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Found 1,238 results

  1. Today is day 15 for me. I'm struggling with my energy level and I also feel like I either pulled a muscle in my ab or I have an incisional hernia. I get major pain when I engage that muscle. I'm praying it's just a strain. I'm on soft solids and doing well. Trying to get in my protein. To date I've lost 24 lbs but the scale hasn't moved in a few days. Hoping it's the three week stall everyone talks about.
  2. RunningA5K

    December 2013 Sleever Pounds Lost Log

    WOOHOOO....congratulations and welcome to TWO-derland...your stay will be short and sweet I am sure! Absolutely claim that half a pound...I'm on day 3 (or 4) of the three week stall, so even if I lost 1/10 of a pound, I would be claiming it! Yahooo!!!! Way to go!
  3. siouxshi

    NSV shout outs

    I love this thread so much! I have been reading and decided to join! So I'm only about 3 1/2 weeks out (in my dreaded "three week stall" right now - ugh!) and I had an NSV the other night. We went out to dinner with some friends and I wore a maxi skirt that is elastic at the waist (so it is more comfy than my jeans that fall off of me!) and it kept hitting the tops of my feet. It's never done that before so I was highly confused until I realised that it's because it doesn't have to stretch so much to reach around me anymore! My skirt is actually longer, lol. Didn't see that coming! It was silly, but so fun when I finally made the connection!
  4. Lucile

    January 2018 Sleevers HERE

    I am the day after you, 1/10/18. I lost 23 pounds so far, but this week barely anything. We are at the "three week stall" I looked this up and it happens to a lot of people, but we will get over it like everyone else did. I read somewhere to only weigh once a week now so we don't get discouraged, because the first two weeks we were losing a pound or two a day and now it will be less. I am having trouble getting in everything, the nutritionist said I should do the 3 protein shakes for the first two months and to think of it like medicine, that the food is less important at this point, that we are eating just to really get used to it again. I am still having trouble doing the three shakes and three "meals" so I am usually short one shake and one meal a day. I think I need to make sure I get that third shake in because our bodies need the 60 g of protein to keep losing I heard.
  5. I’m in the dreaded three-week stall and it sucks. I knew this was coming. I knew it was going to happen. I thought I even prepared myself for it. I have preached to others that it’s not big deal. That it’s your body saying, “Whoa, what the hell did you do to me?” and, “Your body needs to figure it out before it loses more weight.” I know all that, but it doesn’t make it suck any less and it doesn’t make me any less pissed off. There, I said it. I’m pissed off. I said it again. Rationally, it makes sense. My body is wondering if it’s a time of famine, so it’s not going to allow it’s self to lose any more weight until figures out that this is the new normal. This may take some time – I’m in a Facebook group where some people who had their sleeve operation in November stalled for three weeks. That’s a major blow to my already fragile psyche! After years of yo-yo dieting, when you don’t see the scale move, that when you find the donuts, or bread, or Cookies or (insert vise here). That is not an option. Eating a donut or other off-plan food will not only make me sick, even worse, it could damage my sleeve. It’s also not an option because I must be accountable for my actions. I need to be an adult. I will add that accountability and being an adult sucks, too! :-) So, I am writing this post as much for me as for anyone that reads it. The three-week stall will most likely happen. Try to prepare yourself for it, but know that no matter how much you prepare for it, it’s still going to be difficult when you go through it. What am I going to do about it? I’m going to keep on keepin’ on. That’s all I can do. I am going to stick to my plan – 3 meals and 3 shakes per day with 80-90 grams of protein; just as the doctor ordered. I’m going to continue going to the gym and walking on the treadmill. These are the two things that are going to help me achieve my goals. I cannot lose sight of that. I also know that this is temporary. My rational mind knows the arithmetic behind calories in vs. calories out. I’m consuming 600-800 calories a day right now and I’m burning about 250 on the treadmill daily. That formula will equal weight loss as soon as my body realizes we’re going to be OK. I just wish my body knows what my brain does!
  6. eclecticavatar

    calling all December 2016 sleevers!

    Hi surgery buddies! Love that there are a few of us for December 19th. Merry Christmas/happy Hanukkah to us, huh? Things are going well I think. The glue is coming off of my incisions and that's kind of gross, but I am pretty much past the pain. I am getting my Protein but not doing as well with fluids as I could be. I go back to work on Monday and I'm wondering if that's going to be a struggle. I hit a weight-loss stall and the scale hadn't budged in the past seven days but this morning I was back down the extra pound I had gained since the stall started. I think this is the "three week stall," it just happened a little early for me? I think it was a combination of not getting enough Water, and also eating a little too much on my stage 4/vaguely solid foods diet that I was allowed to start. No clue. Just frustrating. I was 250 when I started and 226 day of surgery, down to 216 now.
  7. missmegan

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Finally broke a three week stall today! I've been feeling very, very frustrated. Celebrated Father's Day with the whole fam though, and definitely got comments HW 296 - SW 266.3 (4/1/13) - CW 229
  8. mistysj

    May sleevers! How much have you lost so far?

    Nearly everyone has a stall at the 3-4 week mark. just search this forum for "three week stall" and you will see. It is totally normal. Just keep following your doctor's plan and you will start losing again.
  9. McButterpants

    For the love of sweet Jesus.....

    Revs, I was wondering when you write again and you didn't fail us....Please don't stop your rants. I think I have woman-crush on you. I agree with some of the other posters here...I just kind of move along when the repeated questions are asked, "Which Protein shake is the best?" or the irrational "My hair is on fire, what should I do?" "My incision is bleeding and oozing a green colored liquid - is this normal?" "2nd day post-op and I'm up 5 pounds WTF?" "3 weeks post-op and stalled - has this happened to you?" I agree with Revs on the point of putting forth effort to look thru some old posts - Yes, stalls happen at three weeks and if you spent any time on this site, you would see that everyone stalls at some point and the three week stall is real. OK - I'm off now...I'm going to weigh myself for the 5th time today to see if I've lost anything.
  10. Kasparkles

    August Sleevers-How are you doing??

    Hi. Sleeved on 8/3. Down 23 lbs since surgery. Have definitely hit the three week stall! I'm getting better everyday with getting in enough water, but struggling a bit with liquid protein--just kind of over it, but trying to work on it because I have struggled with feeling weak and tired. It's not been easy for me to take it slow, so I have to remind myself I just had surgery three weeks ago, and need to take better care of myself. I am also battling constipation, even taking benefited everyday and hitting 60oz fluids. Good luck to you!
  11. elturner

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Sleeved Oct 7 and I have hit that dreaded three week stall. I haven't lost any inches in a week and no weight loss for four days..I'm also still exhausted. I feel like I could sleep all day and all night! I'm so depressed because I feel like this isn't going to work for me like everything else. Anyone ever feel this way?
  12. misstvb

    OCTOBER 2014

    I'm finally feeling better and thus caring about the scale again. I'm going to make an effort to get my protein in and liquids too. Hope it works, a three week stall is too much.
  13. VSG AJH

    Memorial Day Challenge

    187.4 today. I suspected I was already in a late "three week stall" when I weighed a couple of days ago, and found my weight had not changed. Then, I landed in the ER last night after passing out at home a couple of times, and when all tests came back okay, doc suspected dehydration and pumped me full of fluids. I suspect this week's gain is from both stall + IV fluids, but I still hope it comes off quickly. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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