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Found 17,501 results

  1. Ahhh @NickelChip Sorry to hear you are still stalled! This too will pass. I hope your blood tests show good results. And I also have resistance bands collecting dust so let me know how you get along with them! Thanks @Noelle74 you are so right, the weight dosent just drop off. And you're right, progress not perfection is the way to go. Would you consider adding a ticker to your profile? It's a really easy way for me to understand how people are getting along! I walked part of the way of Saint James last summer through the northern route (camino del norte) with my parnter and a group of friends and although I tried to keep a smile on my face it was truly three miserable weeks for me, I was in pain, sweating, out of breath and honetsly wanted to cry each time I saw another hill... but last weekend although it wasn't as steep I walked 26km all on my own and had a lovely day! So yes, progress!!
  2. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Oh, hello, three-week stall. I see you've arrived like clockwork. I'm one of those people who weighs every morning as soon as I wake up. I started doing it the day before my pre-op diet began. I won't do it forever, but I really wanted the record so I could look back and see what patterns my weight loss actually took, because I think it's easy to forget over time. Plus, I like graphs. So, I hit 217 lbs on Tuesday, and have now been that weight for 4 weigh-ins in a row. I think my body must have access to a calendar because it hit the 3-week mark perfectly. I mean, I'm kind of impressed.
  3. I have been going through the process of the bariatric program since January so it's about to be a full year. My surgery was originally supposed to be in July but the doctor's office screwed up my paperwork so insurance denied it. They were very dismissive and acted like it wasn't there fault but it was. They left out my psych evaluation so it was denied. I was so turned off that I went to another surgeon but couldn't schedule mine until December 28th. Now I'm a little more than a week away from surgery and on Day 5 of liquid diet but they do not communicate with me at all. No one even scheduled my pre-op testing. I have been emailing and calling my surgeon's office since last week to ask a question about if I had to stop certain medications and about certain protein shakes I'm allowed to drink. They never respond to me. Today I was told that the Physician Assistant is on vacation and the coordinator is out sick so I feel like I'm just left out here alone with no help. It makes me concerned about post-op care as well if they can just dismiss me because someone is out sick or on vacation. I can't help but feel like these are signs from the universe not to do the surgery. Am I crazy for giving up on this and just trying to take Wegovy instead to help me lose weight?
  4. @NickelChip Sorry to hear you're being sick and are back to liquids ... that must be hard. But I'm sure that even if you struggle, you've got this . @LisaCaryl I hope you get help with dehydration and that the nausea passes soon. I hope you have someone with you who is taking care of you. Holding you both in my thoughts. @Rae70 Be kind to yourself and your sleeve, take it slow as @NickelChip and @Noelle74 say your sleeve probably needs some time to recover. @Noelle74 The three week stall is the absolute pits, it does end up by passing though. I'm also finding the waiting to drink a total bore and have started setting a timer on my phone for 30 minutes once I've finished eating.
  5. I'm sorry about the stalls. No matter how much we know they will happen, it doesn't make it any easier. I know in the past, the closer I got to my goal weight, the slower it would come off. @BlueParis this could be the case with you? How are things feeling... your body? Your clothes? My dietician told me that these things will continue to change even during stalls.
  6. I am am at the same point and I am still struggling to get to 600 calories a day. I hit a massive stall and did not lose any weight for 3 weeks. Scale finally moved this week. Stalls happen your body needs a chance to recover. Stick with your doctors plan and the stall will pass.
  7. I’m only losing a pound or two a week. It’s super slow!!!! I had my post up appt which wasn’t super informative. I’ve lost 40lbs so far. Not all of my bloodwork was in yet so I’m waiting to hear how my vitamin levels are. She said the stuck food lasts til 6 months then comes back at 12 months and 18 months 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ and I’m expected to lose my weight over 18 months. That was about it. Other than the stalls will get longer and longer she said. Ughhhhhhhh. Some days I feel like I’m where I was pre surgery trying to get the scale to move even though I know that’s not the case. I have started only weighing once a week now instead of every day so that’s less frustrating. Knowing we are all stalling definitely helps me to see it is just the way things are and I can’t rush it. Thanks for the continued support ❤️
  8. if you increased your weight training, it could be water retention. Muscles hold on to water. Calories sound OK at this point in your journey with the added weight training, so I wouldn't drop those until you rule everything else out. AND three-week (or longer) stalls aren't uncommon when you get that far out. I remember times around the year mark (and after) thinking "OK - so this must be it.", and then I'd end up dropping 2 or 3 lbs. So it's not over 'til it's over.. EDITED to add that I just checked your stats. You're very close to goal. The closer you get, the slower the weight comes off. Those last 20 lbs were a BEAR for me to lose - but I just stuck with it and finally managed to make it
  9. hayleymarie2703


    How many calories should I be eating 3.5month post op gastric sleeve? Keep seeing different amounts online. Had surgery abroad so the after care isn’t the best either. Also macros? I don’t know weather I’m eating too much or too little I’m a slow loser and have stalled for 4 weeks.
  10. Arabesque

    Stall in weight loss 3 weeks PO

    Not hundreds but thousands of posts about it. I never understand, when it is something that almost every single person experiences after their surgery & it can be so demoralising, that surgeons & support teams don’t warn & prepare people for it. Yes, it generally occurs around week 3 +/-. The stall can last 1-3 weeks. It likely won’t be your one & only. Your body shuts down to reassess your needs as a result of the weight you’ve lost so far. This is when your body resets things like your digestive hormones, etc. The stall will break when your body has made the adjustments & is ready to move forward again. Stick to your plan. Don’t stress your body more by making additional changes to your activity or food intake other than what your plan recommends or requires. While waiting fir the stall to break, celebrate the weight you’ve lost so far. It’s a fabulous achievement.
  11. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Here is my 4-week post-op update: Highest weight: 251 Start of 2 week pre-op diet weight: 238 Day before surgery weight: 226 Today's weight: 214.8 I had a stall that began exactly at the 3-week post-surgery mark and lasted 7 days. Below are photos taken before surgery and this morning.
  12. I think I'm stalling again. It's making me angsty. I know it's expected but it just makes me feel so insecure and down. having trouble coping with the stall. I'm quite down. That and the non stop rain and grey skies.
  13. catwoman7

    Detox after gastric bypass

    I think all traces of pot pretty much leaves your body within about two weeks - I don't think it's necessary to detox for that to happen. I'd eat the protein - your body needs it - esp after bariatric surgery. EDITED to add this. Just found it on WebMd: If you’re a chronic user, more THC will build up and remain in your body. That’s because your body can only break down THC at a specific rate. Your body stores the excess THC in your fat cells. More frequent marijuana use means a longer time for THC to leave your system. Here are the average detoxification times: One-time use: one to three days Moderate use (three times a week): five to seven days Daily use: seven to 14 days Heavy use: 14 to 90 days
  14. SleeveToBypass2023

    I did it! I had my surgery

    Congrats!!! The first 2-3 weeks seriously suck. After that, it gets easier and you really start to learn your new body. Just prioritize walking, getting in your fluids, and getting in your protein. Don't rush things, stick to your meal plan, and trust the process. Weight loss stalls are NORMAL and to be expected. Watch for NSVs (Non Scale Victories) when the scale isn't moving. You got this!!
  15. Arabesque


    Stalls tend to last 1-3 weeks and you’ll likely experience a few of them while you’re losing. They’re actually an important part of your weight loss. It’s the time when your body shuts down to reassess your new needs based on your weight loss. Your body works out what it needs now in regards to digestive hormones, metabolism, etc. When it’s done this & it’s ready to move forward again, your stall will break. Stick to your plan. Don’t make any additional changes other than what your plan requires - don’t stress your body more.
  16. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @NickelChip I agree! You look great. WTG! And my weight loss graph looks very similar to yours over the last month also except I stalled a little earlier than your recent one and am now back losing again after a little more than 2 weeks. Just keep on keeping on, you’ll get over the hump. 😉
  17. PandaMom1977


    There are so many factors working here. You are still healing from surgery. Also I know I stalled at about 2 weeks. Not having a regular bathroom routine didn't help. Stay the course and keep being amazing.
  18. I'm still stalled but feeling better. I spoke to my clinic who said it is normal because I've lost more than goal at this point and had a lower BMI to start off with. The clinic has said the stall may last up to a month which means I'm half way through the stall trying to be rational about it. I managed a decent walk ( 15.4k steps) yesterday in my raincoat that helped. I'm still in London for work and it is grey and raining but I bailed on my hotel and came to stay with my little brother (who lives here for his work) and it's a bit like being home. I hadn't seen him in a few years because we're not that close but he made me airfryer spicy tofu and asparagus for supper, offered to look over some work excels with me and to top it off he washed, dried, folded my laundry from my suitcase whilst I was asleep and woke me up with coffee in bed this morning. (I suspect he's been talking to my partner). He's made me feel very cared for and also said that even without weightloss in the mix he gets very very down when he has a bad stretch of travel for work and the weather is ****. He helped me find friends of friends to stay with when I have a week in Budapest in 10 days time so that I'm not all alone at a hotel again. And we realised we'll both be in Boston for work next month and can meet up there and we also sync'd our work travel agendas and found out we'll be in Singapore in October at the same time as our brother in law ( sisters husband) and so all three of us can stay together! For my job the travel is going to be wild until the end of this year (wrap up of a 5 year worldwide project) and so I'm just going to have to "hack" it as much as I can. I get back to Paris very late tonight and might see if I can move enough meetings around to take Friday off work and just spend 3 days for myself in Paris. Hows everyone getting on ?
  19. It appears I'm also experiencing a 3 week stall. At 2 weeks post op (surgery 1/24/24) I had lost 10 lbs. It's now 3 weeks post op and I'm still the same weight. I sure hope this stall doesn't last a month! I have been discouraged a bit, I think, because any time I've tried to lose weight in the past it has been agonizingly slow and not permanent. I had hoped that I'd lose faster after VSG and I found myself thinking this morning that I did this drastic and permanent thing just to have the same result I have always had - no weight loss for weeks at a time despite my best efforts. Reading about this "infamous" stall gives me a little hope, although I don't understand how I'm not losing weight when I'm consuming 500 calories a day or less, mostly protein and no fats/sugar. I appreciate the topic and the comments, and I'm hoping the stall breaks soon!
  20. catwoman7

    Gastric sleeve after menopause

    you won't always show loss every week. In fact, most people experience occasional stalls when they won't lose anything for 1-3 weeks, even though they're sticking to their plan 100%. If and when you hit those, just make sure you're following your plan and stay off the scale for a few days. The stall WILL break as long as you're following all the rules. I had bypass, not sleeve, but I was post-menopausal. I lost over 200 lbs.
  21. I did very little exercise and lost on 1200 calories a day. I am maintaining on an average of 1500 a day. I still have a relaxed regime, I walk a few miles a week and work in a very busy charity shop once a week. I am retired so you can see work and exercise didn't help me. I still have a fierce restriction so the calories are ok for me. I once had a stall of 3 months and then dropped 7 pounds overnight. I began to think that I had finished my journey. Everyone is so different and its heart breaking if you compare yourself to others.
  22. I only weigh once a week, and it's been slow going the past few weeks. But as long as I'm losing, I think I'm ok with it. I was told to expect stalls around this time. The hard thing for me is waiting a week to step on the scale. We have been away for 5 days at the beach. That's always been a big eating event for me. This has been quite different. We only ate out 2 times... one breakfast and one dinner. It was uneventful... not the wonderful experience it used to be.
  23. Arabesque

    Surgery Failure

    Welcome to your first stall. They usually occur around week three but can start before or after that. They usually last 1-3 weeks. (There are lots of usually, often, averages, common, etc. after surgery.) While this time when the scale doesn’t move, is frustrating & can be depressing, it is an important part of your weight loss. It’s when your body takes stock of the changes that are occurring (weight loss, dietary changes, etc.) & reassess its needs in regards to metabolic rate, digestive hormones, and so on. The stress of your surgery can also impact this first stall. (Yes I said first as you’ll likely experience more of them.) The stall will break when your body is ready to move forward again. You can’t force a stall to stop. Best advice used stick to your plan & don’t stress your body more by making changes to your diet & activity other than those your plan wants. Take some body measurements. While the scale doesn’t move, you may notice changes in a tape measure or in your clothing.
  24. Please try not to worry. My dietician said this is very common. She said after about 2 weeks, I may stall for a month. She said to watch for clothing fitting looser during this time and not to be concerned about the scale. It will pick up again!
  25. Hi y'all! I have my surgery (AHHHHH!) scheduled for this upcoming TUESDAY! Today is Friday. I have NOT yet purchased my vitamins. I have the paper sitting in front of me. I've attached a picture since I'm confused about the second column (regimen). I need to take a bariatric supplement that has calcium & B-12. Some of them have iron in them already. Can someone help explain what the second column means? I'm SUPER worried about the hair loss aspect...I was told that the BEST vitamins on the market are the Bariatric Advantage Advanced EA Multivitamin. What vitamins do you recommend as a first time surgery patient? I know the above ones I mentioned are the most expensive, but I was told they're the best of the best...is that true?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
