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Found 17,501 results

  1. catwoman7

    Bigger stomach?

    1). I lost 16 lbs the entire first MONTH, and I went on to lose over 200 lbs. Most of us seem to lose somewhere in the 15-25 lb range the first month (yes - MONTH). So unless you're an outlier or the size of someone on "My 600 lb Life", you are doing very well! 2). sounds like you are experiencing the infamous "Three-week stall" right now - right on time, too! The vast majority of us hit our first major stall within the first month or so after surgery - and it's usually the third week;, hence, the name. If you google the site for the three-week stall, you will find something like 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding). A slight bump-up in weight is not unusual, either. It's almost certainly just water weight. The best thing to do is to continue to stick to your program and stay off the scale for a few days. As long as you remain compliant with your program, the stall will break and you'll be on your way again. It usually takes 1-3 weeks. 3). you won't feel much (if any) restriction or "full" until you move to solid foods. Liquids go right through you, and purees pass through pretty quickly, too. Plus you had nerves cut during surgery, and it takes awhile for them to start to regenerate. You'll feel it fairly soon. However, "full" doesn't always feel the same way for many of us that it did before surgery. I don't feel "full" the same way at all - it's more a discomfort - sort of like pressure - in my chest. Once I start feeling that, I know I'd better stop eating or I'm going to be sorry. Others have even weirder full signals - like a runny nose or sneezing.
  2. After a sip of my protein drink - enough to just swallow my stomach meds it felt like something was stuck after a few dreadful minutes it had to come up. This had happened for a few days even sipping fluids . Doc put me on a new nausea Med Thursday and took me off protein drinks. Yesterday (Friday) I was able to hold down sipping 20 oz flav enhanced water. Tried to eat purée last night a little and it sat until it had to come out . Going to stick with trying to focus on fluids as doc stated if I can’t get enough fluids I’ll have to go to ER for an IV. I was fine until into week 3 1/2 - 4. Anyone have this issue or things you were ok with first 2-3 weeks then your body rejected? Also after sleeve surgery in 2017 I was never able to drink plain water again.
  3. Arabesque

    Down Time

    We all heal & recover differently & it is a pretty major surgery. Plus you’re on a restricted diet to begin, have restricted movement & how much weight you can carry, low in energy, & can get weary quickly. A friend was back at her job after a week - easy. Another took three weeks off & said she needed all of them. I did 4 weeks, returned part time but it wasn’t easy - weak, lots of drops of blood pressure, doughy headed. We all worked in offices. Best advice is negotiate with your employers in case you do need extra time. Or return with reduced hours. You won’t actually know until it happens. All the best with your surgery.
  4. Immersion day at Mt Auburn was three days ago and I'm excited to get this ball rolling. I have my required appointments set up through mid-October and tomorrow I need to call my PCP to make sure referrals have been submitted. I've ordered some protein powders to taste test and one bottle of bariatric vitamins to get started. My preliminary lab work has been done.  Reading through all the material I was given, I've identified quite a few areas that will need work for long term success. I've chosen two for right now: planning my eating and tracking my fluids.

    Starting tomorrow, I've set reminders on my phone to have breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, and evening snack at regular intervals every day. And I've ordered a large water bottle to keep next to me while I work. I find I don't drink a lot of water, but I like unsweetened hibiscus and rooibos iced tea, so I'll be trying to drink that. I've got a paper habit tracker to help me see how I do. Starting small. I usually set too many goals and then I go overboard for a week or two before falling apart completely and giving up on everything. 

  5. jmorrisbp

    Weeks 1 & 2 Post-Op, Sleeve

    (Oh, here’s Week Two’s Spreadsheet. I didn’t attach it.) Week Two, you’ll still be focusing on the THREE things: Water, Protein, and Movement. This week, don’t focus on using the soups and yogurts and such to get all your food. Think of the food items as practice for your stomach, not so much as getting ALL your nutritional needs. It won’t happen, you can’t meet your needs with soup, yogurt, and pudding! Haha! You’ll be relying heavily on your protein shakes here, still. Your surgeon will probably give you the green light for your multivitamin and calcium supplementation. One note, every new food I tried, I was a little scared, just because I didn’t know how my body would react and I didn’t want to hurt myself. As it turned out, everything I’ve tried has been perfectly fine and I haven’t had a single issue. Try new things ONE at a time and take it easy. Eat slowly. Put your food/spoon DOWN between bites. Buy some baby spoons (they have stainless steel ones on Amazon!). Only stick to the diet your surgeon gives you - NO DIVERTING! You’ll only shortchange yourself, whether anybody finds out, or not. And worse case scenario, something happens to you because of diverting.
  6. Hi all, sorry I'm new to this, looking for advice. I am just under 2 weeks post surgery and feeling fine. I don't feel hungry so living on protein shakes. I am a little worried though as I can gulp water (also a glass at once!). Is there anyone else that could do that? just worried my sleeve isn't small enough or not working? Am I over worrying?? Thank you
  7. Hello all! Newbie here! I had gastric bypass surgery on August 8. Since then, I have not been able to meet my fluid or protein requirements, or even get close honestly. My Dr and dietitian just say "well, you have to." I'm still feeling weak and tired and just want to feel better! Does anyone have any tips, tricks, recipes (I'm on stage 3) that might help?
  8. So I had the sleeve three years ago and gained my weight back. I am pending revision and the dr did an endoscopy and found a hiatal hernia and some gerd. He then ordered a UGI and a gastric emptying study to get some more information to decide which surgery is most appropriate. I just finished the gastric emptying study and after only two hours the food was completely out of my stomach which may explain why I always feel hungry a couple hours after I eat. I am hoping maybe there is a treatment to slow down my stomach emptying and I won’t even need surgery or if I do it will be more successful this time. I see the dr in a week and I’m sure he will have an answer but I’m just curious if this is truly faster than normal and if anyone else has had this issue.
  9. I’ve been weighing every morning too and notice it goes up and down a lb or two but then goes down again in a day or two. Thankfully my body hasn’t realized there’s a three week stall yet but I’m expecting it any day now. I’m working on the exercise 🤦‍♀️ part of things. It’s been hard because I have been getting headaches and nausea the last few days. Today I’m breaking it down step by step and keeping notes of my water and protein intake so I’m on track!
  10. Laura.1912

    December Surgery Buddies!

    In the UK it’s not about BMI, on the NHS you have to do a LRD for three weeks prior to your surgery!! I’m nearly two weeks into it, one week left on Tuesday before my surgery on the 19th!! I’m 14lb down though so far.
  11. Be careful with the gum post surgery. I had a piece when I was almost three years out from sleeve and I swallowed it accidentally. Hadn’t swallowed gum since I was a kid but sure enough I did it. Thankfully it did not cause a blockage but this is a real concern after surgery.
  12. catwoman7

    Almost 3 weeks PO and gaining?

    sounds like the infamous "three-week stall" that most of us experience (our first major stall - and the first of what could be many). Best way to deal with it is to stick to your clinic's eating plan and stay off the scale. Stalls usually last 1-3 weeks. They're aggravating, but they're a normal part of weight loss. It's just your body stopping to recalibrate once in awhile. 1200 calories seems like a lot for being so early out - I didn't hit that until I was more like a year out - but your surgeon may have his reasons for that, and I'm no medical professional. if you want to learn more about the stall, there are literally over 17,000 posts on it on this site. Just do a search on "three week stall". I am NOT kidding about the 17,000+ posts. It happens to almost everyone.
  13. ShoppGirl

    Stomach flu recovery time?

    I had the sleeve three years ago and I have had the stomach flu and don’t recall it lasting more than 24 hours. I know that the stomach size is the same as the Sadi? I think I would go to the Dr if it hasn’t gone away. At least you will know for the future if it does just take a little longer like you mentioned.
  14. Mjtcollective

    December Surgery Buddies!

    I only had to do 2 weeks of keto - I had mine in Mexico. My insurance denied me. They required BMI and THREE co-morbs 😩
  15. ToInfinityAndBeyond

    Must we wait the entire year for plastics?

    It depends on the surgeon. I am in the midst of consultations with surgeons for tummy tuck and breast lift. Today one told me they wanted me within 10 pounds of goal weight, stable at that weight for three months. Two others are fine doing the surgery now, given that I do not intend on losing 20 or more pounds (goal is under 10 lbs).
  16. catwoman7


    I met both of mine pretty much right away, but I know a lot of people struggle with this the first three or four weeks. Getting your liquid goals are the more important of the two since being dehydrated can land you back in the hospital. One thing I've done for a long time is to drink 16 oz of water every morning as soon as I get out of bed - before I eat breakfast, drink coffee, or whatever. Even doing 8 oz right off the bat might help..
  17. ShoppGirl


    Please add the option to list a second surgery to our profile if possible. I’m thinking it’s kinda confusing to people that I am asking questions about pre op when I had surgery three years ago. Also please add the SADI surgery to the list of surgeries as well.
  18. FifiLux


    I don't think it made a difference to how much came out but it made my hair softer and kept it in good condition which meant I could go longer between washes. I was taking collagen every day as well, still do. The only vitamin I am no longer taking is the bariatric hair one as felt I did well with the three month supply.
  19. TORe is a relatively recent revision for RNY. Essentially, they go in through your mouth and esophagus and stitch your pouch and the opening to your pouch back into the tight little basket It was when you first got gastric bypass. I’m looking into it as I was very successful for 20 years, but regained most of my weight in the last three from life, stress and menopause. Has anyone had an experience with this?
  20. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I'm officially off my blood pressure medication! I haven't taken it since the day before surgery because my blood pressure was normal in the hospital and low when they released me, but the final decision needed to be made by my primary care. I went to see her today and was at 110/78 so she officially removed the med from my chart. All my readings have been normal the past three weeks, which feels like a miracle. I've been on it for at least 10 years, and even with medication I usually measured 130/85.
  21. ShoppGirl

    50 and over crowd?

    Question. How do they determine “excess weight.” Is it calculated from a certain BMI?? I tried to get an answer to this three hears ago when I was awaiting the sleeve and I still haven’t figured it out.
  22. MLC3409

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Well the good thing is you are at the three week mark and can soon start puréed stage. That is only a week then soft food and then onto regular. Just focus on each day getting it done and then find something to occupy your time. Make sure you’re getting your water in. 4 more weeks will be done in no time.
  23. ChunkCat

    November 2023 buddies

    They will, hang in there!! Mine just faded in the last two or three days and my surgery was on the 1st of Nov. I have read in several places that they usually fade between two and three weeks out, especially if you are on a PPI.
  24. 2 weeks, 1 month, three months & has been every 6 months for the last 2 years. The next appointment I have to make will be around my 5 year anniversary in May. Don’t know how long this will continue but it’s reassuring that they’re keeping an eye on me & are there if I need them. I actually look for ward to the appointment as I get on well with the doctor who does these appointments & we always have a good chat as well as the follow up.
  25. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Oh, hello, three-week stall. I see you've arrived like clockwork. I'm one of those people who weighs every morning as soon as I wake up. I started doing it the day before my pre-op diet began. I won't do it forever, but I really wanted the record so I could look back and see what patterns my weight loss actually took, because I think it's easy to forget over time. Plus, I like graphs. So, I hit 217 lbs on Tuesday, and have now been that weight for 4 weigh-ins in a row. I think my body must have access to a calendar because it hit the 3-week mark perfectly. I mean, I'm kind of impressed.

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