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Found 17,501 results

  1. I chose the RNY Gastric Bypass mainly because of GERD. I have suffered from extreme bouts with it for years. I also wanted the best possible long term out come. I am 11 days out and honestly doing pretty good. I am absolutely over drinking all my foods though 😕
  2. Anyone having issues with irregular heartbeats since having gastric bypass? I have been having problems with AFIB when I went through dumping the first few months and now 1 year out since February I have been in constant PVC (Premature ventricular contraction). My cardiologist is baffled. Been through all kinds of tests and my heart is healthy and have no blockages BUT even with meds it’s not going away. I am constantly having PVC’s AND when I eat my heart gets worse! I flutters like CRAZY!!!! Feels like I horrible panic attack, sometimes feel like I am going to have a heart attack or something. I have been in hospital, being monitored and back in hospital for testing and been on heart monitors. In 1 week wearing a monitor they recorded over 38,000 PVC’S 😱 I am at a loss here and never had these issues until I was revised to gastric bypass. I went back to Bariatric surgeon and he put me on reactive hypoglycemia diet he said that cannot cause PVCs, but it can cause heart, palpitations, and being on that diet has not made any changes. I go back to the cardiologist again for the 11th time on Tuesday after wearing my third monitor and I don’t know what is going to be done at this point. It’s really freaky that after I eat whether it’s healthy or not so healthy my heart does a freaking jiggly jig dance!!!! I thought I’d come on here to see if this is a problem that anybody else has heard of or experienced ?
  3. Because of my co-morbid conditions he feels that is best, and also the amount of weight I need to lose to be in a safe/healthy space. I have pre existing pretty severe GERD and Gastroparesis and he said that Bypass is best and I need to lose at least 180 pounds to be closer to an ideal weight, and he said Bypass allows for a greater percentage of loss versus sleeve.
  4. Did you wish a hernia on yourself? You didn’t “fail” it’s just another opportunity to learn. I’ve been told that people who get hernias tend to get more of them. I had bypass and my doc offered ozempic for me, so apparently it’s ok. (I didn’t do it, yet.) would you be willing to try a surgical revision due to your GERD?
  5. I have a feeding tube currently. I had surgery 6/13/24 for revision to RNY. I had 2 emergency surgeries 3 days later. I had a leak and had 7liters of toxic fluids cleaned out of me then ICU 6 days and hospital until the end of July. It has been 10 months + with wound vac, Gtube, and now a stricture that I've had 3 balloon procedures and still not halfway there. Total of 6 hospital stays, 4 ER visits, 7 surgeries since June 2023. I'm getting better. Feeding tube helps but also causes alot of pain and granulated tissue which has to be burned off. I have found 4 people who have talked about the same issues. A leak like this and a stricture is very uncommon. Most people with leaks end up dying. It's why you don't hear about them. I'm not sure why anyone would require a feeding tube other than a major stricture or leak. Maybe due to already having so much scar tissue. They think that is why I had a leak but nobody knows. For reference. I had lapband 2008. Lapband Removal 2019 due to Gerd. RNY 2023. I was 238lbs 5'6 at the time. I'm 170 now.
  6. Thank you for sharing! I'm dealing with a stricture now. I've had 3 bsloon procedures but the camera still won't go all the way through. My surgeon described it as a funnel where he has been able to open some at the top but not go through. I've been trying to transition from a feeding tube to eating but can't keep water or food down and everything makes me nauseous. This is my story so far: I had surgery 6/13/24 for revision to RNY. I had 2 emergency surgeries 3 days later. I had a leak and had 7liters of toxic fluids cleaned out of me then ICU 6 days and hospital until the end of July. It has been 10 months + with wound vac, Gtube, and now a stricture that I've had 3 balloon procedures and still not halfway there. Total of 6 hospital stays, 4 ER visits, 7 surgeries since June 2023. I'm getting better. Feeding tube helps but also causes alot of pain and granulated tissue which has to be burned off. I have found 4 people who have talked about the same issues. A leak like this and a stricture is very uncommon. Most people with leaks end up dying. It's why you don't hear about them. I'm not sure why anyone would require a feeding tube other than a major stricture or leak. Maybe due to already having so much scar tissue. They think that is why I had a leak but nobody knows. For reference. I had lapband 2008. Lapband Removal 2019 due to Gerd. RNY 2023. I was 238lbs 5'6 at the time. I'm 170 now.
  7. CarainCali

    Feeding tube after revision

    I have a feeding tube currently. I had surgery 6/13/24 for revision to RNY. I had 2 emergency surgeries 3 days later. I had a leak and had 7liters of toxic fluids cleaned out of me then ICU 6 days and hospital until the end of July. It has been 10 months + with wound vac, Gtube, and now a stricture that I've had 3 balloon procedures and still not halfway there. Total of 6 hospital stays, 4 ER visits, 7 surgeries since June 2023. I'm getting better. Feeding tube helps but also causes alot of pain and granulated tissue which has to be burned off. I have found 4 people who have talked about the same issues. A leak like this and a stricture is very uncommon. Most people with leaks end up dying. It's why you don't hear about them. I'm not sure why anyone would require a feeding tube other than a major stricture or leak. Maybe due to already having so much scar tissue. They think that is why I had a leak but nobody knows. For reference. I had lapband 2008. Lapband Removal 2019 due to Gerd. RNY 2023. I was 238lbs 5'6 at the time. I'm 170 now.
  8. WarrenInEC

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Revision went very well. Pouch is now 8 cm. Opening was 54 mm. Now 8 mm.
  9. Vitamin and Mineral Absorption: Unlike SADI-S, gastric bypass allows for full absorption of fat, protein, and carbohydrates.
  10. You didn't explain your reasoning for choosing the gastric bypass.
  11. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    You look Great! A few weeks from 90 days out and your halfway there. That's a great accomplishment. Congrats! I think I figured out my stall phases. I'll stall for 2 or 3 weeks, then lose a few pounds. Stall again... rinse and repeat. That seems to be how my body is reacting. The Doctor in the online support group I attend, said our body believes it may be heading to starvation. Because of the mal-absorption of having Gastric bypass. So it has to adjust, I think these stalls are the adjustments. At least that seems to be the phases my body is going through. Again you look great!
  12. NickelChip


    That's a good strategy! The reusable containers can get very expensive, several dollars a piece. So why not get them and the food, too? I miss salad. At nearly 3 months post-bypass, I just don't have the capacity for a salad, and I worry about the raw veg as I'm still having issues if I don't chew my food down to a paste and take very small bites. But someday, I hope I can eat salad again! Right now, 2-3 oz of meat and a little bit of cooked veg is all I can manage.
  13. ShoppGirl

    Back to basics. Taking vitamins

    Someone posted on here that it’s leeches from you bones for a while so you don’t really know it that your actually low from labs until it’s too late unless you are getting regular bone density scans?? @catwoman7 mentioned it on this thread. I plan to talk to my dr about that and ask if I can get a bone density scan ant my age as @ms.sss suggested. I also use almond milk and eat alot of cheese but idk how much of that I will malabsorb post bypass. Hopefully I do get enough from diet though. Would be nice to need less vitamins.
  14. could be either - hormones or absorption issues. Some people have to get their dosage adjusted after bypass.
  15. Jonathan Carlson

    Malabsorption of Anti Depressants

    Hi, yes I take a prescription for mental health. The doctor said it shouldn't matter that I had a gastric bypass, but I noticed a change in my mood after the surgery. Thankfully I wasn't on the max dose so I talked to my psychiatric nurse and she upped the dosage and things got better. From what I've heard, the only medications that matter are extended release ones. Otherwise, it should be absorbed normally. But that wasn't the case for me. Sent from my SM-G981U1 using Tapatalk
  16. Hello! I am about a little over a month since my gastric bypass surgery. I am starting to notice changes in my mental health. I am prescribed an anti depressant/anti anxiety medication and I don’t think I am fully absorbing the medication the way I should be. Has anyone else experienced this? What helps you through this time? I’ve lost all motivation in life it feels like. I feel extreme sadness. I get overly emotional and I need some input thank you so much
  17. ShoppGirl

    No weight loss

    I can add that if you focus on protein it may be helpful to cut your snacks if you eat those. Based on my experience after the sleeve and from my experience with the dietician while I am pending revision I have been recently focusing on protein first and keeping carbs low and it keeps me full longer and I am losing a little. Basically I am eating just lean meat, veggies and a little fruit. I think it’s the fiber that makes you full faster and the protein that keeps you full longer. I have a protein shake in the morning with my coffee for breakfast and then eat my breakfast for lunch (egg white omelet) and usually chicken or fish for dinner with veggies. This seems to be working for me, I am losing very slowly.
  18. Calli

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Also a lap band 2010. But surgeon requires removal of band -heal for 6 weeks- then revision. So it has been a really long year for me so far. But now only 8 days from rny. I bought a weighted heat pad with levels of heat and an auto off function. It is wonderful. Dont plan on taking it to hosp. But will definitely come in handy at home how is everyone handling the daily meal for your significant others? Today my husband called me at work and asked mento pick him up pizza on my way home!!!! Rude… but he does need to eat and i dont want to cook. Lol.
  19. lily06

    Deciding between bypass & sleeve

    It’s really interesting reading about how and why everyone chose their surgery My surgeon actually told me at the very earliest : he would not make the choice for me as if i wasn’t the one making the surgery type choice it opened up the possibility of regretting whichever i went with. I asked him what he recommended he told me there are no specific advantages of bypass over sleeve or vice versa. He did however explain that 30% of vsg patients end up with GERD (especially it already having reflux without surgery) and that dumping was way more frequent in bypass patients. He also told me that age factors in : younger women for example can use the sleeve then may need to convert to bypass later in life (after several pregnancies for example) to continue being able to face fluctuating weight from such events. In the end i went with the sleeve, hoping i wouldn’t be one of the 30% who develop GERD. 1 month post up tomorrow - So far so good no reflux but i am taking medication that could be masking it
  20. carrielee

    Finally did it!

    I just had my first appointment with the surgeon. It went really well, and I’m glad I took the first step. We are leaning toward Gastric Bypass as the procedure for me. It’s a 3 month process to surgery with his office, 3 visits with him, 3 visits with dietician, plus clearance by Cardiology, Pulmonology and sleep medicine. My next visit with him and the dietician will be in about a month and he’s sending out the referrals to the offices for the clearances and working on prior authorization with insurance.
  21. I just had my first appointment with the surgeon. It went really well, and I’m glad I took the first step. We are leaning toward Gastric Bypass as the procedure for me. It’s a 3 month process to surgery with his office, 3 visits with him, 3 visits with dietician, plus clearance by Cardiology, Pulmonology and sleep medicine. My next visit with him and the dietician will be in about a month and he’s sending out the referrals to the offices for the clearances and working on prior authorization with insurance.
  22. I just had my first appointment with the surgeon. It went really well, and I’m glad I took the first step. We are leaning toward Gastric Bypass as the procedure for me. It’s a 3 month process to surgery with his office, 3 visits with him, 3 visits with dietician, plus clearance by Cardiology, Pulmonology and sleep medicine. My next visit with him and the dietician will be in about a month and he’s sending out the referrals to the offices for the clearances and working on prior authorization with insurance.
  23. I just had my first appointment with the surgeon. It went really well, and I’m glad I took the first step. We are leaning toward Gastric Bypass as the procedure for me. It’s a 3 month process to surgery with his office, 3 visits with him, 3 visits with dietician, plus clearance by Cardiology, Pulmonology and sleep medicine. My next visit with him and the dietician will be in about a month and he’s sending out the referrals to the offices for the clearances and working on prior authorization with insurance.
  24. Good Day I am going to have my gastric band removed and the gastric sleeve done on May 17, 2024 due to complications from the band. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions on recovery, foods, exercise etc for the first few days after the surgery. When I had the band installed i was on a liquid diet, then puree and finally real food. Lots of gas pains in chest and shoulders back then. Now I am on a new journey at the end of the month. Any success stories?
  25. cutlass6521

    Deciding between bypass & sleeve

    Hello Everyone: I am getting my gastric band removed on May 17 and going with the gastric sleeve as per my surgeon's suggestion. He feels I will do well with it. I managed to lose 150lbs with the band ( surgeon told me it was not a typical result). I started having trouble getting food to go down. I guess I created a pouch and have a lot of scar tissue. Had to have all the fluid taken out of the band while I was in Nevada. The surgeon performing this (not easy to find anyone in Las Vegas who would even look at removing the fluid) advised what was going on. There are only 5% of surgeons still installing the band in the entire country. Many, many complications with it. I was fine until a year ago. Had fluid put in (the doctor back home put too much in), then the chest and back pains started. Food would go down sometimes and sometimes not. I managed to regain 15lbs. Struggling every day. I hope the revision to the sleeve will be a success.

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