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Found 17,501 results

  1. I had the sleeve done and only lost 30% of my excess body weight. Typically they like to see you at 60% of your excess body weight. They had me on wegovy and that didn’t work so I’m now scheduled for a bypass revision. For people in the same boat that lost some but not a lot the first time, how much did you lose after revision? I’m hoping because I have so much weight to lose that it will come off the way it should have the first time
  2. i think many people on here will tell you any revision surgery results in a much slower rate of weight loss than the first time around.
  3. Dr. Josh Roller (Roller Weight Loss) has a GREAT segment on the podcast he’s on going over best surgeries if you need revision. I just finished listening to it. It’s on Spotify (& others) “The Skinny Truth”. I’m set up to get the Modified DS in the next few weeks with him.
  4. SleeveToBypass2023

    5 days since sleeve… feeling constantly starving

    When I had my sleeve, I never lost my hunger and I didn't really have any restriction. It was mostly learning what I can and can't eat, how often, and when. I had to do the work to retrain my brain because I didn't get the benefit of loss of hunger. I complained about it all the time on here lol I had to have a revision to bypass 13 months later due to complications and while I didn't really lose hunger, there was DEFINITELY a hard stop when it came to how much I could eat and how often.
  5. I am waking at night with naseau or reflux (kind of trying to figure out which it is). Has ANYONE experienced this? I’m praying that it’s nothing serious because the whole reason I had the revision surgery was for bad erosions that wouldn’t heal from acid reflux (after the sleeve). had an endoscopy two weeks ago and have another scheduled In May THANK U FOR SHARING/your time
  6. GreenTealael

    Pre-Surgery Bucket List

    My revision surgery was scheduled for a few days after my birthday (so I was full swing into the preop diet) but my boyfriend planned a tour of the Ben & Jerry’s factory. Well I broke protocol (not recommending this) and enjoyed EVERYTHING. Naturally I had to resume the preop diet schedule right afterwards, but this was worth it for me.
  7. I think most doctors tell their revision patients not to expect much weight loss. It disappoints many. I remember mine telling me 20 lbs. at most and only in the beginning since hunger comes back by year 2. Something like that. I had my revision done due to complications of the lapband, and then gerd from the sleeve. I think you'll find the RNY much more comfortable to live with compared to the lapband. For one, it's a lot easier to eat. I remember I couldn't eat bread and many things without gagging when I had the lapband. I can eat anything I want now without that feeling. I think if one wants to lose a lot of weight after a revision, they have to really follow the rules and work at it. Especially after the hunger comes back. I really think you'll be able to maintain the weight that you are happy with.
  8. i had my plastics done just shy of 14 mnths post op. i would have done it earlier (at 7 mnths post op when i reached goal) but my surgeon of choice was booked up. i had tummy tuck, arm lift and boob lift in one shot. second best decision ever (after wls, ha). if its worth anything, i understand that further weight LOSS affects the results more than further weight GAIN. but i mean, if you have the means and inclination, you can always have revision plastics if need be.
  9. I’m having bypass on January 2nd. I’m having a revision from a sleeve to a bypass.
  10. ms.sss


    i'm of the mind that if anything can make it easier to make better choices, then go for it (if you have the means and inclination of course). i'm also of the mind to try stuff out and see if it works for you. if it does, AWESOME, if it doesn't just drop it and find something else. @ShoppGirl...i (and many others im sure) have noticed your efforts and knowledge-gathering to prepare for your upcoming revision...you go girl, you sound like you are in a great mindset to tackle this head on. Good luck! (i'm rooting for you ❤️)
  11. Totally agree. Nothing to be gained from beating yourself up. Life is hard enough. You did super well for a long time after your original procedure. MUCH better than most. If you can identify key points when your control lapsed then take them forward into your revision and embrace it? Even if you can't then do your best. That's all any of us can do. We're human, we live in an obesogenic world. We're trying. Every flipping day. Not to be obese. Please can you keep us updated? I'd love to hear your story moving forward.
  12. Salamandertom

    Bile reflux

    Hello, I had a sleeve gastrectomy in 2016. Recently I had an endoscopy due to swallowing issues (I have multiple sclerosis). The biopsy of my stomach came back with changes and i had mild damage in my distal esophagus. I do not have a GI and have not been being followed by the bariatric center for several years. I have an appointment to see my bariatric surgeon as it seems that the recourse for bile reflux is a revision. Has anyone else dealt with anything like this?
  13. RnYBabe

    Deciding between bypass & sleeve

    I went with the bypass as bypass patients tend to lose more weight as well as suffer less from GERD. I did not want to develop reflux and have to go through a revision if I could avoid it. I'm very happy with my decision, I only had about 100 lbs to lose and am already more than 2/3 of the way to my goal 5 months in.
  14. Had my revision to gastric bypass two days ago. I did so well they let me go home yesterday. Today is a different story. The pain has definitely increased and I am having trouble urinating. It trickles out of me and not a lot. Has anyone experienced this? Thanks so much!
  15. I just had bypass as a revision as well about 10 days ago. The last two morning I woke up with feeling something in my throat accompanied with sore throat feeling? But no acid taste. I really hope it’s not reflux!
  16. Hey Warren, I'm presuming because they would only look at fixing the opening if they did feel it was contributing to the pain and other issues I'm having 'downstream'. This would not be a true revision in the sense of reducing the size of the pouch. My insurance company also only pays for 1 bariatric surgery in your 'lifetime'. They would only pass for the revision of opening if it were medically necessitated, and they would not consider 'failure to lose weight' or a 'weight regain' as medically necessary. My GI wanted me to talk to the bariatric surgeon who specializes in revisions. The surgeon does not think what is happening to me is 'dumping due to widened opening'. He said it doesn't sound like dumping to him and if that happened to everyone whose opening widened, everyone would be having "dumping" issues after a couple of years. He did point out that both the upper and lower GI I had done do not look at the inside of the pouch so if there is a hernia that is causing the on again/off again pain and on rare occasions bleeding (looks like coffee grounds), then the GI doctor would not know as they never 'scope' the pouch for a routine upper/lower GI. He also indicated that depending on the scope size a GI doctor uses, it doesn't go through every single space that we have (due to us having been um "modified"?) so it would take a doctor who uses an extra long scope. That last part I must confess I do not understand at all. He does have me scheduled right now for a laparoscopic investigatory procedure to take a look inside my pouch and see if there is scar tissue or a hernia that needs to be addressed. He also gave me prescription acid reflux meds and said if i got better after 'taking' them, I could cancel the procedure in 2 weeks. What he fails to understand and I've tried telling his office, I can go a month with no pain. Then I go back to back days in extreme pain. Have not been able to tie it to specific food, time of day I'm eating, etc. My right side starts with a stabby/cramping pain (closest I can compare if it feels like the pain I used to get when I ovulated or that 'stitch in your side' type feeling. It often goes downhill from there. I have tried to get it figured out now for 2 years but taking ANY medicine and 'not having an episode in the next 2 weeks' does NOT give me a definitive answer as I do not have this pain all the time, it is just enough to be frustrating and has lasted LONG enough to be concerning. The 'coffee ground' type bleeding that I have observed is one and off for the past 3 months (maybe it started a while ago but now I know what to 'look for'. I don't like going under anesthesia but I'm probably going to keep that procedure scheduled as I have no guarantee that ANY medicine given for the next 2 weeks has 'fixed' any issue. I wonder if anyone else has ever had their opening revised but not their pouch out of curiosity.
  17. I initially had VSG in 2017 and was revised to RNY in 2019. I have no horror stories. Some mild but utterly manageable complications early on but nothing that has made me regret life post RNY compared to VSG. Honestly to me it feels exactly the same and I have lived with the change long enough to make the comparison. In the early stages post revision, I needed to relearn and change some things but after that it’s been smooth. I deal with dumping syndrome (but I did with VSG also) so I know what to stay away from and it has eliminated 95% of the possibility of it happening. As always, your experience may differ in any number of ways but IMHO the people who struggle the most with revisions are the ones who either have very serious physical complications or those who didn’t want to be revised at all (this is more mental than physical). I hope you choose the best path forward that you are comfortable with. Keep us updated ❤️
  18. SaraKayaComsin

    Is this true?

    I had the sleeve almost 10 years ago, and yes, it does get bigger. However, I still can’t eat near what I used to eat in a sitting. For example, I can eat 3 pieces of pizza now. I used to be able to 5-7. It happened over time, though. I second those who recommend therapy. I am about to have revision to RNY, and I have been in therapy for several months to help me be successful this time around. In my case, because I didn’t truly deal with the reasons I eat, I regained almost of the weight. Best wishes to you!!
  19. My doctor said that after my gastric bypass (revision from gastric sleeve) , I should not have any acid related disorders or heartburn, but I definitely still have it ..also in the middle of the night I feel naseau that comes and goes (can go a way if I change positions) … is this true that bypass patients have zero heartburn?
  20. SleeveToBypass2023

    Advice Needed: Reflux After Sleeve

    I never had gerd or reflux until I got my sleeve. Then the gerd was so incredibly bad I ended up with gastritis and esophagitis. I had to take Nexium 80mg 2x per day plus Prevacid daily as needed (needed daily). The PPI was in such high doses so often that I developed an incredibly large amount of polyps all through my stomach. It took 4 endoscopies to get rid of all of them. I had a revision to bypass and haven't had a single issue since.
  21. Tracyringo

    Abdominal pain

    I had revision to rny 4 years ago in May. I have horrible bouts of abdominal pain that has sent me to hospital several times... 2 CT scans, 2 egd and a colonoscopy later...no answers.. I don't see how it can be gas trapped but at this point I don't care what it is I am tired of these bouts that come on whenever out of the blue. It is debilitating. The pain is the worst! I need help.
  22. SleeveToBypass2023

    Is this true?

    I had a sleeve and then a year later had to have a revision to bypass due to a LOT of complications. But I had the sleeve for 13 months before I had the revision, so here's what I can tell you. No matter what surgery you have, eventually your stomach will stretch out to a certain point. Will it go back to the size it was pre-surgery? No. But it will become a little bigger than when you first have the surgery. For example: pre-surgery, I would 6 scrambled eggs w/ cheese, 2 sausage patties, 6-8 pieces of bacon, and 2 pieces of buttered toast for breakfast. After surgery, I could eat 1-2 tablespoons of scrambled eggs. Now, I have a 2 egg omelet w/ cheese. I'm 2 years out from my initial surgery and 11 months out from my revision. For dinner, I would have an appetizer, a 12oz steak, loaded mashed potatoes (w/ butter, cheese, bacon, and sour cream), some kind of veggie, a dessert (pie or cake, depending on what was there). Right after surgery, I would have 1-2 tablespoons of hummus and avocado spread. Now I have 3oz of steak and 1/4 cup of cauliflower mash and 1/2 cup of veggies. If I want dessert, it's something with little to no sugar, or at the very least, no added sugar. So while your stomach WILL stretch a little bit (completely normal) it will not go back to its original size. Having said that, if you eat slider foods and a lot of crap, you won't see the results you're wanting. Just eating smaller portions and not making any dietary changes won't get you there. The surgery is a tool and needs to be used as such. Also, make sure you move your body. I was your size, so I know it's hard. Walking, water exercises, chair exercises, walking with ankle weights....all things that can be done at your size while you're losing. Once I lost the first 100 pounds, I was able to REALLY go ham in the gym lol I've lost 190 pounds from my initial surgery date. But I've lost 223 pounds from my highest weight (421). It hasn't been easy, but it's been absolutely worth it.
  23. ms.sss

    Sleeve to bypass question

    courtesy of google: you can see that the stomach is in fact smaller after a revision to bypass. and main diff is bypass also "bypasses" the pyloric valve, while sadi/ds still makes use of it (as does the original sleeve). ...but how your surgeon would do either surgery "without touching" your stomach is a head scratcher. can you go back to your surgeon and have them explain your surgery to you (with pictures, if need be!). dont leave until you completely understand. while we can offer our knowledge and experience, we are not doctors...and you may get conflicting info on here that confuses you more.
  24. ChunkCat

    Modified Duodenal Switch

    Yes, the SADI-S and SADI are the same procedure! When you are converting from a gastric sleeve you can either convert to bypass, convert to SADI, or convert to a Duodenal Switch. All 3 impact the small intestines, they vary by degrees of malabsorption. SADI is in the middle of the 3 in terms of malabsorption and doesn't require changing the stomach like the bypass would. They'd just be going in to do the small intestine component. It's a great option for a revision.
  25. July 15th marked my 4th year post VSG to RNY I started with VSG in 2017 and was converted to RNY IN 2019. There seems to be more revision post lately but not a lot of long term revisioners or info floating around so feel free to ask me anything!

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