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Found 17,501 results

  1. Please don’t apologize! I’m so sorry to hear your insurance are being dicks. I hope it gets sorted soon. As a European I can’t imagine the stress that must cause. I personally find that the US health insurance system is evil incarnated and will pray that whoever is responsible for temporarily refusing your claim has ingrown toenails forever more. As a smoker I feel you. I haven’t given up because I don’t feel strong enough yet, I just avoided smoking 3 weeks prior to surgery. But hold strong, it’s worth it. Take care and be kind to yourself and keep on posting here! I’d read a novel!
  2. This is coming from a guy, so take it with a grain of salt. I had to go to an event requiring a jacket and tie last week, which was 6 weeks after the pre-op diet (4 weeks post op) weight loss began. When I put on my suit I wore previously in September, I looked like a little kid trying on his dad's clothes. I needed a shirt 3 sizes smaller than my previous, but only 1 size smaller pants. I would suggest waiting to shop until about 2 weeks prior to the event because its hard to predict where you'll be at that point. As far as the foods go, after having the sleeve done, I'm ok with some foods that I probably shouldn't be ready for yet (ground beef, salmon, high fiber/low carb bread which I have since cut back out since its not diet friendly), but others that I should be ok with are making me feel sick (leafy greens, broccoli, canned tuna). Again, I would just assess where you are a week or two out from the wedding, maybe ask them what is on the menu, but maybe plan to pack a diet-friendly snack in your bag just in case. Congrats again on your surgery!
  3. summerseeker

    Hard to eat 6 days out

    Whoa, be careful with the salt, It will dehydrate you more. If I could suggest something, get some cranberry juice and get as much down you as possible. Its great for bladder issues. Lots of us are not allowed food for a few weeks and I know that until I got onto real solid food and anti nausea tablets that I suffered terribly.
  4. catwoman7

    Protein absorption

    I've always heard that, too, but I don't know if there's hardcore research behind that. Although that said, it's probably a good idea to break it up regardless, so you're getting some protein several times a day (at least three times - maybe more if you're allowed snacks between meals)
  5. I was told by a RN not to use Metamucil after Gastric Sleeve Surgery but to use Miralax instead. One week after surgery because of constipation I took a half dose of Miralax. MISTAKE...... I spent 3days either on the toilet or wearing pads to keep from leaking. Now I see in this forum that I could have taken my usual daily Metamucil.
  6. Arabesque

    Water intake at one time

    You can do what you can do but do remember those cut nerves are still healing (about 8 weeks to be fully healed) so messages may nit be getting through as well or quickly. Probably best to tread more carefully for a few more weeks. Personally I still can’t chug. Any more than two mouthfuls & groan. But I drink slowly all day & night rarely feel really thirsty. I keep at a good hydration level all day I think.
  7. They decided I needed an upper GI and noticed that I had a very small hiatal hernia and that I'm beginning to develop cricopharyngeal hypertrophy. Because of the test results of that, I am now scheduled for a motility study with impedence using manometry and a 24 hour impedence ph study. Can't wait to get these tests over with so I can take my omeprezole again. This GERD is killing me since I can only take Tums right now. Have to be off the ppi medicine for a week. This should help to get my revision scheduled.
  8. I had the sleeve and had to do a week as well. I was also allowed one small meal a day except the last day. I was only allowed protein drinks and decaf/sugar free liquids, but no fruit juice.
  9. Spinoza

    What are you eating 5 weeks out?

    I did stick to very soft protein and veggies at 5 weeks. I needed a lot of liquid (soup or gravy) to get it down. I loved fish, it felt a lot lighter than meat for a main meal to help with my protein goal. Tiny portions though. Also I was still relying on protein drinks to make my goal. Scrambled egg (less than one) were a godsend. I was probably consuming 400 calories per day between 4 and 6 weeks. I soon progressed to 600, maybe 2 months out? Hope this helps OP.
  10. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    My Doctor has warned me several times about any carbonated drinks and having caffeine. I used to drink diet soda's and sugar free energy drinks several times a day. I've not had one since December. I've had some caffeine in the way of B-12 energy shots, but it has been very little compared to the energy drinks I used to have daily. I can't say I miss the soda, the energy drinks I do. Especially since my energy has been sapped these last few weeks.
  11. It's been a fight. However, I am just waiting for a call from the doctor's office. I pray that the years of pain, throwing up, and uslers related to GERD will at the very least lesson! I know it will be a two to three week wait after next Monday. I believe this is the best thing to improve my quality of life! I am scared, excited, and blessed! From sleeve to bypass here, I come. Sent from my SM-G996U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. ShoppGirl

    Sleeve to bypass question

    Hummm. I was thinking that maybe if they do change it then it would be smaller for me because I swear my sleeve was left too big from day one. The surgeon thinks I just have fast gastric emptying and that’s why I feel like I can eat more but I hope we will know for sure when he does the scope in a couple of weeks. It will be nice if I do finally get an answer as to why I was always able to eat more than everyone else. I was just thinking that even though statistics say I will lose more with SADI revision that I may be differnt if one involves changing the stomach and the other does not.
  13. My cousin just had the surgery plus the hiatal hernia surgery 2 weeks ago, she still struggles with liquid intake. She still has to set a timer to sip sip sip. Try walking more for the gas pains, it helps get rid of them. Every hour walk for 5-10 minutes. I am 5.5 months post op and the first week was hard to drink anything, cold or hot. Even when I hit the puree stage it was hard enough to get liquid in let alone something with a thicker consistency. It will get better over time. I agree, contact your surgeon, see if they have any other options.
  14. Spinoza

    Dent In tummy

    Oh this is fascinating. Proves I'm still learning even 2.5 years post op. I know now that all the pain and pulling I had around my big incision (mine was on the left though) might have been this. Totally fits. I had a number of incidents when I bent over and then straightened up (too quickly maybe) that almost floored me. It totally resolved about 6 weeks after my surgery. Made me think about how I moved for some time though.
  15. Hoping you're feeling better! I'm 5 weeks post-op but still have gas that comes back once a week or so. If I can't get to Gas-X, I have to walk around and do arm lift exercises while walking to help dissipate it. It tends to break it up for a couple hours, so I will do a short walk hourly if I can, even if its just for 5 minutes.
  16. SleeveToBypass2023

    First Stall and I am scared

    So...I'm struggling with how to answer this because I want to give you helpful information, but I still have questions. I guess I'll jump right in and see how it goes. 1) You started off at a lower weight to begin with, so your body is likely at the point now where it's at it's healthiest. As of right now, you're 5'5" and 136 pounds with a bmi of 22. You're exactly where you should be. If you lose 15 more pounds, you'll weight 121 pounds and have a bmi of 20. On paper, that's still healthy. But my concern is you're becoming addicted to losing the weight and even though you're exactly where you should be (and could even gain 10 pounds and still be where you should to be) you'll panic and possibly go about things in an unhealthy way to drop those pounds. 2) Were there other reasons besides your weight that led you to getting the surgery? Did you have any comorbidities such as high blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, etc? You didn't mention that. My fear is, if you only wanted to drop weight and your bmi was 33 to begin with, and now you're wanting to continue to drop even though you're being told you look "stick thin" (and you're in the healthy range now but still want to go lower), that this might have more to do with the number on the scale than getting healthy. 3) Stalls are normal, and happen all the time. The fact that you haven't had one until 4 months out is actually kind of surprising. They do break on their own, but honestly, you may lose little weight going forward (and what you DO lose will likely come off slowly) since you're already well within the healthy and normal range and your body feels it's happy at its new set point. 4) Your body likely thinks it's in starvation mode, based on how you're working out and lifting and what you're eating. The harder the workouts, the more calories you need. Prioritize protein first above all else, then veggies, then carbs and healthy fats. But you definitely need to increase your calorie intake. This isn't necessarily advice for dropping more weight (although that tends to happen when things like this go on) but for healthy purposes. If your body thinks it's starving, it'll hold on to every single calorie and bit of fat. And it'll eat away at muscle before fat just to make sure you survive. So my suggestion is to increase your calories. I don't do heavy lifting, but I DO do weight training, and on those days, I go up to 1400 calories. Core and strength training, I go up to 1300 calories. Cardio I go up to 1200 calories. Non work out days I eat around 1000 calories. 5) You didn't mention what surgery you had, but I'm assuming it's the sleeve. If I may ask, what made you choose having surgery versus doing anything else for weight loss? Have you tried changing your eating habits before, did you try medication, or did you go right to surgery? How have you changed the way you eat, and what you eat, since the surgery? How much fluid are you taking in every day? How much protein and carbs are you taking in each day? Are you taking your vitamins every day? How many days per week are you working out (should give yourself 2 days off ideally, but for sure at least 1).
  17. Felicia1288

    December Surgery Buddies!

    I have to do two weeks pre op starting the 13th and two weeks post op, you have two days each pre and post op?. Let's all keep in touch
  18. I was March 19th, and honestly after 2 weeks of (really disgusting) pre-op shakes, everything on the full liquid diet feels amazing in comparison. Try switching up some of your liquids maybe? Don't be afraid to throw the rest of the portions of things like soup in the freezer so you can get more variety in. You can always use them up later when making purees, etc. (I fantasize about the puree stage at least twice a day LOL)
  19. celeste_1219

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Guys I need help! I am not sure how to post on here but I had the sleeve on 04/18/24 and everything was going great until almost 2 weeks ago. I have not been able to eat, the only thing I can keep down is water. I am starting to feel weak, and now scared. I called my surgeons nurse and she told me it’s a possible stomach virus or just my hormones getting back to normal. I feel worse day by day. Constant nausea, and gagging all day long. What should I do?!!
  20. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Filing that advice away for next week. I'm not allowed to have it yet, but cream of wheat in on my post-op diet. I guess they don't want the carbs for the liver shrinking but it's okay after, or something. I already bought some and will welcome anything that isn't the same old stuff I've had for the past 10 days!
  21. Laura.1912

    December Surgery Buddies!

    oh wow!! I’ve had to do pure liquids for 3 weeks. It’s been TOUGH!!
  22. As the weeks & months pass we slowly but surely increase our intake so I wouldn’t think the low calories we consume is truely sustained as it’s continuously increasing. And it affects our metabolism in the way you’re thinking either. The recognised benefits of weight loss surgery include resetting your body’s set point, digestive hormones & metabolism. Of course the resetting is different for everyone but there is improvement fir everyone & I so love & appreciate how it did that for me. I spent years & years eating one meal a day or skipping lunch & only eating two meals a day. That is sustained low calorie in my thinking ( years not months) & yes it did wreck my metabolism. I could barely lose anything even following those 500 calorie a day diets (talking a couple of kilograms over 6 or more weeks). Similarity to @ms.sss, in the first weeks after surgery I was eating around 200 then 300 calories. By 6 months, at my goal I was barely consuming 900. My weight finally stabilised at 18 months when I was consuming around 1300. Now at 5 years post surgery, I eat about 1600 calories yet am still the same weight I was when I stabilised. And unlike @ms.sss, I’m not what anyone would describe as active. Just do a series of exercises using residence bands & stretches at varying times through out the day. I wouldn’t burn 30 calories. BMR calculators do give you an idea of what your caloric needs might be but as @ms.sss said the results are based on averages much like BMI & the calculators that suggest how much weight you may lose after surgery are. The averages only take into account some basic factors & don’t consuder your individual needs, medical & weight loss history, genetics, activity levels, muscle density, etc., etc. Actually, have you considered doing a dexa scan just to see where you are in regards to muscle & fat density now & repeating it in the future to see your progress? Weight loss can continue for 18 months to 2 years after surgery so don’t give up yet and you won’t actually know what your caloric needs are until your weight has stabilises for some time - months or a year. PS - My surgeon & dietician also didn’t advise to count calories. I just did it randomly out of my own interest & curiosity. Quality of the food I was consuming was more important.
  23. FifiLux


    Firstly, well done on losing the pounds pre and post op. I had similar happen, put on some lbs in the initial weeks after the surgery and it worried me at the time and made me question if everything I was going through was worth it. So while it was slow going at the start I have made up for it since. Our bodies are all different so don't upset yourself by comparing your timeframes and losses to others but just let your body go at its own pace while it adjusts. Even when you think you are not loosing lbs you are making healthier choices and loosing fat. As an example, I bought a pair of trousers a few weeks ago for work and they fit beautifully, last night I tried them on for going to the office today and they were massive through the hips and thighs even though in that time I had only lost 2kg/4.5lbs in that time. Of course I had taken the label off so can't return, another item for donating!
  24. SleeveToBypass2023


    Thank you so much!!! A trick was to have the hair dresser do layers in my hair. Adds shape, depth, and fullness. And the shorter length really helps. I wash my hair twice per week. I blow dry it with a diffuser so the heat isn't directly on my scalp. I add leave in conditioner for curls and a tiny bit of curl defining mousse and then blow dry it. Once it's all set, I run my fingers through it a few times and that's literally it. Think about doing layers when you get it cut. It's hard to part with the length at first, but once you see your hair looking fuller and healthier, and it's a lot easier to manage, it takes the sting out pretty quick.
  25. NickelChip

    Eating too much I feel like

    I'm almost 8 weeks post-op, so further out than you but still pretty recent. I have had no trouble with liquids. I mean, I can't gulp them down, but I have been able to finish an 8oz protein shake in under 5 minutes without any issues from about a week out. Yogurt and cottage cheese go down easy, too. I try to take about 15 minutes for those just to pace myself. But those burps you are getting now are a sign you are filling up. Pay attention to that and slow down. Stop yourself from consuming more just because there's no pain. I was doing great until I reintroduced solid foods like fish and eggs. All of a sudden, a few bites and I was done. And those little burps turned into something more like stomach spasms if I ate too much or something that didn't agree with me. Things changed a lot the more I healed, actually becoming a bit more difficult. There's more pain now, and more finicky reactions from my body. There's a pretty good chance that how you feel today will not be the same as how you feel next month, and what works now might not work then. Take it slow and give yourself time to learn your new anatomy.

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