… I felt dizzy and everything was spinning around me. I went and sit in the car too. When I told my doctor, she screamed at me for going out. I had a revision RNY which is a major surgery. I didn’t expect it to have that effect with me. I finally feel better after full 3 weeks. I am glad I took 3 weeks off from work. From time to time I still feel dizzy. I think I need more liquid intake. How are you feeling now?
  25. newbegining2024

    Feeling very emotional and regretting

    Thank you! Everyone’s messages is making me clammed down with my sad emotions. I feel the same about the sleeve surgery, I was pretty much ok after 2 -3 days after the sleeve, and didn’t have allergic reaction to the glue. The feeling after the revision was completely different so I guess I was shocked of how much I am going through. I was under the anesthesia much longer this time and I am still feeling dizzy, sweating from doing nothing right now. The nurse said my body is trying to get rid of the anesthesia from aspiration. Hoping to feel better soon.

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