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Found 554 results

  1. susieq321

    TLBC Clinic- Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    I haven't read the over a dozen pages but I hope they are not all the same I know the last 3 or 4 I read were nasty and not helpful. TLBC and promises, I would encourage anyone who has a special deal ie fill Drs, anything out of the norm with any surgeon or staff member to get it in writing then there is no confusion as to what and who promised anything. Until you have it in writing there isn't a whole lot you can do about it because it becomes a he said she said situation. As for the rest of it Slimband is a great progressive clinic and they are willing to do things to help their patients. I was looking at the event calendar and things like lectures by Dr Barry Simon who I have heard speak and is amazing he actually gets that our heads are different than people who have never had a weight issue. Today marks my seventh year of banding and I can't tell you how far things have come. When I was banded there were no clinics and lots of promises, I could go on but as I posted somewhere else it is kind of like listening to your parents who walked 40 miles to school in ten feet of snow up hill both ways.... remember it is all about you and you are the one who can do this and you are the only one who is responsible if you succeed or fail! There is absolutely a need to get all the details out good and bad and where you succeed and where you fail but focusing on the negative will only breed more negative. Focusing on things like the compliments you got, how you feel in your body as you lose weight... how you move better how your back hurts less and your knees don't creak... those need to come out too. Maybe this is the time to start posting what works for you... what in the clinic worked for you what you would like to see more of? Maybe with the new year it is time for new goals and new attitudes. It might even be time for a new thread.. to start the new year right and focus on where things are going and good they are. Heather
  2. Maybe I am a grouch.. But after recovering from my motorcycle accident and two surgeries thereafter and trying to keep my business afloat and run a household while my husband works out of town all the time...I have no time to go to Toronto for my fills and that was a point that I brought up to Dorothy who assured me again it will be fine. So now I feel with no fill dr in Sudbury I am screwed, I have paid for this surgery for nothing since I cant get my proper fills. This is a whole different experience and just dealing with the weight loss end of things and then all the other crap on top of it has absolutly drained me. I cant "eat" my stress away and I'm trying to deal with all of this in a new way and its hard..so yes I snapped. I dont have anyone else to talk to about this slimband and I thought I could come here to vent...my apologies to anyone I have offended. I guess the topper to all my stress was finding out I possibly have melanoma prior to this change in plans. Many thanks to my friends on here for being so supportive. Spanish Lady...good luck with your weight loss I'm glad you arent having a hard time.
  3. canadiangirl

    TLBC Clinic- Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    I totally know what you are going through Jorja, I am from Alberta and I just got a call this morning as well, and they wanted to reschedule my appt. on Monday for Wednesday. Why would they do this?? I am really disappointed in them. I didn't reschedule... I told them that my flight is booked and so is my hotel, so they kept the appt. I was told before I booked my surgery that there WAS a fill Dr. where I live...then I was told that there wasn't by a fellow bandster from Edmonton (after I booked my appt. paid $2500.00 and booked 2 flights for my husband and myself to go to TO.) she told me that she had to fly to TO for her fills. So called them to "straighten out the situation" and I was told that they just finished training a Dr. where I live to do fills so he will be set up to do them by the time i have my surgery. Then surgery day comes and I was told that I need to fly back to TO. for my first fill because it is really important to go to their "fill seminar" and that it would be easier for the Dr who was trained to do fills where I live to find the port because there would be saline in it. So I booked my flights and hotel, and today I was told that there will be no fill seminar for me. (apparently its not as important as it was on Nov. 20th). I could have stayed here and got my fills from their Dr. in Edmonton (if there is one, who knows if they have been truthful).I seem to be spending more and more money and I am getting frustrated with SLIMBAND a.k.a TLBC. I recovered great from my surgery, I have no problem with Dr. Yau as a surgeon, and the nurses were great to me before and after the surgery, but the clinic is going to suffer if they keep this up. Unhappy in Edmonton!!!!
  4. Hello, What is the difference between the 'slimband' and the 'lapband'? I am scheduled to have the 'lapband' done at the Maples Centre in Wpg. in Feb. Just curious if there was any real difference other than brand. Thanks.
  5. susieq321

    TLBC Clinic- Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    Cindy, It couldn't just be that I was offended... go back and read my posts there are 288 of them if you look at my profile. Think what you want I am not here to change your mind. I came back to get support at a time I needed it and offer what has worked for me in the past. Take from that what you want and if you want to think I am a clinic support staff come up and say hi to me next time you are there... And I plan on continue posting read it don't read it.. I am not sure what Slimband did to violate your trust as I said I haven't read all 14 pages and I don't plan on reading them. We all need different support at different times I have hit a low point where I threw out all my rules for about 8 months while I watched a love one die of cancer. So now I need to refocus and for me focusing has been posting on support groups and getting what I needed. When my port was moved in Oct I was talking to Patrick Yau about it and he as my surgeon encouraged me to get back to my basics... I wasn't ready to do it then and now I am. I am sorry you think I protest to much and I am support staff... I hope no one ever treats you when you are looking for support the way you have decided to treat others! heather
  6. Hi everyone, this is my first post. So far I have had a consultation with Rosanne at Slimband. I had already met with a surgeon at Credit Valley but I'm leaning towards Slimband. I still haven't made up my mind 100%. Do you get to meet any of the medical team at Slimband before you make the committment? I feel like speaking to a doctor would put my mind at ease. What was the hardest part to get use to? Also, what are the boot camps I've heard about? Has anyone on here had complications? What were they and how was it handled? Thanks for all your help!
  7. susieq321

    TLBC Clinic- Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    Jorja, The weight will come off too as long as the clothes are looser you are on the right track. And congrats on the progress. We switched over to the slimband thread since this one was so long. So you might want to repost this over there. Heather
  8. kurby

    I'm here to help...

    thanks for welcoming me. i'll start with a little bio I was 25 and went to the dr for what i thought was a routine check up. My regular dr was taking a year off for family so I had a stand in. She did some tests and wanted me to do more. I had been having some problems with my AF over the past year which was very unusual since you could set your clock by my 28 day 8am wake up call. When all was said and done this dr informed me that not only did i have PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) but would probably never have children. This started me down the deep dark depression (3d's) path. For over 5 years I maintained a somewhat social life with my friends but never really wanted a relationship with anyone. I met Patrick in 2002 and when we got married in 2004 I was 100lbs over my early 20's weight. i was somewhat ok with it because i was quite thin in my early 20's but i was hoping to lose some. After the wedding we had made an appointment with a fertility specialist to see exactly what the problem was and if it could be fixed. Well apparently it could be fixed because 1 month later I was pregnant with Cassandra. i lost 30lbs then gained 75lbs and It's been 4 1/2 years since having Cassie and I haven't lost a single pound. In fact I've gained another 15lbs since last year. So.................... Recently I've decided to go for the very expensive Slimband/Lapband surgery. It's a huge step and not an easy out by any means. After years and years of diets that fail I just don't have the energy anymore to get motivated. I want to be healthy for my daughter and if possible have another child which just isn't happening at this weight. My goal. To lose 140lbs. I will say that at 5'8" I will look great if I lose the 140lbs. I've called the slimband clinic and scheduled an August 12th appointment. We are going away for the entire month of July so August is the earliest I can do this. And that's me in a nut shell - some days it's the nut house ok most days it's the nut house.
  9. Hi you all! I would like to get the slimband, dou you know of any good dr. or clinic in Toronto? is it cover under OHIP?

  10. I'm actually new to Guelph ON from Calgary, I'm going to Toronto for my slimband on Dec 1st

  11. You know I just read your post from yesterday. You truly are an inspiration, congratulations on finding your inner determination and strength. My slimband surgery is scheduled for Dec 1st and it's wonderful to hear about your "two cents" your words are priceless inspirations.

  12. Doddie63

    Lap Band Milestone in BC

    Please keep our group informed. I would think providing fills for other clinics/surgeons would be profitable. I hope Slimband (TLBC) is one of them.
  13. Don't be fooled

    Lapband removal

    Hello, I had my SLIMBAND removed in December 2014. In November of 2014 I was informed by an independent surgeon there has not been even a gastric pouch since November of 2013. How many of SLIMBAND patients are there that think they have a gastric pouch for weight loss and don't, and are still paying??
  14. I'm scheduled for surgery with Slimband on April 7th and I'm wondering what people think of their post-op program. Has it been positive? Are they proactive, helpful, easy to get a hold of? Do you feel well supported in your weight loss journey? I was originally going with the Surgical Weight Loss Centre in Mississauga but I switched to Slimband and I'm really nervous that I will regret my decision. Any feedback on Slimband (good or bad) would be much appreciated.
  15. I have fills with Dr. Hazrati at 5734 Yonge Street, (Yonge and Finch area) phone is: 416-222-5501 he charges $120 for fill or de-fill. He was a head Surgeon at Prince Arthur SlimBand Clinic. I got by Band 15 years ago too. It was nice 'chatting' with you I have minimal acid reflux if I de-fill my band but then I gain weight.
  16. Not sure if you're having the same issue that I did, but I found that I was constantly spitting up hundreds of bubbles (they looked like foam from a bubble bath). Turns out I needed a de-fill (my surgeon put 2cc in during the operation - Slimband now do partial fills during surgery as part of practice). For days, every time I sipped anything, it would come back up as foam, so they removed 0.5cc - and that didn't help, so they removed another .5cc. So now I only have 1cc in my band and am looking forward to the five week fill, as I have no restriction now that the swelling has gone down! Good luck and remember - the side effects, however nasty, will seem like a distant memory soon
  17. I am happy to hear others who are doing well. You know losing 100 lbs is a lot so maybe do not put too much pressure on yourself. I still weigh over 200 lbs and every time I see the doctor she bugs me about losing weight. I say to her forget it. I am not interested in getting back on that diet roller coaster of ups and downs. I do not think about food all day and I do not want to count calories or weigh or measure anything. For me I feel this is my SET point if you will. The right weight for my body without trying to adjust it. My slimband is at the tightest I think I can have and it suits me. Just remember to use your self control to avoid really fattening things or have a smaller amount. Scrape leftovers off the plate. Just enjoy your life and for once think of other things besides when the next meal is coming. Hard but becomes easier.
  18. I have just noticed that Slimband in Toronto are now advertising on TV. Part of the sales pitch that they mentioned as part of this advertisement is that you can eat whatever you want only in smaller portions Then they have pictures of burgers, pizza etc. etc. I would say this is kind of misleading what do you think??
  19. jennybean

    Pretty discouraged

    Hi, I am from Canada too although I did not go to Slimband. I had my surgery in September and have had 5 fills so far! Why have you only had one? The general rule is once every four weeks - no sooner (at least with my office). My band was completely emptied after surgery due to complications. So I started from zero. Dont feel bad about the slow weightloss, it is not your fault! You need to get into the green zone and until then it will be hard to lose weight. Look at my stats below, nothing to brag about for sure!! I am eating about a third of what I used to eat and still not budging. I am still working on getting to that elusive green zone. I am getting discouraged, but this is for life so I hope it will work for me!! There was another girl here who has been complaining about Slimband since the Dr.Yau issue and not returning her calls. Hope you are doing OK and get somewhere with them! They have to do something, they cant leave all of their clients hanging!!
  20. Anyone banded by TLBC or Slimband that isn't currently being adequately cared for or entirely dropped. Please contact me directly at Tlbchelp@gmail.com I have been working on a solution for the past several months and looks like I am getting close. I was banded back in 2007 by Tlbc and then totally dropped early 2014 by Slimband. As if they are a different entity? Still don't buy it. Contact me.
  21. I had my lap band inserted in March 2017 in Toronto and went home to Alberta with promises of support and help from my ‘coach, Cathy’. She sat with me prior to the procedure and explained how everything was to go after the band was put in place (she is still working for Slimband Canada). After the procedure I was experiencing discomfort and call to talk to the surgical nurses on site and was told it was normal. After 4 weeks Cathy was supposed to call and check up and start the coaching me on starting the plan but never called. Every time I called I left a message and she never returned any of my calls. She would respond by email is I wanted to pay for a fill request, but would not answer any of my concerns or questions. I eventually went online a few months later, only to discover the clinic shut down and I was left out in the cold and $12,000 poorer. I’ve had nothing but issues and had to go though referral and wait time to get into the bariatric clinic in my city. I just recently had a barium swallow done and discovered that the band ‘slipped’ and is sitting at the top of my stomach around the asophagus. This would explain why had have suck difficulty eating and having food getting stuck almost daily. This causes me to force throw up to dislodge food multiple times a week. I never go out with friends because it’s embarrassing and family get togethers are challenging. I now have a 6 - 8 month wait to have it removed. At that time they will be able to find out if the band slipped or was improperly placed in the first place. If someone is planning a Class Action Lawsuit.... I’m in!!!!!
  22. needamulligan

    What do you do?

    I went to bed last night after reading your post. I was so sad and worried for you. I don't know you but I tossed and turned all night thinking about your dilemma. I am so glad to see your father is being supportive even though he is going to worry. I am glad he is researching into what exactly your procedure is. I think we all have the same worries that you do, that something will go wrong. It all seems so drastic and it would be so much easier to just continue life without going to the extremes of going under the knife. But if you didn't do anything and just kept living life as you are now, would you be happy, energetic, live life to the fullest, have self confidence and love yourself just the way you are now. Would you be completely at peace with yourself?! Are you now? And if you bring God into it, think of all you can do and be once you have this (in my case 30 min operation that is 100% reversible) done. I think for those that first hear of slimband or lapband operations they think of it as gastric bi-pass. It's not, this has an escape clause, if it doesn't work for you or you hate it, you can change it, have it removed. BUT... if it works think of all you can be!! My operation is a month away on Dec 1st, I have a beautiful husband and 4 children. It is a huge decision, but I choose it because I want to BE more, I can live this life only once. I want to live it happy, I want to feel peace and be content. I want to feel comfortable in my own skin. I can't wait to be telling my story a year from now telling people in the pre-op stage it's going to be ok, and it's going to be amazing! At first I was feeling exactly as you are, then I found this forum and found such inspiration in people's stories. Hang in there, I wish you peace in your decision and all the best. Teresa
  23. slimmingdown28

    1st fill now have gas in shoulders

    I have the slimband ( Canadian version) I've never had a fill, had my surg in June and always get pain in my left shoulder if I eat too much. But recently in oct. I also started having nutcracker esophageal spasms, not fun at all but the pain in my shoulder didn't seem to show up I would much prefer the shoulder pain any day.
  24. I was banded outside of Canada (please spare me the why did you do that, that was stupid etc comments I simply couldnt afford the surgery in Canada ) and now I am searching for a fill doctor in Ontario. However it appears that Slimband (how is that place even still operating with all the bad reviews seriously?!) and other big companies seem to have complete control over Ontario when it comes to post op fill stuff. I do not have $5,000 for a post op care plan nor do I want to pay that and no one seems to do just fills on a pay per visit system. Ontario is where I am from but not where I will be living for the rest of my life, so it would be a waste of money to spend the $5,000 on a post op plan and then in a year or 2 move again ( most likely to the States) where I will need yet another doctor ( or post op plan) or travel back to Ontario. Totally not worth it. I have been searching and searching with no luck. I have a doctor in Montreal who will take me as a patient, but I am just hoping to find someone closer. I have read past posts about doctors in Ottawa, Toronto and Sudbury but everyone I have tried said they only offer the post op care plans. I found a place in Orilla but wouldnt give me any info about costs told me I must come before they can discuss that (wtf). Anybody have a doc that charges per fill in Ontario? Thanks! and happy weight loss
  25. sassygirlcanada

    SLIMBAND?! Don't do it.

    If you are thinking about getting the lap-band, it's a big decision and one you need to think about carefully. I wish I had done more research before I got mine and perhaps I would have gone somewhere other than Slimband. There's so much going on at Slimband that it's scary. It's a company that just wants your money. Once your payments clear, they'll drop you. It's happened to lots of us already. They will actually refer to you as a client because that's all you are to them. They are also very secretive which means you can't have any trust in them in terms of the care you will get post-surgery. If you ask questions you will likely go ignored for a long time. There is absolutely NO TRANSPARENCY! If you run into problems, and I mean serious problems, that are dangerous, they are sometimes not taken seriously. There article below mentions a lawsuit that occurred and trust me when I say, I've heard other horrible and terrifying stories/experiences as well. They fire or force their staff to resign. Last May, pretty much all their staff were let go. Now, with very few staff, there is not a lot of support and people have to pay for treatments that they were told they wouldn't have to. They will cut you off from services with no notice and they will say they are not required to give you such notice. Please consider another company. Slimband has gotten too big. It is a company that wants your money and will do whatever they can to get you signed up for surgery. They will use a sales pitch that is hard to ignore and they have even signed up people who don't qualify for the procedure. If you look at any place online, the lap band should only be given to those who are at least 100 pounds overweight. I know of an individual who was 190lbs and who only had to lost 30 pounds to be at their target weight. Dr. Patrick Yau resigned last week for the mistreatment of patients. He was an absolutely horrible person. And I know that he is no longer apart of Slimband but he was the Chief Surgeon for a long time at Slimband. During his time with them, he was a horrible physician and I question any company who would let such a doctor treat their patients for as long as he did. If I had to go through this all again, I would have likely gotten a gastric bypass. Although more involved, it's free and much more successful in terms of results. There are other places that you can get the lap band from. I'd say go anywhere but Slimband. Do your research.

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