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Found 17,501 results

  1. Hello all. I am a little over 3 years post gastric sleeve and considering revision after gaining all my weight back. I met with my surgeon today and he suggested that I do some research on the SADI and I thought I would start here. I don’t see a whole lot of posts about this procedure, though. I am just looking for information from people who actually had it rather than all the scary statistics. I am interested in the pros and cons and how has it changed your day to day life?
  2. Ooof, yeah. So I weighed myself several days ago after uh... my digestive system decided to clear itself (took a while). Just to see. I LOOK a lot thinner already - I'm just over 2 weeks out - but I just wanted to see. And the results were lovely. BUT. I made the mistake of weighing myself in the couple of days after that, and of course it jumped up a bit, and I realised that I will make myself crazy if I do it every day. A lot of processes are reorganising in there! If you've started solid foods (I'm allowed soft solid foods, and that certainly makes for highs and lows!), that's going to make things jump around a lot, I just think the number has to be less important than it once was. I know weight loss is a lot more complex than the first law of thermodynamics, but if you're up and moving around at 750-900 calories a day, something is being converted to the energy you're using, and maybe having lower weight loss numbers here is a good sign - you're doing consistent resistance training, so you're retaining or gaining (dense) muscle instead of eating away at it, while dropping the (lighter) fat. Good job with the 6x week exercise - that's awesome
  3. TexasHeathen

    Vaping and WLS

    It's completely normal to have concerns before starting a pre-op program. Firstly, congratulations on taking steps to improve your health! Quitting vaping is a significant achievement, and worrying about weight gain is understandable. Remember, everyone's journey is unique. Personally, for me, it was hard to quit vaping. I quit because I was slowly decreasing the amount of nicotine I was using. The last smoking devices I was using were purchased from this website and were disposable vapes with a low percentage of nicotine because I had a terrible nicotine addiction. So, focus on the positive changes you're making for your health. Trust the process and stay committed to your goals. Consider seeking support from your healthcare team for guidance and reassurance. Remember, you're not alone in this journey. Stay strong and stay focused on your goals. You've got this!
  4. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Vaping and WLS

    Shhhhhhh but someone mentioned on another post about the quitting smokng weight gain..do what you have to do even if it means cough cough putting extra weight in your pockets, bra where ever it won't show for your weigh in to offset your quitting weight gain...This way, you only show a loss. Not that I'm saying cheat the system, but they want you to quit knowing it might put weight on and can eliminate your surgery chances. This way no stressing and you can concentrate on eating healthy and getting healthy! Either the above or exercise a lot , eat very low cal and drink Lots of water and hope it works! Good luck.
  5. So during my online readings and searches I’ve pondered the thought of adding B-12 injections. My levels are low and lately I’ve just been sluggish and tired….all the time. Like consistent since my last bout of Covid about 6mo ago. anywho….I’ve come across this B12 + mic injections because if I can feel less sluggish and loose a few pounds, then why not. As a side note I’ve gained a few pounds from my lowest weight. Currently 147 @ 5’5….I’ve tried to convince myself it’s due to muscle gain 😂 but summer is coming and I’m being honest with myself. My workout schedule has gone from easily 6 days a week to maybe 4 on a good week. my work schedule has been crazy. also still have the lapband….if it was a relationship I’d list it as “it’s complicated” because I love and hate it 😂 enough rambling- let me know if you’ve tried it and your thoughts! also these are self administered once approved by the dr.
  6. Hello! I had the endoscopic gastroplasty in December. I lost about 15 pounds within the first week and nothing since. I have in fact gained 3 pounds back. At my follow up the physician said some patients don't lose weight at all. I paid out of pocket for this surgery. Insurance wouldn't cover it b/c it was deemed 'elective'. I'm pretty upset about hearing some people don't lose weight. I wasn't told anything like this beforehand and although I didn't want to go through surgery, it may have swayed me to go that route. Any thoughts out there? Am I the only one not losing? He now wants to put me on Mounjaro. While I don't mind this, I do mind that I'm out $12K.
  7. KortGBP

    Weight Gain Scare

    When it comes to public posts like this, i think sometimes you need a reality check. i know its your life but when you are venting and crying for help but in the same paragraph talk about how you don't want to go to the gym, it feels like you don't want to take the extra step and put a little more work in. before getting my surgery i had to lose 28lbs and i ended up losing 60lbs because i was in the gym pushing myself. getting that sweat in. you gotta put you first you cant blame your husband or your kid. they also say that 70% of marriages don't last because of this surgery due to the significant other not wanting to make the changes as well. All you can do is hold yourself accountable. i wanted so bad to blame everyone around me for the weight i gained because all my friends eat so freely, and my family eats so freely, and then there's me just huge. but its me who ultimately who has to hold myself accountable. i cant cry about everyone around me. i have to make the changes necessary because its me who wants to see the changes. don't do a pouch reset. Go back to your eating when you were in your first year. think about your potions. this is what my nutritionist said " Pouch resets aren't real they are just a way for Bari patients to think they are starting over" go for walks. you don't need the gym. but getting active and making sure you are burning off some of the calories you are consuming is really what you wanna do. YOU GOT THIS. you made it this far now that you are here you just have to do maintenance.😁
  8. Shanna NYC


    Yes it is very normal. Do not get discouraged. Remember your body just went through a major surgery and it will take time to adjust to such rapid weight loss. This is normal throughout the process and won't just be one time. Stalls and small fluctuations are par for the course. You have lost a major amount already and you've just begun. Keep in mind that it's not 5lbs of fat gained. It can be anything from water retention from a little more sodium and/or carbs or not having had a BM or something else. Further in when you're actively working out, it can be muscle gain. Your hormones and internal system are trying to find their place and rebalance. Stick to the program and if you weigh everyday, try not to for awhile if it makes you anxious or gets you down. It will move again. Also if you haven't already, take measurements and pictures. A lot of the changes can happen that are non scale related you'd be surprised.
  9. April J.

    Beating Myself Up

    Girl do not beat yourself up over this! If it feels like a trigger for you then stay away from those items however two french fries and an onion ring are not going to kill you. The grease from them may make you feel yucky but eating just those two things every once in a while isn't going to cause weight gain. Keep with your program and follow your head, not those sneaky stomachs!
  10. Clueless_girl

    Random question- who was the 1st to notice?

    That was sweet of her, I hope you guys kept in touch. I mean even if my bf doesn't say anything, I ask him things like if this changed or is that is noticeable, ect. I've already landed myself back in the hospital once due to critically low potassium and the symptoms I had were obvious. So now I'm trying to be more aware so I can spot signs earlier. But yeah I do have to keep in mind that it could seem rude to say something without me bringing it up first. I just saw my therapist and after I said I had surgery, she said I could tell by your collarbones (its a televisit so the view is just to mid shoulder). You're so right about the body dysmorphia! I'm trying to find a balance between: not being obsessive about how much or quickly I'm losing and remembering to appreciate even the smallest change. I've never really taken pics or measurements even prior to surgery, but I did buy this body fat scale I saw another bariatric patient suggest. I am taking the information with a grain of salt, but it is satisfying to see the numbers trend downwards. Aside from that, it is strange to have to tighten my shorts and be able to wear shirts that are a size smaller. I don't want to celebrate too early then hit a stall/weight gain and spiral. But the idea of being able to wear that one dress that's been sitting in my closet?? Talk about a dream come true! Did you go out and strut when you got to that point?
  11. Hello everyone! As part of our continuous effort to support and enhance your journey to health and wellness, we're thrilled to announce the launch of our NEW GLP-1 Program at BariatricPal! 🔗 Discover More: BariatricPal GLP-1 Program Our team has been working hard to bring you this innovative program to complement your weight management and wellness goals post-surgery. The GLP-1 Program is an additional tool in your arsenal, offering personalized support tailored to the unique needs of our community. What's GLP-1? GLP-1 (Glucagon-like peptide-1) is a crucial hormone in regulating blood sugar and appetite, making it a valuable component in managing weight effectively. Why Choose Our GLP-1 Program? Tailored Support: Our program is designed for individuals undergoing bariatric surgery, ensuring your journey is supported at every step. Expert Guidance: Gain access to our team of experts who are here to guide you through your GLP-1 journey, offering advice and support tailored to your needs. Community Support: Join a community of like-minded individuals who understand your journey. Share your experiences, challenges, and triumphs! We believe in empowering every person with the tools, knowledge, and support to achieve their health and wellness goals. The GLP-1 Program is more than just a program; it's a commitment to their continued success and well-being. 👉 Get Started Today: Visit the BariatricPal GLP-1 Program to learn more and join us on this exciting new journey. We're here for you every step of the way. 💙
  12. catwoman7

    Low calorie diet vs VSG

    I don't know about not losing weight AT ALL with a low calorie diet, but for most of us, the pattern before weight loss surgery was that we'd lose weight but then gain it all back within a few months. It's because you're fighting biology. Your hunger hormones, your gut biome - everything is fighting against you to get back to your previous weight. Weight loss surgery resets a lot of that. That's not to say you won't gain it all back. Some people let bad habits slip back in and take over. But as long as you watch that, the loss is "maintainable".
  13. Edward

    Band revision?

    Band replaced in 2014 so yes 10yr mark and weight gain and no restriction what so ever at this point. Have 14cc band and supposedly I'm at 6cc. He is very cautious will fills. His bed side matter is great but where I live there are not a lot of experts. May go see my original surgery one hour away as he is now in a big group with lots of experts. I have a suspicion that the tube got punctured at my last fill since it took forever to find the port with the needle. He did mention scare tissue, healing, my history of slips etc. Maybe I'm over thinking it. Thanks so much.
  14. I am 10 years out from a gastric sleeve surgery. I lost 70 pounds and gained it all back plus some. I have suffered from chronic dehydration, despite drinking a gallon or more every day. I feel that it’s due to my stomach not absorbing enough water. Has anyone had issues with this?? I am also anemic and my doctor is playing around with multiple vitamin and supplement dose increases. I just started Zepbound to try to get the weight off again, and that makes the dehydration so much worse. I am just desperate for answers. My weight loss surgeon moved, and I am not established with any other practice. Thank you!!
  15. Good morning! I am so happy that I found this group! I have been lurking for a month or so. There is a lot of information to be gained here😁. I had VSG Nov 2014 and lost 80 lbs. I was down to 170 lbs. I am 5’9 so I was quite content there. As we all know life throws curveballs and my weight has steadily climbed. I am now 60 years old and weigh 225. My A1c is high and I have been diagnosed with type 2 dm. I have been nauseated for months and last month I had an upper GI that showed severe acid reflux and a moderate hiatal hernia. Omeprazole has not helped at all. I have an EGD scheduled this coming Friday. Revision to bypass has been brought up by the nurse practitioner at the bariatric surgeon’s office. I also just met with my new PCP who gave me a prescription for Mounjaro. Bariatric surgeon said not to start the Mounjaro until we resolve my reflux issues (due to the possible side effects of nausea). I am unsure if I should go with the revision to bypass with hernia repair or just get the hernia repair and hope that fixes my reflux issue and use the Mounjaro to help with weight loss and lowering my A1c. I am not sure if just repairing the hernia will fix my relax issue. I will discuss all these options with my surgeon after the EGD. What are your thoughts/experiences?
  16. I have a question… I had surgery a month ago and lost 20lbs. (That’s it 😒) then this week I weighed myself and I gained 2lbs! Is that normal? I’m doing everything the doctor told me too. Drinking a lot of water, eating a ton of protein and exercising. Am I doing something wrong? Thank you!
  17. I totally sympathise. But honestly this sounds completely within normal limits. There's no way you're going to have this surgery, stick to your programme, and not lose a heap of weight. It's just that the loss isn't linear. There are times when you lose half a pound a day (early!) and times when you lose a quarter of a pound a week. And all manner of gains and plateaus and whatever in the middle of that. And you'll be eating much the same and exercising much the same so there's no rhyme or reason to it! I hope you don't get hung up on this - you've already proven that you are losing inches. I truly hope you get to where you want to be asap.
  18. Yes!! I did. My surgery was on Feb 14, and I had lost 16 pounds in the pre-op stage. After surgery, I did weigh myself and I had gained 8 lbs! I am positive it was all fluid. It took me a week to lose the water weight, so then I was at the same weight as my pre-op weight and very discouraged. I'm 16 days post op and have only lost 8lbs (plus the 8 of fluid). I reached out to my dietician and she said those with a lower starting weight (I was 240) will lose it slower. It's perfectly normal. Since starting the pureed phase, I increased my calories to 600/day and I get about 90 grams of protein. It's more steady at about 1lb every 2 days. I hope that helps you, and thanks for sharing this. I thought I was the only one.
  19. So I am 5 years and 2 months post-op RYGB. I made it beyond my goal weight of 170lb to 160lb. Technically I was as low as 145lbs because I was very sick in 2020 then again in 2022, but after getting better, I stabilized at a steady 160lb. Last July I started online streaming/socializing with people. I started snacking more because of nerves and also began drinking quite heavily because being silly tipsy in front of strangers is fun! I had NO IDEA how many calories was in alcohol. Over the course of 5 months, I gained 20lbs. Even more, I noticed that I can eat almost a "normal" plate of food the same size as my family's. I broke the rules and had started drinking fluids with my meals. I think I thought I could get away with breaking rules because I was at a stable 160lbs. Now I am FREAKING out! I hate exercise. I never did it, even with my prior weightloss. I am using a tracking app my husband's VA dietician told him to use called Fat Secret. I am trying to stick to 1600 calories, which is super hard. I feel hungry all the time now. I think I caused pouch dilation. I refuse to be heavy again. My clothes are already getting tighter than I like. I was doing research today on weight gain after years post-op. I basically am reading that I need a bariatric reset. I am going to do a 2-week "Pouch Reset Diet." It's not to make my pouch smaller, but it's to retrain my body to feel full with smaller portions again. I need to go back to the basics, and it's really hard. I also don't get DS with sweets like I used to. Don't get me wrong, I still get sick, but I noticed that my sugar tolerances have changed. It really worries me. 40% of bypass patients fail and bounce back to within 10% of their original weight pre-surgery. I will NOT be a part of that 40%. My support system at home is tricky. On one hand, my husband does support me outwardly. But he himself weighs 415lbs and isn't doing much about his weight. He watched my struggles and drustrations and outright refuses surgery for himself. He's on some stupid intermitent fasting diet, but he still eats way too large portions at meal times. My 15 y/o son is pushing 285lbs, and his only exercise is video games. For me, it's like living around all these food temptations is a struggle. It's like being an alcoholic and living at a bar. I just ordered a crap ton of protein powder so I can jump start this Pouch Reset Diet. I started to push myself on working out at least a little bit. I have a mini stair stepper and an eleptical bike. Anything is better than nothing. I am just wondering if I am alone in my struggles?
  20. maygoddess

    Use of Mounjaro for weight regain

    I am just starting Zepbound tomorrow! Ihave had a long journey. I was lapbanded in 2002. I lost 130lbs. In 2014, after not seeing any doctors for 5 years, I went to a local bariatric surgeon just for a checkup. He found my esophagus had expanded. My band was too tight and I was packing my esophagus..didn't even know..no pain. Immediately unfilled and gained 30lbs in a month..eating NOTHING! LIke almost! I was refilled after about 3-4 months and then developed an infection..and to cut to the chase..band was removed in 2018 and revised to sleeve. By then I was up 50lbs. Since then I gained another 50lbs..so the sleeve did nothing. Between covid, bad eating habits and menopause, I cannot get this weight off..I tried keto..lost a few lbs..tried intermittent fasting..lost a few more..but my body just won't move the weight down..so broke down last week and saw my new primary doctor and she prescrived Zepbound..well orginally Wegovy but that is harder to find and Costco had Zepbound. I will start this Saturday.
  21. n3turner3

    My Story

    I want to thank everyone for the kind words and provide an update. I had my one-year post op doctor appointment yesterday. It went well and they were happy with the results. I still need to get blood work done, which I will do tomorrow. The blood work is probably the most important part of the visit, so I am hopeful that everything is right with it. I have had the 'normal' hurdles over the last 16-months that everyone has to deal with, and I am very thankful for little to no complications. I feel for those that have had more challenging journals, since I have been so lucky. Again, I want to stress that I am not special or unique. I hope someone out there might read this and it helps them in some way. It is hard work to lose weight no matter how you do it. It requires mentally reprograming how you have lived your entire life and making physical choices to match, but it can be done. Tons of success stories in this group are proof. Stay positive and go day by day with it. Stay off the scale and celebrate the non-scale victories. My wife and two kids have been so supportive: everything from education to food prep to walking with me to listening and talking about the process. Not an easy process, but because of their support it has been much easier. I am so grateful for the changes they made to support me. I will probably never be able to express that to them at the level it deserves it. I have never been happier. My wife attended the appointment with me yesterday and the update went as follows. I started in 9/2022 at 514-lbs. I had my surgery in 2/2023 at 488-lbs. My weight yesterday was 254-lbs. Its official I am truly half the man I was compared to the start of this program. Weight loss is different for all, especially someone that started as big as me, but it was great seeing those results. My 'ideal weight" connected to my 'normal' BMI would require me to loss another 80-lbs. I told my doctor from the beginning that I never cared about being skinny or normal and that has not changed. I wanted to improve my quality of life by being less huge. I wanted to be able to participate in activities with my family. I am happy to say I have achieved that goal! I am not done yet! This is not a diet -- it is a lifetime change! I do not care if I ever become 'normal,' but slowly losing and not gaining is the only plan. The future holds unlimited possibilities for me and my family. Future goals for me are to increase my exercise plan by adding strength training as priority number one. My second goal is to continue to try new 'healthy' foods that I may or may not like but expanding my options for more variety and balance helps me stay on plan. I will finish by saying if anyone has questions or thoughts, especially those big boys out there, feel free to ask and I will provide more detail about my experience. I am no expert, and we all have different programs, so I can only share my experience, if that can be of help to anyone. Good luck to all with your own personal journeys.
  22. BriMattG


    It's hard to understand. When my girlfriend lost a lot of weight, her skin and breasts changed significantly, you know, and she was very hesitant to undress completely for a long time, not to mention being in the light. I tried to convince her for a long time that it didn't matter. Now that I've gained weight myself, I don't know if I should feel self-conscious; I just don't feel as calm anymore. And she says everything is fine, but you never really know how you're perceived. I'm confused.
  23. ChunkCat


    Honestly I think this is one of the reasons therapy is so helpful when going through this experience. Even if you don't go every week, having a person who has both perspective and understands the ins and outs of abusive relationships and how they echo through us for years after can be immensely healing. You are changing a LOT and it is normal to have feels about that. And he will have feels about it too, because he loves you and as you change, he will have to change in some ways too, to accommodate and appreciate the ever-changing being that is you! My partner doesn't care what weight I am. I gained 100 lbs since we were first married. We've been together 17 years. They look at me with just as much, if not more, desire than they did when I was young and smaller, which is hard to wrap my head around! They have always encouraged me to dress in ways that feel good. They prefer curvy women, always have. I have been worried that as I lose weight they might lose some of that attraction to me because in time, I will be smaller than they've ever known me, smaller than I've ever been in my adult life! But they assure me that while they aesthetically like the look of curvy women, they LOVE me in all my forms and my health and wellbeing is more important than anything else and no matter how I change, I will still be beautiful. If they loved me at 200 and they loved me at 320, they will love me at 170 or wherever I land. I've done enough work in therapy with the abuse I dealt with in the past to be able to trust what they say. But it still gets to me sometimes... Today I noticed my boobs have become visibly flatter. This is really hard for me because I LOVE MY BOOBS. 🤣 I have always been booby and I like it! Last year I found out I carry the CHEK2 mutation and with my cancer history combined with it I have a much higher risk of developing breast cancer than I'd like. The specialist I saw advised I consider an elective mastectomy after my weight loss stabilizes. I understand the logic, but I've already had to bid goodbye to my reproductive organs thanks to cancer, I wasn't expecting to have to consider saying goodbye to my boobs too. So I was standing in the bathroom today having the feels about my flat boobs and my partner came in so I pointed out the change. They admitted they could see the difference but very stubbornly said "These are my favorite boobs in the whole world. They are the best boobs ever, no matter what size they are." FFS, really?? Am I not supposed to cry at that?? They said something similar when we talked about a mastectomy. I feel very lucky to have a partner that can abide all the changes that I've gone through in this life and still look at me through the eyes of love. I hope I succeed at giving that back to them...
  24. ms.sss

    Use of Mounjaro for weight regain

    i know several people (including myself*) who have used Ozempic and/or Mounjaro, all with great results (read: all lost probably an average of 10-15 lbs with little reported effort. From an observers point of view, it *looks* like most slowly gain weight back when discontinuing use. but some seem to keep the weight off (but it's early still so time will tell). *i seem to be part of the latter group. i took my mom's leftover Ozempic for a month in April last year (shes a diabetic and takes less than she's prescribed cuz she doesn't like how it makes her hate food...and yes i know i shouldn't be taking someone elses meds! dont judge me! it was in the name of science, ok??? 😂 ) i lost about 7 lbs by the end of it, and gained back 2-3 lbs a couple months later. to clarify, i was 122 when i stated in April, 4 weeks later i was 115, and i've hovered between 114-118 since then to today. long story short, the stuff WORKS. but you will likely experience regain without significant lifestyle changes when u stop. or not. who knows? 🤷🏻‍♀️
  25. yep. i was notorious for barely eating anything. i just didn't want to honestly. and i want to be the type of person to force my self to eat if i didn't want to (personally i think that is just as an unwanted eating habit as eating out of boredom). i did also lose more that i wanted to after reaching goal (at 7 months), but it all leveled out eventually (by 1 year). and no, i did not waste away, i did not become malnourished, i did not starve to death. while i did look pretty gaunt for a few months, that too went away despite not re-gaining any substantial amount of weight. i did have to re-learn how to eat higher calorie foods (abstaining from them during weight loss phase got ingrained into me, so it took me a few months to be mentally ok eating it again, you know?) i'm 5+ years out and there are still days when i just don't want to eat, or just forget to eat altogether. i don't worry about it too much because i know there will be a day when i just wanna eat. so long as my weight stays within my acceptable range, my pants fit, my doc is not concerned and i feel great, then i'm all good. honestly i just accept that i didn't reach my goals that particular day...so long as i reach them at least like 60-70% of the time, then i consider it a success. but i'm a bit far out now...during early weight loss phase i did try a little harder by drinking protein shakes (which i don't anymore), also i never tried to forcefully increase calories during weight loss phase though, no matter what i was eating. but during maintenance i was concerned about increasing calories...see my go-to's below: stuff i ate to increase calories in the early days of maintenance when stomach real estate was on ongoing issue: - avocaods - nuts and nuts butter - full fat dairy and cheese - beef jerky - olive oil drizzled on whatever - chicharron / pork rinds --> yeah this one would raise eyebrows cuz the crazy fat content, but i loved/love it! plus it had the added bonus of being very high in protein, ha. and it really helped to bump up my calorie intake. finally, i am also a grazer...since i can't really eat alot in one sitting, i eat a little bit every hour or so. this was really an issue for me in the early years, but now my food intake capacity has increased so it doesn't feel so much like a chore as it used to. In sum, just do your best, keep up with your labs and doc appt to make sure you medically ok, and eventually the stuff that you are worrying about now will be just that thing you used to worry about. good luck! ❤️

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