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  1. AmberFL


    Thats encouraging, I am doing all the things I can to keep it up. I go back to my hairstylist in August which would be at about 6months so by then (fingers crossed) the shedding slows down and we can we figure out a hair style that looks good. I am just not coping with it well. I will get over it and embrace it. Just right now I cant lol
  2. I am still basically stalled too. I fluctuate up and down the same pound over and over again but everyone keeps saying “you’ve lost more weight, haven’t you?” Ummm, no. It must just be shifting around. I know how discouraging it can be for the scale to not move especially after the quick initial weight loss right after surgery. I try to tell myself it’s a good thing because my skin seems to be bouncing right back and if I was losing too quickly it wouldn’t and then I would have the added problem of loose skin everywhere. I have about 25lbs left to lose so if we have a year to lose our weight I have 9 months to lose that weight. If you look at it that way it’s more bearable. Hang in there
  3. AmberFL

    Rapid Weight Loss

    I am 4months post off and I am going through the same. I work out hard, My weight is melting off, My hair is falling out which is devastating right now and I do get the occasional dizzy spells but other than that I feel really good! I am about 15lbs from my goal weight and I struggle to eat more than 1100 calories which I know I need to because I burn anywhere from 650 cal to 1000 calories a day (depending on the workouts) . I started much heavier than you but I am worried it wont stop and I will be a walking skeleton. I am meeting with my dietician and surgeon on the 13th and need to do bloodwork as well. 1. Basics: GENDER, AGE, HEIGHT F, 35, 5'9, SW 297 2. Total Weight lost in the 6 months BEFORE surgery (if any) 31lbs 3. Weight on DAY OF SURGERY. 266lbs 4. Weight at 1 MONTH POST surgery 236.6 5. Weight at 3 MONTHs POST surgery 205.2 I am at 4 months post op 185.8lbs 8. Type of Surgery (Sleeve, ByPass, etc...) Gastric sleeve
  4. (Honestly, I had the same worries immediately post op -- you're not alone. It was lurking on these forums that reassured me and got me through it all. All the advice in this thread is top notch.)
  5. JennyBeez

    Clothing sizes

    Honestly, I think both? It can become a vicious cycle where you can't even find the 'root' problem anymore. For me, how I got to my heaviest weight was due to my problems feeding unto each other (no pun intended). I was overweight for the nth time in my life, and had always struggled with both weight and depression. My anxiety about being judged / out in public kept me homebound (and morphed into agoraphobia). Being homebound and anxious made me more depressed and judgmental about myself, which I punished / soothed with food. I gained more weight, and was more depressed and anxious and made it harder to go out and function in public. Early on in my "mental health" journey, I had a psychiatrist that was determined to find The Root Cause of my depression and anxiety. It wasn't until decades later that more MH professionals seemed to acknowledge (to me, anyway) that sometimes there's no one trigger or root cause-- sometimes its how several smaller issues fall together, like a series of unfortunate events.
  6. Early out, I struggled to eat for 4 - 6 months or so. I had nausea and foamies really bad. My family were worried. I slowly figured it out and went from a tiny 300 cals to 700, that took me until 12 months out. I managed better after that and 900 - 1200 cals a day until 2 years out. We cook everything from scratch so I keep the fat content low. My stomach has still got a huge restriction [ lucky me] I rarely eat one portion in a sitting and will finish it later. Just trust your plan and your team. Eat the best food you can afford. You are worth the best.
  7. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    The bariatric center I go to told me the same thing about stalls. But they also added that little things could prolong them. Like I mentioned in another post about the pre workout and post workout fueling (eating). The stalls still happen, but at least I feel a little better from having more energy. That's great you're staying with your brother. That's what brothers are supposed to do! Sounds like you have a good one. You have a very interesting job to be able to travel all over the world. I'm sure there's times the traveling is too much. But, wow. All the places and different people you get to meet and work with. I hope the stalls don't last too much longer for you. From my own experience with them, they are tough to get past, even when you do see other positives going on. I wish you good rest and safe travels!
  8. I'm still stalled but feeling better. I spoke to my clinic who said it is normal because I've lost more than goal at this point and had a lower BMI to start off with. The clinic has said the stall may last up to a month which means I'm half way through the stall trying to be rational about it. I managed a decent walk ( 15.4k steps) yesterday in my raincoat that helped. I'm still in London for work and it is grey and raining but I bailed on my hotel and came to stay with my little brother (who lives here for his work) and it's a bit like being home. I hadn't seen him in a few years because we're not that close but he made me airfryer spicy tofu and asparagus for supper, offered to look over some work excels with me and to top it off he washed, dried, folded my laundry from my suitcase whilst I was asleep and woke me up with coffee in bed this morning. (I suspect he's been talking to my partner). He's made me feel very cared for and also said that even without weightloss in the mix he gets very very down when he has a bad stretch of travel for work and the weather is ****. He helped me find friends of friends to stay with when I have a week in Budapest in 10 days time so that I'm not all alone at a hotel again. And we realised we'll both be in Boston for work next month and can meet up there and we also sync'd our work travel agendas and found out we'll be in Singapore in October at the same time as our brother in law ( sisters husband) and so all three of us can stay together! For my job the travel is going to be wild until the end of this year (wrap up of a 5 year worldwide project) and so I'm just going to have to "hack" it as much as I can. I get back to Paris very late tonight and might see if I can move enough meetings around to take Friday off work and just spend 3 days for myself in Paris. Hows everyone getting on ?
  9. I got my date as August 21. CW 295 What all are you doing to prepare? I'm worried about starting pre-op diet too early and potentially running out of willpower in advance. I'm also looking for therapy for disordered eating to begin ASAP and continue through the process. I'm also working on not drinking during meals and thinking about how to start increasing my water uptake. I'm also contemplating how I can prepare meals with veg and protein for easy access.
  10. Hi lovelies, Hope you are all well. Need your thoughts please. Had my VSG 5.5 months ago and these were my stats: Weight: 198/90 KGs Height: 168/5'5-5'6? I started at a BMI of 33, which I understand was on the lower side. Since surgery I have lost weight quite rapidly and I suspect its due to always being at a BMI of 22 my entire adulthood, I ate well, worked out and remained fit even after two pregnancies. My weight issues started 5 years back and then followed by a very bad ankle injury that affected my mobility that I reached my highest weight of 198. I understand that that where my body feels most comfortable at and its decided to take the chance to lose the pounds and run with it. My original goal was 154, and I got there very quickly then I changed my goal many times and settled on 127 which I am currently very close to. My surgeon seems to be a little apprehensive and has told me to try to slow it down and as per him it is very rare that he sees such rapid weight loss on a lower BMI patient. His original comment at 2 months was that the weight I had lost in 2 months was supposed to be my target at 6 months. Last time I saw him he asked me to up my calories to 1500 (currently at almost 800 on weekdays give or take, 600 on weekends because I apparently don't have much of an appetite on weekends). He ordered some bloodwork which I still haven't gone in for. I feel like my health is good, other than hair fall and the customary dizziness when getting up I am in fantastic health, I workout hard, I make good food choices and I prioritize my protein. I also look great if you ask me. My fear is I am losing too much too fast, and from what I hear and see, you don't quite stop losing until at least 12 months post op, which - according to my projections and calculations - will leave me at 110/50 KGs at 12 months out. That is way too low I fear and I do not want to look like a skeleton. Also I feel I have a huge restriction and I can't eat more than a few bites at a time, drinking water has become an aversion, I have to drink BCAA and sugar free iced tea to hydrate and tiny sips of water every hour or so. Other than that I eat very well, except I can't eat enough to maintain due to restriction. I am a little worried of my what will happen as the days pass and where I will end up. I don't want to get sick or too frail to work out and lift weights. I want to look good and feel good and I am not sure where my weight loss is heading but I am quite worried at this point. I also get comments on how I have lost half my body weight from people which is quite inaccurate lol but it's a complete shock when I meet someone who I haven't seen in some time, even my colleagues seem to think I'm looking too skinny. Sorry for typing so much, I thought it would be better if you have the full picture so its easier to respond. For anybody who's experience this, any thoughts?
  11. Arabesque

    So many questions about surgery!

    Losing weight. Feeling healthier & better in general. I didn’t have any comorbidities but being almost 54 at the time I knew it was only a matter of time. The surgery was fine. Didn’t experience anything other than what was possible (like the terrible diarrhoea I had one day). My back went into spasm but that was more me & my back than a side effect of the surgery. No complications. Pretty easy actually. I think because I really wanted the surgery & had no doubts I was ready for the changes. And really once through the weight loss phase the changes are minimal & what you choose to do like eating choices, activity choices, etc. I didn’t experience many issues with being unable to tolerate certain foods except for the temporary changes to my taste buds. After two months I was eating pretty much what I wanted (nutritionally appropriate of course). Five years post sleeve & I eat pretty much what I want. There are things I chose not to eat any more simply because I don’t want to go back to how I was before surgery. My food choices are more nutritionally dense & eat more low or no processed foods. Last year my tummy decided it didn’t like eggs any more. Been meaning to test to see if it still doesn’t like them. I’ve always had a quirky tummy that was sensitive to some foods so that’s not a change for me really. I do experience the foamies more often than most but I think that it’s related more to my quirky tummy. I vomited (though more like regurgitating than full out muscle spasming vomiting) a couple of times in the first month or so. Due to the multi vitamins causing nausea more than any thing else. Probably took me a little longer because my energy was low for a while & my blood pressure was pretty low all the time (still is most of the time). Again, I always had a tendency towards low blood pressure so not a big change or adjustment. After the first couple of months, yes, I had more energy. No. I didn’t have any mental health issues prior to surgery & none after. Would say I feel more confident & comfortable about myself in general though. Don’t regret it at all. Yes I would recommend it. However, as I mentioned above you have to be ready for the surgery & the changes you have to make around your eating. There is a lot of head work you have to do around your relationship with food, what may drive you to turn to food & your eating habits. It is a lifetime thing & you will always have to work at it. As we say, the surgery changes your body but it doesn’t change your head & thinking. All the best.
  12. Arabesque

    50 and over crowd?

    Your body is healing & the tiredness & lethargy as a result is very common. If your body wants you to rest or nap, do rest or nap. It takes about 8 weeks to fully heal from the surgery but you will notice slow improvements in regards to how tired you are as the weeks pass. You may find there are times in the future while you are losing you experience drops in energy. This too is pretty common & again be a bit easy on yourself & your energy levels will rise again when your body is ready. I often wish I could still justify an afternoon nana nap. LOL!
  13. SleeveToBypass2023


    It happened to me with BOTH surgeries. Started around month 3 after my sleeve and my once really thick hair shed so much it thinned out to the point that I needed to cut my hair and change how I styled it so you couldn't see how much it thinned out. It finally stopped at 9 months, but then at 13 months out I had my revision, and it started again at 2 months out. Here I am 11 months out from the revision and it finally stopped. I got another hair cut and this time decided no more straightening my hair, and now the shorter length and the waves and curls really help hide the additional thinning. Honestly, biotin doesn't promote hair growth or prevent shedding. It just makes the existing hair soft, shiny, and somewhat healthier. The protein is what makes the biggest difference since hair needs it but can't produce it. There really isn't anything that will prevent or lessen the shedding. It just is what it is and has to run its course. I would use volumizing hair care products, have a shorter hair length, possibly style it differently, and just wait it out. That's really all you can do.
  14. NickelChip


    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it will make no difference how much protein you eat in terms of how much hair you lose. It's like trying to water a rose in a vase and expecting it to start growing into a big rose bush. The hair follicles have already gone dormant. Now all you can do is wait for the hair to fall out so that the follicles can re-enter a growth phase. The hair strands that have stopped won't start again. This usually happens naturally in cycles so gradual and staggered that we never notice it. But surgery makes a bunch of hair stop at once (which it already did, months ago), and it is very noticeable until it all starts back up again. What protein and vitamins will do for you now is make your regrowth strong and healthy. So definitely still take them.
  15. Spinoza


    You will get loads of sympathy here OP - for a woman (usually more than a man I think?) our hair is often tied into our identity more generally, for better or worse. Massive weight loss causes our non-essential body functions like hair growth to stall completely. Body thinks - no calories - what can I ditch? I know - hair! Once we get through the biggest rate of loss and our body is regrouping then the stalled follicles get pushed out by new growth. I lost masses of hair in I think 3 distinct phases, about 3 months apart. It's truly properly shocking, that first hair fall. (And for me the second and third - I hope you don't get those too!) Please please be reassured that most of it grows back for most of us. It just takes a while and it's so worth it.
  16. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Nicotine testing

    Actually it is their business since being a smoker can cause surgical complications and its their jobs to assure their patients have as few surgical contraindications as possible for the best surgical outcomes. When you sign the consent to treat, its a contract between you and the surgeon that you've notified them of all your health stats. Longer stays and emergencies: According to a 2019 reviewTrusted Source, smoking is associated with higher rates of intensive care unit admissions, emergency readmissions, and longer inpatient stays after the procedure. Infections and complications: Smoking impacts your immune system, which can make it harder for your body to heal after surgery. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source, smoking raises your risk of infections and other complications. Perioperative morbidity and mortality: The previously mentioned 2019 reviewTrusted Source found that smoking boosts the risk of perioperative morbidity and mortality or death that may occur within 30 days after surgery. The more someone smokes, the greater their health risks. Respiratory system and lungs: Smoking impairs the function of the heart and lungs. During and after surgery, this impairment can cause breathing problems. It can also increase the risk of pneumonia, lung collapse, or the need for a ventilator after the procedure. Cardiovascular system: Nicotine, carbon monoxide, and other toxins found in cigarette smoke may raise the riskTrusted Source of heart complications during or after surgery, including heart attack and stroke. Joints, muscles, and bones: Smoking can negatively impact your bones’ ability to heal. If you’re getting orthopedic surgery or another procedure for a musculoskeletal injury, your recovery may take longer. Skin’s healing mechanism: The nicotine, carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, and other toxins in cigarettes negatively impact wound healing, which can delay recovery and increase the risk of scarring. Responsiveness to anesthesia: Though anesthesia always has some risk of complications, smoking increases this risk. In particular, smoking before receiving an anesthetic can contribute to respiratory issues, slower recovery time, and the need to use more anesthetics. I would especially be concerned about the last one since its a very delicate balance administering the correct anesthesia to someone who isn't a smoker and even more so on someone who has. Its your life they have in their hands, why chance it? If you truly want the surgery, you truly need it - start out by committing yourself to the best possible outcome and quit smoking... After all you're wanting to become healthier right? Why start out by lying to someone who wants you to succeed by giving them a fake urine sample? If you had hemophilia you wouldn't lie about it just to get surgery would you?
  17. JennyBeez

    So many questions about surgery!

    1. What was the best part of surgery for you? The jumpstart to weight loss was obviously amazing, but I was surprised how quickly my usual body pain & aches stopped bothering me. My knee problems have basically vanished, and the lower back pain I had gotten so used to living with has gotten so much better. I can breath easier when doing things that used to have me out of breath -- going up 2 flights of stairs, for example. 2. What was the worst part of surgery for you? The pre-OP shakes -- I'm lactose intolerant and have trouble with stevia, and there were no shakes my care team could find for me that didn't have one-or-both things, so I spent a good 8-9 days barely keeping anything down. The surgery itself went off without a problem, and the pain wasn't as bad as I thought -- other than the car ride home! If you get WLS, bring a pillow to clutch to you afterwards!! 3. Did you have any complications (minor or major) during or after your surgery? Nothing during, nor after -- but I'm only 10wks post-OP tomorrow. 4. How has adjusting to your new life been for you? I too am on SSRIs for long-time depression & anxiety. Most days have been awesome and cheery. Even during the initial aches and pains of recovery, just knowing that things were going to start changing for the better improved my mental state. I still have bad moments / days but once I started seeing all the improvements to my life it makes it easier to push through. It certainly helps to have a good support system -- people in my life, but also honestly this forum. TBH I was in a #$%& mood all day and feeling lethargic, but logging in here I know that everyone here understands and it just makes me feel more settled. 5. How long did it take you to feel comfortable eating food? I am currently having a ton of problems with chicken breast. I hate 'dark meat' poultry, but tried chicken thighs recently and it's not too bad but still leaves me with a heavy feeling in my stomach -- still better than the stuck feeling in my chest that the white meat gave. I feel like no matter what I put on it or how I cook it, it's just clearly a No for now. That said, for the most part everything else has gone down well as long as I eat slowly, and make choices consistent with my care team's plan / schedule. Going from puree to soft foods was probably the hardest for me physically, because it felt so different in my stomach. 6. Is there anything you can’t eat anymore that you used to enjoy? It's early on for me, but the changes in my body's hormones seems to have stopped most of my cravings. When I'm having a rough time emotionally, I still have momentary yearnings for old 'comfort foods' but honestly just the thought of some of them will turn me off within a few minutes. (For some reason if I think about fatty oils too long, I just get nauseated). And many of my old comfort foods have just updated into healthier things I can eat. Instead of my mum's Dutch mashed potatoes, I have a smaller bowl of healthier mashed potatoes (or cauliflower, or heart of palm) with a scoop of bone broth powder to up the protein. Instead of spaghetti and meatballs, I have homemade meatballs and extra sauce -- or a ricotta bake instead of lasagna. 7. What was your recovery like? Any vomiting or dumping syndrome? I've had one instance of dumping syndrome so far, and it was 100% my own fault. I knew what the culprit was immediately (white-flour leftover tortilla and more difficult chicken breast). I won't lie, I seriously wanted to die for probably an hour, and then slept the rest of the day away. It's horrid. I'm hoping that I've learned enough to take better care / caution and avoid any more instances. Other than that, recovery has been pretty smooth. All my incisions healed up without issue, the gas pain only lasted a few weeks and then there was just a strange tightness / mild soreness on one side of my body for the first 5-6 weeks. 8. How long did it take you to feel semi-normal after surgery? I want to say 2-3 weeks. Around the time I started eating puree (week 3), my energy levels started bouncing back much more rapidly -- which let me walk more easily. 9. Did you experience higher energy level post surgery? 100% yes. NGL, sometimes I feel like skipping even though it's not suitable for someone my age, LOL. I feel like I've been more efficient at work post-OP just because of the energy improvement, and physically I notice the increased stamina every time I go on an errand or for a walk with my dog. (I tire her out now!) 10. Did surgery affect your mental health? For the better. Some of it is because the energy and the physical improvements make me feel better about myself in general, but part of it is kind of a trickle-down effect. I spend more time making good, healthy choices for myself, spend more time being mindful whether it's while I'm eating, or making a grocery list, cooking, etc. It's so much time spent on self-improvement and self-care. So I have less time to worry about what other people's secret thoughts or judgments might be and take people more at face value. I have less time to waste on people that bring toxicity to my life or can't respect my boundaries. It's like this microcosm of self-care made by investing my energy in my current journey has expanded it's hooks into the rest of my life. I feel like for the first time in my life, I am actually one of my top priorities. 11. Do you regret it? Would you recommend it? I had moments of regret during dumping syndrome, for sure. But as soon as I recovered from that one bout, I was still happy I'd done the surgery. I think it definitely forces us to take ownership of our own health and making the best decisions we can towards that. I would recommend it to anyone who has struggled with weight loss and can honestly look at their life and see themselves living in this framework for the rest of their lives. By all accounts it seems to be incredibly important to keep it all up -- the vitamins and supplements, the healthy choices and portion sizes, etc. I would NOT recommend it for anyone looking for a magic pill. This takes work, will continue to take work.
  18. AmberFL


    I was warned too but I figured no way it would happen to me! I really keep up with the protein and supplements, alas here we are I wish I had the confidence to rock a short do, I am pretty sad just looking up styles for when I get my hair done again in August. I know I am dramatic and pretty vain butttttt ya know LOL
  19. FifiLux


    Yes the surgeon I met pre-op warned me at the time about hair loss but I was a bit dismissive as have (had!) such thick hair that I didn't think I would have as much fall out as I did. I am thankful for the thick hair as I think it is how I coped with it not being noticeable to others. My hair loss stopped after month six and the regrowth is strong and thick again not sure if that is luck or down to the fact that I added in the special bariatric hair vitamin, plus collagen on top of the other bariatric vitamins I take. I just don't know where the curl/kink is coming from now in the regrowth underneath. My hair is now long enough to tie back a bit but I will be getting it cut again next week to try and get closer to it all being one length at the back.
  20. FifiLux


    I don't think it made a difference to how much came out but it made my hair softer and kept it in good condition which meant I could go longer between washes. I was taking collagen every day as well, still do. The only vitamin I am no longer taking is the bariatric hair one as felt I did well with the three month supply.
  21. JennyBeez


    My GP warned me that it'll happen to most patients, but won't be permanent -- just something we have to put up with for 6-12mo before it stops falling out and starts growing back properly. He kind of made me feel like keeping up on my multi-vitamins & supplements were the only thing that would have it eventually stabilize, and that most 'solutions' like biotin patches and special hair treatments were just going to be an expensive placebo for time & improved nutrition. It actually kind of depressed me, because I have thin straight hair to begin with -- I can't afford much hair loss. I ended up shaving half my head (undercut only) months prior to my WLS just to be sure I could handle losing that much volume. Would love to hear from anyone with a great personal experience with additional supplements / treatments that they feel worked? But if not, I'm happy to rock a short do for the next year or so.
  22. JennyBeez

    Clothing sizes

    I feel like most of us have mental health issues prior to WLS -- related to the weight gain in the first place, and the body dysmorphia that so easily comes along with life as a 'non-standard' size. I'm not surprised at all that many of us continue to struggle with both things during/after weight loss. People that haven't had a similar life might struggle to understand. Anyone who tells someone to "just get over it" or "just get passed it" in regards to any mental health issue is flat out not helping -- whether that's because they can't empathize with the struggle directly, or something else. I've been doing a lot of personal work on 'boundaries' lately. Just want to remind everyone that it's okay to remind someone that what they're saying is not very compassionate. It doesn't have to be a fight or an attack against them, even a simple "Yeah, that's really not a helpful thing to say but thanks for the effort, I guess?" might have them re-think their own words. They don't owe us support -- nobody owes anybody, really -- but we're all humans and deserve basic compassion rather than dismissal.
  23. SarahByNumbers

    Slow Loser - Anyone else?

    Thanks for checking on me!! About the same in terms of weight, unfortunately 😩, although I'm bouncing around the high 240s instead of the low 250s now, so there's been a slight change. I'm going to reach out to my team soon if things don't get moving again.
  24. AmberFL


    I thankfully have long thick hair too and it grows fairly fast so i am hoping I get the same results as you where there isn't bald patches just might have to rock a shorter hair cut for awhile (which I am dreading!) Did you notice that using a more moisturizing shampoo helped with how much came out? The oplalex doesn't make my hair soft it just keeps my blond looking blond. I am thinking of taking a prenatal and collagen just because, but I really thought I was a lucky one ;(
  25. FifiLux


    I don't think you are going bald, just going through what so many of us have had to cope with. I had long thick straight hair pre-op and thought I was doing really well when I got to month four with no hair loss and then it was like a horror movie for two months. Clumps would come out if I washed my hair, I would cry in the shower when I saw what was in the drain and my hand after just a light touch wash. I kept my hair tied back and washed just once a week during the two months but you could tell where I had been by following the trail of fallen hair, I seriously shed more than my cat! I was so self conscious about it as had bald patches but thankfully others couldn't tell it was mostly underneath. I ended up cutting my hair up to chin length so it was not as obvious. After six months the hair loss stopped and now it is about regrowth, it is nearly as annoying though not in anyway upsetting. I have been getting my hair cut every couple of months so that my existing hair is as close in length to the new hair (which is coming in with a curl) and I have to put mascara in my hair if I go out in public as there are baby hairs sticking up all over the place, looks like static hair. I took special bariatric vitamins for hair for three months, no idea if it helped but I was prepared to try anything. I also got a couple of wigs but ended up not needed them. For washing my hair I used a really soft shampoo made from oat milk. Basically I just want to let you know that what you are going through is normal after the surgery, you couldn't have prevented it, it just happens to most patients as the body is coping with the weight loss and it will get better.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
