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Found 1,869 results

  1. Gwinky

    loss of hair

    I have been losing alot of hair lately. Does anyone know what it is caused by. (not enough protien or fat) Please help me. thanks gwinky Just wanted to let everyone know that problem has been solved. thanks gwinky
  2. Niecie

    Hair Loss

    Does everyone experience hair loss after being banded? I am only 3 weeks out of surgery & not really seeing it, yet, but would like to know what to expect. I do try to get alot of protein every day to try to avoid it, but would like to know what may be coming.
  3. Jorjet

    Hair loss

    My hair is still falling out, Does anyone know what I can do, or take.... My doctor says dont worry about it, but its not is hair, so he doesnt have to be concerned... Someone please tell me,what I can take....I am freakin out. Thanks
  4. ***Good Morning all you wonderful people*** Well there is only 6 days left until My sister and I get banded together. I am excited and nervous. I have a question for all of you. I have trouble with the Protein shakes. What drinks do you use? I do not know if is the consistency of them or what but they make me feel sick to my stomach. Also what do you use for Vitamins? After surgery did you experience hair loss? I hope you all have a wonderful day! Love ya! Lisa Marie
  5. IamCanadian25

    hair loss

    just a question... did anybody else have a problem with losing there hair after losing weight? I'm about 45 lbs post-op. and i'm losing my hair, and i mean losing, in clumps, in droves. My family docter is doing blood work right now, but i was just wondering if anyone else had this problem? anybody??? iamcanadian25
  6. When I went to pick up my son 7 yr old from his Grandmas yesterday She had a surprise for me. She says what happend to Chalio's eyebrows I told her nothing why? She says look at them, so I did. Both his eyebrows had been shaved. Now I kept my calm cause I thought it was my SIL since she is always trying new things on my kids. Anyway when I asked him what happened he could not remember, Yeah his own eyebrows and he forgot. Getting home we sat down and I had him tell me the truth, seems when he went to wash up in the morning he saw my razor there in the shower I had just used it that morning and he said that his eyebrows had to much hair so he decided to thin them out. I will have to post a picture later but thin they are not Crooked they are and loopsided too.
  7. For the past month I noticed that I am really losing alot of hair!! What can't I do to stop this??? I am getting scared!! Any advice anyone??
  8. I know this may seem funny..but I am very attached to my hair and after doing research I found that my hair can fall out....thats scary to me...I already went to K-mart and got prenatal vitamens.. Some researches have said it is similar to when you have kids...I still cant relate....I have never had kids so is the hair loss really bad???? I am going May 16 for my consultation and I've been doing research everyday on the band and I just need REAL PEOPLES ADVICE PEOPLE WITH EXPERINCE!!!Love ya'll Cassie
  9. staramorcita

    Hair Loss

    I have to say that I've read a few threads about hair loss and I am quite concerned about that. Is this true for only a few of you or is everyone going through this. I was under the impression that since the stomache is intact that there would be no nutritional deficiencies so I find this side effect quite odd. Can anyone give me some input on this?
  10. Yikes!!! I thought my hair loss was slowing down...but it's just as bad. I get it trimmed every 6-8 wks to freshen it up and keep it from being frizzy. I've read on the boards that extra Protein is the only way to help this problem. Any other suggestions? Vitamins? Doctors? HELP!!! I have been researching on the net....not much luck.... Nancy
  11. What is a good over the counter vitamin for hair loss? I didn't have much after surgery but it has increased and it is starting to freak me out. I know it's normal and I am eating as much protein as I can in a day, but I want to do more. Any help would be appreciated!
  12. suburban3

    Losing my hair

    Are any of you losing your hair? Mine seems to be coming out lately. When I shower and wash my hair, I have to clean hair out of the drain 3-4 times, quite a bit of hair each time. And my hair is short!! Help!! Does anyone know if this is caused by lapband surgery? Or does losing weight cause this? Or maybe I'm lacking something in my diet? I've lost 34 lbs. since my surgery on Aug. 25, 2004. I've had one fill of 1.2cc. Any help or advice would really be appreciated.
  13. ShrinkingViolet

    Losing My Hair

    I have always had fine hair, so even a little hair loss is significant. I started losing my hair *before* I was banded and I now believe it may be because of the beta blockers. I did some research and found they are associated with hair loss, and it was shortly after I started one that my hair started thinning noticeably in front. Well now, it's thinning at the crown. I feel very distressed by this. I know I'm not eating enough Protein because, honestly, I abhor the Protein shakes. I have WheyPro. Maybe there is something better out there? I mix it with Skim Plus, six packets of Splenda, and sometimes blend it with crushed ice (sometimes just drink it). Either way, it has an awful taste. I'm eating mushies now and trying to have high protein things like soft poached white fish with very mushy chopped spinach. Anyway, anybody have any recommendations for a good Protein Drink that will be more appealing? I also take cholysteramine every day, which can result in Vitamin deficiencies and, of course, hair loss. I do take a vitamin supplement each day but I'm wondering if I should take more? I take Women's 1 A Day. I have always taken great care of my hair (I don't blow dry it, never dye it, etc.) because it has a tendency to break and tangle, being as fine as it is. But now it's looking bedraggled and wispy. Ugh. I even thought about seeing how much it would cost to get a hair weave. Oh, and I'm no longer taking the beta blocker. I was on a fairly low dose and I'm watching what I eat carefully. It was for very slightly elevated high blood pressure and a non-dangerous arrythmia that annoyed me. I would rather deal with the arrythmia sensation than the hair loss, and my blood pressure has been very normal every time I've had it checked recently, even after stopping the beta blocker. (I think it has to do with the new eating habits.) Anyone else have hair loss? Did you try Rogaine?? How long before the hair grew back? And if worse comes to worse....who makes the best wigs?
  15. I think its called Epilite... anyone had this done??? Im checking into it for facial hair but Im a wee bit nervous. Its a little expensive too. Just wondering if anyone has heard anything about it
  16. Ginavit

    Hair Loss

    I know that it is common but I am loosing a lot of hair. It is all over my house, clothes and most important my husband who want's to kill me. He said it is on his towels in the shower in the bed everywhere. My doctor said that this can go on for up to nine months. Is this right? My god I will be bald by then. I am finally giving in and going for a hair cut tomorrow. I have never had short hair but I think I have to do it. Don't get me wrong I am happy with my band and my weight loss but, this part stinks. I am a little down right now and I know this may sound trivial and silly to some but I am sad about cutting my locks off. It has been hiding this fat face my entire life. My husband added his two cents to cheer me up saying that it was OK because I will be skinny and bald and he would buy me a wig. Then added that the hair does not cover anything anyway so why am I stressing. Don't men just have a great sensitive side? Anyone have any comments or recommendations? Or, do I have to just ride this one out? Thanks for listening.
  17. Today my shower stopped draining. I was taking a bath instead of a shower, so I had to get the plunger out. Damn, a wad of hair the size of 2 golfballs came up from the drain. I just cleaned that drain a couple weeks ago. I have longish kinda hair, so I have to clean the hair from the drain every month or so, but only half that amount usually comes out. So my hair loss has increased by 5 or 6 times its normal rate. Any mathemetician wanna correct my percentage based on listed facts (don't throw your other shoe at me.) Is this permanent? Should I start buying scarves now? Meanwhile, my friend bought me a bottle of hair & nail Vitamins. I've been taking them daily. Not sure if they'll help, but they can't hurt.
  18. tosha

    thin hair

    Just wanted to let anyone that has thinning hair know that I bought some shampoo called Nioxin and it has been working great. I've used it for about two months now and I can tell a big difference in my hair volume
  19. Rab607

    Hair loss

    I was wondering if anyone had a problem with hair loss. I have read in other places that some have had this problem often in the 3-4 month after banding which is where I am right now. I am getting enough Protein.....at least 60 grams/day with the help of Protein drinks on some days. I have also recently doubled up on my multi Vitamin. Its not coming out in clumps or anything....but there is a marked increase in what coming out in the comb and brush. I just was wondering what I could expect in the future, and when I might seen it slow. Any insight would be helpful......thanks in advance. Joann Dr. Valin 07/18/03 307/256/170

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