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Found 17,501 results

  1. RonHall908

    Struggling to stop losing

    Did you have any stalls or lose fast at certain times throughout post op?
  2. Are you sure it’s the same one? On their site it’s $39.99 for Three month supply and cheaper if you sign up for autoship.
  3. NickelChip

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    Oh, that's interesting. So many sources say you start out much faster and then slow down at 3 months and again at 6 months, but it's encouraging to know that isn't the only way it can happen. My highest weight is what I show as my starting weight in my stats, but I lost about 13 lbs from nutrition changes while waiting for surgery, and another 15 lbs from the pre-op diet, so in the 5 weeks since surgery, I'm only down 12 lbs, with a one week stall at the 3-week mark, like clockwork. Patience is not one of my virtues.
  4. I haven't hit a stall yet and I am 9.5 months post op. I still extremely limit my carbs. typically less than 40 carbs per day, net carbs are less. I am still high protein. I am still losing 2+ pounds per week. My daughter had the surgery the same day I did, and she has been stalled for a two months, she also eats whatever she wants. She isn't limiting what she eats. She is under 1400 calories per day and not losing. I am ~1000 calories a day still. As far as being cold, yes, I am cold a lot. I used to die from heat, if my office was 75 degrees I was sweating. Now at 75 degrees I can be comfortable if not slightly chilled. I have lost a lot of insulation. All my blood work comes back perfect. It will take some time for your body to regulate. (although my friend is 4 years PO and she is still always cold and has been goal weight for 2 years).
  5. I've slowed down, finally. I averaged about 9-10lbs a month right from the start. I would stalled for 3 or 4 days, loose a pound a day for several days, then stall again. That was pretty much the whole 10.5 months and 126lbs. I did lose 15lbs during the pre-op diet that I'm including in this.
  6. I had a stall one month out that lasted for 5 weeks. I gained and lost the same 2-4 lbs every week. It was so discouraging. One thing I highly recommend though is MEASUREMENTS. I discovered that though I wasn't losing weight, I was losing inches!! This is rather common during a stall because our body composition is still changing even though the scale is at a standstill or going up a bit. The stall will break eventually. Keep doing what they told you to do, make sure you are getting your protein and hydration daily. Go for a walk. Try to ignore the scale for a bit. This is a marathon, not a sprint. I know it is hard, I'm 10 weeks out and have to remind myself of this every day!
  7. catwoman7

    Down Time

    I took three weeks off but could have gone back after two. I know a few people who were back at work after a week, though. If you have a desk job, unless you're having a hard time recovering, you'll probably be able to go back earlier than someone who has a really active job, so yes, the type of job is a factor..
  8. newbegining2024

    Is this a stall?

    I think 21days post op and losing 16-18lbs is great! I just learned in this community that revision surgery have slowly weight loss. My doctor and me doing my own research never came up till I found this site. i am also feeling that I am having multiple stalls. Before pre op diet I lose 15lbs on my own, then during pre op diet I lost 8 lbs on the first week of liquid diet and stall for one week have no weight loss. Then went into surgery while having the stall. After the surgery, I gained 7 lbs of water retention from the iv I got from the hospital. It took a few days and get back to my surgery day weight, then I loss about 5 lbs in a week. so almost 2 weeks after surgery only loss 5 lbs. So 16-18lbs is great! I am jelly here. But like many said everyone is different, although it’s hard, but I am trying to positive.
  9. You’re doing awesome!! I wouldn’t worry about 2 lbs. That can fluctuate from one day to the next or even throughout the day. I can not wait to be where you’re at!! I’m watching that line to get into the 29th percentile and sooooo close!! I’m at 186lbs today three weeks post op.
  10. SomeBigGuy

    Not losing weight

    The dreaded "Week 3 Stall". It's normal, and I'm just coming out of it myself (plus a 6lb regain that I just re-lost). I've had several others tell me that the stall will last 2-4 weeks, so just weigh yourself weekly instead of daily to prevent worrying over it as much. Just stick to the diet plan and you'll resume losing weight. The weight loss won't be a straight line, expect it to be more like stair steps with a loss, then a flat line for a bit with a slight regain, before it drops again. I've also heard there's typically a second stall around the 3 month mark that lasts 2-4 weeks as well, so just prepare for that as being normal, and stick to the plan. Best of luck to you!
  11. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Not Enough Calories

    I personally would do as your surgeon recommended. Perhaps they want you to increase your overall calorie intake at 6 months? Mine at 6 months is 800 so close to yours, there is documentation that the body does go into starvation mode and will stall out and hold onto what weight there is for "self preservation" darn bodies don't understand we're trying to become healthier! That being said, a stall is a stall and not much can be done other than wait it out and have faith in the journey. Although, I understand your frustration!
  12. I am 100% along with you all…3 weeks stall over here too. My surgery date was January 22. I’m trying to do some positive self-talk. As my husband always tells me…be kind to my wife.
  13. My goal at 250 was to ensure I could get both my knees replaced. However, I am already able to get them replaced, but holding out as long as I can. Your goal is "YOUR" goal. I am hopeful I will drop below 250 and it is still looking promising, I haven't had a stall week yet in 9.5 months. I also know I have loose skin which I will look into removing once I hit the 18-24 month mark from surgery, and that could add another 40 pounds of weight. Just get an obtainable goal and go from there, adjust as needed.
  14. I am 7 weeks post op revision to bypass and loss 20 lbs. I am currently in a stall for a week already. In April which is only a few weeks away, we have a family trip taking my young children to Disney World. It’s a 9 days trip where I will be away from home. I would like advises and Suggestions from all of you who went on trips post op. I feel like it might be hard for me to find something healthy when I am on this trip. Help
  15. The Greater Fool

    Weight gain

    Since it's so early post-op it sounds like the extraordinarily common '3 week stall' which happens 1-6 weeks post-op. The one sure fire fix is to get off the scale for a while. Good luck, Tek
  16. sweetsmith78

    Strongly struggling

    I would and I did . Make a scrambled egg. Remember texter and density make a difference on the feeling of stomach. I would take one bite and see how you feel. But remember head hunger is the real deal. 💕 dont fret the weightloss stall. Mine was six weeks then swish it was gone! You will enjoy this thread the documentation of the journey and learning . You can look back years later.
  17. When I went in for my 1 week visit to the dietician she told me that I was right on track... 14 pound loss since starting the pre-op diet. She told me to expect about a one-month stall (or very little weight loss) once I started to add food in. She said that clothing will start to fit looser, but the scale may come to a halt. Then it will pick up again. I'm trying to weigh only once a week and not bank on the scale as my only means of seeing results. It's hard!
  18. Eva Greeff

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    I won't be at three months until the end of January, but I am in a stall (two weeks now). I have been at the same weight (give or take a few ounces) since January 3. It is really frustrating, but expected. I have done really well otherwise. I have not cheated and sailed through the holidays (and Disneyland) without being tempted (well, I was tempted but did not give in). I am very proud of that (and my daughter has been making bread, cookies and muffins weekly--I have not had any of it). I think I am a slow loser, but am happy with what I have lost up until the stall. I need to drink more water and exercise more (though the last week we have had ice storm upon ice storm), but am getting in the protein. I am trying to concentrate on how to get a variety of healthy foods as opposed to eating the same thing. I also need to meal plan more. Is anyone tired. I get enough sleep but sometimes feel my energy is low. Anyone else having issues with that? I hope everyone is doing well. I too am curious to hear how everyone is doing.
  19. catwoman7

    On TPN to gain weight

    it's really, really rare to have a stricture that late - they almost always appear - if they're going to appear - within the first three months after surgery. I had two - at four weeks out and again at eight weeks out. The first time I knew something was wrong and I called my clinic. They suspected it was a stricture and sent me over to the hospital for an upper endoscopy to confirm (and "fix") it. The second time I knew exactly what it was since I'd seen this movie before and I went right in to have it stretched. So no, I never got to the point you were at. For those newbies who are reading this, strictures only happen to about 5% of bypass patients (they can happen to sleeve patients as well, but they're very rare with sleeve), and they almost always happen within the first three months after surgery. Just be aware of the symptoms she listed and contact your clinic if you first start noticing stuff like this. They're not going to heal on their own, and they're an easy fix. Just make sure to let your clinic know if you start having these kinds of symptoms (can't keep anything down, nausea all the time) since these are not normal and are usually indicative of a stricture.
  20. 1. F (with an asterisk, NB on low dose testosterone), 35 now, 34 on surgery date, 5'7" 2 . 27.2 lbs (I had lost 54 lbs in the 6 months prior to that, but stalled due to last supper eating, losing 20 pounds in my 2 week pre-op) 3. 276.0 4. 256.6 5. 228.0 6. 188.0 7. 147.0 8. Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass I'm a few days short of a year out, but I don't want to forget to post.
  21. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    From October up to my two week liquid diet I lost 60 lbs. That was a 4 1/2 month span. Two week pre- op I lost 15 lbs. My surgeon said I will have stalls. But, then I'll have times where it will seem like it's falling off easy. I'm impatient as well. Back in June I tore my meniscus and it requires surgery. They won't do surgery until I hit a certain BMI. I'm within 10 lbs of hitting that number. Lose a couple pounds a week is still a victory. As you said, this process takes months.
  22. summerseeker


    Hello Amanda, Just trust the process, it really works. Hold your nerve. Try to not look for ways to break the stall. Your body needs the small rest to begin dropping again.
  23. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Had a rough day yesterday with food. I had a little bite of mango at lunch that set my tummy off and caused quite a bit of pain before finally having to vomit. And my right hip is suddenly in pain for no reason. It's excruciating when I climb stairs, or when I have to shift my leg from the accelerator to the brake, as I discovered while driving. Today I'm sticking with a smoothie for lunch and some soup for dinner. I'm so frustrated that everything seems to make me sick. And I've been stalled at 204.4lbs for three days now, which just adds insult to injury. But, I've done very well with increasing my activity level. I've only missed one day of hitting my 10k step goal, and that was a day when I was doing a long drive with little chance to stop and walk. As for being cold, I was freezing yesterday! Spring is taking its time and my hands are always so cold.
  24. I led one of the classes at my bariatric clinic (for pre-op patients) for three or four years (until the COVID lockdowns when they quit having the classes). I always, always, always told them about the three-week stall, because I've learned from these kinds of sites that most surgeons don't mention it, and people freak out when it happens. Since it happens to the vast majority of us, I'm really surprised it doesn't have a prominent place in people's surgery packets - and/or isn't mentioned in pre-op classes. I think we see this question here on BP twice a week. Surgeons (or anyone who teaches/leads pre-op classes) REALLY need to mention this...
  25. SleeveToBypass2023


    I agree with @BlondePatriotInCDA. Definitely check out the NSV thread. That's what got me through when I was needing motivation or when I needed to get through stalls and feeling frustrated.

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