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Found 17,501 results

  1. ChunkCat

    Modified Duodenal Switch

    Yes, the SADI-S and SADI are the same procedure! When you are converting from a gastric sleeve you can either convert to bypass, convert to SADI, or convert to a Duodenal Switch. All 3 impact the small intestines, they vary by degrees of malabsorption. SADI is in the middle of the 3 in terms of malabsorption and doesn't require changing the stomach like the bypass would. They'd just be going in to do the small intestine component. It's a great option for a revision.
  2. I had the sleeve done and only lost 30% of my excess body weight. Typically they like to see you at 60% of your excess body weight. They had me on wegovy and that didn’t work so I’m now scheduled for a bypass revision. For people in the same boat that lost some but not a lot the first time, how much did you lose after revision? I’m hoping because I have so much weight to lose that it will come off the way it should have the first time
  3. i haven't been on here as long as catwoman, but in the 5+ years i have been, i've read of exactly TWO people who required a feeding tubes and who were/was regular contributors*. If i remember correctly, the first was an older lady in her sixties or seventies and she had a bybass (not a revision). I remember she had a whole slew of complications and was on a PICC line for months. The second one was younger (twenties i think), and i can't remember which WLS surgery she had but i do know it was not a revision either. She was not as sick for as long as the former, and was ok by the time she dropped off BP. I haven't seen either of them on the boards in a couple years. @alyssaajoan: are you worried about needing a tube? *i mention regular contributors, because i have read posts on here from people who write up a single post about problems they go through and disappear from the forums. i can't say for sure they are all trolls, but i take those posts with a grain of salt.
  4. I have no experience with tricare but If you have no luck and your not absolutely set on bypass, i I was reading up on Sadi and If you had sleeve and convert to the sadi procedure instead one article said it’s under 10K without insurance (I guess that’s cheaper than alot of revision procedures). Anyways, Not sure if that’s doable for you but maybe with care credit you could make installments?? I Just figured I’d mention it in case it helps.
  5. July 15th marked my 4th year post VSG to RNY I started with VSG in 2017 and was converted to RNY IN 2019. There seems to be more revision post lately but not a lot of long term revisioners or info floating around so feel free to ask me anything!
  6. Hi, I don't even know where to start. I'm short (5'1") and my highest weight was around 210. I was 180 at the time of my surgery back in January 2013. I did great with my sleeve and my lowest weight was 117 -- too thin honestly. I stayed between 135-150 for many years. In early 2020 (Covid), 7 years after surgery my weight started creeping up. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm 200 lbs now. I've had clothes sized 2 to 18, in the last 11 years which is crazy. I am in my early 50s. I'm pretty sure I've started menopause. I get very hungry and graze way too much. I still don't eat a ton at one sitting, but nothing like the small amounts I used to eat either. The idea of trying to lose all this extra weight is overwhelming to me. Plus my knees and feet kill me now. I can walk for exercise and plan to do that. My insurance does cover WLS revisions now and I'm seriously considering it. I am at a place in my life where I want to be comfortable in my skin and just generally comfortable. I have chub rub again, travelling sucks at thIs size, and I'm generally uncomfortable. I would give anything to be 150 again. I would love feedback from others that have been where I am. Any advice or help would be appreciated. I'm also going to post this in the revision forum. Thanks in advance.
  7. I have also learned lots from people here who haven't done as well as they wanted to. Everyone has something to share. There's no shame in regain, it happens to loads of people for so many reasons. I say post away wherever you like. I suspect all you will get is well wishes. I really really hope you get a better sustainable result with your revision. You're doing a good thing for your health. 🤗
  8. ShoppGirl

    Sleeve to bypass question

    Hummm. I was thinking that maybe if they do change it then it would be smaller for me because I swear my sleeve was left too big from day one. The surgeon thinks I just have fast gastric emptying and that’s why I feel like I can eat more but I hope we will know for sure when he does the scope in a couple of weeks. It will be nice if I do finally get an answer as to why I was always able to eat more than everyone else. I was just thinking that even though statistics say I will lose more with SADI revision that I may be differnt if one involves changing the stomach and the other does not.
  9. They decided I needed an upper GI and noticed that I had a very small hiatal hernia and that I'm beginning to develop cricopharyngeal hypertrophy. Because of the test results of that, I am now scheduled for a motility study with impedence using manometry and a 24 hour impedence ph study. Can't wait to get these tests over with so I can take my omeprezole again. This GERD is killing me since I can only take Tums right now. Have to be off the ppi medicine for a week. This should help to get my revision scheduled.
  10. Spinoza

    Everyday diet post surgery.

    My friend are you speaking to a therapist with relevant expertise? I know you are currently choosing your revision surgery and that's a huge decision. Please in the midst of that don't lose sight of your relationship with food and how you lost and regained weight in the past. We've all been there MANY times. Feel free to ignore me if you have all of this under control. You have done so well before and I know you can do again xxx xxx
  11. SleeveToBypass2023

    Post Op Pain and Lung issues

    I know here, if your oxygen is 90 or better, they send you home. I don't agree with it, but they don't seem concerned about it. Chest pain could possibly be gas pain from the gas they used during the surgery to inflate your stomach. When I had my first surgery, the pain was in my chest and shoulders. Freaked me out. My revision, all the pain was in my abdominal area. Constipation right out of surgery is also very normal. But the rest? I would go back to the hospital if it gets worse, or if you're feeling uneasy about it.
  12. Calli

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Also a lap band 2010. But surgeon requires removal of band -heal for 6 weeks- then revision. So it has been a really long year for me so far. But now only 8 days from rny. I bought a weighted heat pad with levels of heat and an auto off function. It is wonderful. Dont plan on taking it to hosp. But will definitely come in handy at home how is everyone handling the daily meal for your significant others? Today my husband called me at work and asked mento pick him up pizza on my way home!!!! Rude… but he does need to eat and i dont want to cook. Lol.
  13. ShoppGirl

    Sleeve Veteran researching revision to SADI

    I finally have some appointments lined up. I am seeing the PA at the surgeons office tomorrow, the dietician in two weeks and I do a pre screening for a bariatric therapist this week. They don’t take my insurance and I THINk it said it’s $175 a session but I’m hoping I don’t need too many. None of this is mandatory for revision but I want to dive in this time 100% readh!! I am just excited that I should finally be getting answers and some help.
  14. I'm a sleeve to bypass revision, and it's honestly the best thing I've ever done. The only time I have dumping is if I eat too many carbs. I only did that twice (holidays both times) and I learned REALLY quick not to anymore. I stick to my diet religiously and have had no issues. If you look at my signature, you'll see I've lost weight with the revision, although nowhere near what I lost with the sleeve initially. I do think your doctor is exaggerating what you'll lose. If you exercise, stick to your diet (or get back on track with it), and get your relationship with food back to where it should be, you'll do fine. My recovery with the bypass was amazing. I've had absolutely no issues with the revision at all. My only regret is that I didn't just do the bypass to begin with. Oh, and I did the revision because of major complications from the sleeve (GERD - never had it before the sleeve - gastritis, esophagitis, polyps all through my stomach and duodenum due to excessively high PPI over a long period of time, etc..).
  15. Just had bypass as a revision because the sleeve was giving major erosive esophagitis… I’ve been waking up with a similar feeling… at first I thought it was reflux again but it kinda feels more like nausea /or throw up stuck an it’s way up… I’m sooo scared that this surgery didn’t work
  16. Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm just over a month post-op from VSG to RNY revision and feeling kinda lost. Do you track calories and/or macros? If so, what are your daily goals? Is your pouch normal-sized for a bypass, or did your surgeon leave it larger like mine did? How much food per meal are you eating at this point?
  17. You do have legitimate questions and ones that any doctor or their team should be comfortable answering as they are important to you and your peace of mind in consideration of another procedure. I know via your prior post you said you aren’t on the socials quite as much, but if you listen to podcasts I’d recommend BariNation. There is one of the hosts who had been sleeved and always felt like they could consume more than they should, and did not want a bypass (which he was originally told he would need to be sleeved first, lose enough to be then safe enough to have a bypass). He thought a bypass would be the only option and for whatever reason was not keen on it. He was then introduced to a doctor who said that’s not his only option and told him about the SADI. He eventually got his evaluation and found out that though the sleeve is said to remove 80% of your stomach, his was only 50-60% so he wasn’t wrong that his eating capacity was more than he thought. He recently did his revision surgery and part of it was resleeving on top of the reroute of the intestinal tract. So yes part of the procedure should be to reevaluate your stomach size to determine whether it should be revised.
  18. This is my first post, however I have been following this forum for years. I was banded by betancourt ( h/s is 20/20:sad0:) a few years back. After 2 surgeries, slippage and then erosion ( i lost 100lb) the band was removed. Guess what, I gained it all back. If I had known then what I know now, I would have never had the band. My ins has a WLS exclusion policy, so I am most likely going to be self payfor future- which i will do the sleeve. I will find out in 4 weeks if I qualify for medicaid. Ironically, they cover this surgery and DS. I would prefer to have DS = I think, due to long term WL sustainability. however I am a little sure of the malabsorbtion issues and "odors" if you know what I mean. If I don't get approved for medicaid I will be self pay. I am so scik of this weight and now it is Summer, I am thinking of just self paying and biting the bullet. However I only have about 10K to spend and all of the Dr i have contacted want more because it is a revision, US side about 13.5K. Including Aceves_12.5K Is it safe going to mex with the revision issue?So I am thinking about Jose Rodriguez or Ungson. I need some help here. Guidance please!
  19. Hello - I had gastric sleeve in June of 2015 and lost over half my body weight initially, getting down to well below my initial goal in the first year. Started having issues with acid reflux pretty early on, and it's gotten steadily worse, especially in the past 3 years. I'm currently on omeprazole and famotidine, plus Tums in addition. A 24-hour PH study showed that I had over 100 episodes of reflux in that period. So I was approved to revise to a gastric bypass. I also have regained over half of what I lost, mostly since my reflux has gotten worse, and am about 50 pounds heavier than my ideal weight. The reflux makes me feel hungry all the time, and I'm eating way more carbs than I should because they seem to tame the acid somewhat. I understand that it's pretty much a pipe dream that I'll be able to lose anything close to that with revision, but I guess any weight loss would be better than where I am right now. My new surgeon said she expected that I'd get back down to 110-120 after revision (my preferred weight personally is around 125), but based on all the posts I've read here and on reddit, she is definitely exaggerating to make me more willing to go through with the surgery. The best it sounds like I could hope for is to lose maybe 15-20 pounds over the course of a year or more? I am scheduled for surgery on Jan. 18th, but I'm having second thoughts after reading so many horror stories of unpredictable dumping episodes and ever-changing food intolerances. I guess maybe my reflux isn't as bad as others, since the reality of daily life with RNY seems unbearably miserable to me in comparison to my life currently. I'm afraid that I won't be able to do my job anymore (or even leave the house at all) if I am unable to eat or drink anything without the risk of vomiting/foamies (I have pelvic floor issues, so I pretty much always lose bladder control when I vomit or dry heave) or having uncontrollable diarrhea. After revision, do you have to wear an adult diaper all the time? Has anyone developed an eating disorder based on fear of getting sick after consuming anything? Do you have any "safe" foods, or is it always a (literal) crapshoot? I know that continued GERD can cause esophageal cancer down the line, but wouldn't the same be true of daily vomiting? Has anyone who is several years out from revision developed cancer or precancerous damage to their esophagus due to the constant vomiting? Likewise, have your teeth been ruined from it? For those who revised from VSG to RNY and are past the initial healing stages, would you do it again or has it made your life even worse?
  20. any updates on this? I had the sleeve October of 2020 and my Gerd has been bad the whole time taking PPI's. I am trying to get a revision to RNY. just got a denial for my appeal from UHC (United Healthcare) who says my Esophagitis is only Grade A and they won't approve unless it is a grade C or D. I want to appeal again but I don't think it will work. Now I am considering paying cash for the procedure but I was told if I did and there were complications later in life there would be no coverage. HELP. Any information would help. Thank you
  21. I just had mini bypass revision from sleeve as I had severe GERD. Now I have bile reflux ☹️
  22. SleeveToBypass2023

    Dent In tummy

    Mine resembles abdominal "guarding" because the sides pull in and the front protrudes. Went to my PCP about it and she said as long as there's no pain or tenderness or sensitivity then there's nothing to worry about. Gotta be honest, though, I really hate it. I noticed it slightly after my revision last June, but it was REALLY pronounced after my hernia surgery in December. Maybe my abdominal muscles have just had enough of surgeries lol I'm having a total hysterectomy in May (they have to cut me open since the uterine fibroids are so big) so I wonder what my abdomen will look like after that...
  23. So I had the sleeve three years ago and gained my weight back. I am pending revision and the dr did an endoscopy and found a hiatal hernia and some gerd. He then ordered a UGI and a gastric emptying study to get some more information to decide which surgery is most appropriate. I just finished the gastric emptying study and after only two hours the food was completely out of my stomach which may explain why I always feel hungry a couple hours after I eat. I am hoping maybe there is a treatment to slow down my stomach emptying and I won’t even need surgery or if I do it will be more successful this time. I see the dr in a week and I’m sure he will have an answer but I’m just curious if this is truly faster than normal and if anyone else has had this issue.
  24. Jim1967

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    This is normal. It is almost like an initiation phase that will pass. I had a lapband in 2012. On Jan 8 I revised to bypass and had my gall bladder removed. I am still not past the misery stage but getting there. Gas pain is the worst. Keep the faith it will get better.
  25. not me, but several people on here have had revisions. Most of them VSG to bypass since VBG is an older surgery that is rarely (maybe never?) done anymore.

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