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Found 17,501 results

  1. Oscar88

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Hi sorry I’m new here I had my surgery December 19 so it’s been like 2 weeks and 3 days so the first 7 days i lost 17 pounds but right now I’m loosing weight very slow like a pound each day its that normal or mybe I’m doing something wrong right now I lost 27 pounds total 2 weeks and 3 days
  2. ChunkCat

    November 2023 buddies

    How is everyone doing now?? I'll be officially 12 weeks out tomorrow! I'll post my stats then and update you guys. I can't believe we are all getting to the 3 month mark...
  3. Sergeant

    December Surgery Buddies!

    I had surgery on 12/4/23 and I’m currently down 58 lbs. I’ve hit a few stalls and it seems like I’m not losing much at all anymore BUT it’s the non scale victories for me honestly. Like clothes fitting loosely. Joints feeling wonderful. Energy levels finally returning. Stairs being easy!! Confidence levels rising!! I’m feeling happy and healthy. Honestly choosing to enjoy this whole journey to better myself and my habits has been the biggest key. You have to change your mindset. I think the stubborn belly fat is the last to go for most all of us. I got a facia roller… I use it about every other day on my stomach, thighs, and batwings lol and I think it helps break up the tissue and my skin is appearing smoother. As far as others not noticing… it sucks but sometimes when you see someone daily you don’t notice changes. It takes time away that creates the shock. Don’t let that deter you or make you feel like this whole process has been worthless. You’re doing this for you! No one else! Also, my doctor seems to be the only one that would prefer me to fast and only eat once a day. He says to focus mainly on protein, but never gave me a daily goal. I eat what fills me and then I put whatever’s left away. Feeling the need to always finish my plate is what got me in this mess in the first place. That’s why we are suppose to be taking our bariatric multi daily. To help assist with nutrients we can’t fit. You’re doing good. Keep up with your routine. You won’t be disappointed!
  4. GreenTealael

    4 yrs post VSG to RNY

    The revision was for GERD. At one week post op I may have still been on a PPI but it was pretty clear further out that the GERD was gone. I agree with your doctor to keep calm (but don’t hesitate to reach out to them) Try to allow yourself a bit of grace to fully heal. One week post surgery is very early so there’s likely a lot of inflammation. My advice would be keep your team in the loop about any changes, sleep propped up, don’t eat or drink anything besides clear fluids near bedtime, and avoid anything that previously caused your GERD to be worse. I know it’s boring advice but I hope it helps. ❤️
  5. jparadigm

    Post-op diet troubles!

    THANK YOU! So much for your kind response. This is indeed work and I intend to stick to the plan...it's been easy up until last week when I was able to start in on pureed foods. I took that as a challenge to see what I can thoroughly chew before swallowing. And I've paid the price by doing so...Easter was really hard. I'm trying my best to get my proteins in, but more than that too. Didn't really realize sodium plays a negative roll as well. I decided on surgery before gaining more weight. I was almost not qualified due to not weighing enough but my doctors worked with me. I have had a real bad relationship with food for so long. And with the pre-op diet going so well and the first 2 weeks of liquids i thought for sure I'd be golden by the time I hit pureed foods. But now I feel as if I've just set myself back. I have to really digest this new lifestyle change. Thanks for responding it really means a lot.
  6. Bariover54

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Day one of my liquid diet. After re reading my pre op diet, it states that I can’t have creamy soups. 😕 I hope these two weeks go by super fast.
  7. Possum220

    Comparison food numbers 4 months out

    I was consuming about the same amount as you at that stage and continue doing the same 17 months out. Stalls will happen. Drink your fluids and exercising helps. Our bodies can be quite tricky in how they manage our food intake. If you are continuing to eat the same foods then try changing what you are eating. Change the proteins for other protein. Change up your snacks. It really is a huge mental game from here on out. Reward yourself for the changes that you have already made. Start a new hobby to keep your brain and hands busy.
  8. SleeveToBypass2023

    This last 50 pounds is the bane of my existence!!!

    I'm guessing it could be a stall, but when I do lose, it's soooo little and it takes soooo long. I can tell you this.....my body might like this weight, but I sure don't. There has to be a way to force my body past this point so I can lose the rest. No way do I want to stop 50 pounds away from my goal weight. No way, no how.
  9. Yes, it is usually those slider foods that I can eat so much with no problem. I feel like these last 2 weeks, I have been eating more than I should, and it's just kind of scary that I can. I prepped my meal and have my water and protein shake ready for tomorrow. I just want to do a refresh. I'm so scared of weight gain, and this tool is not working for me. I know this is the "honeymoon phase," and I really want to take advantage of it, too. Thanks for answering! ❤️
  10. I start my liquid diet a week from tomorrow, which is why I will be spending some time this weekend buying things my 15 and 12 year old daughters can cook for themselves, and prepping some stuff ahead for them to put in the freezer so I don't have to deal with food prep for the next 4 weeks or so. After that, I should be able to make some foods that we'll all be able to eat, hopefully. Luckily, my kids are self-sufficient for breakfasts and lunches, but they are still really limited on dinner skills. I guess I need to work on that with them (along with teaching them to do laundry).
  11. I went 2 weeks after the surgery, then 3 months, then 6 months, then 1 year, then once every year after that. My surgeon said I'll do a 1 year follow up until I hit 5 years out, then it's more of on an as needed basis, like if something is wrong or whatever.
  12. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Hi guys! So I had my surgery 2/22/24 and have been lurking on this forum since a few weeks before my surgery. Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to y’all that have been posting your journey whether it be struggles or wins. I come back to this topic anytime I’m having issues and y’all always make me feel better when I realize we all seem to be having the same struggles at some point or another. 😉
  13. Kri-star

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Had my surgery on 1/25 and I’ve been off work for a full 3 weeks. Tomorrow is my first day back and I’m DREADING it. My energy levels have been low. Since I’ve been off, I’ve been waking up around 8am after a good 10 hours of sleep and I’ll do a few things around the house. Nothing strenuous. I don’t work a desk job and am constantly on my feet from 7am to 7pm. All this week I’ve been trying to wake up at 4am which is when I would normally get up for work, but I just end up napping. I work the next 3 days in a row. It’s gonna be rough!!! Wish me luck!
  14. mareeamos17

    Optifast 2 week Pre-Op diet

    hi i start my optifast on 11th March for two weeks i am sleeved and having a mini bypass due to major reflux. when I did the optifast pre op diet before I also had soups, deserts and bars. it made it easier following the diet with a variety good luck with your journey
  15. Onwensdaywewearblk

    December Surgery Buddies!

    That’s sounds more understandable I went into the office today and to my surprise I was 228 he said I misunderstood the diet plan lol I was not to start soft foods til two week after the surgery not on week two which makes me feel so much better because it’s easy to drink but wasn’t as easy to eat those puréed foods. my incisions are fine the biggest one I’m assuming is where they took the stomach out is bumpy also lol 😂 I feel fine to get up and walk about but after a certain point it’s over doing it this week I’m sick of being home so I’m heading to the mall today to exchange shoes for my kids the walking should be okay. Doc says walking only til week 6 post op. Which is a bummer bc I have a workout bike I set up last night too excited to use lol
  16. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I'm on a two week liquid diet before my Feb 7th surgery. What's your restrictions? Ask your doctor about taking multivitamins. I'm able to even on the liquid diet. But other doctors might before restive.
  17. Bariiime

    Cramps, multiple cycles, and odor

    Hi no not as of yet. I did have the d&c on 4/29 and was due to follow up with the DR last Friday… but of course her office called to cancel my appointment 1 hr before my arrival because she suddenly fell ill. So I had to reschedule and there was no dates available until the middle of june smh. In the meantime I did have them send my orders for an ultrasound in which I go next week. Since the d&c the cramps have not been as intense but I have had 2 cycles since 4/29. So we shall see. Thank you so much for checking in.
  18. Hi Sarah! I did not have that fear at first, but I can tell you that if you do not meet your fluid and protein goals you will run yourself into the ground. Trust me! I am 6 weeks post op, and after 2 weeks, I didn't drink my fluids or have my protein. When I took a shower one night, I came VERY close to passing out. The plan is so important (and sometimes really annoying) to follow, but it is for your safety, health, and to achieve the weight loss that you desire. Drinking fluids (all 64 ounces +) will really help your weight loss. I worry about stretching my stomach out later on. Like, if I succumb to mental hunger and have something that I should not have, and I just keep eating it because it tastes good - but I am told it will take a LOT to get it stretched out. I know it will eventually stretch out some, but nothing like it was. Good luck on your journey! I hope the worrying subsides and you are able to heal and start seeing the good things. My first non-scale victory was putting on a pair of jeans I hadn't worn in years and they fit...comfortably. Those are the kinds of things that keep you going. I'm down 38lbs since 4/10 (pre-op diet) and 23lbs since my surgery. I haven't weighed in a bit, so hoping it's more like 25-30lbs since surgery, but as long as it keeps going down, I'm good.
  19. AmberFL


    Let me preface by saying I wash my hair 1x a week, I do bleach my hair (have been for yearssss), I eat over 100g of protein per day, take all my vitamins daily even extra biotin which has helped ( I think if not my lashes are longer) lol I did change my shampoo to Oplalex 2months ago, which after I looked it up had a law suit from women saying the product caused hair loss? My hair does shed and has since surgery but nothing crazy. I had my surgery about 4 months ago, and yesterday a very alarming amount of hair come out yesterday! I had my hair up in a bun didn't brush it, pure laziness on my part, but when I took it down and brushed my hair a ton came out...figured okay probably because of not washing my hair yet and not brushing/ putting it in a bun. After I brushed my hair and braided it because I took the kids swimming. Came home and washed my hair and put a hair mask in my hair which I do every week. And HOLY ISH! So much more hair! I yelled for my boyfriend and he was even taken back with how much it was. I am not sure if I need to prepare for the worst or if THAT WAS THE WORST. I brushed my this morning and the normal amount came out. Am I going to go bald?!
  20. On 3/3 I hit my one year anniversary— been holding steady the last two months or so — about 10 lbs lower than my original goal. Heading into plastic surgery next week— tummy tuck! (Yay). Down 75+ lbs— Some days i really understand the changes, and others I am in disbelief. It’s slowly catching up with me. 5’1’’ Female, age 53 Start weight 195, day of surgery 184- current weight 119.2
  21. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    My surgeon told me at my 6 week appointment that I needed to start doing more exercise. This week, I'm happy to say I've gotten out my little walking pad treadmill twice in the evenings and have been walking while watching TV. I've gone from a daily average of about 3k steps to more than 5k this week, and I'll be working toward 10k steps each day for the coming month. I can hardly wait as the weather improves to allow for more outside walking. I'm really hoping the additional activity will give the scale an added nudge in the right direction. Once I can hit 10k most days, I will start looking at ways to add resistance bands to build muscle, but if I'm honest, I have been almost completely sedentary for several years and need to pace myself for it to be sustainable. Today, I am less than 4 lbs away from the lowest weight I've recorded on my app in the past 7 years (which was 203.8 after doing the nutrition program at my old weight loss center). 203 lbs is the next milestone I have my eye on, followed by making it to 199 lbs, and then hitting 185 lbs to officially no longer be obese. I chose my weight goal of 155 lbs somewhat arbitrarily, though it's the lower end of the estimates I saw for how much I could lose on various calculators. But when it feels impossibly far away, it helps to have some smaller goals to focus on. Oh, and it's almost time to swap out my winter clothing for spring stuff, which means I will have a lot of items to take to the donation bin. Many of my long-sleeve tops are swimming on me and several pairs of jeans are hopelessly baggy. Purging my closet will be an awesome feeling!
  22. lark188613@comcast.net

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Anyone else experience complications post bypass? I just had an endoscopy that found ulcers inflammation and stricture at the sit where my new stomach connects to my intestines. Apparently it's because of lack of enough blood flow to the area and is the reason I've been so sick since my surgery 6 weeks ago
  23. BadgeNC

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Figured I'd join in! Had DS surgery on 12/18. Pre-surgery weight (about 1-week before) was 415, currently down to 375. Had to spend 4 nights in the hospital due to some complications (had very LOW blood pressure for a couple days due to kidney's not working properly) but improved each day. Felt very little pain (unless coughing/sneezing). Glad to be a part of the community here. Currently in pureed food stage, looking forward to the soft food stage in another week!
  24. Kri-star

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Ok surgery buddies. I don’t mean to go share too much, but I haven’t had a bowel movement in almost 2 weeks. I’m starting to get really concerned. My support staff suggested Mira lax which I may have to get. Anyone else experience this so far?
  25. Ashley Amari

    Vaginal bleeding after surgery?

    I’ve now been spotting/ bleeding for 100 days straight. As I sit here in tears I’m really wondering should I just had stayed fat with hair or the alternative bald and bleeding. (My hair has now come out also) I’m so tired. I’ve seen 2 different gyno, had three ultrasounds, seen several NP and nobody has an explanation as to why I will not stop bleeding. Ok that’s my rant for today 😭 .

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