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Found 1,237 results

  1. missmegan

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Finally broke a three week stall today! I've been feeling very, very frustrated. Celebrated Father's Day with the whole fam though, and definitely got comments HW 296 - SW 266.3 (4/1/13) - CW 229
  2. catwoman7

    VSG Stall 1 week post-op

    both. Yes - people who lose a lot of weight pre-op don't usually see those huge drops the first month that others do, because most of those "big drops" is due to water weight. If you lost a lot before surgery, that water weight is long gone. secondly, almost everyone has their first stall during the first month or so after surgery. It's usually the third week (thus it's called "the three week stall", and there are hundreds of posts here on it), but it's not always the third week. Mine was weeks 2 & 3. Once my stall broke during week 4, I dropped like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days. So anyway, you may just be having your "three week stall" early. I lost 16 lbs the first month, and I started out at over 300 lbs. Figured I'd drop like crazy, too - but no, I did not. But like you, I lost a ton of weight (57 lbs) prior to surgery, and then I had that two-week-long stall....
  3. I'm in the same boat. I had my three week stall at 2 weeks and I was frantic. The boards really helped since it seems to be normal. The scale budged again so I'm hoping I'm past the stall. Keep doing what you're doing and make sure you get enough water and protein.
  4. Deactivatedfatgal

    Best decision I've ever made

    I'm one month post op tommorow and I am so happy I did this! I went through stage of regret but it passed, I've experienced my three week stall but looking at myself in the mirror and seeing my scars heal, seeing my stomach shrink tremendously, I know this was my destiny. The amount of confidence I feel at only 27 pds down, is AMAZING. Not eating the way I did prior, is a blessing. No diets would help me stop the binge eating and slow death I was headed for. This surgery has given me my strength and confidence that I had lost for 6 years. Thank god for Dr. Clark!
  5. Lucile

    January 2018 Sleevers HERE

    I am the day after you, 1/10/18. I lost 23 pounds so far, but this week barely anything. We are at the "three week stall" I looked this up and it happens to a lot of people, but we will get over it like everyone else did. I read somewhere to only weigh once a week now so we don't get discouraged, because the first two weeks we were losing a pound or two a day and now it will be less. I am having trouble getting in everything, the nutritionist said I should do the 3 protein shakes for the first two months and to think of it like medicine, that the food is less important at this point, that we are eating just to really get used to it again. I am still having trouble doing the three shakes and three "meals" so I am usually short one shake and one meal a day. I think I need to make sure I get that third shake in because our bodies need the 60 g of protein to keep losing I heard.
  6. shriner37

    3 weeks post op

    Yes, it is completely normal. Your stomach tissue was extremely swollen right after surgery which caused the problem with Protein drinks the first few days. As your stomach heals the tissue swelling and inflammation starts to decrease and you can handle liquids and food better. I even told my doctor's PA at my two week checkup that I wasn't sure they actually did the sleeve! He laughed and said they hear that a lot. And the first stall at around 3 weeks is also completely normal. If you search "three week stall" you'll find hundreds of posts about it. If you stick to your surgeon and nutritionist's recommendations you should be fine.
  7. April 23rd sleeved... Starting weight: 270 SW: 250 CW: 213 I just got into size 16!! Woot!! Had one huge three week stall that was horrible but I got through it! I downloaded my fitness pal to help me make my Protein goals! I have between 600 and 800 calories a day! Sometimes I don't make the goal but I get darn close! How is everyone doing? I'm so happy to feel normal again! Went out and had prime rib!! It was yummy!! Of course my son has to eat the majority of it! Hahah
  8. FrankyG

    No weight-loss

    You're in the very well known and discussed three week stall. It happens all the time, and there are literally hundreds of threads just on this forum alone about how a person is panicking since their weight loss has stopped. Stalls will happen ALL THE TIME over the next year for everyone that is losing weight. No way to tell how long they will last, or how often they will happen, but as long as you are sticking to your doctor's guidelines for food, Protein, and Water intake and doing some gentle activity (ramping up to real exercise as soon as you are cleared to do so), the stalls eventually break and you'll be just fine. Stalls are the body's way of taking a breather and ramping up for the next round of weight loss. No one loses weight steady; it's always going to be lose some... stall for a week. Lose some more; stall for three weeks... rinse and repeat. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/351046-embrace-the-stall/ And no, you can't stretch your pouch or sleeve out from eating and drinking foods you're supposed to be eating/drinking. Even if you overate, you'd likely just throw up. The stretchy part of your stomach is gone if you had the sleeve surgery. Your stomach will eventually relax once the swelling has gone down and by a year out, it might hold slightly more volume than at 3 months, but it won't grow back or otherwise stretch.
  9. devint

    Week 6: May 27-31st Sleevers

    @@Suzzann I use Nascobal with the Bariactiv and have since surgery. It's a win for me, except sometimes I just get sick of the taste but money wise its the best Vitamin solution for me. For pedometer, I use my iPhone, it drains batteries and its only about 95% accurate but it does help me to keep track of whether i've been totally lazy or at least come close to my goal. Because of my three week stall, I decided to start logging food here starting last wednesday and omg no wonder i'm stalled! I have been between 1200 and 1400 calories and have seriously let my carb consumption go haywire (aka over 100 grams most days), all in an effort to be super Protein rich (been over 80 g everyday and hardly "tried") Mostly due to trying to stop/slow the hair loss. :/ I am so disheartened that I have to reevaluate my eating habits again to get "leaner" choices in. I HATE feeling like i'm on a calorie restrictive diet, despite surgery I am back at square one trying to do it "the hard way" that I've tried doing it my whole life with no real long term success. Ugh, I don't mind "rules" like no sweets or bread but I hate "counting" and "logging." But obviously it works. Good news though, family is coming to visit this week and next and haven't seen me since surgery. Prepare for shock and awe.
  10. elturner

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Sleeved Oct 7 and I have hit that dreaded three week stall. I haven't lost any inches in a week and no weight loss for four days..I'm also still exhausted. I feel like I could sleep all day and all night! I'm so depressed because I feel like this isn't going to work for me like everything else. Anyone ever feel this way?
  11. VSG AJH

    Memorial Day Challenge

    187.4 today. I suspected I was already in a late "three week stall" when I weighed a couple of days ago, and found my weight had not changed. Then, I landed in the ER last night after passing out at home a couple of times, and when all tests came back okay, doc suspected dehydration and pumped me full of fluids. I suspect this week's gain is from both stall + IV fluids, but I still hope it comes off quickly. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  12. misstvb

    OCTOBER 2014

    I'm finally feeling better and thus caring about the scale again. I'm going to make an effort to get my protein in and liquids too. Hope it works, a three week stall is too much.

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