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  1. catwoman7

    Pre & Post-Surgery Vitamins UK

    I agree with everyone else. Some hair loss and loss skin is pretty much part and parcel with weight loss surgery, especially if you have a lot to lose. Fortunately, for many of us, we're the only ones who really notice it. I had minimal hair loss so I'm sure no one besides me noticed it - and my loose skin was easy to hide in clothes. I eventually had it removed because it was driving me nuts, but here I am before I had it removed. I can assure you that I had a TON of loose skin, but no one knew It was there except me and my husband.
  2. Thank you!!! It's getting hot and I just wanted a change. And with the long hair gone, my natural waves came out more
  3. Happy New Year! And oh my goodness, yes the hair shedding has been crazy for me too. I am trying not to worry too much about it because I heard it is normal due to trauma of the surgery and the nutritional changes, and that it might come back in thicker than before. I also heard that some ended up with wavy hair who used to have straight hair before surgery. I am keeping my fingers crossed for some wavy hair, because mine wouldn't hold a curl for nothing! But at the end of the day as long as it slows down shedding and comes back a little fuller, I will be happy. I make sure to get my BCAAs/Collagen in at least once day, and of course my daily multivitamin. My 3 month blood labs looked good overall according to my surgeon's office, so I haven't added any extra biotin at this time. I do take a B-12 twice a week. Keep us posted how the hair shedding goes for you. Take Care, Maia03
  4. There are so many factors that play a role in the ideal rate of loss for an individual I would ask your team this question since they have all the information about you and your history.
  5. Hi Sarah! I did not have that fear at first, but I can tell you that if you do not meet your fluid and protein goals you will run yourself into the ground. Trust me! I am 6 weeks post op, and after 2 weeks, I didn't drink my fluids or have my protein. When I took a shower one night, I came VERY close to passing out. The plan is so important (and sometimes really annoying) to follow, but it is for your safety, health, and to achieve the weight loss that you desire. Drinking fluids (all 64 ounces +) will really help your weight loss. I worry about stretching my stomach out later on. Like, if I succumb to mental hunger and have something that I should not have, and I just keep eating it because it tastes good - but I am told it will take a LOT to get it stretched out. I know it will eventually stretch out some, but nothing like it was. Good luck on your journey! I hope the worrying subsides and you are able to heal and start seeing the good things. My first non-scale victory was putting on a pair of jeans I hadn't worn in years and they fit...comfortably. Those are the kinds of things that keep you going. I'm down 38lbs since 4/10 (pre-op diet) and 23lbs since my surgery. I haven't weighed in a bit, so hoping it's more like 25-30lbs since surgery, but as long as it keeps going down, I'm good.
  6. Hey people! 4 months and 3 days post RNY. What meal and snack ideas can you give me that are high in protein? I'm still not hitting my goals and currently thinking about drinking protein, turns my stomach. This happened in the beginning aftrr surgery as well. Any good recipes? I know there are recipes on here somewhere, but what are your top high protein foods? I need to start planning my foods ahead again. How long did everyone's hair loss last? When I had lapband in 2009, my hair loss wasn't as bad as it is this time. My hair gets SO tangled! Probably because this time my hair is lightened and colored with fashion colors. But, when did the hair loss start to ease up for you? I feel like im overeating. I feel like I could have lost a lot more weight by now. If it's not overeating then it's high calorie foods. For example, I can eat almost a who bagel with a serving of cream cheese and a 1/2 to a cup of cherries for breakfast. A lot of the times I skip lunch because I eat whatever I have at breakfast at that time. Then if I have a snack yes I'll eat a junk food item like a serving of chips or a cheesestick and then at dinner I'd have the 3 ounce of chicken, with 1/2 cup veggies and spoonful (the ones you cook with) of rice. Of course I'd have regular BBQ sauce or chic fil a sauce (a serving) and a serving of butter on my rice. Then awhile later before I get in the shower I'll have one or two of the following; a popsicle, another serving of chips, popcorn, yogurt, ice cream sandwich (yep I shouldn't be eating this. No, it hasn't made me sick and no I don't have it often), a cheesestick, etc. Or sometimes I'd eat some cereal if I know it doesn't make me feel sick. When I write it out, it doesn't look like I'm overeating, but when I track it, it comes out to be around 1200 calories. I shouldn't stress, but I need to make better choices and maybe make schedule for water intake and food intake. PLEASE, no rude/mean replies. Please be helpful. I want to succeed, and right now I feel like I'm not gonna succeed eventhough I'm not gaining, I'm still slowly losing. Thanks for your time!
  7. there really isn't much - if anything - you can do about hair loss. It's due to your body's shock reaction to major surgery, and that's already happened (well it's the shock - plus the fact we're taking in a very limited amount of calories those first few months).. The shock speeds up the normal shedding/regrowth cycle. Some things can help with regrowth, but there's not much you can do about the shedding. Although not everyone loses hair, and some lose so little that others don't notice it - so you may luck out. (I lost very little - I'm sure no one noticed - I barely noticed - I just knew about it since there were more hairs than usual in my combs and brushes)
  8. I have a Vp shunt for hydrocephalus.Wanted to know if anyone here has a VP shunt and has gone through sleeve surgery.
  9. catwoman7


    it's due to the trauma of the surgery + the ultra low calorie intake the first few months post-op. Your body has better things to do with the limited energy (i.e., calories) - like - heal itself. Hair is something that isn't at the top of its priority list. It'll grow back, though. I lost hair (although not much, fortunately) from months 5-9. In the grand scheme of things, it's kind of a minor blip on the screen. You'll probably feel that way when you get past it and have dropped a ton of weight. It's worth it in the end.
  10. ItsAllJoy42

    June 2024 Surgery Buddies

    Hi! My gastric sleeve is scheduled for June 13th too! I’m so excited I can barely contain myself. Every one keeps asking me if I’m nervous. Not in the slightest about the surgery, but I’m worried they’ll call me the day before and reschedule. That’s my only fear, 😂. Anybody else?
  11. JennyBeez


    Week 11 tomorrow, and I definitely notice more shedding now -- and all of a sudden, the ends of my hair seem to be getting drier and more brittle. I guess it's 'begun' 🙈
  12. Thought I'd update this post because I just had the chance to attend a live Q&A session with Dr. Matthew Weiner. I talked to him about my weight loss so far and concerns about how slow my progress has felt post-op. He asked me about pre-op weight loss and what my highest weight had been, and explained that even though I was 223 going into surgery, I had started at 251 and lost 12 lbs from nutrition changes over 6 months, plus 16 lbs from the pre-op diet, so that all factors into the final weight loss expectations. He suggested in terms of what my final weight loss from the surgery might be that using the 251 starting weight could be more accurate, and that the pre-op diet weight loss would definitely help explain the slower weight loss post-op. Bottom line, I feel so much relief hearing this explanation from him and really appreciated him taking the time to ask so many questions to get to the answer! My surgeon really hasn't given me an estimate of what I should expect to lose, although I plan to ask at my 3-month appointment next week so I can compare.
  13. SleeverSk


    right on cue, 4 months is the mark most people start losing their hair, no you wont go bald although it will feel like. and if you are lucky it will grow back curly , mine did
  14. longhaul68


    Hi Wendy- I found it important to confide in friends who I knew would see the surgery as an effort to reset my system and not as a vanity project. So, I opened up to three close friends and no family other than my husband and teenage son (whom I sat down and really went through the toughest reasons why with). My parents are gone and I don’t see my siblings very often - easier in that respect. And I also sought out references from friends of closest friends who knew someone who’d had the surgery and talked extensively about the aftermath and any complications. They were exceptionally compassionate and enthusiastic supporters. I really felt ready. The comments from a good friend group came in waves: “you look great”! Then, a bit of concern - “all okay?” Then, “wow, you look like a different person: are you on ozempic?” with a direct desire to know what was up. I told that group together but only after 3 month mark, asking they not share it with others. No one has been negative about it. I had a dear friend say, “look, if there was a surgery that would reset my brain to comprehend things more quickly, I’d do it in a second”. I had to explain it’s not a quick fix but I knew what she meant- getting one’s beast of burden off the mind. Re: Hair loss- timeline was strange - I’ve always had a thick head of hair and thought maybe I’d bypass the intensity of it. Alas, no- it started to really come out heavily in Aug/Sept. I was worried bc it didn’t slow down and had thinned dramatically but now the growth is back - slowed in Dec/Jan and I kept it short all fall. No one especially noticed enough to mention it. Again, all good thoughts to you as you begin this remarkable feat! You’ll feel amazing soon enough but I hope you’re proud of getting to this point!
  15. development of what exactly? like physical development? (boobs? body hair? wrinkles? growth?)
  16. AmberFL


    B-12 doesn't sound like it would be concerning from what you all are saying. although I am salty af that all my labs are great but my hair is still shedding HAHA!
  17. I'm so excited! I'm coming up on one year in June. I've lost 111-ish pounds to date. A little worried about my 2 months off that are coming up, but I'm proud of my accomplishments so far.
  18. BlueParis

    Bigger stomach?

    That seems like a good loss so far! Read up about the 3 week stall , it happens to most people after WLS...
  19. AmberFL


    I have layers now they are just long layers, I am not sure if you can really tell in the pic but its the only pic I have on my computer lol but I am looking at medium hair cuts with choppy layers, I am going to stay blond and just chop it off I suppose. I know regardless its going to be a big change and when I meet with my hairdresser in Aug I am hoping the shedding has subsided so we can really figure out how to tackle my hair.
  20. NickelChip

    November 2023 buddies

    Looking great, and I love the hair color!
  21. Pat Hall

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    We won't like our preop shakes?? How come? I'm worried about that. I bought small canisters of Gold Standard shakes for the after shakes. I hope I can stomach them. Hah! I'll post my observations.
  22. As @catwoman7 said you can’t stop the hair loss you may experience. The hair on your head is already dead & would fall out as part of your usual hair loss cycle. This cycle is accelerated as a result of the surgery, restricted diet, hormonal changes, & general stress to your system. Your new hair is still growing just at its usual rate. Any supplements you take may only strengthen your new hair growth. Try looking for alternatives other than multi vitamin tablets. I found capsules easier to swallow & the coating muted the taste. There are patches (they don’t work for everyone), gummies & some vitamin supplements come in a mouth spray formulation (I take vitamin D/K in winter via a mouth spray - doesn’t really have a taste). Mine are from an Australian company which I don’t believe is available in the US.
  23. ms.sss


    yes, it will, a little! the contrast between dark hair and white scalp is more noticeable so going lighter towards the colour of your scalp will help with the illusion....unless of course your scalp is like florescent white lol
  24. AmberFL

    Rapid Weight Loss

    I am 4months post off and I am going through the same. I work out hard, My weight is melting off, My hair is falling out which is devastating right now and I do get the occasional dizzy spells but other than that I feel really good! I am about 15lbs from my goal weight and I struggle to eat more than 1100 calories which I know I need to because I burn anywhere from 650 cal to 1000 calories a day (depending on the workouts) . I started much heavier than you but I am worried it wont stop and I will be a walking skeleton. I am meeting with my dietician and surgeon on the 13th and need to do bloodwork as well. 1. Basics: GENDER, AGE, HEIGHT F, 35, 5'9, SW 297 2. Total Weight lost in the 6 months BEFORE surgery (if any) 31lbs 3. Weight on DAY OF SURGERY. 266lbs 4. Weight at 1 MONTH POST surgery 236.6 5. Weight at 3 MONTHs POST surgery 205.2 I am at 4 months post op 185.8lbs 8. Type of Surgery (Sleeve, ByPass, etc...) Gastric sleeve
  25. Just a thought about those worried about shortages of this med-those with obesity are just as worthy of this (and other) medical treatment as someone with another chronic health condition such as diabetes. We’ve been conditioned for so long to see obesity as a personal failing rather than a medical condition. I firmly believe this narrative needs to be changed. If you and your health care team feels GLP-1 treatment is what is best to treat your obesity, then you deserve the med just as much as any other patient.

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