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Found 17,501 results

  1. SleeveToBypass2023

    Advice Needed: Reflux After Sleeve

    I never had gerd or reflux until I got my sleeve. Then the gerd was so incredibly bad I ended up with gastritis and esophagitis. I had to take Nexium 80mg 2x per day plus Prevacid daily as needed (needed daily). The PPI was in such high doses so often that I developed an incredibly large amount of polyps all through my stomach. It took 4 endoscopies to get rid of all of them. I had a revision to bypass and haven't had a single issue since.
  2. Had my revision to gastric bypass two days ago. I did so well they let me go home yesterday. Today is a different story. The pain has definitely increased and I am having trouble urinating. It trickles out of me and not a lot. Has anyone experienced this? Thanks so much!
  3. SleeveToBypass2023

    BCBS Denied

    What kind of BCBS coverage do you have? When I had my initial sleeve surgery (and my revision an year later to bypass due to complications) I had BCBS (the highest Diamond plan) and they approved my initial surgery in 48 hours once it was submitted and 72 hours for my revision once it was submitted. I know some plans don't offer a lot of coverage, or require a thousand hoops to get an approval.
  4. cjbowers2005

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    I am scheduled in less than a week, May 28th for Sadie revision
  5. My 26yo son just completed Robotic Gastric Bypass 6/7 - doing great! I had Open RnY Gastric Bypass Feb 2002
  6. SleeveToBypass2023

    Feeling very emotional and regretting

    I was fine after the sleeve as far as the surgical glue goes. But after my revision from the sleeve to bypass due to a lot of complications, I developed a major allergy to the glue. So when I had my hernia surgery, they had to do a lot of internal stitches, which was A LOT more painful. But overall, even though the first week or so after your revision has been rough, I promise you it WILL get better.
  7. I have no experience with tricare but If you have no luck and your not absolutely set on bypass, i I was reading up on Sadi and If you had sleeve and convert to the sadi procedure instead one article said it’s under 10K without insurance (I guess that’s cheaper than alot of revision procedures). Anyways, Not sure if that’s doable for you but maybe with care credit you could make installments?? I Just figured I’d mention it in case it helps.
  8. ChunkCat

    My Story So Far

    Welcome!! I had a friend who had bypass about the same time as you did and it was very different back then!! We have so many more resources available now. And SO many more products!! I remember how much she hated adding protein powders to her food and how stubborn she was about ignoring healthy food. She lost a ton of weight but I often wonder if she regained since she ate such junk post op. Eventually the portions catch up with you! Most advice for losing weight a while after surgery is to go back to basics, watching your portion size, cutting out simple carbs, getting most of your calories from healthy complex carbs, a little fat, and a generous portion of lean protein. Eat your protein portion first, your veggies second, and a few bites of a healthy starch/carb last, if you still have room. Get in whatever good movement you can. Drink at least 64 oz of water and for bypass patients I believe your protein per day should be close to 80 grams. You'd have to ask your doctor about your calories though. Do you still feel your restriction? I know with bypass they can do testing to see what your pouch looks like and hernia surgery is a good time to revise it if it needs a revision. I just had a hernia repair. I'm about 6 months post op from a Duodenal Switch. The healing process after hernia repair has been a lot like bariatric surgery. I can only eat liquids and some purees at the moment and I'm a week out. But I'm so glad I had the repair done!
  9. Small enough to play


    Photo in orange is before ANY bariatric surgery at 313lbs. Photo in the brown dress is before my revision rny to DS in 2024.
  10. SleeveToBypass2023

    Worst Cast Bypass (trigger warning)

    I'm so sorry this happened to you. I originally had a sleeve and had several very rare complications that led to needing 7 surgeries in a year to correct everything. I had a revision to the bypass, which made all the difference and was life changing. I hate that the bypass wasn't the same for you. I'm glad you're home and starting on the road to getting better.
  11. Get the revision don’t concern yourself with the negativeness. What’s done is done now move on. Stop beating yourself up.
  12. Just had bypass as a revision because the sleeve was giving major erosive esophagitis… I’ve been waking up with a similar feeling… at first I thought it was reflux again but it kinda feels more like nausea /or throw up stuck an it’s way up… I’m sooo scared that this surgery didn’t work
  13. Hi, I am six days post op and feeling okay (except a little dizzy). I still have over a week of liquid diet let per doctor's plan--- but getting so sick of the sweet protein shake options. I have ordered a bunch of protein soups. Hope everyone one in August is doing well!
  14. Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm just over a month post-op from VSG to RNY revision and feeling kinda lost. Do you track calories and/or macros? If so, what are your daily goals? Is your pouch normal-sized for a bypass, or did your surgeon leave it larger like mine did? How much food per meal are you eating at this point?
  15. How are you now? What were the results of your tests? Are you scheduled for a revision yet? Which one are you doing?
  16. I'm a sleeve to bypass revision, and it's honestly the best thing I've ever done. The only time I have dumping is if I eat too many carbs. I only did that twice (holidays both times) and I learned REALLY quick not to anymore. I stick to my diet religiously and have had no issues. If you look at my signature, you'll see I've lost weight with the revision, although nowhere near what I lost with the sleeve initially. I do think your doctor is exaggerating what you'll lose. If you exercise, stick to your diet (or get back on track with it), and get your relationship with food back to where it should be, you'll do fine. My recovery with the bypass was amazing. I've had absolutely no issues with the revision at all. My only regret is that I didn't just do the bypass to begin with. Oh, and I did the revision because of major complications from the sleeve (GERD - never had it before the sleeve - gastritis, esophagitis, polyps all through my stomach and duodenum due to excessively high PPI over a long period of time, etc..).
  17. cjbowers2005

    Sadi is so lonely

    I am having my Sadi revision from sleeve next Tuesday 5/28, I am excited and nervous but looking forward to it
  18. I just had mini bypass revision from sleeve as I had severe GERD. Now I have bile reflux ☹️
  19. Jim1967

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    This is normal. It is almost like an initiation phase that will pass. I had a lapband in 2012. On Jan 8 I revised to bypass and had my gall bladder removed. I am still not past the misery stage but getting there. Gas pain is the worst. Keep the faith it will get better.
  20. WarrenInEC

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Revision went very well. Pouch is now 8 cm. Opening was 54 mm. Now 8 mm.
  21. not me, but several people on here have had revisions. Most of them VSG to bypass since VBG is an older surgery that is rarely (maybe never?) done anymore.
  22. ShoppGirl

    Sleeve to bypass question

    yea I’m gonna have to ask the doctor to dumb it down for me because I don’t understand my normal anatomy, nevermind enough for that to make sense to me from just looking at the picture. When I said he won’t touch the stomach though I guess I should have said he won’t resleeve it for the SADI revision. So my thought was if he doesn’t do anything to make it smaller then I would still be able to eat as much as I can now post SADI (which is a lot more than most people on here). I would still have the benefit of less absorption but no real restriction. So maybe the bypass would be a better choice for me after all if it would add the restriction too. I could be overthinking it.
  23. I'm actually scheduled for an exploratory peek into my pouch on June 6th so it should be interesting. If they don't find anything there, the bariatric surgeon said the traditional upper and lower GI do not go through every part of either our intestines or the bowel, cannot remember, but that he knew of 2 doctors in this area that had an 'extra long scope'. Gah, I don't want that to be the NEXT thing we try considering I just went through the yucky 'prep' for a traditional upper and lower GI last month...lol. I would think my 'new' GI doctor should have come up with some of this stuff and not just punted me to the bariatric surgeon and told that I may need a 'revision' as it sounded to him like 'dumping'. It has never felt like the dumping we experience after a bypass/sleeve. It has felt different from it this whole time. This GI doctor has decent reviews so maybe I will just follow up with him after exhausting the 'could it be related to my bypass' route he has sent me on and see if he has any other ideas of what it could be. At this point, I'm getting kind of tired. My primary who is usually really good to work with told me 'you may just have to deal with ongoing, chronic pain'. He and I will talk about that 'not helpful at all' statement.
  24. SleeveToBypass2023

    Just had The Talk with my doctor..

    I had the sleeve and the revision to bypass. I had to have the revision due to so many complications that came about because of the sleeve. I started off at 421 pounds, and I am also having a hysterectomy (mine is March 6th). And I have PCOS. If it were me, I would choose a bypass over the sleeve. My one real regret is that I didn't just do the bypass to begin with. Recovery was way better and easier, so much less pain, all around better experience.
  25. Gastric bypass revision from sleeve. I am doing liquid IV and trying the best I can to drink shakes and eat mush food. Not working out well. I am drinking. Still nausea. Is this the usual for a lot or am I in a bit of trouble. I was at er for urinary issue and they did scan said all looked good. Still going every ten minutes and just a little comes out. I guess it’s time to call doc. It’s a bit overwhelming. Praying for best outcome

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