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Found 17,501 results

  1. Tomorrow will be 7 weeks since surgery. Yesterday i found that I was able to finally drink more than a sip at a time. I am SO grateful! I have always loved drinking water and it has been my primary beverage for most of my life; losing the ability to drink a lot of it was my first post-surgical regret. Being able to drink more than a tiny sip at a time makes me feel so much more normal.

    I'm eating around 500-700 calories a day, and have hit my second stall. I have begun to only weigh myself once a week. I've made to the gym twice since surgery, but I've been walking my pup and walking at work up to 3 miles a day on average.

    I've also been using resistance bands and stretching. I'm not quite ready for twisty yoga stuff yet. Or jogging. I did do a 10+ mile bicycle ride last weekend with a friend to a coffee shop where I had a cold decaf coffee with half and half. That was another activity that made me feel kinda normal.

    I'm still drinking one protein drink a day, trying to hit my goal of at least 60 grams a day. Today I got 72 in thanks to a cold G Zero with 10 grams.

    My abdomen is still a bit sore in general. The way I understand it, the inside is not fully healed until 3 months after surgery. That means sometime around November 1st. This is when I will go on the forever way of eating according to my provider's plan. I look forward to that day.

    Oh! And I should mention that I learned about a chain restaurant that is in about 30 or so states. It is called Clean Eatz, and they have a menu that is friendly to we bariatric patients. My support group last night talked about getting pizza and flatbreads from there. I checked it out and it looks like it's both eat-in and takeaway. This is the first place I'm going when I feel ready to eat out again :)

  2. xKirstenx

    Liver Shrinkage Diet struggles

    Will do, thank you! I'll start it today. I can't have anything else in my diet. Just my three shakes (to which I add skimmed milk). Everything else adds calories and they said it's a complete meal replacement shake diet only, so unfortunately I can't have anything else 😞 Do you think things would still be okay if I ate maybe broth and soup but went on just shakes for the last two weeks? I just don't know.
  3. It's Jerky Y'all PLANT-BASED JERKY has arrived at the BariatricPal Store! It’s Jerky Y’all is made right here in Texas, in three flavors. Their clean recipes feature plants special to Texas, from the prickly pear to the pecan to the chipotle pepper. Try them all and find a fave — they’re sure to have you whoopin’ and a-hollerin' for more. Grab a bag at https://store.bariatricpal.com/collections/its-jerky-yall-plant-based-jerky
  4. MLC3409

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Yeah that happens. I did that with my pre op diet. I am starting my walking on Monday morning. I am 6 days out so I don’t want to do too much but I want to get started. I can’t wait for week three 😂
  5. Yesterday was a bad day for me. Everything I ate got stuck and I spent a lot of time miserable with a bag nearby ready to be sick. I ended my day with applesauce and called it good. Today started off good with some movement on the scale. Down 1.6 lbs. small change I know but it’s the biggest change I’ve had in a day so I’ll take it. I wanted to weigh in before the weekend when I’ll no doubt eat things I shouldn’t and sit around way more than I should. I’m in no hurry to eat anything today after everything got stuck yesterday. I might stick to liquids today just so I’m not totally miserable all day. We weren’t supposed to get anymore rain til Tuesday but here it is again, cloudy and drizzling. Seems that is all we have seen the last two to three weeks. It’s not cold just dreary. I hope everyone else has a brighter happier day today.
  6. Arabesque

    Returning to work

    Everyone recovers differently. One friend was back after a week, another was three weeks while I was four. Is it possible to extend your leave if you need, or return part time or with reduced daily hours? Can you work partly at home? Better to have a plan in place your employers are happy with just in case you need it. All the best with your surgery.
  7. FifiLux

    Exercises for those who hate exercise?

    If you have access to a pool and don't mind being seen in a swimming costume aqua aerobics is nice and easy to get the body moving and help joints. If you have a yard/garden even just walking around it would be good to help get you moving, or stairs if you are in an apartment complex. I am not the best when it comes to exercise but I can certainly feel an improvement in my interest and energy levels as the weight comes off. I start each day with good intentions but often procrastinate or find something else to do but I do go to aqua aerobics once a week since February and since last month I am doing pilates once a week. I believe in turning up if I have paid so signed up for a year of the aqua aerobics and doing the pilates in 10 block sessions. At home I do the One and Done program, seven minutes every two days or three days depending on how I am feeling. Again as I paid for it, think $30, I use it and I can feel the difference. I also have an stationary bike that I use once a week or so if I haven't done any other exercises. I just do about 5km at a time as I find it boring but I am sure any little helps. My main problem area is my legs (ankles to thighs) as I have bad lipedema and while they have gone down in size since my sleeve surgery they still do me no favours in the appearance department so I am just trying to target them as much as possible.
  8. I think that's actually pretty rare. I think I've only heard about feeding tubes maybe two or three times in the nine years I've been on this site (and I don't remember if they were for revisions or "virgin" surgeries)
  9. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Oh no! I'm just over 5 weeks out and I've been put back on liquids due to vomiting. It started just before 3 weeks with what I thought was an isolated incident because of some fish that was too dry. I had four hours of agony before I was finally able to expel everything from my stomach and have the pain stop. But 4 days later it happened with something else, and then three days after that it seemed that anything I tried to eat was triggering pain and vomiting. So I had to go back to liquids. I've been having protein shakes and cream soups. It's been 9 days and I haven't had any more pain. I see the surgeon on Tuesday and am hoping he'll say I can start trying soft protein again. I hope your doctor gets to the bottom of the issue for you soon! I'm grateful that water isn't causing any issues for me.
  10. 9 weeks post-op. I tried deli sliced turkey today, and it was dee-li-shus! I've been nervous about trying real meat too soon, and I'm glad that I waited. I've read a lot of stories about people vomiting after eating meat after surgery.

    As far as that goes, I've actually not experienced foamies, vomiting, dumping or any other upper GI issues. A little pain if I drink too much water too fast. And constipation, but I figured out that was because I was eating too much dairy. Keeping it to one serving of dairy a day seems to be the key for my body.

    Getting ready to go walk the dog, and then come home to go to bed. Y'all take care out there!

  11. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Chicken, Turkey & Bison ground meat is the easiest for me to eat and get enough in where I can get the protein I need. However, chicken breast is another matter. for some reason I can only eat about 2-2.5 oz of chicken breast. But I can have almost two cups of ground meat. Deli meats, I can get in about one to one and a half slices before I fill up. Greek yogurt with Pbfit2 chocolate and protein powder mixed is my go to. I can eat two cups and not feel stuffed. Weird thing is when it comes to eggs, I can eat two fried eggs easily, but two scrambled eggs and I can't finish it. Only thing I'm concerned with, is how very slow my weight loss is. I'll lose a pound or two, then go two to three weeks without losing. In fact, I weighed last week and gained a pound. I'm not sure how that's possible, but I managed it. The dietician and Doctor has assured me that's normal.
  12. WawaB43

    Surgery Failure

    I had surgery on December 4. I rapidly lost about 13 pounds. Since my appointment on the 19th I’ve only lost an additional 4 pounds. I’ve been drinking more water add I’m still on soft foods. Is this normal or not? I’ve also been utilizing my treadmill and weights three times a week.
  13. Ahhh @NickelChip Sorry to hear you are still stalled! This too will pass. I hope your blood tests show good results. And I also have resistance bands collecting dust so let me know how you get along with them! Thanks @Noelle74 you are so right, the weight dosent just drop off. And you're right, progress not perfection is the way to go. Would you consider adding a ticker to your profile? It's a really easy way for me to understand how people are getting along! I walked part of the way of Saint James last summer through the northern route (camino del norte) with my parnter and a group of friends and although I tried to keep a smile on my face it was truly three miserable weeks for me, I was in pain, sweating, out of breath and honetsly wanted to cry each time I saw another hill... but last weekend although it wasn't as steep I walked 26km all on my own and had a lovely day! So yes, progress!!
  14. first of all, 18 lbs in three weeks is normal. Most of us lose around 15-25 lbs the first month post-op. Thirty pounds in three weeks is way above average - did they start out at 400+ lbs or something? If so, that would explain it. Starting BMI is a huge factor in how quickly you'll lose weight - at least at first. soup and cheese both have a lot of sodium in them. So does store-bought bread. That three lbs might be water retention from the sodium.
  15. I’ve had a few issues with vomiting when I eat solids. Usually it’s because I made a mistake and swallowed before I chewed or I took too big of a bite. If I concentrate and take it slow I do pretty good. After I vomit though I find I have to do liquids again for a couple meals because I’ve aggravated everything so. If I try solids again soon after I was sick then I’m just sick again. I feel like this will work itself out as I adjust to slowing down and and chewing each small bite 20-25x. A work in progress for sure! I’m definitely getting better at not drinking for 30 min to an hour after eating. I made the mistake of trying to take a drink when I have that stuck feeling and everytime it ends badly. My next post-op appt isn’t until April 11th. I hit the three week stall last week and have only lost a pound all week. I’m hoping before my appt I get past it and start losing again.
  16. @NickelChip Sorry to hear you're being sick and are back to liquids ... that must be hard. But I'm sure that even if you struggle, you've got this . @LisaCaryl I hope you get help with dehydration and that the nausea passes soon. I hope you have someone with you who is taking care of you. Holding you both in my thoughts. @Rae70 Be kind to yourself and your sleeve, take it slow as @NickelChip and @Noelle74 say your sleeve probably needs some time to recover. @Noelle74 The three week stall is the absolute pits, it does end up by passing though. I'm also finding the waiting to drink a total bore and have started setting a timer on my phone for 30 minutes once I've finished eating.
  17. 9 weeks post-op. I tried deli sliced turkey today, and it was dee-li-shus! I've been nervous about trying real meat too soon, and I'm glad that I waited.

    I've not experienced foamies, vomiting, dumping or any other upper GI issues. A little pain if I drink too much water too fast. And constipation, but I figured out it was because I was eating too much dairy. Keeping it to one serving of dairy a day seems to be the key for my body.

    Getting ready to go walk the dog, and then come home to go to bed. Y'all take care!

  18. if you increased your weight training, it could be water retention. Muscles hold on to water. Calories sound OK at this point in your journey with the added weight training, so I wouldn't drop those until you rule everything else out. AND three-week (or longer) stalls aren't uncommon when you get that far out. I remember times around the year mark (and after) thinking "OK - so this must be it.", and then I'd end up dropping 2 or 3 lbs. So it's not over 'til it's over.. EDITED to add that I just checked your stats. You're very close to goal. The closer you get, the slower the weight comes off. Those last 20 lbs were a BEAR for me to lose - but I just stuck with it and finally managed to make it
  19. summerseeker

    Low calorie diet vs VSG

    I had a really physical job and could do really restricted diets without a problem. Three times I lost 70 pounds and three times I regained and added 30 pounds more. Then I retired, got old, covid happened, stopped smoking, got ailments etc. At around 350 pounds I was classed as disabled I could not diet and exercise anymore, I couldn't stick to a restricted diet. I stopped enjoying life and hid at home. I wanted to end the cycle of diet and regain +. I clutched at a chance of stability and am really working to keep my weight off. So far its easier than before.
  20. nope - it's far from over. Sounds like you're experiencing the infamous "three-week stall" a little early. The "three-week stall" happens to the vast majority of us - if you do a search on this site for it, you'll find over 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding). That first major stall can really happen any time during the first month or six weeks after surgery, but it's usually the third week, thus, the name. It'll last 1-3 weeks. The best way to deal with it is to make sure you're 100% on plan and stay off the scale for a few days. It WILL break and you'll be on your way again. And know that this is likely the first of many stalls. It's just a natural part of weight loss.
  21. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Almost exactly the same here. 16 pre op and 13 post op. I'm having a little stall right now with three days stuck at 210, but not going to worry. My focus right now is coming up with good food options I can rotate for meals and figuring out what time of day would be best for exercise.
  22. El Oso Perezoso


    I'm now on day three after the surgery. Not any hunger pangs. Mostly just some craving when my roomies cook something that smells absolutely awesome! But no actual hunger pangs yet. Thank you everyone for your support and comments. It definitely helps.
  23. ShoppGirl

    Modified Duodenal Switch

    Hello everyone. I think I finally found the forum I am looking for. Is the SADI S fhe same thing as the SADI?? I had gastric sleeve three years ago and was looking to convert to bypass but My dr told me today to start researching the SADI procedure.
  24. Hi. Has anyone else been told to skip the liquid phase and go immediately chewing soft foods? I’m finding that all I can tolerate is toast crunched into a liquid consistency, puréed ground chicken and puréed potatoes. My protein shake gave me dumping syndrome today. It’s only day 5. But I feel like I can’t manage eating. My plan tomorrow is to just do white bland puréed foods. I just don’t think I should be feeling dumping Syndrom when it isn’t necessary. I feel like I’m being asked to skip the first three weeks of healing and my body is saying it needs to go slower.
  25. ShoppGirl

    Collagen after surgery

    I was taking the collagen peptides after surgery. When I showed the NP she said that there wasn’t a whole lot of research on these post WLS but they wouldn’t hurt. She just asked that I didn’t count the protein towards my goal. That was three years ago, though, I would ask your team what they suggest about the protein.

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