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  1. I have a cousin that had gastric sleeve 5 years ago. She's since gained weight back. But, she also didn't follow the guidelines that were set for her after the first year from surgery. I had gastric bypass in February. The past 6-7 weeks or so I feel like I'm hungry more often than I should be. At least that's what it feels like. Though, I do workout a lot. So, im certain that's most of the issue. Learning that my body is telling me to fuel is different from eating before. When I ate for any other reason other than just fueling what my body needs. Going from living to eat, to eating to live is a process. I hope you get the answers your looking for.
  2. @LisaCaryl How's your knee? Did you see a doc at the clinic? Re wardrobe, I had a clear out and gave a lot of things to my cleaning lady and have just been going down to my cellar to get old clothes out. I have bought a few new dresses, but I but far too many clothes anyway... I'm a french size 38/40 now and hope to be a 36 by the end of the summer which will allow me to fit into most of my old clothes .... but unfortunately not my fave dress which is a 34.... that still seems like pipe dream right now. My posture is getting better and I have less pain in my legs which is nice. 2 days until I'm back home and can weight myself to see if I've broken my stall.
  3. Arabesque


    I swear I’ve spoken about, read about, thought about or written about constipation more in the last 5 years since surgery than the 44 years of my life before surgery. Lol! In the beginning, it’s not unusual not to poop every day or your poop to be smaller. You’re not eating much and what you are eating/drinking is nutrient dense so not much to poop out. Add to it the protein shakes, iron tablets & opiod pain meds it’s a constipation nightmare. I tried to stay on top of it too. Benefibre in my shakes then my yoghurt/yoghurt drink. If I didn’t go on the third day I’d take a stool softener which usually got things moving again. I’d then take two tablets if there was still no action on the fourth day. Five years out, and things can still be erratic. Every day then nothing for two or three days. No rhyme nor reason I can work out just my life now. Now this may seem strange but try jumping up & down or sitting on the edge of a table & pumping your legs (maybe better his soon after surgery). Was told this by a woman whose granddaughter had cystic fibrosis (I think) & this is how they were advised to help her constipation. It does help. I’ll do 20 jumps 4 - 6 times across the afternoon & evening & usually the next morning success. Avoids popping pils every time. Good luck.
  4. Starwarsandcupcakes

    Food Before and After Photos

    Food from the last week- lemon vegetable orzo and garlic cheese breadsticks (ate it all) Sheppard’s pie, roasted red pepper ranch cucumber salad, and fresh pineapple (ate it all) Not quite a frittata but spinach, bell pepper, chili powder caramelized onions, mushrooms, garlic, sharp white cheddar, with rosemary sea salt and saffron infused eggs alongside a slice of brioche toast (ate it all… I think?) The blue cup has light mocha iced coffee in it- drank all that. steakhouse seasoned burgers- mine was on a Hawaiian roll with roasted red pepper mayo, pepper jack cheese, Vidalia onions, banana peppers, and pickles (lettuce and tomato on the side) alongside Parmesan ranch smashed red potatoes. (Obviously didn’t eat it all) Im still not counting calories right now but down another lb so I’m not worried about it.
  5. catwoman7


    it won't affect your stitches. It's in your large intestine - no stitches in that area. It's very common for it to take a week +/- for the first bowel movement - there's not much in there to come out. although that first one can be a doozy. Daily Miralax or stool softeners can help. just so you know, for some of us, constipation becomes a chronic problem. I think it has more to do with the high protein diet and some of the supplements (iron and calcium are the worst culprits) more than anything else. I have a capful of Miralax every morning to keep on top of it. Others use magnesium tablets, stool softeners, SmoothMove tea - whatever works!
  6. It was a mix of everything for me - holiday last year where I could barely move due to ridiculous pains in my knees that wouldn’t stop. I thought it was a Rheumatoid Arthritis flare initially but nope, just Osteoarthritis because I’m fat. I was so miserable. The holiday was ruined and hubby was really worried. Had physio and steroid injections when we got back home but nothing worked. I was 55 but felt 85. It felt like I had nothing to look forward to, life seemed very small as I didn’t leave the house. Pain is constant, nothing touches it, sleep is continually disturbed and I just felt unhappy generally. I wasn’t depressed but it was a very fine line I was walking, and I knew it wouldn’t take much to tip me over into depression. I’ve always been able to see the positives in pretty much any situation but I couldn’t this time. Hubby has his own mobility problems due to nerve damage in his lower back from an op that went wrong, and all that kept going through my head was how were we going to manage with everything? I was the one who had kept everything ticking over but I couldn’t do it anymore. I hated my body, never let hubby see me naked, couldn’t play with my granddaughter, clothes were chosen just because they fit not because I actually liked them etc etc. I spoke to a female GP about HRT as I had just started it but had to change how I took it because of my weight. I was having a major panic because HRT was the only thing stopping me from acting like a crazed homicidal manic! My GP was fantastic, I actually felt listened to for the first time. It was then that I asked about what I could so about my weight as I’d had enough and nothing was working. Every time I dieted, I put it all back plus more. I’d had Orlistat that didn’t work and had looked at the jabs but couldn’t afford £250 a month. My GP didn’t hesitate and talked me through my options, saying she would support me. She referred me that week and, after a bit of hoop-jumping, I’m now on the WLS pathway. I already feel better about things and I’m excited for the future 😊
  7. ms.sss


    ugh. the constipation blues. i didn't poop for 13 DAYS after surgery. omg. i developed an M.O. to battle constipation over the next several weeks: 1) every day, i would add 2 tsp Benefibre to my morning protein shakes. 2) if i didn't poop after 2-3 days, i would take a Miralax 3) if I didn't poop 2 days after that, i would take Milk of Magnesia. 4) if i didn't poop 2 days after that i would insert a glycerin suppository. 5) if i did'nt poop 6 hours after that, i would insert another one. LUCKILY, i didn't need to figure out what to do if the second suppository didn't work. omg. i did this for about a year. after a year i got more "regular" and didn't even need the daily Benefibre anymore. And when I say "regular" i mean i poop maybe every 2-3 days. which is a huge departure to pre-op when i used to poop MULTIPLE times in a single day (sorry TMI). i think so long you aren't super uncomfortable, you are good. but if you are starting to feel pain and/or discomfort, then you probably need to come up with a plan to combat it, whatever M.O. it may be.
  8. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I'm in a stall as well the past few weeks. I dropped down to 227 lbs from 236 lbs. Since last week I'm at 230 lbs and holding. Though, I do feel like I may have lost a little in the inches department. It's slowing as well. As I was told by the exercise specialist. I'm still a baby being just 4 months out from surgery. Air fryers are nice, I cook my chicken. On it when.i don't throw it in the instapot.
  9. Chicken wings!! My whole family eats it this way, then we all add the sauces we want or keep sauce-less. I dip mine in Bolthouse Ranch Dressing. So good! Also found this site that I might try next week! https://wow.bariatriceating.com/air-frying-recipes-for-bariatric-eating/#lp-pom-box-229
  10. I'm the 20th. The preop diet is rough but I am a bit luckier than you and am allowed real food but mostly 0 carb. It has been rough but I keep telling myself its just 2 weeks and I can do this! I know it will be a bit easier on the other side of surgery and that is what I'm holding on to. You can do it!
  11. A week post gastric sleeve - premier protein shakes with lots of ice and a lot of Tylenol to deal with the carb withdrawal headache were my go to. I promise it got easier
  12. Bypass2Freedom


    Honestly this has been the absolute bane of my life. I am 4 weeks post-surgery and although I seem to be having a bowel movement every day or every other day, I was so so constipated. TMI here but It got to the point that I had an anal fissure and was passing blood every time I had a bowel movement. Needless to say, I am taking daily Dulcolax now and I will be doing so until I am able to eat more & include more fibre in my diet.
  13. Don't let it get to that point, if you can help it. Make sure you have plenty of fluids, fiber, and MiraLax. In the very beginning, I needed Miralax in the morning and a stool softener/laxative combo at night. I did that for the first 6 weeks, then I was able to just use the Miralax everyday. But the last thing you want, especially in the first 6 weeks, is to be straining. The staples will be fine, but it's the healing from the surgery and the pain the straining can cause that you want to avoid.
  14. SleeveToBypass2023

    Having an issue that's very bothersome...

    I had a total abdominal hysterectomy 5 weeks ago, but I was never put on a special diet so I just ate what I wanted. I still eat 3 meals and 1-2 snacks per day, like always. But the Orthostatic hypotension sounds exactly right.
  15. Week out and too scared to cheat tbh - a teaspoon of cottage cheese is all I have had beyond seeq protein water and fairlife
  16. I am using miralax once a day post op and a week after have had only one bowel movement - my dr says bowel habits change and you identify constipation by an ‘urge to go but can’t’ Anything more specific bc post op honestly I am so apprehensive it’s hard to tell what’s real and what’s me stressing Also any advise for constipation ? Was warned prevention better than cure and again apprehensive
  17. I will have to try the kale chips too! Stalking your recipes Blueparis, lol! . Congrats nickelchip on the stall break. I managed to lose 4lbs so far this week. I’m 9lbs from being at a normal bmi and 19lbs from where my surgeon wants me to be which i guess is the lower end of the normal range bmi for my height. Personally I’m just counting down to being within normal range at all. I have two dresses I’m still dying to fit into so hopefully I’ll get there eventually. I desperately need to tone up now that I’ve lost some weight but I’m struggling with my energy levels.
  18. Congrats on the mega stall break! I don't know if you can get kale where you are ... I promise this is so much better than it sounds it's like crack health food. I was like a bit bleh when i heard about it ... But air fryer kale chips. A lot of Kale, salt, oil Wash kale, take out the big middle stalks, put in a big bowl with some salt and a tablespoon of oil and massage. Put in preheated airfryer at 400F for 3 minutes, shake, back in for 3 minutes. Delicious. Will catch up properly later!
  19. I had this issue about a year out from surgery and had a complete workup because it could be due to many things - orthostatic hypertension, inner ear imbalance, low blood sugar, even a UTI. In my case, everything from my workup came back completely normal, so they were baffled. But a couple weeks later, I was at a retirement party and ate a piece of cake. A whole piece - not just my usual one or two forkfuls. About an hour or two later - dizzy. Very dizzy. I told my PCP. She suspected reactive hypoglycemia, sometimes known as "late dumping". She said to try eating something about every three hours - a protein. Or if a carb, then pair it with a protein. I haven't had that issue in a long time, so in my case, that was likely the culprit. It's just that my glucose level might have been normal when I was there for the workup; thus, they didn't catch it. In your case, it could be one of those other things mentioned, too (orthostatic hypertension is pretty common - although that tends to hit pretty early out from surgery - although that could definitely be the culprit, too..) P.S. I just re-read your post. Since it seems to be happening when you're standing, sitting, etc - then it sounds like it might be orthostatic hypertension in your case. Hopefully you'll get some answers soon!
  20. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    For all my currently stalled folks, I want to offer some hope. I hopped on the scale this morning (like I do every morning) and I was down another 2 lbs. Since yesterday! That makes 6.4 lbs in a week, which is more weight than I've lost in one week since my very first week on my pre-op diet. I am in shock because I was so convinced deep down that the stall was going to be the beginning of even slower weight loss for me, especially now that the magical "first three months" was over. So don't lose hope! In other news, I finally bought that air fryer I've been thinking about for a year, so hit me with your simple, go-to air fryer meals!
  21. A bit concerned. I sent a message to my PCP and haven't heard anything back yet. I've been having some major issues with dizziness, to the point of nearly blacking out for the past 2 weeks or so. I had blood work done on Thursday and my iron, b12, and A1c were all checked and the results came back that all are normal. Not low normal but right smack in the middle normal. My bp was 105/63 (I average between 104/60 - 108/68). Glucose was 97 and A1c was 5.0. My b12 was 717. My iron was 53. So very normal. Does anyone else have this issue? What could this be, and how can I fix it? I make sure not to get up too fast, I get 7-9 hours of sleep per night. But this seems to happen when I get up from either laying or sitting or when I stand for too long. My blood work came in today, so I'm hoping to hear back from my doctor tomorrow since I didn't today.
  22. March buddies, how're you all hanging in there? Is everyone nicely healed up? Are you coming across any difficult hurdles? Finding a love of new healthy foods? How's your hair lol? Me, I keep hurting myself, lol. First I tried recumbent biking too early -- even though it was on the most minimal setting, my care team scolded me good for that. But even as recently as last week, I bent/twisted sideways while sitting at my desk trying to reach my purse, but it was snagged on something and something about being in that position too long (or tugging a resistant object) aggravated something internally. The same area that took the longest to feel 'normal' and not tight after surgery. I feel like a dope. My hair has just started thinning in the last week or so. It was only a few strands from all over at first -- not concentrated anywhere -- so I got a new haircut hoping that the thinness would look purposeful. Two days after I found a little patch right at the front where my buzzcut ends and the bob-length hair begins. C'est la vie. I'm finding I'm craving sashimi on the regular. It was one of my first meals 'out' after surgery, so maybe there's something psychosomatic going on -- but when I eat it, it just feels like such a clean protein and is moist so I know it'll go down easily. It's my new comfort food, I guess. (Ironically, before WLS I could really only stand salmon or butterfish sashimi, everything else had to be in a roll, preferably with spicy mayo or unagi sauce -- and I hated tuna -- but now yellow tail and tuna seem to be my go-to.) I'm dealing with the cravings much better than I would've pre-OP, but I swear every three or four days something in my brain is trying to convince me that I should ignore my pre-packed lunch and go pick up some ice-cold fish instead.
  23. Fingerscrossed2112

    Just starting out

    Must meet one of the following three criteria: 1. Must have a minimum body mass index (BMI) of > 30 with a diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus. 2. Must have a BMI of > 35-39 and must have at least one of the following conditions: a. Degenerative joint disease of major weight bearing joint(s). The member must be a candidate for joint replacement surgery if weight loss is achieved. b. Other rare chronic conditions (for example, pseudo tumor cerebri) in which there is medical evidence that bariatric surgery is medically necessary and that the benefits of bariatric surgery outweigh the risk of surgical mortality. 3. Must have a minimum BMI of > 40 Here is their wording. I’m obviously number 3 I’m just worried it’s a case by case basis and they won’t approve me.
  24. Fingerscrossed2112

    Just starting out

    Hello, I’m just starting the process I have an appointment next week to start stage one of Molina Washington state requirements. I’m nervous because my BMI is over 40 which is on the list for being approved but I don’t have any comorbidities. Does any have any experience being approved with just a bmi over 40?
  25. Once I was through all the phases and it was ok to eat 'normally' I started to allow myself a 1/4 of a protein based pizza once a week as Friday's is my pizza night if I am not out out so I have gone from having an entire pizza and garlic bread to 1/4 (at most) of a pizza. I try to be good most of the time and even my little bits of 'boldness' are minor by my pre-op standards, in that I know I probably eat too many nuts at times but they are yummy and I am probably having a couple of squares of dark chocolate (good for the heart ) a bit too often but they stop me feeling like I am being restricted. If I felt I was living too restrictively food wise I think I would just go back to bad habits again. I do try to avoid potatoes (a love of my life), pasta and bread when at home but if out for a meal I may have a small amount, or take a few fries from a friends plate (with their permission ) I didn't go through all of this to be miserable for the rest of my life so just have to know my own limits and make the best choices for myself.

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