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Found 17,501 results

  1. Happy Stylist

    Weight loss shots

    Has anyone tried doing the weight loss shots? My surgery was just over a year ago and I still haven’t lost 50lbs. I started out with a lower BMI. So my surgeons are ok with where I’m at but I’m not. So I’m looking into the shots to help me a long. Just wondering if anyone else has had any luck
  2. I got my date as August 21. CW 295 What all are you doing to prepare? I'm worried about starting pre-op diet too early and potentially running out of willpower in advance. I'm also looking for therapy for disordered eating to begin ASAP and continue through the process. I'm also working on not drinking during meals and thinking about how to start increasing my water uptake. I'm also contemplating how I can prepare meals with veg and protein for easy access.
  3. Vanessa Correal


    Hi guys ! I had my sleeve on january 29th. So i'm on day 6 post-op. I'm on puree stage until monday. I have sooooo much trouble getting my proteins in and it worries me. I know it's normal but because i'm home, I go to bed late and wake up really late too. Usually, I wouldn,t do that because of work and school but my surgeon didn't want me to keep doing those for obvious reasons. So..... Any tips for getting my proteins ? (I'm scared of the hair loss.....) I can only eat 1/4 cup for now, it's a little easier and i'm not nauseous nor did I vomit so far. I'm kind of lucky and hopefully my luck will keep going. THank youuuuuu
  4. Thanks for the response! Yeah I feel your frustration. When I last saw my doc I was a month into the stall and she said she wasn't worried about it at the time. It's another month or so before I have my next check-in. I was just going to tell them then, but maybe I will get in touch sooner.
  5. I am counting from my highest ever weight on my tracker on this site (352), but my surgery team and primary care doctor count from my pre-op start weight (321). There's a 2 year and 30lb gap for me, but I'm counting that for me since it was work to break old habits during that period, which helped me set the pace to be more successful post surgery. As far as sticking to a plan, as others have mentioned, they do use average numbers. Everyone will fluctuate a little above or below at each stage. Also the weight loss progression will look more like stairs/steps rather than a straight line. You can expect a period of weight loss, followed by multiple plateaus. That's just your body freaking out over an unusual weight loss event, and recalibrating things to make sure you're not starving to death. Since it can't know you're doing it intentionally, it will retain fat and fluids as it panics, then release them once it realizes you are safe. Just stay the course, and don't get caught up on seeing a steady loss, otherwise you'll end up worrying over nothing (like I tend to do haha).
  6. It looks like I may have to have a revision to Bypass now. I will know for sure next month after they scope me but I’m curious how much of the excess weight is lost with the revision. My surgeon said his experience is it’s only about 70% but I’m hoping that some people experienced a greater loss. Also, when computing excess loss, what is the ideal body weight we calculate from? That’s never really been clear to me.
  7. Please try not to worry. My dietician said this is very common. She said after about 2 weeks, I may stall for a month. She said to watch for clothing fitting looser during this time and not to be concerned about the scale. It will pick up again!
  8. summerseeker

    Gastric sleeve after menopause

    I had the menopause in my very early 40's and this surgery at 62. The only things that I have noticed a difference are - My hair had already thinned so I got really worried at one stage and had to cut it really short, I can notice my scalp with wet hair but hide it after styling. - My skin is a mess. I lost elasticity after menopause. I have decided to not have the surgery. It looks too brutal and having to pay myself it would be out of my reach for all the work I would need. I have lost a huge amount of weight and mostly without exercise or having a busy work life. I had a lot of long stalls but I tried not to compare myself with others who were storming along. You will get there in the end, Have a chat with your team. I found it useful.
  9. Hi All! Lately, I have been receiving attention for my weight loss, mostly positive. People have been asking me how I lost the weight. I prefer to keep my surgery private and only a select few know about it because I do not want to hear negative comments. When people ask how I did it, I say, "Thank you! I have been following a low carb diet, walking every day, and not drinking alcohol." Recently, someone commented on how quickly I lost the weight on this diet, and for a moment, I worried that they might be thinking I was using drugs. LOL Does anyone use different excuse?
  10. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @LisaCaryl glad your nausea is better. No hair loss yet here, I’m taking my vitamins religiously and make sure to get my protein in so that I don’t lose it but other than that can only keep my fingers crossed. I was extremely sick a couple of years ago (In and out of ICU and in the hospital for almost a month) and had a huge open abdominal surgery and at the 3-4 mo mark after I was discharged I lost probably 3/4 of my hair. Its just now back to where I want it. 😩 @BlueParis I’m sorry to hear you’re sad. I’m actually a grey, rainy day kind of girl and not a huge sun/light lover (worked as a nightshift RN for almost 25 yrs 🤷🏼‍♀️), but seasonal affective disorder is totally a thing. I wonder if you suffer from this. Maybe your PCP could recommend something for you….meds, light therapy? And I’m really hoping your and @RonHall908 s exhaustion resolves soon! @NickelChip I wonder as well if your exercise routine is “slowing” your weight loss. Every time I do any extensive exercise, I gain weight the next day and then don’t lose anything for a few days. I’m not actively exercising and honestly have sort of avoided it I hate it. lol . I know it’s just fluid retention but I still don’t like it. It’s definitely healthier to be fit but I haven’t gotten there yet I guess. You’re probably also gaining muscle while losing fat making the scale stay the same, but I’m sure that will eventually fix itself. I found this video which I found interesting and helpful. oh and did you like the roasted edamame 😊?
  11. hi dear, first few months it will be difficult to eat and drink at the same time. im currently almost 7 months post op and i still cant really eat and drink at the same time. i can take a sip of water while eating but thats about it. however by time you will be able to dont worry about it!
  12. I'm sorry so many of you are having struggles. I, too, was told that the first 4 months or so will be filled with ups and downs. I guess I'm in more of an up place right now. The nausea has subsided, it's almost gone. I don't feel good when I eat, but that's about it. My energy is way up from where it was when my bp was low and I was dehydrated. And the scale had been going down... 3 pounds this week. I almost feel guilty telling you all this. I do struggle with getting enough protein. I get between 30 and 60 grams a day, and I'm trying to add protein powder to anything I can. I can't eat enough food to get it in. I'm pretty much off protein shakes and bars. I can sometimes tolerate half a protein bar. Right now, I have a shake sitting here next to me. I get gaggy thinking about drinking it, but I'm going to try! Is anyone experiencing hair loss? I heard it usually starts around the 4-month mark. I cut my very short to prepare for it... but am hoping it doesn't happen. At least it will be during the summer months! Have to look on the bright side
  13. funky_monkey800

    B12 + MIC Injections

    I do. currently I take one by ProCare Health (with iron) also a hair/skin/nails and collagen
  14. Hey there BQT! It’s a struggle for real. I’m not sure one can prevent the hair loss but for me, I had lost minimal hair. I was so worried it was going to come out drastically but two months post op I started seeing hair fall ( mainly on my temples and crown), which was more than my usual. My hairstylist noticed some breakage where the shedding had happened and we trimmed as needed. I take the bariatric pal multivitamin with iron. And an additional 325 mg of iron per my doctor recommendation to help with anemia. I follow Dr. Voung, a former bariatric doctor, on YouTube, and drank a green smoothie with genepro protein and try to get at least 8 ounces of water per day. My protein goals were 62 grams per day and I was maxing out at 100 to 120 grams of protein per day. This month, I’ve been slacking on protein goals ( 30-50 grams per day) However, I notice now being 7 months post op, the hair fall stopped and picked back up when I don’t get enough protein. After a month of not taking vitamins regularly I find my nails and hair to get brittle. I got a hairstylist and we do monthly treatments and trims, I use vegamour growth drops and Tress Elite oil in my scalp accompanied by scalp massages. I use Ouai shampoo and conditioner for fine hair and avoid buns and ponytails to not add stress on my edges. HTH
  15. Ashley Amari

    Hair loss???

    Update***** It’s been an extremely difficult process. I’m emotionally defeated😭. My hair has continued to fall out not shed but completely fall out to the point I look sickly. I have seen derm. Had a biopsy done. Basically all my hair entered the shedding phase at once. On top of that I have some hormonal issues that has resulted in female/male pattern hair loss as well. Only thing left to do is take the clippers and even then there’s not much left. My surgeon actually looked me in my eyes last week and said he was so sorry I was going through all this. It’s not a lack or protein, biotin, or any nutrient deficiencies. I’ve literally done everything right according to my surgeon. I am literally in tears every time I look in the mirror. Just wanted to voice my frustrations in a safe place.
  16. Peggy Anne

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    I had a thick head of hair, thankfully, however I've been shedding like mad for the past 6 weeks. (Surgery was mid August). I've been taking all my vitamins and one for hair skin and nails but sure doesn't seem to be working. My dietitian suggested to start taking collagen, she also said my hair loss should stop around 8 months. Unflavored beef gelatin is all collagen so I came up with a recipe for jello cubes and just started that. I'm down 87 lbs. My face has been breaking out something awful and I'm nearly 67. Wondering if anyone else has had this issue. I wish everyone great success.
  17. The incisions actually look pretty good now and are healed up. The bulge I was worried about was an area about the size of my fist where the middle incision was. Now it's not bulged out like it was. Doctor said it was swelling.
  18. @Noelle74 Wow! I’m 34 so not that much older than your son but look older than you! You really do look terrific and so polished! Such great hair and good makeup. ( and honestly even on the before picture you look like a cool granny) For me it’s a victory if I’ve seen a hairbrush recently ( I have a short frizzy bob and my hairstyle consists of using my glasses to push my hair off my face when I’ve had enough) and I only wear makeup for parties and end of year festivities and have a tendency to get it wrong à la 12 year old having let loose on her mums makeup bag!
  19. aaaahhhh ok... put this way, i'll have to say i did notice some unexpected body composition changes in the year immediately following rapid weight loss: - went from looking deathly skeletor-ish (gaunt and drawn and frail looking) to pretty healthy looking despite weighing less now than those skeleton days. - my hair is actually thicker and "healthier" and even slightly curlier than even before surgery (which was a very welcome surprise after all that hair loss from months 4-6 post op omg) - i don't get pimples anymore. like ever. - those weird dark little bumps on my upper arms are gone. - when i do any sort of sustained exercise it's immediately noticeable. for instance if i do like 30 situps or 60 bicep curls i look shredded right after. no joke. - my dentist says my gums have receeded faster than expected since the weight loss (dunno if this is related or a coincidence??) - despite probably being the most "fit" i have ever been since my 20's, i still feel unbelievably weak compared to my heaviest days. i swear i can't open jars anymore nor can i carry multiple bags or groceries at once like i used to. - i used to be bottom heavy (hips/butt was my widest part) now i am top heavy (shoulders/back are my widest part). - i no longer have armpit hair ...but this is likely due to my arm lift? so i never have to shave there...which has the side benefit of the skin lightening up in that area...no more dark armpits for me! yay! - i have no ass. like zero. looking at me directly from behind is semi-normal looking, but from a side view, its a straight line from the base of my neck to my knees. - the hump on the back of my neck is gone - not sure if this is related to my overall weakness, or because i just do wat more stuff now, or im just getting old, or a combination of it all, but i get injured ALOT. multiple sprains, torn ligaments, torn muscles, pinched nerves, tendonitis like everywhere, abdominal hernia, bruised ribs, carpel tunnel, ingrown toenails, omg. ive had more doctors/physio appts in the last 5 years than i've had in my entire life. times 2. ok...this post is getting too long. gonna stop now lol
  20. Jessica Marie

    Getting cold feet

    I don't think it's anything specific...I'm worried about waking up during the procedure (which I know is super unlikely), and I'm definitely worried about the pain/discomfort after (which I know they will help me manage).
  21. BlondePatriotInCDA

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    Significant. I'm just thankful its winter and I can wear stocking caps. I've been losing it for about two - three months now. There is nothing you can do. Biotin etc..work on growing hair, not keeping it. The hair falling out now is old hair. I've read it should start stopping around 6-8 months post op <crossing fingers>. I have heard it comes back thicker, although I think that's just because you're used to the thinner hair so it seems like it. I'm not losing as quick as others..only down 70. This month and last two months have slowed significantly. Happy New Year back at you!
  22. Bypass2Freedom

    Pre & Post-Surgery Vitamins UK

    Thank you for your comment You look great! And well done on such an amazing journey! I do fully expect hair loss & loose skin - I am prepared for that, I just wondered if anyone had any experiences with trying to help the body along the way! But it does seem that it isn't needed haha!
  23. Yeah, I worry that people, including 'us bariatric surgery patients' who haven't done the mental/headspace work (and I don't mean this in reference to the 2 people you know that have done the weight loss injections) that most of us try to look or are 'made to look at' at when preparing for gastric bypass will have to stay on them 'forever'. Of course, doing a sleeve or gastric bypass is a very permanent 'anatomical' decision that can, if we are not vigilant also not be successful in the long term for people who feel the surgery is the 'only fix' needed. Since all of my health issues are already under control after my gastric bypass - I NEVER had high blood pressure despite weighing almost 400 lbs and I was not a diabetic but I could tell the toll that being that heavy was taking on my body (my knees, sleep apnea, DVT's/PE's, etc.) I was leery of doing anything that would require 'forever' outside of the bypass surgery. I'm looking for a new therapist right now that specializes not only in anxiety and depression but in working with bariatric patients/weight loss as I know I can I have to be constantly vigilant with my headspace or NOTHING will work. I also am not willing to take the shots for the rest of my life for myself. For other people weighing risks versus benefits I can see this being a highly individualized and personal decision especially if weight loss surgery is not an option for them no matter the reason (leery of it, insurance won't pay, BMI not high enough, etc.). Everyone's journey is their own. The only thing I advocate is for everyone to be as informed as possible and to do their research and make the best decision for themselves. I need to do more research about long term implications of these drugs, but I haven't found much data out there (too new to have that much historical data yet). I'm within 10 lbs of when I told the clinic I'm going to that I would be tapering off and ending the weekly shots. Will try to remember to post more when I've been off the shots for more than a couple of months to talk about struggles or successes I have.
  24. Okay I am a second timer. I had gastric sleeve 3/9/21 and I gained it back. I am considering the SADI and I am looking for information about it. I have posted on the revision forums and the duodenal switch forum without response. Is this just a really rare procedure or am I posting in the wrong place? I worry that even if this is the right surgery for me I may regret it if I can’t find the support along the way because it is less common.
  25. Bypass2Freedom

    Pre-Surgery Bucket List

    I feel you on that - I love chocolate! Snacks in general haha. I am a bit worried about still craving it all after surgery, but I hope I will have the same resolve as you!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
