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  1. same. and "anything i want" includes chocolate and chips and fried foods and sauces/gravvies and high-fat things and desserts and pizzas and bread, etc. etc. BUT not in copious amounts (for the most part). BUT i also eat salads and veggies and lean meats and cottage cheese and tofu and fruits, also not in copious amounts (for the most part). mind you my weight loss phase days are long behind me, but even during weight loss phase, i would occasionally have foods that were "off plan". like mentioned above, i was closer to maybe eating "what i was supposed to be eating" maybe 75-80% of the time. though my total average calories were always low regardless of what i was eating.
  2. I feel like as long as it doesn't bother you (in terms of digestion, or mentally/emotionally), it's fine. I love what @NickelChip said about it being a "planned indulgence". Back when I was in my twenties, one of my nutritionists said that it was good to have one moderately high calorie meal a week (ie a couple slices of pizza) because it would keep your body from going into 'starvation mode' in which it thinks it needs to save and store any calories it can. It made sense at the time, but I was also at the healthiest weight I had ever been and she worked for a local gym, so take that all with a grain or two of salt. For me, I know I can't have a planned indulgence, at least not without being pretty darned strict about said indulgence. For example, I 'indulged' today in a piece of soft-dried sweet potato -- but because I know it's basically just a little strip of 'healthy; sugar and carbs, my dinner tonight will be lower carb to make up the balance. My personal issues are less of a willpower - slippery slope but more of a mental anguish thing. In the past, whenever I've felt like I've done something 'wrong' diet-wise, I usually would end up either in a depressive spiral in which I blame myself, harangue myself and then end up eating my feelings -- or I'd end up punishing myself (either with more unhealthy food or by not eating at all for a few days -- neither of which were healthy reactions). ((I've been on both sides of the eating disorder spectrum, lol)) I feel like I'm probably in a good enough headspace these days that I could avoid all of that (from not feeling like I've done something wrong to begin with) but I'm just not confident enough to want to put myself in that position.
  3. One of my favorite resources is Dr. Weiner's videos (as well as his book The Pound of Cure and his weekly podcast). He talks about the type of food we eat being more important than the number of calories we eat. Here is one video that I watch probably once a month just to get it into my head. But he has hundreds of videos, so I encourage you to check out all of the playlists on his channel. Having said that, there's a good chance you're in a stall as opposed to being done. Your BMI is low enough now that you're approaching "normal weight" and weight loss at that point gets really slow and difficult. But it doesn't mean you can't do it!
  4. I really don't, and that's because it's a very slippery slope for me. I have found so many alternative foods that taste good and don't leave me feeling deprived that it's not worth the inevitable guilt, the possible weight gain, and extra work it'll take to get me back to where I am now. I'm 2 years out from my original surgery and a year out (at the end of this month) from my revision surgery. I'm so use to how I eat that I can't imagine trying to eat any of the stuff I use to eat. There's keto bread, keto bagels, keto English muffins, keto brownies, keto blueberry muffins, Legendary pop tarts and cinnamon buns, mashed cauliflower (works beautifully in place of mashed potatoes), crustless pizza, pizza with cauliflower crust, riced cauliflower instead of regular rice, monk fruit sweetener instead of sugar, sugar free tropical popsicles, Real Good Foods keto protein chicken nuggets, Atkins 1 person meals, Real Good Foods 1 person meals, the list goes on and on. We get creative with what we cook (still have steak and chicken and stir-fry), chocolate milk has now become almond milk, 1 tbsp cacao powder, and 2-3 packets of monk fruit sweetener. Use a frother and it's AMAZING. There's chips you can get at Whole Foods that are made with soy flower or almond flower and tastes EXACTLY like regular chips (I love the BBQ and the sour cream cheddar ones). For ice cream, I get Rebel ice-cream. Low to no carbs, nearly no sugar at all, low calorie, lactose free. Tastes AMAZING. I just have no need for any cheat meals.
  5. Hello! I had the sleeve gastrectomy 9.5 months ago. I've been working on exercising and eating right, but I've been in a bit of a stall these past 5 weeks. I went down from 290 to 170 pounds, but I've been stuck at 170 for 5 weeks. I've been eating 1200-1500 calories a day and still not losing weight. I've done some research, and apparently, your body adjusts to low calories after a while of eating at that rate. At the beginning of my post-op phase, there were some complications on my end. I didn't eat ANYTHING for two months straight, not even protein shakes, and I was only hitting about 20oz of water daily (which landed me in the ER, but I'm fine now lol). I've looked online, and it says for my height, age, and weight, a good maintenance level would be 2100 calories. I'm eating well under that in a deficit and heavy weight lifting, so I don't know why my body won't drop anything. I'm worried that my body adjusted to the 0-calorie few months I had, then the 500-1000 calories three months after that. I've only started hitting my 1200-1500 calories in March when I joined the gym. I know the stall is not due to "muscle gain" because I'm not eating in a surplus, and I'm only eating 65-80 grams of protein in hopes of simply maintaining while I drop fat. I also read online that apparently people who go through rapid weight loss have even lower calorie maintenance than the average person, and that makes sense, but surely it cannot be under 1200, right? The majority of bodies need 1500 to operate. I'm so confused! When I ask my surgeon about calories, he says not to worry about them and eat healthy, which I'm doing. It's just frustrating because I want to work on building muscle, but I want to lose some more fat before that. I guess my question is, does anyone know anything about calories after surgery, and/or how many calories are you eating after surgery to help lose weight?
  6. AmberFL

    When did your weightloss stop ?

    SO I am pretty early in my journey. I am about 5months post op and have about 11lbs to get to "goal" I may be okay where I am at. I did increase my calories by 100 to see if that would help things. I do weight lift and workout so I am starting to look on the side of "too thin" We will see what this week looks like I weigh in on Wednesday. Its the first week I increased them. I may go back down, but I have been consistently losing 3-6lbs a week so I was worried that I was withering away LOL
  7. This usually means you lost some fat and gained some muscle mass. Which is a good thing! yay muscles! over the last several months (due to my increased exercise regime i assume) my 7 day running weight average has increased by about 3 lbs, but my pants are falling off me again like those fun early weeks immediately after WLS (and my pants are already pretty small to begin with omg). but i also think this is a good thing though:...yay shopping for new pants! lol do you take your body measurements regularly? sometimes looking over historical body measurements over time paint a better picture than the number on the scale....
  8. summerseeker

    When did your weightloss stop ?

    I lost for about 2 years then I decided that I felt ok with my weight and size. I then increased my calories to 1500 a day and I am stable at this weight. I don't do strenuous exercise, just gentle walking. Oddly enough I have dropped a size in the last 6 months ?? but no weight.
  9. @Missy4391 congratulations on the beginning of your journey I remember thinking that the waiting was one of the worst things, but trust me, it comes around quickly! As others have said, taking before pictures & measurements is a good idea! And I would also advice getting your head into the right space where you don't rely on the scales. I think it is all too easy to get addicted to weighing yourself, especially in the first 4/5 weeks after surgery when your body just needs that space to heal without the added strain of any stress you may feel if your weight fluctuates. This forum was amazing for me to prepare for the surgery and also what to expect after, so I really do recommend reading as much as possible One thing I wish I had done is trial some vitamins to see if I liked the taste pre-surgery. I know people say that your tastebuds can change, which is true, but some of the vitamins are just unbearable 🤢I bought Bariease powder supplement and my god it was the worst thing. I now just take dissolvable orange A-Z vitamins and let the fizz die down and it is so much better! @MrsFitz I think I may have already said this, but I am also in the UK so if you want to chat or have any UK specific questions please do let me know!
  10. Arabesque

    When did your weightloss stop ?

    Your weight loss is not over until it’s over. Losing for 18 months to 2 years isn’t that uncommon. Your weight loss will naturally slow as you’re able to eat more (this is supposed to happen) & you get closer to your final weight (your new set point) & closer to consuming the number of calories your body needs to function effectively. When it happens to you depends upon those things & some other factors. I reached my goal at 6 months. Like @ms.sss, I too took a while to work out what my maintenance calories were & to be able to eat that much so also did not intentionally mean to lose more. I continued to lose for another 11 or so months. Definitely noticed slowing down at about 5 months (maybe a little before & it got slower & slower. I lost another 11kgs over those last 11 months & in the last of those months I was losing grams in a week and maybe half a kilo a month. So I lost for about 18 months in total but it was obviously where my body wanted me to be (my new set point). I ate a bare 900 calories at 6 months. Got to around 1300 at 18 months. I eat about 1600 calories a day now yet I still weigh the same as I did when my weight stabilised at 18 months.
  11. BlueParis

    When did your weightloss stop ?

    Hey there @Star1234 ... I think a lot depends on your starting weight and BMI and your goal weight and BMI. I'm nearly 4 months out and have lost 21.9kg and have 15kg left to go until I hit my goal but I've been pretty much stalled for the last 3 weeks.
  12. ItsAllJoy42

    Vacation in Hawaii

    Determined to smile and enjoy the experience. (Hiding my physical and emotional pain). At my highest weight ever!
  13. Oh…I had hubby taking my ‘before journey’ pictures last week and I hated them so much. I don’t know about anyone else but I never really look at myself from the neck down in any mirrors at home. I know I’m fat, I just don’t need the constant reminders! I don’t try things on in a shop, just order online and hope for the best (does it fit? Yep, that will do) This time I actually looked at the photos and oh boy, it was awful. BUT I just have to keep reminding myself that I will NEVER get that big again. Hubby will take more photos if my weight decreases before the surgery, just so I have something to look back on and compare. We have to keep finding the positives!
  14. Congratulations! I'm almost 4 months post-op from gastric bypass and my advice is to watch every video from Dr. Matthew Weiner (Pound of Cure Weight Loss) and Dr. John Pilcher on YouTube. These were by far the best resources I found, and I go back and watch many of them (especially Dr. Weiner's, and also his new podcast) all the time even now. Especially the ones on how to build lifelong behaviors to keep the weight off. One thing I did early on, right after my first bariatric appointment where I weighed in at my highest weight ever (yikes!) was order Dr. Weiner's books. There's The Pound of Cure, which gives a detailed, step by step way to make healthy changes to your diet, plus a second book explaining how bariatric surgery really works and then his bariatric cookbook (I also really like Bariatric Meal Prep Made Easy by Kristin Willard). I made several of the changes recommended by the Pound of Cure (I didn't start with the 2-week diet, just started implementing changes I thought I could manage) and over time I lost about 12 pounds, plus just felt healthier and more in control of what I was eating. One other piece of advice: don't over-buy protein supplements. So many people on this board will tell you this, and I did not heed the advice. Now my cupboard is full of protein supplements I stopped liking after surgery and will never use. I've barely needed supplements after the first month or so, honestly. I feel guilty at how much money I spent on them, but I will likely end up throwing them all away (most are opened so can't be donated). If you want to stock up on anything, an unflavored protein powder is much more likely to be useful to you in the long run than the flavored shakes. But if you're buying flavored ones, consider trying a soup flavored one because the sweet ones get old really fast, even pre-surgery. Oh, and take "before" photos! I know taking photos can be so uncomfortable, but you will want them. Choose something very form fitting to start. I went with a pair of exercise leggings and a tank top that was so tight it was like skin. I took photos about a week after my first appointment, so around my highest weight, and then on the day before surgery and at each month-marker thereafter. So far, I've worn the same clothing each time, although I may need to change that as it becomes too baggy to show the progress clearly. Take your measurements the same day you take your photos. You may struggle to see (or refuse to believe) the changes in yourself, but the photos and measurements don't lie. Even if it's painful to see the photos now, you will be so grateful to have them later. I was in shock and wanted to cry when I truly looked at my highest weight photos, but I'm so glad I took them.
  15. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I will have knee replacement surgery in October. I'm working out a lot to keep my knee strong and have a faster recovery post-op. Also, since losing so much weight I feel great. I want to move all the time. While at work I'll knockout some pushups or something just to keep moving. My job is physical, but I have down times as well. So, during the downtime I'll move when I can. If the knee replacement will allow after fully healed and recovered, I want to start either riding a bike or running. I feel like running maybe out after having a knee replacement. I know I want to do something physical and make it a life long regiment to make sure I don't go back to the old me. Looking at some of my old pics sort of makes me disgusted with myself for getting as big as I did. That is my motivation to keep moving. The more I move the better I feel. By the way, you look great! Safe travels.
  16. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @BlueParis you're looking great! I'm impressed you can stand in those shoes. I think I would end up in the hospital if I tried. And congrats on finally getting below that magical 70kg marker. I'm happy to report that after 7 weeks of very pokey weight loss in which I only lost 4 lbs total and stalled out completely for 2 of those weeks, I have now dropped 4 lbs in 4 days. I cannot begin to express how relieved I am. I know it will slow again soon enough as a pound a day isn't sustainable, but I plan to enjoy it as long as it lasts. NSV for me this week! So, I had gotten down to around 205 lbs back in 2017 through my hospital's nutrition program. Naturally, I bought some clothing back then, though unfortunately I regained steadily over the years. Because I had moved house 4 years ago, I purged most everything in my closet. This included almost all the smaller clothing, plus the remnants of my old "professional" wardrobe that was also in smaller sizes from a good 20 years ago. (I should say, I don't regret that too much as the clothing was way out of style and I never have cause to wear suits these days anyway.) But I did happen to hold onto one springy sort of dress that I guess I must have thought was too nice to get rid of, just in case it ever fit again. Well, I pulled it out of the closet the other day to wear to my daughter's special event at school and not only did it fit, it was loose. I honestly struggle to see the difference when I look at myself in the mirror sometimes, but there's no denying how clothing fits, and I know this dress never fit me loose back then like it does now.
  17. Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 

  18. I was sleeved in 2017. Highest weight was 275. Lowest was 159. My 'settled' weight was around 165 and it was perfect. I gained weight after menopause and couldn't move it with resets or diets. I just had GSRe or Overstitch a few days ago, which is a noninvasive revision that allows you to keep your sleeve--- it's just tightened up again. The size of mine had expanded quite a bit. The restriction I have now mimics what I had immediately after my original wls. This might be an option for you too if you're not wanting to revise to bypass.
  19. Not unhappy no it just seemed to not be shedding the lbs like before which I knew would happen eventually but I just wanted to be sure the rate I'm going is still good. I guess as long as I'm not gaining I won't stress too much. And I'll definitely do better with the protein and water from now on.
  20. I had gastric bypass (RnY) in February, 2015, and while I did lose weight, and my diabetes type 2 A1C level did lower down to the mid 7's, even with the weight loss and several different medical regimens, I couldn't get it down further. My Dr. started me on Ozempic in March, 2023, and I moved up to the 2 mg level by June of that year. While I did lose a bit more weight, the big thing was that my A1C dropped down to 5.6, below pre-diabetic level (!). However, I did go through the usual gastric issues with Ozempic, but mainly a bit of Constipation. I supplemented my diet with additional Fiber capsules and one Colace capsule daily (I had taken Colace after the gastric bypass, to make the stools softer) and this seems to work just fine, and no more issues. I know it's OK to take additional fiber (I'm not exceeding the recommended dosage of 5 capsules twice daily) but wondering about the Colace, if it will cause issues long-term. My Dr. says it shouldn't, but has anyone had issues with taking it long-term? Thanks!
  21. catwoman7

    New obsessions

    I wouldn't make a huge effort to stop. I started freaking out when I got down into the 130s (and looked pretty awful, to be honest), but like so many people, after being there for awhile (my body kind of stopped on its own), my weight started heading up again. It's very common to have a rebound of 10-20 lbs after hitting bottom. That's one reason it's probably a good thing I got into the 130s, because after that rebound, I ended up where I originally wanted to be.
  22. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Ty for the links @NickelChip and yay on the weight loss! Woohoo! I have a major sweet tooth also and have made these brownies twice and think they are pretty good. My twig of a hubby likes them also 😂. I mean they’re not as good as “real” brownies but honestly you get used to it if you stay away from “real” sugar which I do. (Mainly bc I know I’ll go overboard if I try eating sugar again so I just avoid it all together.) I also try to eat and cook mostly keto/very low carb most of the time. This website has some pretty good recipes and directions for freezing and stuff. I’ve tried a few recipes from another website also that I’ll link for you. i don’t make my food separate. My hubby eats whatever I cook for me, just more of it and when my kiddos (20 and 24) were here a couple of weeks ago, they ate what I made for myself also. 😉 of course I try to make stuff I knew they wouldn’t hate 😂. Try these https://thebigmansworld.com/best-fudgy-keto-brownies/ Made these a couple of nights ago https://thebigmansworld.com/keto-stuffed-peppers/ I’ve also made this and so has my daughter and she likes it too, I’ve made it once as written and then doubled the recipe once using lean ground turkey and ground pork. https://www.eatyourselfskinny.com/chicken-egg-roll-in-a-bowl/ plus I’ve made a couple of other recipes on this last website that were good also just trying to mix stuff up…..I hate eating the same crap all the time. oh and we eat the egg roll in a bowl with cauliflower rice 😉
  23. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    So relieved to report I finally dropped to a new "lowest weight" after my 2-week stall. Weighed in at 198.6 this morning, a drop of 0.6 since yesterday. I really hope that might continue a few days at least before I hit the next rough patch. The cravings for sweets and carbs are real! I'm fortunate that I do feel a lot of restriction, or at least I do if I am eating the right kinds of foods. I can only manage about 2-3 oz (60-85g) of heavier proteins, which include salmon, poultry, beef, and pork. I also get full at around 4 oz (100g) veggies. Sadly, if I do eat bread or crackers, they seem to go down easy. Same with ice cream or candy. I had really hoped that wouldn't be the case. It makes it that much more important for me not to keep those types of things in the house. I'm struggling with what to eat, especially for breakfast. Nothing sounds good. I'm tired of plain yogurt and cottage cheese. I'm tired of protein shakes and smoothies. I was enjoying smoked salmon with cucumbers on rye crisp bread until last week when it made me violently ill. I've become repulsed by eggs. Plus, I don't usually get hungry until later in the morning. Today, I decided to wait, and I finally started to feel some real hunger at 10:00am. So, I'm having a leftover big Italian meatball from dinner a few nights ago. Lunch and dinner options aren't much easier. Cooking is a hassle when you can eat so little, and my kids don't like the kinds of things I can eat. But I worry it sets me up for grazing when I don't have a plan. I'd really like to do some meal prep and have a list of maybe 10 go-to meals that are bariatric approved and easy to make any time of day. I'd like to spend a few hours roasting a sheet pan of veggies and cooking some chicken to store in the fridge for the week and incorporate into meals. I need to clean out the fridge and pantry. I just don't seem to have the motivation to do any of it. It's like all my energy has run dry, although my bloodwork came back good so it's not an issue of something being off. Just my attitude, I guess! I'm feeling stressed and a little overwhelmed, and it shows in my environment because my house is getting cluttered and I have a pile of laundry that is quickly going to consume me. What I wouldn't give for a housekeeper to keep the place tidy and my own cook to make healthy meals and deliver them to me at appropriate times during the day.
  24. are u unhappy with your weight loss?
  25. I agree with the others - we're all different, and several factors play into your rate of weight loss (most of which you have little to no control over), but that said, that sounds like a terrific rate of loss! You're losing it much faster than I did.

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