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Found 1,231 results

  1. riley4183

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Good morning ladies! Cut my walk down to 2 miles this morning so I could get home early enough to make gazpacho for munch today - YUM!! Now I have to go sneak out during a staff meeting and get in another 2 miles, LOL Tamra, I tell anyone and everyone who will listen. I am a walking billboard for the lap-band! I am also an assertive person and no one f's with me, if you know what I mean! I have gotten very little in the way of unsupportive opinions, if I hear it I just say "yeah yeah, blah blah blah," pout my hand up and walk away. Really, I am that rude about it! We practiced that in my 14-week class :-) I figure that if they can be rude to me, they can handle my being rude back. Honestly, though, at least 95% of people have been TOTALLY supportive! They often ask "oh, you can have that removed after you lose weight, right?" and my response is "yes that's right I can - but they will have to pry it out of my cold, dead body, because I love this thing!" Feeling restriction again this morning - getting close to a week out from the last fill, which is when I started feeling it last time. VERY happy about that!! :-) Sneaking out for my walk now - TTFN
  2. beversman

    Steady losers ;-)

    bannannie - i didnt mean it that way. i was just amazed at your success and kickin my own butt for not being more dedicated. it was nothing against you. I didnt think you'd take it that way girl! Put your ticker back up. Dont be ridiculous. You're making ME feel bad! I wasn't intending to be unsupportive. You should know that! Im here everyday and can't wait to hear from you all. I would never discourage anyone or make them feel bad for their success. Get that ticker back up there girl!
  3. beversman

    Steady losers ;-)

    hey my ladies... i dont know if you've all checked it out or not, but www.fitday.com is awesome for keeping track of your calories/carbs/fat/protein I never thought I would really like web site like that, but you can find ANY food and create your own custom ones (by entering the nutrition labels in and naming them yourself). You get and exact count of what your eating. Then you can go in and get charts of what you eat Vs. what you burn. You can see what your eating in what proportions. So much easier than writing it down on paper. Just thought I'd pass it along since I was a skeptic about it too. :-) bkwalling -- so glad your dad is doing a bit better Kaydot -- i am going to join a gym today, well the YMCA anyway. (no joining fee for the month of January) and "hugs" back to you. That must have been really neat to meet all of those other bandsters as well. I wish I had something like that around here Steph -- "I'm counting on dr dreamy to stick it in the port the FIRST time!" DAMN girl... Freud would have "fun" with that one... hehe I bet he could hit it the first time too... ha ha ha ha VAbandster -- yep the Water retention and "natural" bloating with make the band tighten up for many people. Ive read about it on a bunch of other threads jill -- conrats on the weight loss!! GO! GO! GO! Just imagine us in 6 months... a bunch of hot mamas transformer -- good luck with your classes. It might be a blessing in disguise... something else to focus on and take your mind off of the "scales" smith -- congrats on keeping your wits about ya on your big night out. I wish I had your will power when I comes to that. I try to stay away now, becuase I like to have just a bit too much fun :-) Nat -- hey baby girl... i know what you mean about your sister. my family is kind of the same way. my mother especially. She always seems like she wants to just stay smaller than me. Even if it isnt "skinny" at least I am bigger than she is. She annoys me becuase she was totally unsupportive and now she tries to jump in and say "you shouldnt be eating that!" Well, if she would have found the time to particiapte and educate herself about my procedure, she would have learned that I can eat many things... just not much of them. I feel like she is just watching and waiting for me to screw up. She does it to my younger brother too (he is only 15) she is always talking about how she tries to slip on a pair of his shorts or borrow a shirt to go outside... and his clothes are SO BIG on her. Its sick. I think she likes keeping us big on propose becuase she cant lose the weight.
  4. Globetrotter

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Kim, I think I am going to print out and tack up your response and hopefully it will get absorbed, thank you. Sheryl, actually, the behavior you said that women don't do - are EXACTLY how I have been treated by women, from grade school through undergrad. I stopped having close female friends after that although I had good acquaintances in grad school. I had two close female colleagues, one of whom has recently mysteriously stopped communicating with me. Tango has filled the social void for me. I miss him, I miss what he promised to be, but the moment I complained that he wasn't affectionate (enough or, at all) he has never been the same. Whatever trickle of affection I got, turned off completely after I complained. I have three more weeks here, I have to stay, that represents at least 2 months rent for Seattle plus the stupid expenses here. I have this amazing hot--damn pin up girl dress that I bought for my birthday, but if I got all dolled up and then hit the town -alone- that would just crush whatever is left of my heart. The one girlfriend I had here in KS was unsupportive and we aren't speaking now - she gave me a place to stay here in KS and then one day I came back from work and my bed was on the street and my stuff shoved into a corner. When I texted her she said she had told me her new housemate was moving in. Even though we had been communicating with my new cell number, she had been sendintg these texts to my old one and she acted like it was perfectly fine and no problem that she was kicking me out at 7pm and I was homeless. Kim, as far as volunteerism, yes I can do that for sure, but I NEED money, I NEED to get paid for my efforts, ASAP.
  5. Jennifur

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Terry You hit the nail on the head, you are wonderful and being one of the originals on this thread for april 07, I am so excited for you this week, I feel that We have been doing this together. This is the greatest group of people and it is so nice to be able to put your thought, fears, or just silly stories out there and have people relate and really understand. To all you with unsupportive DH, I am so very sorry. My DBF is not going with me but he has to work and is going to try to do his best, but I just don't understand why you ladies are not getting support. Are they afraid of you all being stronger, healthier and life changes? I said last month that I know this surgery is going to make or break us and I don't want it to break us, but if it does, I will be healthier and more confident, but it is an emotional trip no matter how you look at it! HUGS TO YOU ALL
  6. So at 2:30 in the morning, while in Tijuana Im lying wide awake and all I can think of is how can I not tell my parents and sister. Im good wheather that take it or leave it as Im doing it for me. Its basically my mother who drives me nuts when it comes to food.... for years I have asked can we please do other stuff then eating all the time, and she agrees, but nothing ever changes.... so last week when she invited me to go for a buffet and insisted I cant say no because dad is paying.... so I say no, can we please just not do something that doesnt involve food (not to mention my surgery was less then a week away too lol,,,, and she said that sounds wonderful, lets go bowling or to a movie soon then.... but while I have been in Mexico my bf writes my mom to tell her he has a dvd for her computer so my mom says thanks and insists that we need to start coming over for supper more.... that was it!! lol she seriously just doesnt know when to stop.... I wasnt going to tell my parents or sister, but I figure why live a lie, this is something HUGE and exciting for me, and people who are unsupportive of it, I dont want in my life. So wow I wrote a big long letter, and now Im waiting to hear back, but honestly Im relieved and feel the stress off my shoulder, and I cant believe I just let it all out lol (it was liberating).... but this has been ever since Ive known the rollercoaster of ups and downs with weight and Im done being in the Obese category. My doctor was 100% behind me and supported me all the way which meant alot to me, Im just hoping my family is the same!! eeekkSsss!! lol I figure if I dont tell people I can possibly just put the weight back on by streching my stomach and lying just to aplease people, no more, this is my year, my new me, the skinny new me!!! I wish everyone lots of luck in their decisions in telling people, but why not just tell everyone, youre not doing it for them, youve made this decision with a lot of care, thought and ups and downs. It took me over a year to think about it and the last 6 months to really be serious about it,,,, and to be honest it has been the best present I have ever given myself and no one is going to burst my buttons lol

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