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Found 17,501 results

  1. Laura.1912

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Hey everyone!! how is everyone doing? I was exactly 6 weeks post op yesterday and it was my 33rd birthday! I’ve lost 20lb since the op but 40lb since liver reducing (3 weeks of liquids) finally onto textured foods but prioritising protein and liquids still. I’m now 248lb the lowest I’ve been is 224lb in adult life so I’m excited to get past that weight! I also get married at the end of June so determined to do the best possible. after 4 years of waiting for the op, I can’t believe it’s now done!! Xxx
  2. AmberFL


    Let me preface by saying I wash my hair 1x a week, I do bleach my hair (have been for yearssss), I eat over 100g of protein per day, take all my vitamins daily even extra biotin which has helped ( I think if not my lashes are longer) lol I did change my shampoo to Oplalex 2months ago, which after I looked it up had a law suit from women saying the product caused hair loss? My hair does shed and has since surgery but nothing crazy. I had my surgery about 4 months ago, and yesterday a very alarming amount of hair come out yesterday! I had my hair up in a bun didn't brush it, pure laziness on my part, but when I took it down and brushed my hair a ton came out...figured okay probably because of not washing my hair yet and not brushing/ putting it in a bun. After I brushed my hair and braided it because I took the kids swimming. Came home and washed my hair and put a hair mask in my hair which I do every week. And HOLY ISH! So much more hair! I yelled for my boyfriend and he was even taken back with how much it was. I am not sure if I need to prepare for the worst or if THAT WAS THE WORST. I brushed my this morning and the normal amount came out. Am I going to go bald?!
  3. newbegining2024

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    I went out food shopping too about 8 days after surgery and let me tell you… I felt dizzy and everything was spinning around me. I went and sit in the car too. When I told my doctor, she screamed at me for going out. I had a revision RNY which is a major surgery. I didn’t expect it to have that effect with me. I finally feel better after full 3 weeks. I am glad I took 3 weeks off from work. From time to time I still feel dizzy. I think I need more liquid intake. How are you feeling now?
  4. Kri-star

    Capsule Vitamins?

    I know this isn’t what this post is about , but I was taking capsules because I can’t the taste of chewable vitamins but now my stomach can’t handle it. I haven’t taken anything in a week due to fear of everything g coming up. Any brand suggestions? I’m one month post op.
  5. I had surgery 3/22/2024 and have only been able to drink a few ounces an hour. This morning I woke up hungry and drank a 12 oz Protein Drink with 35 minutes, I have NOT been able to do that since before surgery. Have I inadvertently stretched my stomach? My eating yesterday was still only 3-4 oz per meal and Water in between. I really don’t want to mess up this surgery. I am 8 weeks post op and I thought my stomach could only hold 4 oz - but the drink is 12 oz.
  6. It took about 2 to 4 weeks worth of injections for the true total benefits to settle in and when it did, it was so FREEING. I still absolutely am delighted I had gastric bypass. I also could not afford to pay $1000 a month. I found a local 'wellness' clinic here in Fort Worth where I pay roughly $300 a MONTH for weekly injections. I skipped their package of B12 and Semiglutide as I'm already on an inhalable B-12 supplement. Definitely shop around. I do worry about it causing long term complications (unsure what those are at this point outside of blurbs I've read) but I'm also not wanting this to be something I end up needing to do every week past this 6 to 9 month window. They have other clients that after they got where they wanted, they tapered off completely or come in for monthly or bi monthly injections only. I'd like to taper completely. I have gone a month with no injections after i started and while I had a slight hunger increase, the food chatter was so dang muted. I actually ended up reducing my dosage as I got to a point where I was not eating enough which is ALSO NOT my goal. My protein intake plummeted simply because I was not taking in enough calories. Luckily the place I work with is conservative with dosing and they have multiple patients that had bariatric surgery years ago and they are always ready to discuss 'what is the least amount of semiglutide that you need to be sudcessful'.
  7. Two days out. Nausea is the worst thing. Pretty persistent. No pain whatsoever. The restriction mimics the first days of the VSG surgery. Barely sips of water today. I'll follow a clear liquid diet for 3 days, purees until 2 weeks out, and then soft foods until I can tolerate solids. Definitely wondering if I made decision. The nausea feels like I have lump in my stomach- the kind of feeling you know you'd feel better if you just gagged yourself. I did get 3 different nausea treatments, but had an allergic reaction. So Im trying benedryl (for the all over hives) and emetrol intsead. Not as effective, but its def more tolerable
  8. When hair thins after surgery, is loss more noticeable with shorter or longer hair? I’ve had a pixie style cut for years and just started growing it out. Now I’m wondering if I should keep the pixie cut until after the thinning stage? Surgery is next week so I have some time to let it grow
  9. Livingliferenee…

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    My date is may 2nd…… On my second week of diet as or yesterday. Having the hardest time w/this diet, only cause I'm diabetic and on depression meds, and I have to put something in my System to take them. I have dizziness, fatigue , and tend to be light headed at times. It took me over a year and a half to get to this surgery. Was scheduled for 3/12/24 but had a issue w/kidney. All good now, so don't wanna do anything to get it postponed again. GOOD LUCK 🎲 TO ALL MAY PATIENTS !!!
  10. SandyT

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    I picked up several of the prepared meals in the deli at Walmart and my husband has been enjoying them. He also eats out several times a week. He understands that preparing meals would be too tempting for me. I went to the hospital and had my outpatient testing today, took about 30 minutes. They discussed what medications I needed to hold before surgery. I am impressed with the preparations they have been giving me, I don't remember being this prepared for my band. We're almost there, 5 days until surgery for me.
  11. newbegining2024

    Post Op Blood Work

    I am at the end of week 3 post op, and I had my bloodwork done 1 week again from primary care for other reason. However because he knew I had surgery done, he order to check vitamins and urinalysis. I don’t know if I am freaking out? But it has more red in the result than before the surgery. Hope to see if anyone of you had testing done post op and maybe can explain a little bit before I get a call from my doctor. It show I have too much B12, then there is protein in my urine, and bilirubin is high. I hope my liver is ok! Maybe all this is normal after surgery.
  12. A final update for this thread: I had my gastric bypass on Feb 21! Check in went smoothly. I changed into my hospital gown, got my IV inserted, and was given a number of medications to take before being moved to a waiting area where I got onto a gurney. The various members of the surgery team came by to introduce themselves and check on various things. Finally, the anesthesiologist came by and gave me "something to relax" via my IV port. A minute later, I was being wheeled into the hallway, and that's the last thing I remember until waking up in my hospital room. I never saw the inside of the OR, and I have no memory of the recovery area afterward, either. The surgery itself took much longer than anticipated, about 6 hours. I was fine and safe the whole time, but the surgeon ran into some issues with my small intestine and a small abdominal mass (sent to pathology and was benign) that required additional steps. Because of this, I was surprised to wake up in my hospital room and discover it was already 9pm when my surgery began at 1pm! My poor mom had been so worried because we thought it would take maybe 3 hours max. The nurses checked on me several times that night. I was able to get up to use the toilet on my own, and the only real challenge was the IV pole having to be dragged along. I was very fortunate that I ended up with no roommate. It wasn't technically a private room, but no one else was assigned to it while I was there. In the morning, my surgeon came by and explained what had happened during surgery. He was concerned because some of the stitches ended up under more pressure than he considered optimal, so he wanted me to do a swallow test before I could have anything by mouth, including water. They got me in for that and it turned out okay, so about an hour after returning to my room, I was brought a bottle of water and a cup of red sugar free jello. I have to say, it was nice to have water because my throat was dry, but I really didn't care about eating. I did because they told me to, and I know at this point I hadn't had a single thing in my belly for over 40 hours, but I just didn't care. I felt zero hunger. But I at the jello, and later they brought me a popsicle, another jello, and a chicken broth. I ate it all over the course of about an hour. It was fine, but again, I just ate it because they told me to. Because I got such a late start on fluids after surgery, they kept me an additional night, just to be sure. But on Friday morning around 9am, I was discharged. I had a protein shake when I got home and worked all day on fluids. I was tired and a little sore, but my pain had been minimal enough that I was only on Tylenol. It worked well enough that I only had a few moments of real pain, mostly when shifting position that required the use of abdominal muscles. I was fortunate to have someone staying with me for the first few nights home, and my parents kept my kids (ages 12 and 15) with them for the first week so I wouldn't have to worry about all their activities and food. It took a few days to discover what worked best for me, which ended up being hot tea (decaf and herbal) instead of flavored waters as I'd been having pre-op. For the first week, I've met my 64oz fluid and 60g protein goals most days, but as time has gone on, I've become completely turned off anything with artificial sweetener and every protein shake except Syntrax Nectar Natural, which I can still manage. I definitely wasted a lot of money on shakes I won't be drinking, but I'm glad I had them for the 2 week pre-op diet and to take the pressure off finding things to try when I got home. Yesterday, I was allowed to start soft protein foods. So far, I've had tuna salad (2 Tbsp), refried beans with a sprinkle of melted cheese (1/4 cup), and 1 poached egg. No issues with anything so far. Tonight I will be cooking some haddock with pesto for dinner. I go in for my 2 week post-op appointment with my surgeon next Tuesday and hope by then my weight will be a little lower. I lost 15 lbs on the 2 week pre-op diet, but my weight was higher by about 5lbs when I got home from the hospital thanks to the fluids and swelling, and I'm only just back to where I was the day I went to the hospital. Still, 15lbs in three weeks isn't bad. As for other incidentals, I have been taking Benefiber daily in my morning tea and it really has helped. I had the first BM (very loose and not a lot) before leaving the hospital on day 2, and have managed to go at least every other day since, and daily the last couple of days, so I'm very grateful for that. My energy levels have been decent, but it's only today that I feel like I don't need a noon nap. Going without caffeine has been a struggle, but I'm getting used to it. After all the wait, I'm so glad to have this behind me and be able to focus on a healthy future!
  13. Sergeant

    December Surgery Buddies!

    I had surgery on 12/4/23 and I’m currently down 58 lbs. I’ve hit a few stalls and it seems like I’m not losing much at all anymore BUT it’s the non scale victories for me honestly. Like clothes fitting loosely. Joints feeling wonderful. Energy levels finally returning. Stairs being easy!! Confidence levels rising!! I’m feeling happy and healthy. Honestly choosing to enjoy this whole journey to better myself and my habits has been the biggest key. You have to change your mindset. I think the stubborn belly fat is the last to go for most all of us. I got a facia roller… I use it about every other day on my stomach, thighs, and batwings lol and I think it helps break up the tissue and my skin is appearing smoother. As far as others not noticing… it sucks but sometimes when you see someone daily you don’t notice changes. It takes time away that creates the shock. Don’t let that deter you or make you feel like this whole process has been worthless. You’re doing this for you! No one else! Also, my doctor seems to be the only one that would prefer me to fast and only eat once a day. He says to focus mainly on protein, but never gave me a daily goal. I eat what fills me and then I put whatever’s left away. Feeling the need to always finish my plate is what got me in this mess in the first place. That’s why we are suppose to be taking our bariatric multi daily. To help assist with nutrients we can’t fit. You’re doing good. Keep up with your routine. You won’t be disappointed!
  14. Yes, it is usually those slider foods that I can eat so much with no problem. I feel like these last 2 weeks, I have been eating more than I should, and it's just kind of scary that I can. I prepped my meal and have my water and protein shake ready for tomorrow. I just want to do a refresh. I'm so scared of weight gain, and this tool is not working for me. I know this is the "honeymoon phase," and I really want to take advantage of it, too. Thanks for answering! ❤️
  15. jparadigm

    Post-op diet troubles!

    THANK YOU! So much for your kind response. This is indeed work and I intend to stick to the plan...it's been easy up until last week when I was able to start in on pureed foods. I took that as a challenge to see what I can thoroughly chew before swallowing. And I've paid the price by doing so...Easter was really hard. I'm trying my best to get my proteins in, but more than that too. Didn't really realize sodium plays a negative roll as well. I decided on surgery before gaining more weight. I was almost not qualified due to not weighing enough but my doctors worked with me. I have had a real bad relationship with food for so long. And with the pre-op diet going so well and the first 2 weeks of liquids i thought for sure I'd be golden by the time I hit pureed foods. But now I feel as if I've just set myself back. I have to really digest this new lifestyle change. Thanks for responding it really means a lot.
  16. ChunkCat

    Modified Duodenal Switch

    Everyone's recovery is different. I had no pain after a few weeks, other than some internal tugging of the stitches when I changed positions. But I am still on a PPI, those are wise to take for a while after surgery. My nausea eased around 2 months after surgery. I was taking meds for it every day (promethazine), twice a day. This isn't because of the DS, this is because any procedure on your stomach can cause nausea for a while. But again, for some it is brief, some it is longer. Focusing on hydration goals is important in the first few weeks because it is hydration that will keep you out of the ER with dehydration. Our bodies have enough protein stores to get us through those first few weeks. After that, protein is a slow, steady progress sort of thing. I was about 3 months out before I could hit my protein goals. I get about 120 grams a day now. But I hit my water goal from day 2, because I desperately wanted to avoid dehydration!! How are you feeling now?
  17. Raevor85

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    My surgery is Jan 18th currently doing my liquid diet! I wish mine was 24-48 hours instead of 2 weeks lol
  18. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Hi guys! So I had my surgery 2/22/24 and have been lurking on this forum since a few weeks before my surgery. Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to y’all that have been posting your journey whether it be struggles or wins. I come back to this topic anytime I’m having issues and y’all always make me feel better when I realize we all seem to be having the same struggles at some point or another. 😉
  19. Hi everyone, I just had my band removed on Friday (4 days ago) and my Dr told me to stay on Clear liquids the first week, but I could have Protein shakes and then thicker liquids the next. The third week I could start adding food to my diet. For those of you who have had their band removed, how was your diet afterwards? I'm asking this because I think my Dr is still trying to treat me like a WLS patient. I am so ready to start chewing some food...
  20. Bariiime

    Cramps, multiple cycles, and odor

    Hi no not as of yet. I did have the d&c on 4/29 and was due to follow up with the DR last Friday… but of course her office called to cancel my appointment 1 hr before my arrival because she suddenly fell ill. So I had to reschedule and there was no dates available until the middle of june smh. In the meantime I did have them send my orders for an ultrasound in which I go next week. Since the d&c the cramps have not been as intense but I have had 2 cycles since 4/29. So we shall see. Thank you so much for checking in.
  21. Arabesque

    What am I doing wrong?

    Sounds a pretty okay weight loss to me especially if you experienced a stall of 1-3 weeks. You’re averting about 3lbs a week - nothing wrong with that. There is no ‘this is how much weight you must lose by this point’ rule. We all lose at our own rate. Some faster some slower. You lose at the rate that is best for you. There are averages which can be used as a guide but never a rule. Doesn’t mean you won’t lose your weight. (Don’t be influenced by the weight loss seen on tv programs. They lose large amounts in the beginning because they started at twice your weight & have lots to lose Their rate loss slows as they progress.) Is your surgeon concerned? Is your dietician concerned about your loss so far? If they’re okay you have nothing to worry about. You’re certainly not failing. You’ve lost 19 feckin’ pounds. Celebrate every pound you lose. I didn’t have to count calories & didn’t have to track my food so never had to discuss it with my dietician. I checked out of my own interest so I I know I was low calorie eater. Around 300 calories in the first month & was barely eating 900 calories by 6 months when I reached my goal. At 17 months when my weight stabilised I was eating 1300. Now I eat about 1500+/-. I was & am healthy & my blood work was is always excellent. I never could have physically eaten more than I was at any stage. But that is my story. Yours may be different & that’s okay. I’m a little taller than you & not very active (not running miles or spending hours in the gym) I don’t need the calories a taller, more active person needs. Ensure your dietician isn’t trying to fit you into the one size fits all average calorie intake box. The average calorie intake for a woman is said to be 2000 calories - I’d be the size I was before surgery if I ate that much. To lose they say I should eat 1500 so I’d never lose weight either on those recommendations.
  22. Arabesque

    Any last suggestions?

    Listen to your body. If you feel tired, rest/nap. If your tummy says nope don’t like that don’t eat or drink it for a week or so & then try it again (your tummy can behave like a petulant tantrum throwing 2 year old for a little while). Don’t push yourself to do more physically than you are able. You may experience random muscle twinges & discomfort at odd times for a couple of weeks - part of your healing. We all heal differently. We all lose at different rates. We all experiences stalls at times while we lose ( they’re a vital part of your weight loss & do break when your body is ready). We all lose some of our hair (it doesn’t last & it grows back.) Don’t compare yourself with others & beat yourself up if you’re not doing the same. Use other people’s experiences as examples of what you might experience & might achieve not should be doing or experiencing. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t hit your protein & fluid goals right from surgery or everyday. As long as you’re making an effort, are pretty close & eventually you have more days you do than you don’t you’ll be okay. Follow your plan as closely as you can. If you’re struggling with aspects contact your team for alternatives or strategies to help. All the best.
  23. Oh I meant to say - @Arabesque is, as usual, spot on about stalls. They come and they go and they are SUPER ANNOYING. People swear by all sorts of tricks to break them like switching exercise regimes or eating more or fewer calories/protein, etc. but I don't really think they make any difference. Also - I am really nosy too so hope some other folks share their typical daily diet!
  24. SleeveToBypass2023

    Moving Faster Than I Thought

    My first appt with the surgeon was on Feb 28th 2022 and my surgery day was May 3rd 2022. So about 2 months and a week or so.
  25. On 3/3 I hit my one year anniversary— been holding steady the last two months or so — about 10 lbs lower than my original goal. Heading into plastic surgery next week— tummy tuck! (Yay). Down 75+ lbs— Some days i really understand the changes, and others I am in disbelief. It’s slowly catching up with me. 5’1’’ Female, age 53 Start weight 195, day of surgery 184- current weight 119.2

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
