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Found 17,501 results

  1. Hi! I'm at the beginning of the process for the gastric sleeve. At the beginning because I have yet to lose any of the weight I have to for the surgery. When I decided to have the surgery, I started tracking my food and I lost about 6 lbs...then as soon as the process started and it became a "have-to" thing, I started having a super hard time sticking to the diet. That, and I hit a bout of depression which makes it really, really hard to control sugar cravings. I'm in therapy for other reasons, but I don't have an appointment with their therapist until January. I'm having enough trouble sticking with the diet that I'm beginning to wonder if I'm going to be able to do this. I feel so resentful that I have to diet. I know, I know, it's "not a diet, it's a lifestyle change". It's a diet. I have to give up most of my favorite foods for most of the time, and when I do have them I can barely have anything. I call that a diet. I know it's my fault and I got myself here, but that doesn't help, it just makes the whole thing feel more like a punishment. Did anyone else struggle with any of this? How did you overcome this thinking?
  2. Good morning, I am a 51 yr old woman and had my RNY on 3/9/2016 I am 5 ft and was 210 but 190 at surgery. I was on the smaller end,but I had a lot of comobidities that justified having it. Everything was normal for a while. I got down to about 118 at about 9 months and slowly creeped back up to about 135 where I sat at this weight for a while. Then fast forward to the end of 2019 and I started seeing the pounds come off rapidly for no reason. Now fast forward to today and I am 97 lbs and can't keep weight on,no matter how many calories,carbs, fat I eat. I have seen multiple health care professionals that up until very recently have all told me that this is my new normal. I have had an ultrasound that reviled a fatty liver, however I had a fatty liver before surgery? Has anyone else experienced weight loss like this? I am scared that I will never stop loosing.
  3. Yes, NickelChip, that is definitely something we should be told to expect going into surgery. The whole point of WLS is to lose weight, so to gain weight after surgery was alarming. I've lost 8 of the 11 so far. Trying to be patient!
  4. I'd personally let it continue. Most of us have a rebound gain after we hit bottom - 10-20 lbs is pretty common, usually during year 3. Some people even gain more. I purposely went below my goal to account for it, and I'm really glad I did, because yep - I put on 20 lbs during year 3 (have put on about 10 more since then, which I am NOT happy about...) and yep - I looked way too skinny at my lowest weight (esp in my face), but my fat shifted around after awhile and I looked much better. Then the gain started...I sure as heck don't look too skinny now!
  5. Dr. John Morton, Division Chief of Bariatric and Minimally Invasive Surgery at Yale School of Medicine, discusses if the new injectable weight-loss drugs are having an impact on people choosing bariatric surgery. https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/yale-doctor-discusses-differences-between-bariatric-surgery-and-weight-loss-drugs/3145715/?amp=1
  6. Megan Black

    belly size still big?

    hi dear, i actually never had kids just always had a big belly as i gained more weight in the past so that just sucks at this point that there's not much i can do about it
  7. I was sleeved in 2017. Highest weight was 275. Lowest was 159. My 'settled' weight was around 165 and it was perfect. I gained weight after menopause and couldn't move it with resets or diets. I just had GSRe or Overstitch a few days ago, which is a noninvasive revision that allows you to keep your sleeve--- it's just tightened up again. The size of mine had expanded quite a bit. The restriction I have now mimics what I had immediately after my original wls. This might be an option for you too if you're not wanting to revise to bypass.
  8. It will probably drop and get you well under soon!! I'm with you where that 200 mark is concerned. Years ago, I got to 202 and was so excited to get under 200 but never did, and it started to creep back up. As usual, I gained it all back plus more and reached my highest ever weight. I was at the point where I was afraid to diet cuz I always gained it all back and more. That is what made me decide to do the surgery. We can do it!!!!! Good luck with the doc appts!
  9. I have no medical or other wize knowledge to affirm your thoughts or not but I do think it would make sense from a logical point of view. I did a quick google, here are some things you could read https://menopausecare.co.uk/can-hrt-help-to-lose-weight-does-hrt-make-you-gain-weight/#:~:text=Many women actually find that,regime to minimise this impact. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10515671/ https://www.nirvahealth.com/blog/woman-guide-losing-weight-post-hysterectomy Love the new profile picture!
  10. catwoman7

    Low calorie diet vs VSG

    I don't know about not losing weight AT ALL with a low calorie diet, but for most of us, the pattern before weight loss surgery was that we'd lose weight but then gain it all back within a few months. It's because you're fighting biology. Your hunger hormones, your gut biome - everything is fighting against you to get back to your previous weight. Weight loss surgery resets a lot of that. That's not to say you won't gain it all back. Some people let bad habits slip back in and take over. But as long as you watch that, the loss is "maintainable".
  11. SleeverSk

    5 years out not losing weight

    your breakfast looks great, but your lunch and dinner, yikes 4 seafood sticks ?? when I think of seafood sticks, they are either crumbed or battered and deep fried? and half a chicken breast is that one side of the breast or half of 1 side of the chicken breast? can you cut it down to one or the other. What are you drinking? I know my weight gain and inability to lose right now is due to what I am drinking (coffee and cokes) A 7-pound loss is better than a gain, so you got to be happy with that
  12. I have my goal set at 190 lbs. but it maybe lower than that in the end. I'm going off from how I looked in high school at that weight. I had much more muscle back then, before I started gaining a lot of weight. I googled my weight for my height and frame, the average is 152-156 lbs. I don't think I could look healthy at that weight. Once I hit 190 I'll see how I feel before I set a hard line for a goal weight. Right now I'm at 236 lbs. and feel good. Another 40 lbs. may be my number. I'll keep posted when I get there.
  13. I had VSG in 2017 with Dr Scott Bovard. I’ve had about a 35-40lb weight gain and I’m wanting to know if anyone has the information on how many sugars, protein and carbs to consume in a day or per meal. Thanks in advance!
  14. Jalapeño

    Mini Bypass reversal

    I have. Reversal from mini gastric bypass to RNY. It's early days for me, but I'm glad I had the reversal. I was suffering from steatorrhea and excessive malabsorption. The steatorrhea has been cured as well as the toxic off the scales smell following a visit to the toilet. I'm now just hoping for some weight gain.
  15. Busyredhed

    Anyone gone through menopause AFTER the surgery?

    So I am replying to this very ate. I had rny gastric bypass on 4/2004. I lost too much weight within the first year causing low blood sugar and was advised to gain some which I did. I stayed around the 200 lbs I had lost literally struggling to keep weight on! Around 2017 I entered perimenopause and menopause as of 2018. I also broke my ankle around the same time. I gained weight rather quickly regardless of what I did. I am now post menopausal and have gained 90 pounds. I am trying to stop the weight growth.
  16. jparadigm

    Did you cheat too?

    Honestly, not really. I'm losing weight still but it's very slow. My stomach can't hardly handle anything. Not trying to be discouraging, as we all are going through different journeys. Mine has just been a struggle. I gain 2 pounds, lose 4. Gain 1. It's so all over the place. But also so is my hunger. It's still the same as before surgery, just now the only difference is I can't gorge myself like before...I hope this gets better for both you and I.
  17. Pamela11

    No weight loss

    I agree 100% thank you to everyone for their help & thoughts. I will try more eggs, chicken & definitely need to drink more water. 3 of my medications cause weight gain :-( im also asthmatic so excersise can be tricky. Along with being a fussy eater. X
  18. NurseDi54

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    I had my gastric bypass surgery on 5/20. I have so much water retention! I'm up 20lbs from my pre-op weight, thighs and hips have gained several inches. I almost took one of my old diuretic pills until I read a thread on here. Anyone else having tons of edema?
  19. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Vaping and WLS

    Shhhhhhh but someone mentioned on another post about the quitting smokng weight gain..do what you have to do even if it means cough cough putting extra weight in your pockets, bra where ever it won't show for your weigh in to offset your quitting weight gain...This way, you only show a loss. Not that I'm saying cheat the system, but they want you to quit knowing it might put weight on and can eliminate your surgery chances. This way no stressing and you can concentrate on eating healthy and getting healthy! Either the above or exercise a lot , eat very low cal and drink Lots of water and hope it works! Good luck.
  20. Agreed catwoman7 - that was my BIGGEST concern. I was trying to remember how high into the 180's I hit and I found my paperwork. I had gone up to 187 (17 lbs over my weight I had been holding stable on and mentally remembering the 'brief period' at 167, I felt I had gained 20 lbs but it was really more like 17 from my 'stable weight). Prior gains I had ALWAYS kept within a manageable 5 to 10 lb window. We have an adult daughter with multiple mental health issues that moved back in with us over a year ago and the combined stress between her needs and my job was seriously impacting every aspect of my life. I'm also seeking a new therapist that also specializes in clients who are considering or have had bariatric surgery who can help me with multiple issues as I never want to return to food again as a 'medication' for stress and heartache.
  21. ShoppGirl

    Belly fat problems after surgery

    First of all congratulations on your loss. Everyone says that the first place you gain weight is the last place you will lose it when it comes back off. Do you remember being around this size before and gaining in your belly? I know that I first noticed it in my belly and face. Ab exercises may help because I noticed that my ab muscles are practically non existent and I think it’s due to not sitting up tall since I’ve put on the weight. Standing and sitting up tall and holding my belly in makes a huge difference in how my body appears.
  22. GreenTealael


    Adding my info! 1. Pre op weight, BMI or measurements 249-250 lbs BMI of 44 2. Surgery type VSG in 2017 then RNY in 2019 3. Lowest post op weight, BMI or measurements and when it occurred 150lbs BMI 27 around 1 year post op 4. Maintenance weight, BMI or measurements and when it occurred 155 lbs BMI 27 around 18 months post op 5. Bounces (up or down) in weight, BMI or measurements and when they occurred I can bounce up and down 5-10 lbs depending on the season but my lowest was a 20 lb drop during an E.Coli infection 6. Methods used to maintain and what has/has not worked What works for me: Weighing daily/weekly, spot checking calories, low cal/keto substitutes, 90% disciplined eating and 10% debauchery. What does not work for me: gym membership as motivation, unsustainable diets and GLP-1 meds (as of now) 7. How your life has changed (losing vs maintaining perspective) During the losing phase I was very rigid almost never went off plan, now everything I want can be worked into my plan and I’m more relaxed. 8. Words of wisdom/cautionary tales/stories of beating the odds Cautionary tale: Don’t suffer in silence with reflux, push for answers and relief. Absolutely never compare yourself to anyone else. Don’t guilt spiral after a little weight gain, try to correct it as soon as you notice. A small gain is very likely in our population after reaching your absolute lowest weight. I remember when I first joined there was a some chatter about being absolutely perfect or you’ll gain it all back and it made me really anxious. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and other tools from your team. We are not quite the same as the never obese population so our bodies may play by different rules. Word of wisdom: Document your journey if you can. I don’t really remember what it was like to be in my obese body anymore, I only vaguely remember feeling bigger. Have other goals apart from losing weight. Once the newness of WLS wears off you may want to continue the momentum of achievement. If you want plastics (and there are no obstacles beside fear) definitely go for it. The recovery can be tough but it completed the journey for me and others I know.
  23. according to this internet calculator: https://www.calculator.net/bmr-calculator.html ** at your current height and weight, if you did nothing but stand still and breathe, you would burn 1,478 calories a day (i assumed you are are a 30 yr old female to fill in the blanks). so THEORTICALLY if all you did was merely EXIST, and you ate less than 1,478 calories a day you would be in a deficit and lose weight (how much weight exactly would depend on your activity level, your genetics, your health and metabolism speed). with that said, i'm with @catwoman7 in that i agree that 2100 cal a day for someone with your current weight and height may be more than maintenance level cals (i.e, you will GAIN weight), unless you are exercising at least 4-5 times a week. see screenshot from the above calculator's results below. ** p.s. as always, pls don't think that this calculator is the be all end all of truth, its just a guide based on AVERAGES. roughly 99% of people with your similar height and weight will fall above or below this number produced by this calculator.
  24. With almost everyone I've encountered who lost a lot of weight rapidly and may have looked "too thin" for a while, it's a temporary thing, just until the body has the chance to shift fat around to different places and even everything out, which it doesn't necessarily do during the weight loss phase. Plus, it's an initial shock when you're used to seeing someone (including yourself in the mirror) look one way and now they are very different and it's jarring. I know within a year at the most after my brother had VSG and went from 300+ lbs to around 150 lbs (which was very skinny because he's 6ft tall), his appearance went from shockingly skinny to totally normal and healthy, even though his weight didn't go up during that time. Within another year after that, he'd gained several pounds and was at a weight he maintained for several years after that. It was all just part of the process.
  25. Hi! I’m Emily, new here, so pardon me if this question has been answered more than once, or not in the right category. I swear I’ve looked all over for answers prior to asking. I have my first appt. With the surgeon Monday to begin the 6 month pre op program. I vape, well, stopped yesterday and I’m using patches and gum to wean off before end of July. I was doing well mentally until I learned that quitting almost always causes weight gain. Minimum of 5-10 pounds. I was told by a friend that I cannot gain any weight during the 6 month process but don’t have to lose a certain amount ( she went to the same surgeon I’m seeing) I am also learning how to eat better on top of all of this, and I’m so scared that when I quit nicotine all together, it’s going to inevitably cause weight gain. I don’t want to be kicked out of the program as soon as I start because of this. Would it be better to wait until I absolutely have to quit? Maybe that’s a stupid question. I just need encouraging words, anybody that has been down this path of quitting, whether you instead waited to quit a month or two before surgery, etc. I am so serious about taking my health back, and it’s hard enough to learn to cool and eat right without having to stress about this too. please help 🥺 thank you in advance! ps. Maybe this is trivial, maybe it’s not a big a deal as I’m making it, but even a fraction of a pound I gain could get me kicked out of the program.

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