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Found 17,501 results

  1. SleeveToBypass2023

    Going on 3 weeks in this stupid stall

    Had my 6 month post op appt today. Went FANTASTIC, but still in this stupid stall. Officially 3 weeks today. So so annoying. Really ready to have it break so i can get on with it. Oh well. Have to get bloodwork done, but all vitals and stats look excellent. Happy with my progress and my NSVs and my improved health. Just gonna keep on keepin on until the stall breaks and the scale makes me happy again.
  2. Yes, vane or not this is one of my favorite NSV's!
  3. fourmonthspreop

    people treating you different

    Sorry I'm going to rant LOL I need to vent. I'm so glad I found this topic - the post weight loss treatment is REAL and it honestly is rough. I personally grapple with the idea that to society often makes me feel that I deserve less kindness when I inhabit a bigger body. I've lost a good amount of weight but in no means am I "small" and I'll never be "small", like "petit" because at the end of the day I am broad and a 6 foot tall female who often looks taller given my shoe choices. I find though that the more I slim out, the more "acceptable" society makes me feel for being a tall woman. I started this journey at 340 lbs, 6 feet, female, you best believe I come from feeling like an absolute monster but that's internalized self hatred from bullying. The only thing that should be is unhealthy, not undeserving. I'm at a place now where I look pretty average. I still have a deflated apron belly and loose cellulite on my thighs - I could stand to lose a couple more pounds and I plan to, however I now look pretty "normal". My clavicle, sternum and ribs are visible. I have a jaw line again. My upper arms are flabby but I usually cover them. My forearms and wrists are pretty slimmed out. You can feel my hip bones and see them ever so slightly from my deflated belly. The unique thing about me now is just that I am a tall girl. I was called a lot of names up until recent. I'm sure some people would still have some choice words for me lol but overall people are treating me much differently. I am in a place where I am seeing a lot of the same people I spent a lot of time with in a professional setting while I was 340 lbs. The same guys that used to talk to me about weight loss are asking me to hang out and trying to always catch a chat, but not about weight, just about me as a person and I absolutely hate it. Where was that decency a year ago? I find that as a 20 something year old female, the treatment from males has made a complete 180 turn. I'm not asking for their respect, but they're more likely and willing to give it to me with this new body. I have nightmares about men in my life (from family to flings) that I care about telling me they only like the parts of me that look thin but can't accept me because of my loose skin apron belly. This body bullshit is so engrained in my psyche, it gets deafening at times. I cannot have a healthy long term relationship because I'm constantly afraid of being rejected for being too big. I am working on it with a therapist but it still sucks. But yeah, people are just nicer and if they're not chatting me up or offering me free things or trying to invite me somewhere they're not gawking at me (which is a good baseline). I like that I feel I have more freedom with dating. I ditched the BBW apps and that was honestly an NSV for me because of all the fetishists on there, but I am still hurt by the folks who see me as a person now, and never did before all of this. Look, I know I made myself morbidly obese and I chose to get the surgery to fix my mistakes and learn a better way... but I struggle immensely with feeling like I deserve kindness given that most my life I was morbidly obese and bullied by everyone for it, friends, family, relationships etc. I know in reality it's a good thing to be treated better, but it does get to me that the shitty treatment exists in the first place. You can call me a snowflake or a p***y or whatever (scuse my French) but this is a real thing. Sorry rant oveerrr mic drop
  4. LookingForward22

    August surgery buddies!

    Little update: it’s been a long couple of months, but I am seeing some progress. Most of my challenges have nothing to do with the surgery… I have non-weight related health issues that have been flaring up. About 10.5 weeks out I’m about 34 pounds down since surgery and about 91 pounds down from the beginning of my journey. It feels awesome being in the 200’s after 20+ yrs!! But I still have a long way to go. I’’m looking forward to seeing 100 pounds gone! Which is my second “mini” goal (my first was being under 300). I’m 9 pounds away so I’m hoping soon. I’ve been sick for the last several weeks (sinus issues turned into a full blown sinus infection) - so that’s added a few challenges, I’m sure slowing my progress. I’m having trouble staying hydrated, between being sick and trying to time my eating and drinking (I’m still only able to eat small amounts so I need to eat frequently) The weight on the scales is coming off slowly, but clothes are getting bigger and NSV are definitely apparent. It’s helpful to have the NSV as reminders of what’s going right. My knees are feeling better since weight loss, I’m hoping more weight loss will equal more improvement. My energy has not rebounded like I’ve hoped, but I’ve also been sick for the last couple of weeks - so I’m hoping as I recover from that, I will see some improvement in my energy as well. I had hoped I’d be further along than I am, but I’m trying to be content with my progress so far. The one advantage I’ve seen to the slow progress is the skin on my abdomen seems to be responding nicely with the weight loss… my arms are very flabby but I don’t really mind, I will work on building some muscle when I’m feeling better. My lower legs look pretty good, but from my knees up to my hips… well that area is just refusing to keep up with proportioned loss! That area still looks very heavy and I think is why I’m not noticing as big of a body change (personally). If my thighs, butt and hips ever decide to join in on this progress, then I’ll probably notice more! Now obviously I am loosing in those areas, because I can fit into chairs I previously couldn’t or struggled to sit on, I’m just loosing from there last and that’s where I hold most of my weight. I know we can’t target where we loose with from, but when I’m back on my feet, I’m hoping to be able to do some exercises to tone and strengthen those “problem” areas. In my ideal world I’d like to get into the 150-170 pound range. I’m not sure how “realistic” that is … given my starting weight, surgery & other health issues … but take the process one day at a time knowing that any loss is progress.
  5. karakent

    August surgery buddies!

    Doing well. Down 40 lbs already. From highest weight. 30 from day of surgery. Almost 2 months out. Feeling better every day! NSV yesterday, went to a football game and very comfortably fit in the seat. I was nervous the whole ride there!
  6. SHORTY_

    August surgery buddies!

    Great here! Today has really been the first day in a while I've been back on the forum. That first month in a half I felt like I was struggling in all the ways just trying to adjust to all the new changes. I was feeling discouraged because I was comparing my lack of loss so much to everyone else that I think I had to step away and kinda find myself. I think everything changed for me when I went on vacation a few weeks back... Some huge non-scale victories for me. The first major one was on the airplane... A year ago I could hardly get a seatbelt on... There was actually slack which felt really good. On a daily with my desk job, I'm pushing about 10k steps a day. On vacation, I was walking about 25k steps a day with no issues. No back problems. Not winded at all. Or trying to mentally find ways of shortening the walking distance. I was able to ride rollercoasters and rides with my kid without the worry of being turned away for not fitting. The Avatar ride at animal kingdom I was most worried about. I even went as far as looking at youtube videos to see what to expect and when my Sister in Law begged for us to go... we waited over an hour and I held my breath walking into the room where it basically restrains from your back and legs. No issues at all... I actually felt a little silly I had worried so much. I was able to actually enjoy my vacation with no worries at all, it was a massive relief. I'm still far from where I want to be at. However, looking back at a year ago it brings tears to my eyes at how much my life has changed. I look forward to what this next year brings. How are you doing? Any NSV for yourself? Positive changes? Any concerns you're having?
  7. Afrankrn

    This is my 1st post 😁

    You got this! One recommendation, make a list of why you want or need to do this. From the big serious stuff to the silly small stuff (everything from being able to get up a flight of stairs without wanting to die, get off blood pressure/dm meds to being able to tie your shoes). Keep it to look back on during the difficult parts post op, and keep it to be able to track your progress on NSV as well. Best of luck!
  8. I love this thread! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! Everyone's story is the same but yet SO different. I have been obese my entire life, even a fat kid. I literally NEVER remember seeing "100 something" on the scale. I was 250+ lbs in middle school. I did some extreme **** as a teenager, starved, salad with fresh veggies and no dressing and water only.. the list goes on. My mother basically threatened to have me admitted because of my extreme obsession with trying to loose weight in an unhealthy manor. Gave up...again... got fatter. Young adult into future adult: Lost over 100 lbs multiple times but could NEVER keep it off! In high school is when WLS became known and my best friends dad was upwards of 800 lbs and he was the first person I knew to have it. I don't know what procedure he had, or if there was even options back then. Anyway, he had MAJOR complications and in about 2 years was wasted away to around 100 lbs and in a wheel chair. Almost died but pulled through and from there I don't know because I lost touch with this friend when she became a drug addict. Anytime anyone ever mentioned WLS that is all I could think about.. was him and how it just about killed him! Now grown adult: It came up a few times, by myself or other people and I always convinced myself I don't need surgery I KNOW HOW TO LOOSE WEIGHT! I know how to eat healthy. I know what to do, I have done it, too many times actually. Then 2 years ago, I broke my record breaking 400 lbs! I was depressed, hated myself, hated doing anything, hated seeing people I knew.. just hated everything really. Thru those 2 year till I made my decision I was actually trying to convince myself to have it and always talked myself out with the same reasoning... "I know how to do it and have done it.. so just DO IT AGAIN and stick with it".. we all know how that ends! About a year ago I was at my doctors office and during conversation he asked me if I had ever considered WLS. I told him everything I just told you. Plus, he has been my doctor for about 15 years, so he has seen it! My weight fluctuating from 250 to over 400 lbs... constant struggle. He explained his side of things to me, never once said things like "you need it" or anything else like that. Just provided information. I left that appointment and couldn't stop thinking about it. At this point in my life I knew a few other people who had WLS surgery, the problem now is that only 1 of them were successful! So then that gave me doubts, because that was really my only issue. Loosing the weight wasn't the problem, keeping it off was ALL the problem. But then, I started paying attention, to what they did, how they ate and I realized it is because they don't try. I suddenly convinced myself! (KINDA) I researched WL surgeons in my area, found an amazing team and called them up. They said I just need to verify my insurance will cover WLS and that they will cover it at their hospital. They did, I had my first appointment. i still wasn't sure, but I decided "what do I have to loose to just do the classes" so I did... honestly most of it I already knew. But i did learn a lot more about the "surgery" itself and life after surgery. But, what actually "convinced me" is health. My family history is the worse! Literally. Everything. My mom has EVERYTHING, half or more of my family is diabetic. High blood pressure, heart problems, liver problems...EVERYTHING! Even cancer runs ramped in my family. I was 400 lbs and had MINOR high blood pressure and GERD (which may or may not have been weight related) and that was it. No other problems, but I kept imagining waking up one day and BOOM! Diabetes.... or heart attack... My mother was 55 and looked 70 and in the worse health you could imagine. On more pills than I could count... I just always saw that being my future and HAD to STOP IT. Or, at least do what I COULD to try to stop it! So.. I did it.. ashamed... and told VERY few people... (like 5 people) I think for me I didn't want people to know I had WLS and then fail at it.. then everyone knows... etc. NO REGRETS! BEST DECISION I EVER MADE FOR MYSELF! I WISH I WOULD HAVE DONE IT 15 YEARS AGO!!!! Within 3 months, off ALL meds GERD is gone... Blood pressure is actually TOO LOW at times! the NSV are off the charts, I can't even begin to list them all. Sorry for my crazy long post, but I was excited about this tread and wanted to throw out all of the details of my reasoning and thoughts!
  9. Hello everyone! I'm planning gastric bypass surgery for mid-May 2023. My insurance doesn't cover it so I've been looking at Mexico. Which of course is causing my family to freak out, because "scary Mexico"! I think I have decided on Oasis of Hope. I like that you stay in the hospital the whole time instead of a hotel and my husband can stay right there with me. I'm terrified I won't be able to stick to the diet afterward and I'll lose weight and then gain it all back. I've done so many diets and every year I'm just a little bit bigger. So tired of being tired and uncomfortable. I saw a post of NSV's and about cried when one person said they fit a regular size towel around themself! I can't even remember the last time I could do that! Or fitting behind the steering wheel without it occasionally rubbing on my belly. Anyways, I thought I'd break the ice and post here. Remind myself that many many people do this and it isn't cheating and I'm not alone!
  10. I CANNOT believe that I stand here in a size 10 jeans, I’m not sure I EVER even THOUGHT I would wear that size jeans! Talk about a NSV!! ( down from a 24/26 Jean)
  11. I realized my most recent NSV while out shopping for new pants. To give a little back story, I have always been a 30" length in pants, so in the past as my weight has fluctuated so has my pant sizes from 38x30 to 40x30, then to 42x30. Well I'm happy to report that as of today I am a 30x30 (or so I thought!!). It seems that I have actually grown taller! Well, kinda.... Since I now wear my pants at my waist aka at my bellybutton and not under my belly, I'm really a 32 length!!! It blew my mind to find out I'm taller than what my pants led me to believe 🤣. Seriously though, it's a wonderful feeling to be in clothing sizes I never dreamed I would be able to fit in.
  12. I have some, first I wanted to post a before and after. From a 4x/3x to a L/M I cant believe I don't need plus sizes anymore. Honestly it's so weird to me still that I can find something in most stores now that work with my body. I've been plus sized for the past 12 years and when I was a kid (girls plus). I know it's not a weird NSV but it's weird to me because I've been plus sized my whole life. Another NSV, I was able to hike in bad shoes without getting out of breath or falling. Pic from the hike. Another NSV. I am a musician. I had a show last night and I was scared to step up on stage because there was no step. Old me would have had a lot of trouble and felt embarrassed. I got up with my instrument in hand and had no issues at all. I am still scared though to do things like that because I'm not used to my new body. I hope I'll become more comfortable soon. Pic of stage! Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. So this caught my attention...I was chaperone at my schools homecoming Dance and I guarded a door the majority of the night, not complaining, my students found me and said hi. What struck me as a NSV is in my"fancy dress" I could cross my legs at my knees and keep them crossed with very little effort. I didn't need to hold on to my legs and frankly 3 months ago I couldn't cross my legs at the knees, I could only cross ankle to knee and I had to hold onto my foot to keep it there. I felt so refined. It was nice.
  14. ShoppGirl

    Went to see my doctor today....

    Congratulations, you look incredible. Getting off of some of the meds is the best NSV though. Keep up the good work.
  15. I am a high BMI girl (over 60 ) but have changed my diet, worked on eating disorders and just tried to change my life this year. Been doing pre op keto diet since late august waiting on my surgery date. Down 70 lbs this year so yay there.. My NSV was my wardrobe changes! i was buying mostly size 34 shirts ( a few bigger). I saw a shirt on amazon that i liked that was biggest at size 28. I ordered it for “later” after surgery- but as a lark i tried it on and it fit quite well!! I wore it yesterday and got asked for the first time if I had lost weight. Guess clothes that fit make a difference;) I went and ordered four more size 28 shirts. If they fit too, I am going to purge most of those size 34 and higher and never look back! I am trying to get below 60 BMI for surgery (somewhat a stall right now, but that’s ok - i am staying steady) but I am really enjoying this victory!!!
  16. suzecate

    August surgery buddies!

    Good morning from slightly overcast San Diego (man I'm going to miss this city as I leave my home of 25 years a week from tomorrow morning). My 1-month surgery-versary is in a few days. There was a week when I was gaining weight (yes, even following guidelines)--probably from water retention, but it's coming off again now, and I'm less puffy having discontinued one of my two BP meds at my doctor's request. I'm down 31 pounds since the liver-shrinking diet (2 weeks before surgery). NSVs: 1. Yesterday, I went to Target with my daughter. It was the first time in ages that my back wasn't killing me, and I didn't have to stop and rest my hand against walls to relieve the back pressure. 2. I can fit behind the wheel easier... even when my thin 17-year-old daughter forgets to put the steering wheel back up when she's done borrowing the car. 3. I've been able to stand for longer than 3 minutes without pain, which helps me do more packing (soooo much packing... the movers arrive this coming Friday).
  17. I have no experience with revision, but a lot of people on here do. All I can say is be kind to yourself and let yourself heal! You aren’t even a month out yet. Look for NSV’s, stick to your plan and what has worked for you so far. I’m sure others with more experience will be able to offer you some practical advice. Hang in there… you can do this.
  18. LookingForward22

    August surgery buddies!

    I’m with you. I just had my appointment today and was so stressed that I was going to get lectured or my team would think the same things. I have about 150 more pounds to loose (at least) - so I was expecting to have lost at least 30 this month. It was just a goal I set for myself, but I really thought I could do it. After loosing about 23 pounds the first 7-10 days, I thought I’m so going to crush this…. Then a stall hit. My period came back (had it three out of the last 4 weeks) and I’ve been beyond drained. Turns out my BP was low and I’m mildly dehydrated. I kept saying “if I could do more I’d loose more”. The dr and dietitian both told me to ease up on myself. They said I’m doing great and they are pleased with my progress (turns out my weight fluxed up with my period so I’m down exactly 20 pounds from surgery day). Even so - they are happy with how I’m healing and told me to get hydrated, up my protein & calories (they gave me a range) and then told me to follow up with my pcp (see him Monday). But to stay on plan and they both think I’m off to a good start and that I will do well. The first month is all about healing, recovery and getting used to our new routines as we progress through the phases. They asked me what NSV I noticed when I was frustrated with the scales and encouraged me to keep watching my body change because that is sometimes a better indicator of progress (and I do see a lot of changes). I know it is hard, especially when we set goals for ourself and we don’t meet our own expectations. But slow and STEADY wins the race… we can do this!! I was so stressed going into my appointments but I was so happy when I came out hearing their encouragement to keep doing what I’m doing.
  19. MissMerryberry

    July 2022 peeps!

    Hey, those NSVs and your losses are awesome! How do you know you don't need your CPAP, do you have a sleep tracker that tracks your breathing, heart rate and blood oxygen level? I had to sleep without my CPAP for a week and I thought I was fine, too. Then, I looked at my Sleep Tracker (my bed is fancy and records breathing/heart rate, but not oxygen level) and my sleep score was way down all week and I snored more, breathed in a sporadic way and my heart rate went up (that's what makes us gasp in our sleep to get in more air, usually doesn't wake you up). I highly recommend another sleep study before you just stop using your CPAP, you could be hurting your heart.
  20. tranquil_chaos

    August surgery buddies!

    I had my 1-month appointment this week. My bloodwork came back great, except some minor elevated liver functions which worried me, but didn't worry my surgeon. They were pleased with my progress and told me that they measure percent excess weight lost and in 1-month that was 23% and they want 30% at 3-months, so they don't expect me not to meet that goal. I'm not sure what numbers they are using because they won't tell me a goal weight, but they have to have it somewhere! I was cleared for all foods but I've been having issues with meats so we will see how that goes. I had an episode of the foamies and it was terrible. That happened with chicken. Also cleared for exercise, although I get between 7-8K steps just at work, so they suggest 45 min 3x a week for now. NSV: I had a Zoom meeting today and it was the first time in such a long time that I didn't loathe how I looked on screen! It was pretty cool!
  21. Bridge1967

    July 2022 peeps!

    NSV-Got engagement ring back on Ordered 2 sizes smaller swimsuit Dropped one size in pants, almost a second size
  22. I Am Enough!

    August surgery buddies!

    SO I've had a couple of NSVs lately and couple of learning how to eat episodes too. I'll be 1-month post-op on the 18th and this is what I've seen. Clothes that I haven't been able to wear in over 6 years are fitting me again. I've had people come up to me in the grocery store telling me how much different I look than the last time they saw me. And I've had to remove a link out of my watch band about my wrist! I've also learned that I need to drink my protein drink in the morning before food otherwise everything is just too dry all the way down. It's kinda weird. but starting the day with liquids helps everything else to follow. I had an episode where I overate because I was not paying attention. I'll NEVER do that again! It ruined the whole day and hurt like hell!! So no matter what, set your timers, eat slow, chew, chew, chew, and pay attention to how you feel after every bite! I've recently begun to start having family meals again no one makes comments or says anything unkind as to how little I'm eating. I tell them that I get dinner twice because I can eat the rest later on I'm so full that only one bite of dessert goes over the lips because I'm completely satisfied. So far, it's working!
  23. Hi there, it has been wonderful to read all of the stories here. I'm a 39-year old mother of three from Finland and have had RYGB 17 days ago. Here surgeons actually operate more RYGB than SG (contrary to US), and although I was set on SG before when I decided on needing the surgery, the surgeon did convince me with RYGB suiting me better in the end (and she is the surgeon in Finland who gets referred with the most difficult cases and operates a lot both in University hospital as well a privately, so I just ended up trusting her expertise). I don't know anyone personally who has had the surgery so nobody to really have discussions with about the downs (ups is another matter as I do have a family but obviously not all of the NSV's (a new term I learned today, yay) can be comprehended by someone who really has never been there. I started my journey with the decision in May, first appointment at the clinic June 2nd weighing 352 lb (160kg, I'm 5'10 tall so BMI about 50 at this point), 11 weeks later August 10th had a meeting with the surgeon and internist for approval (weighing 320 lb), had to have ECG and gastroscopy due to medical history to be approved, and the surgery was done 26th of August so jyst over two weeks ago. My weight that day was 317 lb (143,8kg), and currently it is 301 lb (136,6kg). Here in Finland we have the possibility to get the operation through regular healthcare system if we fullfil the criteria (BMI over 35 with obesity related diseases or BMI over 40 plus you need to have had experience before atleast of 6 months of conservative weight loss (can be from the past, does not need to be just then) and you need to lose 8% of your weight prior to surgery with atleast 3-4 weeks vlcd to make sure liver loses its fat to make surgery less risky). I obviously fullfilled the criteria and was referred to the process, but unfortunately due to Covid having resulted in so many cancellations of elective surgeries, the waiting time for surgery was more than a year in every University hospital (we have 5, so I called everyone of them). Here we have this wonderful thing, called progressive taxation which ensures that people who make decent money, don't really get to keep more than 50% of my paycheck so having good healthcare and free education (like University is free, free school meals up until you're 18) comes with a prize tag that we just have had to accept, so obviously I would have preferred to get the surgery for that regular prize (which would have been probably around 300 euros in total with the doctor's pre visits and the hospital days). However I quickly decided, and my hubby agreed, that waiting for a year, maybe even two, was too long as my body had gone through so much already last year. I was worried that too long of a wait would result in me yoyoing with my weight and more complications could have a really bad impact on my long term health. So, I ended going to a private hospital in Finland which in overall was a good experience, and I was able to go home the next day as planned. Tried to go to work 3 days later, but had to go back home after a couple of hours and just work from home the amount I was able to. After leaving the hospital I only took a couple of acetaminophens a day, which I found quite surprising. A week later I was already working regularly normal hours (mostly a desk job, no heavy lifting). No vomiting but a couple of times now that after two weeks I was allowed to have crisp bread (and somehow thought it was a good idea to make it less dry by combining it with cream cheese) have I had it block the stoma or just become just a big clump inside the pouch. Not a pleasent feeling, and tried to drink a bit, and I could feel the fluid staying in the esophagus so just waited it out... Thing I find most annoying is that I have never been a person to drink my calories, not a soup person, especially pureed soups are not at all my thing. Vlcd with the shakes was already a 5 week misery and the the liquid and pureed food phase now after surgery. I already hate all the things I previously used to like such as protein puddings and smoothies. I like the textures of differents foods, fresh fruits and vegetables and can't have most of them in a long time. I have started to chew foods like sweet paprika in my mouth to get the experience and then spit it out to not cause problems. I had no idea I would grow such a disgust (it really is like a physical feeling of nausea) towards so many liquid and pureed foods so quickly.. Feels like right now, at this point when I really don't have any of the NSV's etc effects yet, that it is quite hard to stay in positive at times when the physical nausea, inability to join the family dinners etc. makes you feel down. Maybe atleast some of you understand where I'm coming from, some support would be encouraging. At least reading threads about different topics related to WLS is already something to keep my mind of negativity. Final note; WLS aka weight loss surgery sounds so much more upbeat than our translation in Finnish which is Lihavuusleikkaus (direct translation to Englush for it is Obesity surgery). It sort of has the emphasis on the obesity rather than what it aims to do. Person who came up with the terminology must not have been obese themselves... For anyone who actually read the whole post, thank you, I appreciate it! Sent from my AC2003 using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. Well, it is not weird but definitely a NSV. Yesterday I went through my clothes for the 6th time! I have now donated 10 trash bags of clothes!!! 🤯 I am in a 16/18 from a 24/26, and officially in my smallest size of stashed "skinny clothes".
  25. I was in Costco the other day. I don't know if this counts as a NSV but it was interesting to me. They had protein powder on sale and I was looking at it and it was a different version of my usual brand (Orgain) but way cheaper and I said "I wonder how this one tastes" to my husband. Another lady told me they had samples and we got to talking and I said I usually use this brand but a different version and then she was asking me questions about it and I was giving her advice on where I get the other version, how I use it, etc. I just think it's funny that someone would talk to me about nutrition without batting an eye, not knowing that I ever weighed almost 400 pounds. It feels good but at the same time weird, because I actually was just as into health and nutrition then, I just never could eat small enough portions. I could have given the same advice 2 years ago, but no one would have asked me or believed I could know anything. Now, I look the part. I'm glad people aren't able to look at me and assume all the bad things they probably did before I lost weight, but it's sad too. I'm the same person. Sent from my Pixel 5a using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
