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Found 17,501 results

  1. Oh I meant to say - @Arabesque is, as usual, spot on about stalls. They come and they go and they are SUPER ANNOYING. People swear by all sorts of tricks to break them like switching exercise regimes or eating more or fewer calories/protein, etc. but I don't really think they make any difference. Also - I am really nosy too so hope some other folks share their typical daily diet!
  2. Arabesque

    What am I doing wrong?

    Sounds a pretty okay weight loss to me especially if you experienced a stall of 1-3 weeks. You’re averting about 3lbs a week - nothing wrong with that. There is no ‘this is how much weight you must lose by this point’ rule. We all lose at our own rate. Some faster some slower. You lose at the rate that is best for you. There are averages which can be used as a guide but never a rule. Doesn’t mean you won’t lose your weight. (Don’t be influenced by the weight loss seen on tv programs. They lose large amounts in the beginning because they started at twice your weight & have lots to lose Their rate loss slows as they progress.) Is your surgeon concerned? Is your dietician concerned about your loss so far? If they’re okay you have nothing to worry about. You’re certainly not failing. You’ve lost 19 feckin’ pounds. Celebrate every pound you lose. I didn’t have to count calories & didn’t have to track my food so never had to discuss it with my dietician. I checked out of my own interest so I I know I was low calorie eater. Around 300 calories in the first month & was barely eating 900 calories by 6 months when I reached my goal. At 17 months when my weight stabilised I was eating 1300. Now I eat about 1500+/-. I was & am healthy & my blood work was is always excellent. I never could have physically eaten more than I was at any stage. But that is my story. Yours may be different & that’s okay. I’m a little taller than you & not very active (not running miles or spending hours in the gym) I don’t need the calories a taller, more active person needs. Ensure your dietician isn’t trying to fit you into the one size fits all average calorie intake box. The average calorie intake for a woman is said to be 2000 calories - I’d be the size I was before surgery if I ate that much. To lose they say I should eat 1500 so I’d never lose weight either on those recommendations.
  3. I found I was allergic to derma bond after having skin removal surgery. Yea - the itchiness is awful. They put me on prednisone for ten days, and it cleared it up. weight loss is always slower after a revision than it is after a "virgin" surgery. Five lbs is great, though. And actually a 20 lb loss the first week would be very unusual, even with a virgin surgery. Maybe for folks on "My 600 lb Life", but not a for an average WLS patient. I lost 16 lbs the whole first MONTH. emotions can be wild the first few weeks after surgery - and so can regrets. This will pass - just hang in there!
  4. CuteAsDuck

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Hello! I just got my surgery last week on the 13th. At my last appointment at the weightloss centre I was 252 pounds. That was about 2 and a half weeks before surgery. But, at my pre op appointment, a week and a half before surgery, I was down to 247. On the 18th, 5 days after my surgery they weighed me at 240 I believe. This morning, my scale said 229. My doctors office is going by my last weight with them, but I'm going with my last preop weight. Either way it's almost 20 pounds in one week and two days! It's crazy! I don't see the 20 pounds gone yet, but that's okay! I am missing crunchy foods though! But the sugar free pudding, chili and mashed potatoes have been rather good to eat over that clear liquid diet!
  5. Arabesque

    Any last suggestions?

    Listen to your body. If you feel tired, rest/nap. If your tummy says nope don’t like that don’t eat or drink it for a week or so & then try it again (your tummy can behave like a petulant tantrum throwing 2 year old for a little while). Don’t push yourself to do more physically than you are able. You may experience random muscle twinges & discomfort at odd times for a couple of weeks - part of your healing. We all heal differently. We all lose at different rates. We all experiences stalls at times while we lose ( they’re a vital part of your weight loss & do break when your body is ready). We all lose some of our hair (it doesn’t last & it grows back.) Don’t compare yourself with others & beat yourself up if you’re not doing the same. Use other people’s experiences as examples of what you might experience & might achieve not should be doing or experiencing. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t hit your protein & fluid goals right from surgery or everyday. As long as you’re making an effort, are pretty close & eventually you have more days you do than you don’t you’ll be okay. Follow your plan as closely as you can. If you’re struggling with aspects contact your team for alternatives or strategies to help. All the best.
  6. at three weeks out, I could barely eat anything! the amount you'll be able to eat will gradually increase and at some point level off. I probably eat about half as much as I did pre-surgery - but at this point, no one would be able to tell I've had bariatric surgery. They probably just assume I'm a "light eater", like many of my never-been-obese women friends are. If I go out to dinner, I usually just eat half of it and bring the rest home. Before surgery, I'd eat the whole thing - and sometimes dessert, too!
  7. Kri-star

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Had my surgery on 1/25 and I’ve been off work for a full 3 weeks. Tomorrow is my first day back and I’m DREADING it. My energy levels have been low. Since I’ve been off, I’ve been waking up around 8am after a good 10 hours of sleep and I’ll do a few things around the house. Nothing strenuous. I don’t work a desk job and am constantly on my feet from 7am to 7pm. All this week I’ve been trying to wake up at 4am which is when I would normally get up for work, but I just end up napping. I work the next 3 days in a row. It’s gonna be rough!!! Wish me luck!
  8. I went 2 weeks after the surgery, then 3 months, then 6 months, then 1 year, then once every year after that. My surgeon said I'll do a 1 year follow up until I hit 5 years out, then it's more of on an as needed basis, like if something is wrong or whatever.
  9. ChunkCat

    November 2023 buddies

    How is everyone doing now?? I'll be officially 12 weeks out tomorrow! I'll post my stats then and update you guys. I can't believe we are all getting to the 3 month mark...
  10. Mrs217

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    My dr said if it’s more than 3 days then to do a triple dose of milk of magnesium and stay home, it should work within an hour. My surgery was on the 10th but luckily only had a week on liquids..
  11. BlondePatriotInCDA


    I personally added protein powder to everything that passed my lips the first four to six weeks! It doesn't have to be a lot, it adds up pretty quickly. I did this until I started on my Fair life elite core drinks (42grams)..just make sure to drink no more than half at each meal, anymore and our bodies can't process that much Protein in a short time (according to my surgeon and dietician).
  12. Bariover54

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Day one of my liquid diet. After re reading my pre op diet, it states that I can’t have creamy soups. 😕 I hope these two weeks go by super fast.
  13. mareeamos17

    Optifast 2 week Pre-Op diet

    hi i start my optifast on 11th March for two weeks i am sleeved and having a mini bypass due to major reflux. when I did the optifast pre op diet before I also had soups, deserts and bars. it made it easier following the diet with a variety good luck with your journey
  14. GreenTealael

    4 yrs post VSG to RNY

    The revision was for GERD. At one week post op I may have still been on a PPI but it was pretty clear further out that the GERD was gone. I agree with your doctor to keep calm (but don’t hesitate to reach out to them) Try to allow yourself a bit of grace to fully heal. One week post surgery is very early so there’s likely a lot of inflammation. My advice would be keep your team in the loop about any changes, sleep propped up, don’t eat or drink anything besides clear fluids near bedtime, and avoid anything that previously caused your GERD to be worse. I know it’s boring advice but I hope it helps. ❤️
  15. I start my liquid diet a week from tomorrow, which is why I will be spending some time this weekend buying things my 15 and 12 year old daughters can cook for themselves, and prepping some stuff ahead for them to put in the freezer so I don't have to deal with food prep for the next 4 weeks or so. After that, I should be able to make some foods that we'll all be able to eat, hopefully. Luckily, my kids are self-sufficient for breakfasts and lunches, but they are still really limited on dinner skills. I guess I need to work on that with them (along with teaching them to do laundry).
  16. Livingliferenee…

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    My date is may 2nd…… On my second week of diet as or yesterday. Having the hardest time w/this diet, only cause I'm diabetic and on depression meds, and I have to put something in my System to take them. I have dizziness, fatigue , and tend to be light headed at times. It took me over a year and a half to get to this surgery. Was scheduled for 3/12/24 but had a issue w/kidney. All good now, so don't wanna do anything to get it postponed again. GOOD LUCK 🎲 TO ALL MAY PATIENTS !!!
  17. Oscar88

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Hi sorry I’m new here I had my surgery December 19 so it’s been like 2 weeks and 3 days so the first 7 days i lost 17 pounds but right now I’m loosing weight very slow like a pound each day its that normal or mybe I’m doing something wrong right now I lost 27 pounds total 2 weeks and 3 days
  18. This usually means you lost some fat and gained some muscle mass. Which is a good thing! yay muscles! over the last several months (due to my increased exercise regime i assume) my 7 day running weight average has increased by about 3 lbs, but my pants are falling off me again like those fun early weeks immediately after WLS (and my pants are already pretty small to begin with omg). but i also think this is a good thing though:...yay shopping for new pants! lol do you take your body measurements regularly? sometimes looking over historical body measurements over time paint a better picture than the number on the scale....
  19. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Had gastric bypass Feb. 7th. My food intake is hot and cold at times. The last few weeks I've felt like I needed to eat more often. Not more volume, just spread it out more to fuel myself. I've been exhausted lately. I think spreading out my meals has helped some. You should try the baritastic app. I've used that since October. The dietician at the bariatric center can see the food and drinks that I log. But it's a good app just for yourself as well to keep track.
  20. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I'm on a two week liquid diet before my Feb 7th surgery. What's your restrictions? Ask your doctor about taking multivitamins. I'm able to even on the liquid diet. But other doctors might before restive.
  21. Kri-star

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Ok surgery buddies. I don’t mean to go share too much, but I haven’t had a bowel movement in almost 2 weeks. I’m starting to get really concerned. My support staff suggested Mira lax which I may have to get. Anyone else experience this so far?
  22. lark188613@comcast.net

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Anyone else experience complications post bypass? I just had an endoscopy that found ulcers inflammation and stricture at the sit where my new stomach connects to my intestines. Apparently it's because of lack of enough blood flow to the area and is the reason I've been so sick since my surgery 6 weeks ago
  23. So i am on this low carb high Protein liquid 3 week pre op protein diet and ive hit the hardest day ever..like.. day 3.5 For some reason its always the hardest days on day 3 and 4 of any low carb diet i have ever done... so i couldnt take it anymore. I needed to chew somthing! So i chose a dill pickle. Do you think its alright to have a dill pickle or two.. i knew if i didnt eat a dill pickle..then it would be somthing i really really really should not eat...like somthing high fat high carb... Im just trying to get through the next two days and then i know i will be okay.
  24. I am three weeks out and have been doing great except the last few days I have a pain to the right side (about 4 inches) from my belly button. Has anyone else had this issue? Or something similiar? the pain appears when I move, twist, stretch. if I stay really still it will go away or it will be very dull.
  25. FifiLux

    running or walking?

    Walking as I was told it was better for my knees by two orthopedic surgeons as I no cartilage left in either knee and will likely need replacing in years to come. I did a bit of long distance running many years ago in school and enjoyed it but that was it, never went further with it. A few years ago in an effort to improve my fitness and health I joined a running group which helped you learn to run, a bit like the couch 2 5k, but I didn't really enjoy it and felt it didn't really cater to those who weren't already super thin and fit. I now like to walk but usually I have to mentally to have a purpose to it, like yesterday 20 minutes around the block to go post a letter, earlier this week I spent four days in hospital so during the days I walked the corridors and stairs (an hour each day in total) to not go out of my mind with boredom. Even a walk around town and the shops I turn into a speed walk. I also do aqua aerobics once a week and recommend something like that if you have access to a pool and such classes.

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