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Found 3,903 results

  1. ice75002

    Day 28

    Hi all, For me these posts help keep me in check on a few things. Everything is going well and my nutritionist has released me to more foods. On Monday I added baked and grilled fish, soft veggies, fruit etc. He still doesn’t want me to set my macros until next month but once me to get 100-120 gr of protein, and up my carbs a bit. So, I’ve added berries and banana. My weight loss has slowed down, but with adding foods and so much water loss I’m not surprised. Plus of course, you hear about the three week stall. With the added food, I certainly have more energy. Now, I need to add cardio. The weights have been going well and I’m getting stronger Pre Surgery Weight: 336 Surgery Weight: 330 4 week Weight: 305.6. Goal weight: 275 Note: I was having some light headed issues, especially when getting up. It was my blood pressure dropping. I’m now down to 1/2 a pill per day. I am hoping with more weight loss I’ll be off completely. Good luck everyone.
  2. On 2/15/22 I underwent revision from VSG to RNY due to hiatal hernia and reflux issues. My surgery weight was around 230 lbs, actually a few less due to three days of liquid diet. In the 5 months since revision surgery I've lost about 40 lbs, but have been at a steady weight for over five weeks. I'm currently around 15 to 20 lbs away from my final goal. I had a post surgery follow up with the surgeons office and they just suggested I try to stay closer to the dietary guidelines. I probably was a little short on protein but in the couple weeks since have worked diligently to increase protein and reduce carbs. Yet the scale hasn't moved. Looking for experiences from others who had revision without a large amount of weight to lose. How did it go for you? Is this just a stall or my new normal? Should I expect to continue to lose, or am I pretty much at my new set point after five months?
  3. RickM


    You will likely soon hit the "three week stall" (do a search for it here) where your loss will slow or stop and possibly even increase a bit. This is entirely normal and totally unrelated to what food phase you are in (people who are still on liquids as well as those who have been on soft foods since the start go through it.) It has to do with the matter that initially you are losing a big chunk of water weight associated with your glycogen stores (basically stored carbohydrate) being depleted due to your low calorie intake. Once that is depleted, your body shifts gears to burn your stored fat, which burns more slowly, so the weight loss slows a bit, too. Entirely normal. In our program they specifically tell us that their patients tend to do better as they move into real food - not strictly from a loss rate perspective, but for the sake of feeling better and more energetic, which leads to being more active and helping to maintain a more sustainable loss over the long haul. I was starting to nibble at the gym again after a couple of weeks, not for the sake of boosting loss rate (it didn't need it...) but for maintaining the habit (and not allowing my wife to use me as an excuse for not going!) I was certainly not burning any more calories there than at home, but more just starting to get a bit more variety in activities.
  4. Arabesque

    Transitioning from shakes to food

    I joyfully kissed all my shakes away on day one week three. It was always my goal to rely on real food to get all my nutrients in & not depend upon supplements or meal replacements. My surgeon was also okay if I was not hitting my protein goal while going through the first stages as long as I was making an effort so that took off some pressure. But as @ShoppGirl said it does depend upon how much you can eat. (I wasn’t able to eat much but usually hit 40-50g of my 60g protein goal.) I found a good high protein yoghurt (15-20g) & a yoghurt smoothie (22-30g) to keep my protein closer to goal. I also did things like make my scrambled eggs & rolled oats extra milky to get in a little more protein. But being lactose intolerant I realise this isn’t quite as easy for you. Were you given a caloric goal or a recommended carb intake or limit? How many extra carbs or calories are you getting in by consuming lactose free/dairy alternative products? Because we eat so little it would take a lot to really have a negative impact on your weight loss. I drink a lactose free milk because I can’t drink a lot of ordinary milk. (No issue with other dairy though.) And even though it has about double the calories, it didn’t have an impact on my weight loss. Milk alternatives can actually have fewer calories than cows milk (per 100mls): Full cream cow’s milk – 281 kilojoules (67 calories) Rice milk – 255 kilojoules (61 calories) Regular soy milk – 241 kilojoules (58 calories) Oat milk – 213 kilojoules (51 calories) Reduced-fat cow’s milk – 191 kilojoules (46 calories) Reduced-fat soy milk – 153 kilojoules (37 calories) Skim cow’s milk – 142 kilojoules (34 calories) Sweetened almond milk – 123 kilojoules (29 calories) Sweetened cashew milk – 123 kilojoules (29 calories) Coconut milk – 95 kilojoules (23 calories) Unsweetened cashew milk – 73 kilojoules (18 calories) Unsweetened almond milk – 69 kilojoules (16 calories) Same with carb content. Macadamia milk: 1 gram of carbs/cup Hemp milk: 1.3 grams of carbs/cup Soy milk: 1.6 grams of carbs/cup Almond milk: 1.99 grams of carbs/cup Flax milk: 2 grams of carbs/cup Coconut milk: 3.38 grams of carbs/cup Oat milk: 9 grams of carbs/cup cows milk: 12grams of carbs/cup Have a chat with your dietician. They should be able to recommend lower calorie or lower carb alternatives if your intake is excessive for you to try. PS - Stalls rarely have anything to do with the calories or carbs you are consuming but are a natural part of your weight loss journey. Your rate of loss is never constant but zigs & zags, ups & downs & plateaus. Your body stalls or takes a pause (as I heard a surgeon say recently) to catch up with the changes - surgery, weight loss, change in diet or activity, etc. Think of it as your body is stressed & it needs time to recover & accept the changes. Just like you do if emotionally or mentally stressed.
  5. catwoman7


    almost everyone has their first major stall sometime during the first 4-6 weeks after surgery. It's usually the third week (hence we call it "the three week stall"), but not always. i just did a search of this site for you on the "three week stall" - there are 17,500 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding). here they are: https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall your calories are fine. Just stick to your program and stay off the scale for a few days. As long as you stick to your program, the stall will break. Usually takes 1-3 weeks.
  6. Hi, I need some encouragement please. I am into my 2nd stall since WLS. First one came less than two weeks from my surgery date and lasted a week, now I am in this second one but this one is much longer (going on three weeks). To make matters worse I am a slow loser. This is starting to get discouraging and darn annoying. I'm left wondering if I made a big mistake getting WLS and am I going to stay at this weight. Was this it? I'm trying to stay positive about but the bad is starting to outweigh the good. Please tell me it gets better.
  7. Sunshine Princess

    Second Month Stall?

    So this kicks off month two post sleeve surgery and my weight loss has slowed down some. I had the three week stall; had a little movement last week and then nothing again. I havent changed much; the only thing I've added is veggies (zucchini, tomato, and mushrooms have been added back). PRotein is still the same, exercise is still the same or higher since now I can swim. I'm sure hormones are just f'ing with me, but is this common?
  8. Darcell76

    May 2022 surgery?

    So I’m in the beginning of week three and I have not lost any weight all week. I’m also constipated. I’m down a total of 28lbs since the preop liquid diet. I started at 249lbs and I’m now 221lbs. What are you taking for constipation? How long is the stall period?
  9. Lee anne

    May 2022 surgery?

    I have read a lot of stalls between weeks 2 and 4. I watched a video that talked about the three week stall. The doctor explained at first we are losing a lot of water weight. Then as we get fluids we gain fluid but is losing pounds. So it does not show we really are losing. If you do measurements you can see that you lost inches during this time. If you will google the 3 week stall with weight loss surgery or sleeve .... you can fine a lot of videos from different doctors. I am in a stall going on 10 days. I have heard people talking about long stalls but started losing faster. If your exercising you might gain muscle but losing fat. I belong to several gastic sleeve support groups ob face book and learned alot.
  10. ShoppGirl

    I'm struggling losing weight

    If you truly are logging and measuring everything precisely, and your intake is under 600 calories it is impossible for you not to lose weight. It has to be the three week stall. Sometimes it can last a little while. I know it’s hard but try to trust the process. The weight loss will start again soon.
  11. winkydinks

    Please tell me I haven't failed.

    Stop. Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. Take a deep breath. In fact, take three. Working yourself into a frenzy isn't going to help anything. Now let's evaluate. It sounds like the scale at work is accurate based on your "test" of it. Try your scale at home again, and if it's wildly off, chuck it out. It's broken. So, with that being said, it sounds like you're 235 lbs. Now we have to figure out why that is so we can begin changing it. First of all, as a 5'5 woman, 1200 calories is hardly a deficit in the long-term. It may be initially, but your body will adjust, and your metabolism will slow to compensate. Nowadays, it may even be a bit more than you need. My surgeon, who was a pioneer in bariatric surgery and has done thousands of procedures, said that most people only need 1000-1500 calories a day. There are obvious exceptions for athletes and whatnot, but generally speaking, that's the rule for both men and women. Now, I know you don't want to hear me simply tell you to eat less. However, if you can find a couple hundred calories to cut out from your current diet, it definitely won't hurt. To me, it sounds like your body found a comfort zone with 1200 a day and whatever level of activity you have, and it stopped dropping weight as a result. Just to be sure though, are you POSITIVE you're only eating 1200 calories a day? There are hidden calories everywhere. Passing by the candy dish at work a couple times a day, oil in the pan, a glass of wine with dinner, cream and sugar in your coffee, etc, will all add up. Now, as someone who just got himself out of a stall by doing this, here's going to be my biggest suggestion. You've heard it before, it isn't sexy, but it works. Cut whatever amount of carbs you're eating by at least 50% and get rid of anything made with flour or sugar entirely. You're only supposed to be eating 1000-1200 calories a day, and you can't afford to spend them on starch. You may feel like crap for a week, but I guarantee you that you won't feel like crap when you see the number on the scale going down. Plus, it's also incredibly easy to end up eating far more calories than you intended when you're eating this stuff. It takes most people 3-4 bites to eat a 200 calorie serving of pasta.
  12. Hi Vivis, I am six weeks postop. I had a stall in weeks 2 and 3, but I started to lose again in week 4. It was tough. However, despite the stall, my total weight loss, as well as average weekly weight loss to date, is on track with statistics I have seen. So, please do not worry. The posts above are awesome and wish I had them a few weeks ago! I am writing to add that it was comforting to me during my stall to read as many prior posts as I could about the "three-week stall." Type "stall" into the search engine above and there are about 17,000 reassuring posts! Every post made such a difference to me.
  13. Yeah don't beat yourself up, everyone has stalls and times they go up a little, as long as overall it's trending downward you're good. I'm attaching three charts I got from my MyFitnessPal app showing my weight fluctuation over three periods of time. First is over the past month, next is past three months, finally is the chart starting two weeks pre-surgery, just to make it easier to see the spikes. Unlike most here, I weigh myself every single day. I know it's not recommended but it works for me, and it lets me really see all the little fluctuations and stalls that happen all the time. I don't stress about it so it works. Give yourself more time, at least a few months, before you start getting worried.
  14. It is just one of the many stalls that you will have. The first one is usually around three weeks. It is extremely common. If you search it on here you will see how many people experience it by How many results.
  15. What is the three week stall? I've never heard it!!!
  16. That small of an increase could be anything. Retaining water, full bowels, etc. Fluctuations of a up to a few pounds can even happen within a single day. I wouldn’t worry too much about that. And as for the few days without losing it’s possible that you hit your three week stall early. It’s so common that they have that name for it. It happens “around” the third week for most. If the little fluctuations are going to bother you you may be better to weigh yourself less often because stalls do happen and so do those small fluctuations. As long as the overall trend is down you will be fine.
  17. DaisyAndSunshine

    How many stalls have you had in your journey?

    Search up "three week stall" and you'll come across many posts by many of us having had such stalls right after surgery. I have had one a week after post-Op and stayed for some good 3 weeks before scale started responding again. My 5 month stall also lasted about 3 weeks and just few days back it finally broke.
  18. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    The lovely 3rd week stall

    Ha! Did you actually think you could hide from the infamous three week stall? 😂
  19. Arabesque

    So fed up

    Stalls are frustrating. Unfortunately you may experience a few as you’re losing & they may last 1-3 weeks (some do last longer - if yours does check with your dietician to see if you need to tweak your eating plan) but they are just part of the journey. There are lots of variation in the plans people follow. Some are given caloric goals while some aren’t (I wasn’t). Some are given portion size recommendations. Some aren’t. Some who are given caloric goals are encouraged to eat 1200 calories from solid foods. If you are worried, check with your dietician. Even on 1200 calories you will lose weight. As @lizonaplane said the goal is not to feel discomfort or your restriction. The goal is to recognise your real hunger & eat enough to satisfy that. At three years out, I still ask myself do I need the next bite or just want it. Remember it takes time for your full signal to kick in. So when you do feel full you’ve likely eaten more than you need. Exercise accounts for 10-20% of your weight loss. Have 50lbs to lose, exercise will account for 5-10lbs. There are lots of physical, psychological & emotional benefits to undertaking regular exercise. But it’s your choice as to what & how much or often you do. I’m not an exerciser. Did very little while I was losing but I still lost all my weight plus more. I do some gentle stretches now & a few wall push-ups but I argue with myself every night about doing it. 😁
  20. I've lost count, and I'm almost 8 months out. The longest has been about three weeks? I have them so often I'm just used to it now. Another one just broke this week. Another one will inevitably start in another week or so, and 'round and 'round I go. Not from a year+ person, I know, but I'm clearly never going to stop stalling.
  21. SummerTimeGirl

    Update On Me (Surgery: 5/19/21)

    UPDATE: Another quick update since it's been a while. Well, I tired my old dose of Metformin for over a month and it did nothing for my weight loss. I was really hoping that the cut in dose was the issue/reason for my stall since October. But I'm still stalled despite still eating right (and logging everything) and exercise. So I contacted my doc through the patient portal and told him it wasn't making a difference and he switched me to Rybelsus. He said I DO NOT need it for my blood sugar as it's been great, but he feels it may help with the weight loss as it has done so with many of his other patients. It's also supposed to be good for those with PCOS and Insulin Resistance. He told me I am doing everything humanly possible to lose weight on my own and he doesn't know what else I could or should do otherwise so we both agreed I'd give this a shot. I will have to give it a good three months to see. I will be on the 3mg for 30 days. Then 7 (or 8?) mg for 30 days. And finally, the highest does of 14mg for at least 30 days. We will reevaluate after that. He also talked again about how he believes some bodies/people just may be predisposed to a set weight and that there may be nothing you can do to change that. I get where he's coming from but I'd hate to think my body is done losing and I'll be stuck here still at least 50-60 lbs overweight (from MY goal......which is still an overweight number wise by normal standards). I have a meeting with my surgeon in a week or two. I think by their standards I will be on target (although I feel like a failure) because he told me before that he expects me to be between 201 and 234 at a year out. Well my lowest weigh in has been 235 but that was weeks ago (March 16th). Haven't lost more since and, once again, I am hovering around 241 and 245. Sighhhhhhh Still have til May 19th (my surgery anniversary) to lose more but I am doubtful that will happen. Anyway, that's that and I feel so defeated. Of course I'd be the freakin' oddball that would STILL have problems losing weight even after surgery.
  22. lizonaplane

    First plateau at 9 months post op

    Three weeks is barely a stall! I know people who stay the same weight for months, then WHOOOSH! lose a few pounds. It is definitely harder to lose weight as you get closer to goal/a healthy weight.
  23. catwoman7

    Weight Loss Stall

    it's the infamous "three-week stall" - right on schedule! Do I search on this site for it. When I last checked, there were over 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding...)
  24. Arabesque

    Weight Loss Stall

    Stalls are extremely common & a natural & expected part of the weight loss process. The first usually occurs around the third week (hence the name the three week stall) but it can occur before or after that mark. They can last 1-3 weeks. They have nothing to do with you possibly failing. Think of them as your body trying to play catch up & get used to all the changes. It’s the equivalent of your body closing the front door & pulling the covers over it’s head much like we feel like doing when life gets stressful for us. Oh & yes, I did say first stall. You may experience a couple as you’re losing. Don’t be too perturbed if you’re not meeting all your fluid & protein goals every single day expesically in the beginning. As long as you’re making a concentrated effort & are close you’re okay. It does get easier when you’re eating solid foods & able to eat a little more. If I have a day when I’m lower, I try to be a bit higher than I need the next day & I’m almost three years out. And the constipation may continue until you’re close to or in maintenance & eating a much broader diet & eating more. At the moment your consuming very little food so you don’t have a lot to excrete. Not going every day is to be expected. Add a fibre supplement like Benefibre that doesn’t swell in your tummy. Add some vegetables & whole or multi grains to your diet as soon as you’re able. And keep on top of the constipation to avoid compaction & discomfort (pain) when you finally go. I took a stool softener if I had three days without movement.
  25. catwoman7

    Slow Losers Club…..officially *sigh*

    I was a slow loser from the get-go. I was about where you are in the same time frame (it's been several years since my surgery, so I only have my monthly weights - not every week anymore - but at four weeks out, I was down 16 lbs). I went on to lose all of my excess weight, 235 lbs. I've since gained back 20 lbs, although it's super common to have a 10-20 lb regain after hitting bottom. I did have stalls - not too many the first year - maybe two or three. I had a lot during year 2, though, as I got closer to a normal BMI, and they lasted a long time. Every time I hit one I'd think "OK - I guess this is it", and then the weight loss would start up again. My weight loss finally stopped at 20 months out. if you stick to your program, the weight will come off, whether fast or slow.

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