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  1. not me, but several people on here have had revisions. Most of them VSG to bypass since VBG is an older surgery that is rarely (maybe never?) done anymore.
  2. ShoppGirl

    Sleeve to bypass question

    yea I’m gonna have to ask the doctor to dumb it down for me because I don’t understand my normal anatomy, nevermind enough for that to make sense to me from just looking at the picture. When I said he won’t touch the stomach though I guess I should have said he won’t resleeve it for the SADI revision. So my thought was if he doesn’t do anything to make it smaller then I would still be able to eat as much as I can now post SADI (which is a lot more than most people on here). I would still have the benefit of less absorption but no real restriction. So maybe the bypass would be a better choice for me after all if it would add the restriction too. I could be overthinking it.
  3. ShoppGirl

    Pain relief

    This is a problem that I ran into also. Basically there isn’t anything. Well there is an herb that’s supposed to help with inflammation called Tumeric but I never tied it. Some people say injections and topical NSAIDs are okay but others say no. I was lucky I had sleeve when I needed them and was told that because I was so far out that I could take them on very rare occasions. I talked to my surgeon today about revision and asked about NSAIDs with SADI vs Bypass. He said it’s a definite no with Bypass but didn’t say what you can take instead. Probably just pain medication and ice like you said and maybe try the Tumeric. Google says it can interact with some drugs so be sure to talk to Dr or pharmacist
  4. SleeveToBypass2023

    Having second thoughts.

    I didn't have much pain when I woke up from my sleeve surgery. The pain came after i got home. It was a ROUGH 2 week recovery. HOWEVER....when I had my revision from sleeve to bypass, no pain. I was literally up and moving and walking and doing well while still in the hospital. The recovery was night and day compared to the sleeve. My only regret is that I didn't just do the bypass to begin with. I think you'll be fine. Just breathe through the nerves, remember why you're doing it, and take the leap. I promise, once you're on the other side of the surgery, you'll be so glad you did it.
  5. Gastric bypass revision from sleeve. I am doing liquid IV and trying the best I can to drink shakes and eat mush food. Not working out well. I am drinking. Still nausea. Is this the usual for a lot or am I in a bit of trouble. I was at er for urinary issue and they did scan said all looked good. Still going every ten minutes and just a little comes out. I guess it’s time to call doc. It’s a bit overwhelming. Praying for best outcome
  6. i just had a revision from a sleeve to roux en y and yes i can hear everything. i also feel things moving through. Has anyone else had this experience?
  7. newbegining2024

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    I have my revision sleeve to RNY as well on 1/22 and took me full 3 weeks to feel better. How are you feeling now? I loss 8.5/9 lbs after 1 week of surgery, week 2 and 3 I hit the plateau. Finally broke the plateau yesterday. So starting my week 4 and loss addition 1.5 lb. Total of 10 lbs or so.
  8. I'm curious what they told you to expect in terms of weight loss, as I've heard revisions for that purpose don't necessarily produce large weight loss (but do help with issues like GERD). I'm afraid I don't know much about gastric bypass and IBS. That's quite a bit of fruit and veg they have you eating preop. I wish you luck, though, and hope you can get answers to the questions you have!
  9. Synlee

    May 2023 surgeries

    Hello, I'm still hanging in there, things are improving a lil each month. Still have days where I'm pretty sick, but overall I'm feeling alot better. My doc did ask if I would want to try a revision to see if it would help, but I don't think I wanna take that chance with how awful my first round was. I'm down almost 80#s overall. 47# since surgery. So my weighloss is very slow going. I'm finally averaging 500 Cals a day and 53 protein. Each month I able to increase it a lil bit. Slowly working my way up. They said my weightloss will increase as I'm able to get my intakes up. Congrats to you on your journey you're doing great. I'm sure you will hit all the goals you set. Take care.
  10. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you taking the time to answer me. It’s been over 2 months , so that’s why I’m kinda freaking out (my younger brother died of stomach cancer in his 30s… sooo the thought not getting my erosions to heal and this surgery not having been a success is really depressing me). I have an endoscopy scheduled for 3/15.. I can’t bear the thought of this revision not being a success … thank you , again 😢🙏🏽
  11. I had gastric bypass in July of 2019. Highest weight was 400 before losing a bit on my own. Current weight varies from 167 to 173. I still feel some restriction to this day. My meals are usually small although I know we can all 'eat around' the restriction by eating smaller, but continuous meals and this was a slippery slope I fought back against. About 2 yrs ago, I started experiencing right sided pain. It felt like the pain I used to feel when I ovulated so I assumed it was ovarian (post menopausal). Saw OB & had 2 ultrasounds and they couldn't even see my right ovary (like, where did it go?) and the left was fine. Since they couldn't 'see' the right one, they said that was good since there was no obvious signs of..I don't know tumors, growths? The pain continued to worsen & I finally had gall bladder taken out about 1.5 yrs ago. I adjusted diet again to deal with gal bladder being gone and things seemed to go ok. A ew months after that the right sided pain returned. About 4 mos ago, the pain got so bad at times I'd be in a ball on my bed considering going to the ER (which I HATE doing). Went back to primary and he sent me for CT scan. CT came up with no findings. Then he referred me to GI doctor for colonoscopy and upper GI. I thought finally 'this was it, we've ruled out most other things'. I also had seen blood in my stools and it was old blood, like coffee grounds so I thought ok, not hemorrhoids? Just got back home from colonoscopy & upper GI. I thought doing the prep was bad 10 yrs ago, but it is much harder having had bypass surgery. Good news is they found no polyps or other concerning things. Bad news is I was stunned their main finding was regarding my bypass "Patient's surgical anastomosis was noted to be widely dilated, raising the possibility of Dumping Syndrome as a cause for her complaints". OK, most know what dumping is. I thought it was post surgery when we ate food (i.e. sugar, high fat) that processed too fast or was too much for us to handle. They recommended I see a gastric bypass revision specialist. My question is, has anyone else had a revision NOT due to their 1st bariatric surgery not being successful but for a "medical reason" like this (other than GERD, heartburn). I'm not even sure insurance will pay, but I have 2 yrs worth of history on this pain. Even it if does pay, I dread what this means for me - even more hair loss? If I do this, will I need another revision in 5 yrs again at which point I'll be getting up there in age. I've also wondered with the CT scan, etc. is there any chance of some straggler/stone from my gallbladder surgery 1.5 yrs ago that should be considered? Should I post this in the revision group instead? I read through some and was unsure. Are we allowed to cross-post? Any input would be appreciated. This is causing issues on my job as the pain hits out of nowhere (not X amount of time before OR after a meal, that I have been able to discern. Thank you!
  12. I am looking to revise my gastric sleeve for similar reasons. I had my mind on bypass but my dr just suggested today that I do some research on the SADI. I could be wrong but I believe if you already have the sleeve part that they do the SADI. From what I understand the sleeve and the Sadi make up the DS. But there is also something about a modified DS so I’m pretty confused at this point. Anyways, I have to choose between the SADI and the bypass and I am curious to hear what people have to say about both options.
  13. ChunkCat

    My Story So Far

    Welcome!! I had a friend who had bypass about the same time as you did and it was very different back then!! We have so many more resources available now. And SO many more products!! I remember how much she hated adding protein powders to her food and how stubborn she was about ignoring healthy food. She lost a ton of weight but I often wonder if she regained since she ate such junk post op. Eventually the portions catch up with you! Most advice for losing weight a while after surgery is to go back to basics, watching your portion size, cutting out simple carbs, getting most of your calories from healthy complex carbs, a little fat, and a generous portion of lean protein. Eat your protein portion first, your veggies second, and a few bites of a healthy starch/carb last, if you still have room. Get in whatever good movement you can. Drink at least 64 oz of water and for bypass patients I believe your protein per day should be close to 80 grams. You'd have to ask your doctor about your calories though. Do you still feel your restriction? I know with bypass they can do testing to see what your pouch looks like and hernia surgery is a good time to revise it if it needs a revision. I just had a hernia repair. I'm about 6 months post op from a Duodenal Switch. The healing process after hernia repair has been a lot like bariatric surgery. I can only eat liquids and some purees at the moment and I'm a week out. But I'm so glad I had the repair done!
  14. Hello I had my revision to gastric bypass March 20th, 2024. The pain is minimal when moving or sitting. I’ve been able to stop pain meds. What I do feel has me so worried even though I’m pretty sure it’s not anything terrible. Whenever I drink fluids I get a pain in my lower abdomen. Not terrible but I feel it and when I do I get nervous. I have my post op appt next Friday. Should I wait to see if it subsides or do I call the surgeon Monday? TIA for your answers.
  15. ShoppGirl

    No weight loss

    I can add that if you focus on protein it may be helpful to cut your snacks if you eat those. Based on my experience after the sleeve and from my experience with the dietician while I am pending revision I have been recently focusing on protein first and keeping carbs low and it keeps me full longer and I am losing a little. Basically I am eating just lean meat, veggies and a little fruit. I think it’s the fiber that makes you full faster and the protein that keeps you full longer. I have a protein shake in the morning with my coffee for breakfast and then eat my breakfast for lunch (egg white omelet) and usually chicken or fish for dinner with veggies. This seems to be working for me, I am losing very slowly.
  16. I am 7 weeks post op revision to bypass and loss 20 lbs. I am currently in a stall for a week already. In April which is only a few weeks away, we have a family trip taking my young children to Disney World. It’s a 9 days trip where I will be away from home. I would like advises and Suggestions from all of you who went on trips post op. I feel like it might be hard for me to find something healthy when I am on this trip. Help
  17. Hiya Everyone!! I am 6 months Post revision from VSG to GB, and doing great, but my birthday is friday and I am wondering from others..How do you celebrate when you don't like to go to restaurants anymore because it is a waste of money and you are off sugar? I realized this morning while getting ready to go to work, that my entire life all celebrations of any kind has revolved around food. Not that this is truly a revelation of any kind, but damn...it feels like without eating the celebrations don't happen. And that's not a great feeling! Like, if we don't go to eat for my birthday, then my family isn't creative (or supportive) enough to think of an alternative way to celebrate. What have you guys done? How do others handle this? I am truly at a loss... Thank you in advance and lets all be kind to one another... MUAH!! Sending hugs!!
  18. I had revision May2023 due to stage 2 esophagitis the herd was extremely bad. Since May I’m down 74 lbs it’s definitely much different from the sleeve . I HAVE NO HEARTBURN!. I went to a new dr for this and his program has helped me tremendously. I just stick to their guidelines and exercise 4-6 days a week.
  19. SleeveToBypass2023

    Worst Cast Bypass (trigger warning)

    I'm so sorry this happened to you. I originally had a sleeve and had several very rare complications that led to needing 7 surgeries in a year to correct everything. I had a revision to the bypass, which made all the difference and was life changing. I hate that the bypass wasn't the same for you. I'm glad you're home and starting on the road to getting better.
  20. Arabesque

    VSG stall

    It takes more calories to run your body at a higher weight & fewer to run your body at a lower weight. So yes being able to lose at a similar calorie intake at a higher weight but then being unable to lose still eating the same at a lower weight is to be expected. It’s like reaching maintenance. Remember too,1800 calories is 1800 calories regardless if it comes from a burger & fries or three nutrient dense healthy meals. The quality of the food matters for the health benefits & ensuring your body functions most effectively. I’d hammer your surgeon & dietician for help & answers. Maybe GLP 1 meds may be of help or a revision. If my maths is correct, you’ve lost 8 stone in total? That’s great! Don’t forget to celebrate that.
  21. SleeveToBypass2023

    Just had The Talk with my doctor..

    I had the sleeve and the revision to bypass. I had to have the revision due to so many complications that came about because of the sleeve. I started off at 421 pounds, and I am also having a hysterectomy (mine is March 6th). And I have PCOS. If it were me, I would choose a bypass over the sleeve. My one real regret is that I didn't just do the bypass to begin with. Recovery was way better and easier, so much less pain, all around better experience.
  22. Jim1967

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Hello all, long-time member who has been away for a while. January 8th I am scheduled for a revision lapband to bypass. The band was successful for years and no doubt saved my life but it has run its course and the weight is going back on and the band is maxed out.
  23. Ashley_vsg_2021

    Damn Tik-Tok

    Yup. I scared myself! I was on tik-tok and boom! Came across a lady who had sleeve revised to bypass (like me) and had a horrible complication a few months out. Hernia Bowel I believe. Then she needed a vaccum on her stomach. It freaked me out and now I’m spiraling! I’m 5 days post op, thinking wth did I do! Someone give me some relief! That bypass will be ok! It only sounds scary. Ugh I hate when I do this! I had sleeve 2 years ago - also had fears early on. But I was good! But then I had a baby, wls stopped (although no regrets! I lost 130 in 1 year! ) and acid reflux.  Anyone else get revision? 
  24. Oh this is what I dreaded when choosing between sleeve and bypass OP. I had reflux for years but it always resolved when I lost significant amounts of weight. And returned when I regained. I gambled on my reflux being pressure related, had the sleeve, and I won the gamble. Other than spicy foods or too great a volume of food I don't experience reflux now. I totally accept (and did at the time) that it could have gone the other way. I haven't heard of the procedure you describe as fixing reflux or a hiatus hernia. Maybe the more experienced members here will have? I suspect that you're heading towards a revision. Your symptoms sound awful and very persistent, and you seem to have been prescribed everything to control them. Bad bad luck.
  25. teedsg

    Total regret

    I think you might need to talk with your surgeon and be really detailed about when you can’t hold down food. All the time? Only in morning? Before bile movement after BM, certain food triggers, etc. I got the Revision from the sleeve to the SASI bypass. I had the sleeve in 2017. There was a balloon at the top of my sleeve stomach and for the past 2years I was wondering why after I took a BM, I felt bloated and I always had gerd with a little regurgitation. It took my new surgeon to tell me that I had a balloon/bubble. So, basically I didn’t know I had that until my 1 day post surgery follow up on my SASI procedure on January 10, 2024. Long story short, I think you can do a revision surgery. I haven’t heard of a reversal. There’s the SASI and the SADI bypass.

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