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Found 17,501 results

  1. Arabesque

    Road trips post op

    Instead of snacking as you’re driving, try stopping & having a proper meal - salad, soup, grilled/steamed fish, etc. At three moths you'll have a few more options. Even picking up some yoghurt or pack some protein shakes & have them in a park. It may take you a bit longer to get where you’re going but it should reduce your desire to mindlessly snack in the car. Remember that’s just head hunger - eating out of boredom as you sit in the car. Travel safely.
  2. MNewell

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Hi! I had bypass surgery on 5/1. So almost two weeks out. 1. I was nervous about the recovery after. I have three big dogs that love to be all up in my business. A pillow to block my abdomen was my best friend. 2. I overpacked for the hospital. My surgeon only required an overnight stay. But I brought some skincare and a book and a game to play with my husband. Didn’t use any of it lol. Except some lip balm. My lips were crazy dry after the surgery. I brought a heating pad with me. I used it for the gas pain because that stuff travels! It migrated to my shoulders at one point. So painful. Getting up and walking around helped so much. You’re going to be so exhausted after surgery, you’re not going to want to do much but sleep. 3. I’m excited about actually being healthy for the first time in my life. Looking forward to doing things with my family and friends that I previously would have said no to.
  3. MLC3409

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Well the good thing is you are at the three week mark and can soon start puréed stage. That is only a week then soft food and then onto regular. Just focus on each day getting it done and then find something to occupy your time. Make sure you’re getting your water in. 4 more weeks will be done in no time.
  4. Arabesque

    Returning to work

    Everyone recovers differently. One friend was back after a week, another was three weeks while I was four. Is it possible to extend your leave if you need, or return part time or with reduced daily hours? Can you work partly at home? Better to have a plan in place your employers are happy with just in case you need it. All the best with your surgery.
  5. It’s all about finding what works for you. For years I didn’t have breakfast & used to also say that eating breakfast made me hungry for the rest of the day & I would feel sort of blah after. Then I started having breakfast because I thought I should have something. Would deliberately work through that blah feeling & fight any urges to eat until dinner. Now I happily eat breakfast. I discovered that if I eat it after 8:30/9am I feel okay, not ready to eat again until about 1pm. However, if I eat at say 7:30am, I’m hungry much earlier, feel blah as before. Think that was always my problem because I used to eat breakfast at 5/5:30am. It was simply too early for me. My window between eating gets shorter after the intital 4hr to 1pm lunch (3pm, 4:30ish, 6pm (dinner), 7pm) & is when I add my snacks. It may be when you eat, what you eat, how regularly you eat, whether you eat several small meals or three main meals, etc.
  6. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Oh, hello, three-week stall. I see you've arrived like clockwork. I'm one of those people who weighs every morning as soon as I wake up. I started doing it the day before my pre-op diet began. I won't do it forever, but I really wanted the record so I could look back and see what patterns my weight loss actually took, because I think it's easy to forget over time. Plus, I like graphs. So, I hit 217 lbs on Tuesday, and have now been that weight for 4 weigh-ins in a row. I think my body must have access to a calendar because it hit the 3-week mark perfectly. I mean, I'm kind of impressed.
  7. It was a while ago now but I remember I still wasn’t hitting my protein goal. I wanted to do real food only too & plus I found the shakes disgusting & never touched one after liquids. For breakfast I scrambled eggs with extra milk & took three days to eat them or ate rolled oats again made totally on milk & took three days to eat a serve. Lunch & dinner were often just protein (maybe 2 ozs) & nothing else or with just a green bean or two or a small cauliflower floret with dinner. And yes I’d take a while to eat that - 45 mins +/-. After a week or two on soft food I added a high protein yoghurt or yoghurt drink as an afternoon snack to burst my protein. I wasn’t hungry or really interested in eating. I simply couldn’t eat more than I was but I was following my surgeon’s portion size recommendation of 1/4 - 1/3 cup from purée slowly increasing to a cup by 6 months If you are worried by getting your protein in try protein water. You’ll get about 16oz liquid, 15g protein & about 70 calories. So fewer calories (if you count calories) than a shake (which is really a meal) but not as many nutrients. Just watch those with added sugar or sugar substitutes or artificial sweeteners.
  8. Felicia1288

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Guys I don't know why but yesterday day 5 was pretty hard for me. Not the first three days lol...I just wanted to say for anyone who has the 28th we are almost there!! I am drinking a bit more broth in between but probably because I am bored and it's cold now in south GA 🤣. Love seeing everyone's posts!
  9. ShoppGirl

    Off Track and Discouraged

    I second the protein coffee. I had sleeve three years ago and heard all about it but never tried. Now I’m pending revision and decided to give it a try and I love it. To the point I have to be sure I don’t get too much protein because it’s so good. I got out of the swing of taking my vitamins as well and I’m working on a routine now. I take my multivitamin right after my morning coffee (just be sure it’s a whole protein shake or it may not be enough in your stomach to keep the vitamin down). I keep my multivitamin in the kitchen cabinet with the cups I use for coffee now to remind me to grab them. I sit them right next to my iced “proffee” as I’m drinking it so I don’t forget (I’m pretty bad so yes it does take that many reminders). Then I return the empty cup and the vitamins to the kitchen. As far as the calcium I haven’t gotten back into the swing of that yet but I intend to take it with lunch and dinner to make things easy. I think maybe alarms on my phone may be necessary untill I get back into a routine.
  10. ShoppGirl

    Weight loss journey

    Hello @Roselyn.327795 and welcome. As others suggested there are lots of threads when weight loss stories that you can read and respond to things that you can relate to or questions you have suggestions for, etc. (on a phone or tablet you Just click the little magnifying glass near the top Right corner and search). My story isa’t a success story YET. I had the sleeve three years ago and I lost a big chunk of weight, but due to number of factors (to include my eventually giving up) I never reached my doctors goal and I regained my weight. I am currently pending revision, though, I hope this time I will have a much better story to share. Have you had WLS? Are you considering it now? What is your story? Do you know how to fill in your profile? If I remember correctly you have to do that from a computer.
  11. catwoman7


    I did the same - I had my husband take pictures of me every month on my surgery date until I hit maintenance 20 months later. It's much easier to see your progress if you can refer back to previous photos. You can't always tell a difference from month to month, but comparing photos to ones taken three or four months earlier - yep - you can definitely see the difference! Plus it's great having photo documentation of your journey! Congrats, by the way - you're doing great!
  12. jmorrisbp

    Weeks 1 & 2 Post-Op, Sleeve

    (Oh, here’s Week Two’s Spreadsheet. I didn’t attach it.) Week Two, you’ll still be focusing on the THREE things: Water, Protein, and Movement. This week, don’t focus on using the soups and yogurts and such to get all your food. Think of the food items as practice for your stomach, not so much as getting ALL your nutritional needs. It won’t happen, you can’t meet your needs with soup, yogurt, and pudding! Haha! You’ll be relying heavily on your protein shakes here, still. Your surgeon will probably give you the green light for your multivitamin and calcium supplementation. One note, every new food I tried, I was a little scared, just because I didn’t know how my body would react and I didn’t want to hurt myself. As it turned out, everything I’ve tried has been perfectly fine and I haven’t had a single issue. Try new things ONE at a time and take it easy. Eat slowly. Put your food/spoon DOWN between bites. Buy some baby spoons (they have stainless steel ones on Amazon!). Only stick to the diet your surgeon gives you - NO DIVERTING! You’ll only shortchange yourself, whether anybody finds out, or not. And worse case scenario, something happens to you because of diverting.
  13. Newtransformation79

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Thank you. I also took one gas x the night before and drank zero Gatorade with Mira lax the night before. The day of surgery I took another gas x and a sip of Gatorade with my morning pills. It is now day three since surgery and I am taking it slow, I have been drinking what I can in water and in broth and I have had decaf coffee in the morning. I also do the SF popsicles through the day too. I did try some SF jello yesterday and that sat okay so will have that done today to. I go the 26th for my post op appointment and see my nutritionist.
  14. jmorrisbp

    18th June surgery date.

    I bought 1 oz glasses at Walmart (they’re the size of a shot glass and are 97 cents in the baking aisle). I bought 12 of them. I used 6/hour. I drank 1/2 ounce every 5 minutes. I got up and walked a lap around my downstairs after every ounce I drank. I rotated between protein shakes, protein water, regular water, fiber water (not too much at first!), popsicles, jello, collagen coffee, and Propel. This allowed me to get all my fluids and protein for the day. My first fluids every morning were 6oz of decaf coffee with collagen mixed in. BIGGEST thing to do after surgery: Get your protein, water, and movement. You do those three things and you’re good! As soon as they have you start your multivitamin and calcium, take them as directed. Take your multi and your calcium at least two hours apart. Your body can only absorb up to 500mg of calcium at a time so take calcium four hours apart. What I do, I take my multi at lunch (12:40) (because I tend to have yogurt or cottage cheese with breakfast: calcium), and I take my calcium during my 1st and 2nd snack (10:40am and 3:00 pm).
  15. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Oh no! I'm just over 5 weeks out and I've been put back on liquids due to vomiting. It started just before 3 weeks with what I thought was an isolated incident because of some fish that was too dry. I had four hours of agony before I was finally able to expel everything from my stomach and have the pain stop. But 4 days later it happened with something else, and then three days after that it seemed that anything I tried to eat was triggering pain and vomiting. So I had to go back to liquids. I've been having protein shakes and cream soups. It's been 9 days and I haven't had any more pain. I see the surgeon on Tuesday and am hoping he'll say I can start trying soft protein again. I hope your doctor gets to the bottom of the issue for you soon! I'm grateful that water isn't causing any issues for me.
  16. MLC3409

    December Surgery Buddies!

    This is Awesome!!!! I am hoping that things go this well for me too 🤞🏻. I am so happy to hear that you’re doing so well! I bought a cookbook that has full liquid protein recipes (it is a Bariatric cookbook) it walks through the first three week up a regular (general) diet. It has been helpful in getting ready for my post op.
  17. Tomorrow marks two weeks since surgery day and while I'm feeling remarkably well and going about just about every normal activity, I did wind up with a surface abscess on on of my incision sights and was put on an antibiotic that made me so impacted that it took me more than two hours to eliminate yesterday and scared the hell out of me. Now there's Miralax in all my beverages that aren't Smooth Move tea. I cannot experience that again. I shouldn't have to take Ativan to go to the lady's. I really looking forward to my body getting with the program again. 

    I'm in day three of the "puree" stage of eating and despite the strange textures, all of the savory flavors seem decadent. 

    I timed this surgery so that I'd be recovering during my spring break. That was a good plan. Today is a state holiday and the final day of break. I feel really strong to return to school tomorrow. 

  18. I led one of the classes at my bariatric clinic (for pre-op patients) for three or four years (until the COVID lockdowns when they quit having the classes). I always, always, always told them about the three-week stall, because I've learned from these kinds of sites that most surgeons don't mention it, and people freak out when it happens. Since it happens to the vast majority of us, I'm really surprised it doesn't have a prominent place in people's surgery packets - and/or isn't mentioned in pre-op classes. I think we see this question here on BP twice a week. Surgeons (or anyone who teaches/leads pre-op classes) REALLY need to mention this...
  19. nope - it's far from over. Sounds like you're experiencing the infamous "three-week stall" a little early. The "three-week stall" happens to the vast majority of us - if you do a search on this site for it, you'll find over 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding). That first major stall can really happen any time during the first month or six weeks after surgery, but it's usually the third week, thus, the name. It'll last 1-3 weeks. The best way to deal with it is to make sure you're 100% on plan and stay off the scale for a few days. It WILL break and you'll be on your way again. And know that this is likely the first of many stalls. It's just a natural part of weight loss.
  20. Jonathan Carlson

    Bowel Movements

    I have something similar but it only happens every other day which means that on the off days I'm not going much at all. It kind of explains things for me. I don't see how you can be having two to three movements a day everyday! Maybe ask the Doc Sent from my SM-G981U1 using Tapatalk
  21. tantakatie

    Sertraline since gastric sleeve

    Just keep moving, drinking water and eating protein first hand stay off the scale! Your body letting go of the weight is not just physical but mental! Give yourself some grace and be patient with the process! It will move again so stay positive and try to keep the negative thoughts away! I just came off a three week stall where I fluctuated between 3 #s to the point I thought my scale was broken!!
  22. Yes, fish is good especially soft flaky fish. Try poaching them in a broth flavoured with various herbs. Yum! I made a lot of mince meat dishes. Actually I probably only made two or three because I had enough for a week’s worth of meals of each dish 😁. Put single portions in zip lock bags & froze them. Easy to take to work for lunch too. Made meat balls/rissoles, bolognese meat sauce, savoury mince. Ate soft runny scrambled eggs, milky instant rolled oats (transitioned to traditional low processed oats after a couple of months), omelettes, slow cooked stews/casseroles, etc.
  23. ShoppGirl

    Pre-Surgery Bucket List

    I am three years post sleeve contemplating revision surgery and I am trying not to do food funerals this time. I still don’t have a surgery date though so let’s see how I feel as I count down the days. . I am thinking I am going to have the SADI so I really May have stuff I can never tolerate Again. Now I’m thinking…maybe just one last meal, lol. But if you are like me and carbs make you crave carbs maybe stop these a few days before your scheduled to start the pre op. Otherwise the preop will seen that much harder. Just FYI also, With the sleeve I was able to tolerate anything post surgery and I’ve heard the same from a lot of people who have had bypass (although they can sometimes only have very small amounts of certain things).
  24. Reini


    I feel you, three weeks out and I have lost that joie de vivre, nothing taste's good, I have sn awful taste in my mouth, can't stomach purees or protein drinks, when I eat something it's painful, water tastes horrible to me, but then again this is why we lose weight I can honestly say I am not having cravings more of a repulsion, hanging in there since everyone says it gets better.
  25. Ashley1019

    December Surgery Buddies!

    December 6 is my surgery date, I just got that today. Feels like it’s been forever but it’s really only been three or four months now. all I have left is November 29 a video call with a RN about my weight from that morning my medication list And my new Vitamin list which I’ll be getting from her. Then November 30 I have to go to a three hour “second Pre-op class“ I have to start my two week liquid diet this Thursday Thanksgiving 😞 that’s OK though does anybody have any suggestions about things I need before surgery? any help is appreciated!

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