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Found 17,501 results

  1. ShoppGirl

    One year later...

    I have logged my weight like that but never thought to add the big life stressors or events in between. I bet that would be helpful for a bariatric therapist if you see one. I am working on getting in to see one. I had gastric sleeve three years ago and gained all my weight back. I am contemplating a conversion surgery and I want to pull out all the stops this time around. Best of kick to you.
  2. NickelChip

    50 and over crowd?

    If you're allowed, I found heating up a serving of tomato soup with unflavored protein powder was much more satisfying for my dinner than a shake. Just check that the combined calories and carbs of the soup plus the protein is roughly in line with a meal replacement shake. I used the Tomato Basil from Pacific Foods with 2 scoops of Syntrax unflavored and it was right in line with a Bariatric Fusion meal replacement shake but with a hot and savory flavor instead of sweet/cold.
  3. Hello, I am new and want to introduce myself. I’m Gina and I am 13 days post op. I had the SIPS procedure and hiatal hernia repair. I had Gastric Sleeve in 2019. Reached a plateau, switched from Kaiser to United Health Care - Sutter Health (N. Ca). Five years ago my pre surgery weight was 286. My pre-op weight on January 10 is was 230. When I was still under Kaiser, I contacted my bariatric team about having revision surgery and they advised me to just stick to a thousand calorie diet and that I was not eligible for revision surgery. My family and I had to switch healthcare providers and I joined the weight management in nutrition program at Sutter Health, and I was immediately referred to a Bariatric surgeon who recommended a revision! I was pleasantly surprised, because I was not even going to ask because of my experience with Kaiser. So here I am 13 days post surgery and looking forward to reading about your experiences. 🙂👍🏼
  4. JerkyGirl


    Thanks to all responding.... I do spread out the calcium and I did initially ask about taking a gentler iron because I was worried about it bothering my stomach...... then I was pointed in the direction of these multivitamins which already had iron included made specifically for bariatric patients.... I spoke to my team and they recommended a cap of Miralax daily (which has also been suggested in the forums here) so that is where I am now.... today was day 1 of doing that.... I was using Benefiber which bulks up while Miralax softens..... fingers crossed..... again thanks for the support.... ❤️
  5. kwonsmommy

    Does Patchaid Really Work?

    I've been using them for 3 years now and have had no issues my blood work has been great since been using them. Where the regular bariatric vitamins weren't working at all even taking extras I was always lacking against my teams advice I started using the Gastric Bypass package vitamin patches And even my team was surprised at how high my numbers were
  6. Breaking notsobad

    Eating With The Duodenal Switch

    Hi all. I have been on bariatric pal since last June. I was scheduled for a Loop DS September but had a complication with AFib. This has been addressed and I am scheduled for Monday 1/29/24. I just wanted to say this topic for me has been most helpful. I see many posts about protein, eating often and low carbs. I think for me this is very helpful. The nutritionist I'll be working with works in the bariatric department. I expect I'll be utilizing her often. Just as an aside I have been on Atkins type diets often including the original Atkins in 1971. Great information, thank you.
  7. NickelChip

    Protein Shakes

    On the pre-op diet, I liked the Bariatric Fusion chicken soup flavor, and I also was able to do two scoops of Syntrax Nectar unflavored in a tomato basil soup. It gave it a creamy consistency, similar to if you added some milk or cream. Post-surgery, the only one I can still stomach other than the unflavored powder is Syntrax Nectar Naturals in orange flavor, which is somewhat convincing as an orange-juice-adjacent drink. Think TANG.
  8. Shanna NYC

    Sleeve Veteran researching revision to SADI

    Check out Fluscheeitaway on IG. She had the SADI 2 years ago and her husband had it as well a few months back. She also recently started a podcast with her bariatric surgeon so that might be a good source of information. It definitely isn't as common as the sleeve and bypass since it's a bit newer and not all insurances cover it, but I have heard it is slightly easier to go from a sleeve to the SADI since they may not have to resleeve you just reroute the rest.
  9. Shanna NYC

    Back to basics. Taking vitamins

    So it's supposed to be at least 2 hours between iron and calcium and I think the same for calcium and calcium as your body can only absorb about 500 mg at a time. I take my multivitamin in the morning. Not quite first thing, as I take my probiotic/prebiotic first on an empty stomach, then usually have a proffee or reg coffee depending on the day. I am currently on 2 calcium chews a day, so I split that between midday and nighttime. I was first taking a bariatric multivitamin w/iron and 3 calcium chews a day. At my 8th month post-op checkup, my vitamin D levels were on the higher end of normal so my dietician wanted me to cut back. So I had to switch to a regular multivitamin (bariatric has 3000iu of Vit D) and cut back on the calcium chews since they also have about 800 iu each of vitamin d. Even though in my diet I get in quite a bit of calcium rich foods, I was advised to continue with the 2 chews a day as unfortunately a blood test doesn't give a clear picture of what is happening in the body calcium wise. If you are deficient in calcium, your body will pull it from your bones. The blood work will look good as it is getting calcium, but slowly your bones are getting weaker. It's usually not until it's too late that you may be aware with teeth, bone and other body issues.
  10. NickelChip

    Protein shakes

    I am enjoying the chicken soup flavored shake from Bariatric Fusion, which is funny because when I tried it pre-op, I thought it was terrible and nearly threw it out. Now, it's great. Celebrate and Unjury also make protein shake soups. I was also able to mix the unflavored Syntrax Nectar into a cup of organic tomato soup and it blended really well.
  11. RonHall908

    December Surgery Buddies!

    I'm surprised they didn't give you a sleep study. The Bariatric clinic where I'm going requires it before moving on through the process for bariatric surgery. If you're not having any sleep issues now, you probably didn't need it. Glad to hear you're hitting the Fluid and Protein goals. Good luck on your journey.
  12. Take advantage of this time to train yourself. I stopped soda, caffeine, vaping, and alcohol when I entered the bariatric program and I am so glad I did. I would have died if I waited to stop after I got the surgery LOL! Honestly I drink a lot of water and chew a lot of gum. If that doesn't work a sugar free popsicle is my go to! Remember no one is perfect, there are up and downs in this journey and as long as you track, eat what your supposed to with minimal "cheating" you will lose weight. What you put into it will come to fruition! I cannot wait to hear about your journey!
  13. ShoppGirl

    Sleeve Veteran researching revision to SADI

    I finally have some appointments lined up. I am seeing the PA at the surgeons office tomorrow, the dietician in two weeks and I do a pre screening for a bariatric therapist this week. They don’t take my insurance and I THINk it said it’s $175 a session but I’m hoping I don’t need too many. None of this is mandatory for revision but I want to dive in this time 100% readh!! I am just excited that I should finally be getting answers and some help.
  14. Well, bariatric surgeon did not find anything wrong with my pouch (inside my pouch, no scar tissue causing problems, no hernia/bleeding inside pouch, etc.). Ironically unlike the 3 incisions that I had during my gastric bypass surgery, I have FIVE incisions. I guess he REALLY looked around. I look like I got attacked by a knife-wielding assailant with very precise aim..lol. I have my follow up with the surgeon tomorrow to talk about the procedure (he only saw my husband after the procedure as he had back to back surgeries lined up) as I have not officially spoken with him. I am trying to remember to ask him about their stance/experience on semiglutide/similar meds for their patients.
  15. I am just over two weeks away from having surgery. I was diagnosed with PCOS in my 20s and have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and am prediabetic. Because I wanted the best shot at having those specific co-morbidities resolve, and because I have a family history of GERD, I decided to go with the RNY gastric bypass. But gastric sleeve is also a good surgery. Overwhelmingly, you will find that people who have these surgeries have no regrets other than wishing they had done them sooner. A small number will have complications, but even among those, most will have no major regrets. My brother had the sleeve 15 years ago and says without a doubt it saved his life. This is a risk calculator that will also help show you the chances of various conditions resolving within 1 year for the various surgeries: https://riskcalculator.facs.org/bariatric/ This is a video from a bariatric surgeon that looks at both surgeries and how to decide: I suggest watching all of Dr. Weiner's YouTube videos. He's very trustworthy and knowledgeable, and a much better source of information than TikTok videos! (Although I watch YouTube channels for several bariatric patients and do really love hearing the stories).
  16. That definitely doesn't sound normal. I would definitely consult your bariatric team or PCP.
  17. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Anyone in CDA ?

    The Centennial is a paved walk that goes along the Spokane river and Lake Coeur d'Alene and then some, its 60+ miles long: https://www.seattletimes.com/life/travel/want-to-bike-from-spokane-to-coeur-dalene-take-the-2-state-60-mile-centennial-trail/ We do have a "mall" but its failing so it would probably work for walking well! I hope you find a walking buddy! I just thought I'd be nice to have a bariatric walking buddy. 😁
  18. SleeveToBypass2023


    A bariatric therapist is absolutely worth any time and money invested. Also reach out to the nutritionist at your surgeon's office. Make sure you move your body everyday. Prioritize protein and fluids (try limiting slider foods and junk as much as possible). If you must snack (beyond the allotted ones in the diet your nutritionist gave you) make sure they are healthy but tasty. Look at the calories you're burning vs consuming. Watch your carbs and fats. Watch how much sugar and salt you consume. It's really all about getting back to basics. And there's no easy way to change your mindset, you kind of just have to really want the results more than you want to undo the progress you made. Then you have to retrain your brain.
  19. catwoman7

    When the honeymoon is over

    Nine years out, and I fight the beast every day. I know people who've worked with therapists who specialize in eating disorders who've found it helpful, so maybe looking into that if you're feeling like you're losing the struggle (?). Or does your bariatric clinic have a health psychologist on staff, or can they refer you to one? P.S. I also know a few people who are struggling and have had some significant weight gain who are on appetite suppressants like phentermine - or some of the newer drugs that people are using for weight loss, such as Ozempic. I don't know if you want to go down that route, but some have had success with those. If you're interested in that, check with either your bariatric clinic or your regular physician.
  20. BlondePatriotInCDA

    What am I doing wrong?

    You are right where you should be. Only worry if your surgeon/bariatric team is concerned. Keep up the good work!
  21. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Just got my surgery scheduled for Feb 7th. Start my two week liquid diet tomorrow. My first weigh in October with the Bariatric center was 363 lbs. I weighed at the Surgeons office today at 310 lbs. Ready to get this done and move on.
  22. Good afternoon all! I just was thinking of all the surprises I've experienced since WLS...and I wanted to ask others what's surprised them about their weight loss/surgery journey that they weren't told by their bariatric team?! I'll go first: 1. All the aches and pains in my hips and butt. My butt hurts now when I sit since I'm missing my butt padding! Also, since losing weight my posture and gait have changed so now I'm in PT for hip abductor pain. 2. The ever increasing and changing locations of skin irritation. The skin now droops in places I wasn't told to expect and I get red irritation under my butt creases from over lap - sorry for the unpleasant visual! 3. I've shrunk..so driving I now need extra padding to be at my former "sitting height" I feel like a kid driving my parents car now. 4. I've had to buy new glasses, mine were stretched out from digging into my fat head 😋 and now they keep falling off when I look down. 5. I've had to buy new shoes, all my old shoes no longer fit. They just flop around. I was expecting new clothing..not shoes. 6. I feel more clumsy and weak despite working out. My manual dexterity is horrible now. 7. I still feel hunger 😔 These are just a few of the changes I've experienced that my bariatric team never mentioned. Do you have any to add that can take the surprise out of it for people just starting their WLS journey?! I eagerly await your responses!
  23. NickelChip

    Capsule Vitamins?

    Try the Bariatric Fusion soft chews. They come in multi, iron, and calcium. They are all the texture of a Starburst candy. I was given samples by my dietician and they were wonderful. I would have opted for them if they weren't the most expensive option. I went for just the calcium as a soft chew and did the chewable, chalky type instead for the multi and the iron to save money, but if you need a really palatable option, these are the way to go.
  24. athea.lei

    Moving to another state

    So I'm in the process of working on the requirements for my insurance to cover surgery. I start class 1 of 6 bariatric nutrition classes tomorrow. I have to do these classes once month for 6 months. But probably in a few months, I will be moving to another state. Has anyone moved to another state in the middle of trying to complete the insurance requirements? Was it easy? Did you have to restart the requirements in the new state? Sent from my SM-N975U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  25. Hi Everyone, I am a March 2024 Bariatric By-pass patient. I am only into my 3rd week post op and I am down 50 lbs and counting. I am still learning the ins and outs of how to eat again. Drinking too fast or too much triggers consequences. Also, with eating too fast or too much will trigger throwing up. However, by eating the ways that are prescribed will render the proper results. I am very impressed with the results I have seen thus far.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
