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Found 17,501 results

  1. Thanks @NickelChip @RonHall908 I know the stall is normal and expected but it’s not making it easier for me to deal with … ( scales still hadn’t budged this morning making it 10 days …). Im sorry to hear you guys are suffering sleep wize and hope you get things sorted soon, are your bedrooms cool enough ? - I’ve never been one for much sleep and suffer terribly from insomnia but still try to avoid sleeping pills like the devil. My usual Paris setting is up at 6.45 - coffee coffee coffee shower - out the door at 7.45 to get to the office until 19.30 - then out and about ( drinks and food or theatre or whatever) and then home round 10/11pm and then 1.30-2am I head to bed. So I’m usually on under 5 hours a night. I struggled against it for a while and finally just accepted it. If I get 4 hours I can function. If I try to go to bed earlier I just get really annoyed at the fact I’m not sleeping and end up all wound up and exhausted. But… since surgery I’m in bed at 11pm sometimes earlier and asleep by midnight so that’s a good in for me! @NickelChip maybe if your job/life allows it just try and go with the rhythm for a few days - just follow when your body says it’s tired and nap if you can? I’m on the train to London actually under the channel right now as I type! Always so amazed by it!
  2. Bypass2Freedom

    Do you have a piercing?

    Hey lovely! So I have the following piercings, I will rate them by my personal pain & healing process!: Philtrum - this one was quite a painful facial piercing. Around 8/10. The healing was a little rough, lots of swelling. But by far one of my favourite piercings. Septum - honestly minimal pain on this one! 2/10 when getting it pierced. Healing was a breeze too. I forgot it was there haha! Labret - this one was probably 3/10, healing was quick and quite painless too Conch - pain was more so a 4/10, healing was longer as it is through cartilage but as long as I didn't sleep on my ear it was fine! Tragus - pain again was around a 4/10, but the healing process was a bit fussy. Sometimes flares up with pain if I sleep on it. Venom (double tongue piercing) - this was about a 7/10 getting pierced, but my god, the healing process was awful. I really do not recommend getting this one if you have not had any other piercings before! The healing was a long process, and I couldn't eat anything more than fluids & puree's for weeks until the swelling and pain had gone. It was a lot of pain. But, with all that being said, it is my most favourite piercing out of them all! All I would say is that you should research the piercer you are planning to see, look at reviews and make sure you have a consultation with them if they offer it to see which piercings may work for your anatomy Piercers should use implant grade titanium, preferably internally threaded jewellery But genuinely go for it! I love my piercings and they are such a fun way to express yourself!
  3. I have hit my goal of 140 the end of February a d went into maintenance. I have since lost 4 more lbs, down to 136. I know there will be fluctuations and I'm okay with that. But I'm still consistently losing (3lbs in last 10 days). I've upped my calorie intake and still... What's going on? I don't want to lose much more, I'm already a size 2, but I don't want to overdo it either for the sake of not losing.
  4. Melissa89

    Starting to regret wls 11 month post-op

    10 months post op my sleeve has stretched enough for me to enjoy a meal with friends. You have two options - go back to surgeon ask them to scan your sleeve and make sure it’s not too tight (there is an option to balloon dilate it) or train yourself to eat more - it’s possible trust me. I went through this depression and not enjoying food severely at the start but now I can eat an amount to be able to enjoy life and social settings. I would be depressed otherwise.
  5. Calli

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    5/10. Im a bit nervous. Also a failed lap band from 2010 :( but my team is great and im envisioning a healthy future to keep me motivated. I packed lip balm. Moisturizer. Earplugs. Phone charger. Don’t plan on being there long and come home in same clothes wore in! The dietitian said not to plan on liking any protein shake i liked preop so be careful what you stock up on. I seem not to mind any of them so it will be ok! New to posting and talking about all this.
  6. Hi Nancy! I've had a high ALT value since my 20s. They said it could be from fatty liver, but I also have arthritis and the bone/joint degeneration from it can cause levels like that too. How high is high? Are we talking a little bit out of range or quite a large amount out of range? I highly recommend you go over to bariatricfacts.org I post over there regularly and there are a number of vets there who are 10+ years out from DS surgery who will probably be much more helpful about this than anyone here. There just aren't many DS people here who post or read the forum... Also, there is a FB page with a ton of DSers, including a number of 10-15 year+ vets who could might have some experience with this. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1799552573392212
  7. Hi Everyone! I’m having my VSG surgery tomorrow, april 3rd and i plan on documenting my journey here. I’ve searched and read countless threads to try and anticipate what tomorrow will be like so i thought i’d create this topic to document and be able to look back on how things went. I’ve been in the pre-op requirement journey since october 2023, my requirements were pretty flexible: 10 days of nutrition, psychological and art therapy as well as physical activity classes in a specialised facility - there were also mandatory support group meetings to attend during the past 7 months. I also did not have any pre-op diet as my surgeon doesn’t require any weightloss before performing the surgery. I’m happy with the team i have working with me, and the clinic has a great reputation. But, obviously nerves have started to kick in and for the first time i’m actually scared. What if something goes wrong during surgery ? I guess these are normal thoughts, just trying to get through the stress and get to the other side of the surgery so i can concentrate on the long road ahead :) I’ll report to the clinic at 8.30 am tomorrow, and my surgery is scheduled for 10 am. Hoping everything goes well !! Fingers crossed.
  8. I just had bypass as a revision as well about 10 days ago. The last two morning I woke up with feeling something in my throat accompanied with sore throat feeling? But no acid taste. I really hope it’s not reflux!
  9. SaraKayaComsin

    Is this true?

    I had the sleeve almost 10 years ago, and yes, it does get bigger. However, I still can’t eat near what I used to eat in a sitting. For example, I can eat 3 pieces of pizza now. I used to be able to 5-7. It happened over time, though. I second those who recommend therapy. I am about to have revision to RNY, and I have been in therapy for several months to help me be successful this time around. In my case, because I didn’t truly deal with the reasons I eat, I regained almost of the weight. Best wishes to you!!
  10. Calli

    50 and over crowd?

    52 and just completed conversion from band to rny. No real pain after but i tire easy. I have been pushing myself to walk garden and other things to get stronger and back to work . But after i do too much all i want to do is sleep the next day. Not like me at all. When get bored i read, learn stuff and spend time out doors. Today i binge watched tv. Surgery was 5/10, im down 10lbs since surgery day. How long till you all felt ‘normal’. Or do i just have to ignore it and keep pushing?
  11. ms.sss

    Facial difference

    i noticed my face slimmer after just 10-15 lost lbs. but this makes/made sense to me because, historically, if i gained 10-ish pounds, i saw the change in in my lower cheeks. ive updated all my picture id to look what i look like now except my passport. i had just got one of those 10-yr validity passports a couple months before surgery and today i still have another 5 yrs left on it. it does often cause a delay when i cross borders as the agents always do double takes, ugh. sometimes they comment or ask about the weight loss, and once an agent actually called over another agent to show them my passport and they both looked me over incredulously. that was awkward. but i've never been denied entry.
  12. CelticSoul

    Cold feet b4 Surgery time sensitive.

    Hi Joe, I am almost 8 weeks post surgery. While I can't speak for everyone, I did not experience this. Yes, you have to chew your food well (if it needs chewing), but it is not as onerous as it seems. Sure, the first time I had solid food I made sure that it was well chewed and I ate it slowly to make sure it was not going to present a problem. I've done that with every new food I've tried. But it has NEVER taken me 10-15 minutes to eat 2 tablespoons of food. In fact, I have to make sure I don't eat too fast! It is like drinking water after surgery... at first you struggle to take a sip at a time. Then you notice you are taking bigger sips and then a large swallow. I can drink 8 oz of water in a couple of swallows now. I know that thought of the changes this surgery may bring to your life can be scary, but does it really matter if when you are past the initial stages of the process it takes you 15 minutes longer to eat your dinner than it did prior to surgery? That you can't get your money's worth at an all you can eat buffet? If you look at the surveys of people who have had WLS, their most common regret is that they didn't have the surgery sooner. BTW - I'd always been a "healthy" fat person until I wasn't. I can't count the number of times I lost a little weight only to gain it back; Weight Watchers should have been giving me frequent flyer rates. Today, I went under 300 lbs. for the first time in 19 years and I'm 35 lbs away from being a weight I haven't seen since 1984. Yeah... I'm good with it all!
  13. 10 lbs a month is pretty normal, and so is 40 lbs in three months. Unless you're the size of someone on "My 600 lb Life", you need to adjust your expectations or you're going to be disappointed. I was about where you are at that point, and I went on to lose over 200 lbs. that said, you're eating way more than I was at that juncture...and I wasn't eating things like pizza and chips that early out, either. Maybe all of your activity is burning this off, but I'd be really careful and try to stick to the eating plan your clinic gave you. This is your big chance to lose a crap ton of weight - so take advantage of it!! Once your sense of hunger comes roaring back, it's going to get A LOT harder. P.S. the women at your Tuesday Talks are only partly right. People will typically lose 10 lbs a month for a few months, but it really slows down the closer you get to normal weight. I lost about 10 lbs a month for the first six or seven months, then it dropped down to somewhere around five lbs, give or take, and then after I passed the year mark, there were some months I only lost about 2 lbs, despite sticking to my eating plan 100%. It's because at some point what you take in and what it takes to run your body reaches equilibrium.
  14. On 3/3 I hit my one year anniversary— been holding steady the last two months or so — about 10 lbs lower than my original goal. Heading into plastic surgery next week— tummy tuck! (Yay). Down 75+ lbs— Some days i really understand the changes, and others I am in disbelief. It’s slowly catching up with me. 5’1’’ Female, age 53 Start weight 195, day of surgery 184- current weight 119.2
  15. hiya! and congrats on the weight loss and 18 year maintenance! thats awesome to your questions: (1) can't really comment for U.S. surgeon recommendations as i'm up in Canada and had mine done up here. though sometimes when i read U.S. prices posted on here, it seems like prices up here are cheaper than the U.S., and its in Canadian dollars so thats like monopoly money for you guys. 🤷🏻‍♀️ (2) I had a breast lift in 2019 no implant nor fat transfer (a had an arm lift and tummy tuck as well...all 3 in one shot) and i actually stayed the same bra size before and after surgery...the bras just fit differently on my lifted boobs. I technically should be wearing a 28D (my torso circumference is on the small side of normal), but since 28D is like finding a unicorn in the stores, i mostly have 30Cs in my closet. so while the bra size remained the same, i fill them out better now....i used to just stuff all my boob material in the cup of a full coverage bra. Now, i can wear those demi-cup style bras without looking like im carrying two bowls of jiggly pudding on my chest ahhahahha. And i can wear those triangle bikini tops and NOT look like i'm spilling out the sides NOR do i have the separated-elongated cleavage look anymore, if that description makes sense. AND i can go commando and not wear a bra at all and still remain relatively perky. good luck! ❤️ p.s. i'm curious as to the reasons why you are not pleased with your thigh lift?
  16. 10 days out from surgery and found this online community for support. I'm on day 3 of the pre-op diet, and have been having dreams about food.

  17. Good Afternoon, This is my firs posting so excuse me if I am a little rusty at this. I had my Gastric Bypass on March 19, and my Surgeon said to drink the Clear Liquids for the next 2 weeks. I go to him tomorrow for follow-up. Yesterday my Nutritionist said I should start today with "Stage 3/4" eating solid foods. My Surgeon had told me before my surgery that I would do the following: 2 weeks before surgery - clear liquids 2 weeks after surgery - clear liquids up to 3 months after surgery - thicker liquids after 3 months - introduce solid foods Now both my Surgeon and Nutritionist have conflicting statements. My Nutritionist states Phases. Does anyone know what phases you consume what? I thought It was - Phase 1 - clear liquid, Phase 2 - thicker liquid, Phase 3 - soft solid foods, Phase 4 - easier to digest full solid foods. Any clarification would be Greatly Appreciated. Yes I will be asking my Surgeon tomorrow also. Thanks, Terri
  18. #thebestofme


    Before Surgery, 8 years ago, 2201bs size 18. I am a size 10 now, but my goal is size 8. My smallest size has been size 6, which I did not feel good or healthy that size.
  19. I had gastric bypass in July of 2019. Highest weight was 400 before losing a bit on my own. Current weight varies from 167 to 173. I still feel some restriction to this day. My meals are usually small although I know we can all 'eat around' the restriction by eating smaller, but continuous meals and this was a slippery slope I fought back against. About 2 yrs ago, I started experiencing right sided pain. It felt like the pain I used to feel when I ovulated so I assumed it was ovarian (post menopausal). Saw OB & had 2 ultrasounds and they couldn't even see my right ovary (like, where did it go?) and the left was fine. Since they couldn't 'see' the right one, they said that was good since there was no obvious signs of..I don't know tumors, growths? The pain continued to worsen & I finally had gall bladder taken out about 1.5 yrs ago. I adjusted diet again to deal with gal bladder being gone and things seemed to go ok. A ew months after that the right sided pain returned. About 4 mos ago, the pain got so bad at times I'd be in a ball on my bed considering going to the ER (which I HATE doing). Went back to primary and he sent me for CT scan. CT came up with no findings. Then he referred me to GI doctor for colonoscopy and upper GI. I thought finally 'this was it, we've ruled out most other things'. I also had seen blood in my stools and it was old blood, like coffee grounds so I thought ok, not hemorrhoids? Just got back home from colonoscopy & upper GI. I thought doing the prep was bad 10 yrs ago, but it is much harder having had bypass surgery. Good news is they found no polyps or other concerning things. Bad news is I was stunned their main finding was regarding my bypass "Patient's surgical anastomosis was noted to be widely dilated, raising the possibility of Dumping Syndrome as a cause for her complaints". OK, most know what dumping is. I thought it was post surgery when we ate food (i.e. sugar, high fat) that processed too fast or was too much for us to handle. They recommended I see a gastric bypass revision specialist. My question is, has anyone else had a revision NOT due to their 1st bariatric surgery not being successful but for a "medical reason" like this (other than GERD, heartburn). I'm not even sure insurance will pay, but I have 2 yrs worth of history on this pain. Even it if does pay, I dread what this means for me - even more hair loss? If I do this, will I need another revision in 5 yrs again at which point I'll be getting up there in age. I've also wondered with the CT scan, etc. is there any chance of some straggler/stone from my gallbladder surgery 1.5 yrs ago that should be considered? Should I post this in the revision group instead? I read through some and was unsure. Are we allowed to cross-post? Any input would be appreciated. This is causing issues on my job as the pain hits out of nowhere (not X amount of time before OR after a meal, that I have been able to discern. Thank you!
  20. SleeveToBypass2023

    Feeling very emotional and regretting

    No scars from the reaction, nothing permanent. But at the time, I had itchy, red, raised rash all around the surgical sites. Warm to the touch. The red areas were a little swollen. After about 10 days of treatment, everything went back to normal and was fine.
  21. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Struggling to stop losing

    Its just like doing a keto diet for life, you each week up your carbs until you fall out of ketosis than back off by 5-10 grams then maintain that carb load for life. You do the same for calories, increase by 100 for two weeks, still losing..tack on another 100 each few weeks until weight loss stops, now you've found your maintenance calorie load.
  22. returninghalfherweight

    Roller Weight Loss FYI

    Hi, friends! I had the traditional duodenal switch on 04/24/2024 with Dr. Joshua Roller in Fayetteville, Arkansas. My surgery experience was fabulous and I have had zero complications following surgery. I haven't even so much as vomited since surgery. I am 5 weeks post-op and feel great! I wanted to let folks know, though, that it is their "company policy" to only provide FMLA/short term disability coverage for 2 weeks. I had done a lot of research on this surgery prior to having it and was expecting 4-6 weeks for recovery. I had previously (in 2019) had a surgery to remove my gallbladder and 2 weeks was so unbelievably inadequate for me to recover. No one asked me about my FMLA or disability paperwork until my group dietician appointment the day before my surgery (as I was an out of state patient from Ohio). The nurse said, "If anyone has FMLA paperwork, we will take it now. We provide 2 weeks off work. Any longer and we need documentation of complications to extend it." Since I was in a group setting, I felt uncomfortable contesting this. I spent a significant amount of time in distress over this, as I wouldn't even be home a full week or on solids for more than a day before they said I should return to work. They would not budge on this policy. Thankfully, my employer allowed me to take 2 extra weeks of leave, but that was a privilege extended to me and my job was not legally protected during those extra two weeks. Additionally, I was not paid at all for those extra 2 weeks because according to Dr. Roller, I only "needed" 2 weeks, not 4 weeks. I am struggling a lot financially post-op because of this, as my short term disability company has a waiting period and I only got paid for a few days of work while being out for 4 total weeks. Roller's office is phenomenal in every other way and like I said, my hospital stay and my surgery itself have been everything I hoped for and then some, BUT I think that this issue is a pretty big one for some folks. I was in no shape to return to work at 2 weeks post-op and genuinely feel that Dr. Roller's office needs get rid of this policy where they paint every patient with the same brush. I am chronically ill in other ways and I should not have needed to have complications from surgery to qualify for more than 2 weeks off from work. This disappointed me greatly.
  23. CaliRexx

    May 2023 surgeries

    I know I’m late to the party. Surgery date 05/01/2023
  24. OMG, @BabySpoons I tried your suggestion and cracked myself up! It seems that my index finger that used to be a US size 10 1/2 is now a US size 9. 😂 There goes all the pretty rings I have for that finger... But the wedding set actually looks kind of cool on my index finger!
  25. The pre op diet is so hard! I could only drink milk , I don't know how far your in but after day 5 it gets easier and day 10 i didn't feel hunger at all, good luck you've got this !

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