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Found 17,501 results

  1. Waiting for insurance company to approve my revision surgery from sleeve to bypass due to severe reflux.
  2. Yes, I am pre-op for a revision to my RNY. I am having the TORE procedure done to restore the size of the pouch outlet and the dimensions of the pouch itself.
  3. ShoppGirl


    So I was given a month to research the SADI procedure by my doctor and told to come back prepared with questions so we could make up my mind between revision to SADI and Bypass. I have been All over the Internet and this forum asking all kinda of questions to get as much info as possible before today about the SADI. I show up to my appt and my first question promoted him to say the SADI may not be appropriate for me. Even know he has prescribed them for me in the past and it was on the list of current meds he didn’t realize I have to take OMEPRAZOLE DAILY for heartburn/ GERD. So now he wants to do a scope to see if SADI or bypass would be better for me. I know that I need to learn to be more patient and roll with the punches but I thought today that I was the one who was going to be making the decisions and that I would be leaving with a surgery date. Instead I have to get a scope the last of May and follow up early June at which time I will hopefully be getting a date for some surgery. I am just frustrated that he was the one to present me with this option that my research made me really want it and I already wasted a month to do that. Now I have to wait another month for the scope and probably can’t get the surgery I never would have known I really want. If he has just read the chart this could’ve been avoided. If we were just going to end up with bypass we could have set a date a month ago. Idk. Just frustrated and a little sad.
  4. I had a revision from vsg to bypass due to gerd over 2 years ago. I don't regret it. I'm sorry I waited so long. I don't know the future but up till now, it's been a very smooth transition.
  5. Heatherhagge

    April Operation Buddies

    My surgery day is April 30th. Bypass. Anyone share that date?
  6. Them tests and being off PPi’s for a week do not sound like fun. Hopefully all that is a means to an end, though and you get scheduled for your revision very soon.
  7. what was the reason for mini bypass if you feel comfortable sharing. hope you are feeling better..and always get a second opinion if you are having alot of issue's.
  8. could be either - hormones or absorption issues. Some people have to get their dosage adjusted after bypass.
  9. Hello. I am 2 1/2 weeks post op. It's been a rough couple of weeks - severe allergic reaction on abdomen and a bad UTI. But I really didn't expect to have almost constant heartburn. I might have expected it with a sleeve, but this is horrible. Anyone else have persistent heartburn with gastric BYPASS? What have you done for it?
  10. I had my surgery 3/13/24 I had ESG revision of Gastric Plication in 2011
  11. SantaFeJennifer

    April Operation Buddies

    I had gastric bypass surgery on Friday the 19th. Getting discharged soon.
  12. catwoman7

    Advice Needed: Reflux After Sleeve

    revisions do work the vast majority of the time. But not all the time - we see people on here once in a while who had one, but it didn't work for them. But most of the time, yes, it works.
  13. Because of my co-morbid conditions he feels that is best, and also the amount of weight I need to lose to be in a safe/healthy space. I have pre existing pretty severe GERD and Gastroparesis and he said that Bypass is best and I need to lose at least 180 pounds to be closer to an ideal weight, and he said Bypass allows for a greater percentage of loss versus sleeve.
  14. Vitamin and Mineral Absorption: Unlike SADI-S, gastric bypass allows for full absorption of fat, protein, and carbohydrates.
  15. oopsies sorry...didn't realize u had a revision...(i am just a single surgery sleever)...disregard my earlier post!
  16. Had the bypass 3/18.
  17. MOST bypass patients will not have heartburn, but not all. Occasionally heartburn can happen. Usually it is temporary while the stomach is healing and readjusting itself. Definitely talk to your surgeon about this. If your heartburn was from acid reflux from the stomach when you had the sleeve, the odds are overwhelmingly in your favor that it will settle down soon. Rarely a person can have bile reflux, but this is very different and normally tests are done to make sure it isn't that before revision surgery is done. Also, ask for nausea medication. If you have it and it isn't working well, ask for a different one. For me, Zofran does nothing, but Promethazine is amazing! So you could just need a med adjustment.
  18. SleeveToBypass2023

    Is this true?

    I had a sleeve and then a year later had to have a revision to bypass due to a LOT of complications. But I had the sleeve for 13 months before I had the revision, so here's what I can tell you. No matter what surgery you have, eventually your stomach will stretch out to a certain point. Will it go back to the size it was pre-surgery? No. But it will become a little bigger than when you first have the surgery. For example: pre-surgery, I would 6 scrambled eggs w/ cheese, 2 sausage patties, 6-8 pieces of bacon, and 2 pieces of buttered toast for breakfast. After surgery, I could eat 1-2 tablespoons of scrambled eggs. Now, I have a 2 egg omelet w/ cheese. I'm 2 years out from my initial surgery and 11 months out from my revision. For dinner, I would have an appetizer, a 12oz steak, loaded mashed potatoes (w/ butter, cheese, bacon, and sour cream), some kind of veggie, a dessert (pie or cake, depending on what was there). Right after surgery, I would have 1-2 tablespoons of hummus and avocado spread. Now I have 3oz of steak and 1/4 cup of cauliflower mash and 1/2 cup of veggies. If I want dessert, it's something with little to no sugar, or at the very least, no added sugar. So while your stomach WILL stretch a little bit (completely normal) it will not go back to its original size. Having said that, if you eat slider foods and a lot of crap, you won't see the results you're wanting. Just eating smaller portions and not making any dietary changes won't get you there. The surgery is a tool and needs to be used as such. Also, make sure you move your body. I was your size, so I know it's hard. Walking, water exercises, chair exercises, walking with ankle weights....all things that can be done at your size while you're losing. Once I lost the first 100 pounds, I was able to REALLY go ham in the gym lol I've lost 190 pounds from my initial surgery date. But I've lost 223 pounds from my highest weight (421). It hasn't been easy, but it's been absolutely worth it.
  19. I was wondering what your portion sizes look like if you’re 6 months or longer out of surgery. Are you able to go to dinner with friends? How is your life affected by food now?
  20. LaceyMae

    April Operation Buddies

    We’re a day apart! I had Gastric Bypass, but 🤷🏽‍♀️! Hope you’re doing well!
  21. If you're already staying away from sugar and carbs, you're ahead of the game. I think the bypass will definitely improve things drastically for you. The sleeve was never a viable option for you because of the GERD. I'm wishing you all kinds of luck, but I know you'll come through it ok. Don't be afraid of the revision. It's the easiest part of everything you've been through.
  22. ShoppGirl

    Intake Tracking

    I am pending revision and just started with the Baritastic app too. I like it. It’s super easy to use. Set reminders to take your vitamins. Soon you will find yourself remembering to take them and silencing it before it goes off but a recurring reminder will prevent slips.
  23. Anyone having issues with irregular heartbeats since having gastric bypass? I have been having problems with AFIB when I went through dumping the first few months and now 1 year out since February I have been in constant PVC (Premature ventricular contraction). My cardiologist is baffled. Been through all kinds of tests and my heart is healthy and have no blockages BUT even with meds it’s not going away. I am constantly having PVC’s AND when I eat my heart gets worse! I flutters like CRAZY!!!! Feels like I horrible panic attack, sometimes feel like I am going to have a heart attack or something. I have been in hospital, being monitored and back in hospital for testing and been on heart monitors. In 1 week wearing a monitor they recorded over 38,000 PVC’S 😱 I am at a loss here and never had these issues until I was revised to gastric bypass. I went back to Bariatric surgeon and he put me on reactive hypoglycemia diet he said that cannot cause PVCs, but it can cause heart, palpitations, and being on that diet has not made any changes. I go back to the cardiologist again for the 11th time on Tuesday after wearing my third monitor and I don’t know what is going to be done at this point. It’s really freaky that after I eat whether it’s healthy or not so healthy my heart does a freaking jiggly jig dance!!!! I thought I’d come on here to see if this is a problem that anybody else has heard of or experienced ?
  24. newbegining2024

    4 yrs post VSG to RNY

    Good to know you are doing good! You said you did the revision at your goal weight, did you lose Ms more weight after the revision or stay the same?
  25. newbegining2024

    4 yrs post VSG to RNY

    Good to know you are doing good! You said you did the revision at your goal weight, did you lose Ms more weight after the revision or stay the same?

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