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Found 17,501 results

  1. kll724

    Just a NSV...

    Congrats on your NSV! Karen
  2. Amelia40


    Hi everyone, I have not posted in awhile, I have had many things going on. I was suppose to have my first fill today however the dr nor his nurse could find my port. So I have toschedule for teh flouroscopy. He wanted me to schedule next week or 2 weeks, however I leave for vacation on 3/22 -4/1 so I will not be able to get until after I return. My Dr's comment to was you don't want this before vacation anyways. I had gone back and forth but the nurse convinced me to have it (it did not take much convincing). I guess a higher power had other plans. I did not loose nor have a gained. I was the same. I have been having some other medical issues since surgery that have been getting worse. I started with right after surgery the outside of my left thigh was/is numb. The Dr had order an EMG/NSV to check nerve responses. While I was waiting for this test, a couple of weeks ago I began not being able to feel when I go to the bathroom (sorry for being graphic). So the Dr order and MRI. it should that I have a central disc protrusion, the Dr. still wanted me to have the MRI to find out how bad the nerves are. The results of the EMG/NSV is that there is no muscle response in the left foot and that there is abnormalities in pertty much up through a portion of my back. The worse in the foot. Since I resently had a few surgeries on teh left foot I need to have another MRI of the left foot and ankle to make sure that a nerve was not servered during the surgeries. Also the protrusion in back is not what's causing the numbness in my leg. My primary care asked that I also see a neurologist for a 2nd opinion. So I have my MRI tomorrow morning, then next Wed I have my appointment with the Neurologist and then when I come back from vacation I will have to have my fill and I also have another appointment with a urogynecologist who preformed surgery 12/26, from which I have not been allowed to do any aerobic excercise, weights excetera. The only thing I can do it walk on the treadmill. On a positive note when I actually am able to get my fill he told me that he make sure that the band tightens so that I do not have to keep going back and will have go restriction with the first fill. He ususlly does 4 cc then 2 then 1 in the 10 cc band which is what I have.
  3. MarcyLoo


    way to go girl!!!!! I just had htis happen not long ago with my 26's to 24's...the 26's finally got just way too big so I am oficially not in them at all now. Maybe not quite as exciting as getting into 18's but don;t these NSV's feel great??? Be so proud!
  4. kll724

    small victory

    Great NSV!!!
  5. JosieK

    Shopping what a joy!!

    Congrats tyhelms... this is definitely one of the best NSV's. it is also a great motivational tool to keep going here's to a "shrinking you" good luck josie
  6. UalreadyKnow


    As exercise, I'm learning to dance Kizomba, it's amazing!! You Tube introduced me to it and now I've got enough nerve to actually learn how!! So excited!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. GayleTX

    NSV~~~ This is a good one!!!!

    I hear ya! One of the best NSV's in my wls life has been being able to WORK again!! Who would have ever thought that??!! My husband had had to do all the shopping, cooking, cleaning, etc....everything...for about 3 years. Now I do all that and a whole lot MORE! And if I'm happy about it, just think how thrilled HE must be!!!
  8. Txchloe


    Congrats Laurend. I wish I'd taken my measurements before the surgery. I had a similar NSV today. My boyfriend had bought me these flannel house pants type things the day of my surgery so I'd have something comfortable to wear post surgery. Well of course I couldn't get them on which was no surprise. I decided to try them on tonight and I'm wearing them! They are even a little loose. So even though I haven't lost that much weight something is changing! This is fun!
  9. Can you believe it has been 7 months already?! It has been harder than I thought it would be, but the results are worth it! Some of my NSV's are being able to wear clothes in the teen sizes again and I started running. How is everyone else doing?
  10. Rachael

    Scale and NSV

    I am at my June goal weight...200 lbs. I can't believe it. I feel so good. I am down a clothing size from 18W to 16 regular. I saw a co-worker today I haven't seen in a couple of months. She looked me up and down and said that I am getting so skinny. That felt so good! It is worth not eating the bread (not sure if I can or not---just gave it up) and lettuce. Thanks!
  11. i just started to do volunteer work at our local hospital i totally have "put" myself "out there", amongst REAL people would never have been confident/brave enough to do this before i lost all my weight I am so happy since WLS waiting for the "new" next event to happen!!! today, volunteering - tomorrow......... life is good
  12. I-wanna-be-a-loser

    2 new NSV's

    Congrats on the skirt fitting!!! Stupid question... What does NSV stand for??
  13. transforming jlaroux

    2 new NSV's

    Okay, so this weekend I decided to try on a formal pencil dress. they didn't have my size, so I tried on one size smaller. Guess what! It fit!!!!!!! I didn't even need to unzip it! I just slipped it right on. I was just window shopping, so I didn't buy it, but I might go back and get it because I have a wedding to go to in 2 weeks. The second one was that I was sitting at a restaurant eating, and thought to myself, " gee, I think my stomach is shrinking!" LMAO!!!!
  14. Today I had to have an MRI of my shoulder. It was so nice to hop on the table and slide into the machine without worrying that I would get stuck. Something that would definitely have been a concern 126 lbs ago!
  15. Okay, honestly, how many of us ever worried about spoiling our appetites before the surgery? We'd eat when we got home from work, snacked while making dinner, and then stuffed dinner in on top of it, right? Well it's hitting me now (and I don't know why it's now, but it is) that I don't want to spoil my appetite for "dinner." I planned out some refried Beans with ff sour cream and salsa for my pureed dinner. I am a little hungry now so I wanted to have some yogurt but I realized if I did that I wouldn't want to eat my dinner. I don't think I've ever had that thought before!!!

    2 Year Band Anniversary!

    Congratulations!! I often think the improvements to our quality of life far outweigh the victories over the numbers on the scale. You have had some pretty huge NSV with your health it sounds like Thank you for sharing and the inspiration!
  17. Shinyhappymommy

    A bit of an update

    Becca, thank you so much for that. I cried as I watched the NSV portion. (The emotion-manipulating music didn't help that! LOL) I can so relate to many of your NSVs. I've lost 60 lbs now, too. My almost 8 year old dd loves to put her arms all the way around me now. I haven't been to an amusement park since I was about 300lbs and I can so relate to the not-fitting-on-the-ride thing. Crossing legs, check, throwing away plus-sized catalogs, check, losing clothing sizes, check. I am so grateful for this blessing in my life. Thank you for expressing it so beautifully in your video blog.
  18. ProudGrammy

    Jeans NSV

    @@karine76 jean (clothes) stories are all good!! when i reached GOAL - i went to Kohl's and bought my old regular 2X elastic jeans put them over my new slender, "sexy" jeans it was amazing to me how big the old jeans looked i saw/realized what i looked like to the world in the past unlike you, @@karine76, i stared at myself and DID cry good luck bud more NSV's to come keep up the good work kathy congrats
  19. Ok last night I took my sons to JCP for new jeans and as I was checking out the "bold" salesgirl says "Now we have the kids covered, what's Mom gonna do about those sagging pants she's wearring?" I just laughed. Haha. Yep I'm 6 weeks postop and down 44 lbs. Time to invest some $$ in myself. (Just a little). No doubt this is soooo worth it all. Love it!!
  20. Today I was able to comfortably fit into a misses 16 pants. Horray for me!!!! :thumbup: BUT tonight when I went shopping for more new clothes I realized that I have no idea how to shop for regular size clothes. If that makes any sense?? I wandered around the clothing department looking at clothes thinking, I'll never be able to wear those and when I picked them up and mentally sized them up I didn't believe that I could wear them or that they could possible look good on me. I know it's a mental thing from years and years of never being able to shop for cute clothes because they did not make them in plus sizes. Also, I am finding that most of the clothes are made for younger girls with out sagging underarms and boobs! Where are the clothes with sleeves that cover my saggy arms!! I still want clothes that cover my older body. I was mainly looking for pants for work and while I realize that it is almost summer, how about some long pants instead of capri's and short shorts. I don't mean to grouch because I'm thrilled to be in smaller sizes, but I need adult styles. Anyone else with this problem?? :scared2:
  21. PattyGirl66

    Silly NSV.....

    Okay, this is really silly as in my topic title so don't laugh --- You know those stupid seats where you have to get your blood work done (the ones with the arm/handle that goes across your body? Okay I fit into it now,and the arm went right across with NOOO problem at all. I kept looking around the edges, back and forth, and the girl taking my blood work said to me "is everything okay", I was like OHHH Yea! I can fit into this damn chair now ... haaahaaaa ahh, she didn't get it, but I hope you all do!!!!
  22. Piplula


    I can finally tolerate yogurt! I tried the Yoplait 100 calorie Greek Yogurt and I didn't have to get on the BM train to Crapsville!!!! This is an awesome day! Just because you get severe lactose intolerance after surgery doesn't mean you will have it forever ...your new tummy may decide to start making lactase again!!!! Mine did!
  23. Less than 6 weeks post-op my PCP took me off one of my blood pressure meds! I am so excited - can't wait to rid myself of those puppies. What a great NSV!
  24. myrori


    The husband was taking some clothes out of the dryer ( he does not do this often) and he pulled out a pair of my jeans and said "Who's are these" I gave him a funny look and said mine why? He said "No, way, they like Tammy's".. Now mind you, Tammy is his sister and she probably wears like a size 1 or 2. I laughed and said thanks, but I am no where near Tammy's size. He really was shocked, he could not see it on me, but when he held up my new size pants it suddenly hit him. I really don't think he is capable of seeing sizes, his own or mine.
  25. AutumnLily

    My wardrobe is half full!!!

    Awesome NSV! Now you can go and buy some smaller clothes to show off your smaller body!

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